using Gtk; // not sure why - but extending Gtk.SourceCompletionProvider seems to give an error.. namespace Palete { public class CompletionProvider : Object, SourceCompletionProvider { Editor editor; WindowState windowstate; //public List filtered_proposals; public CompletionProvider(Editor editor) { this.editor = editor; this.windowstate = null; // not ready until the UI is built. } public string get_name () { return "test"; } public int get_priority () { return 1; } public bool match (SourceCompletionContext context) { return true; } public void populate (SourceCompletionContext context) { if (this.windowstate == null) { this.windowstate = this.editor.window.windowstate; } var buffer = context.completion.view.buffer; var mark = buffer.get_insert (); TextIter end; buffer.get_iter_at_mark (out end, mark); var endpos = end; var searchpos = endpos; searchpos.backward_find_char(is_space, null); searchpos.forward_char(); var search = endpos.get_text(searchpos); print("got search %s\n", search); if (search.length < 2) { return; } // now do our magic.. var filtered_proposals = this.windowstate.file.palete().suggestComplete( this.windowstate.file, this.editor.node, this.editor.ptype, this.editor.key, search ); print("GOT %d results\n", (int) filtered_proposals.length()); if (filtered_proposals.length() < 2) { return; } filtered_proposals.sort((a, b) => { return ((string)(a.text)).collate((string)(b.text)); }); context.add_proposals (this, filtered_proposals, true); } public bool activate_proposal (SourceCompletionProposal proposal, TextIter iter) { var istart = iter; istart.backward_find_char(is_space, null); istart.forward_char(); // var search = iter.get_text(istart); var buffer = iter.get_buffer(); buffer.delete(ref istart, ref iter); buffer.insert(ref istart, proposal.get_text(), -1); return true; } public SourceCompletionActivation get_activation () { //if(SettingsManager.Get_Setting("complete_auto") == "true"){ return SourceCompletionActivation.INTERACTIVE | SourceCompletionActivation.USER_REQUESTED; //} else { // return Gtk.SourceCompletionActivation.USER_REQUESTED; //} } public int get_interactive_delay () { return -1; } public bool get_start_iter (SourceCompletionContext context, SourceCompletionProposal proposal, out TextIter iter) { return false; } public void update_info (SourceCompletionProposal proposal, SourceCompletionInfo info) { } private bool is_space(unichar space){ return space.isspace() || space.to_string() == ""; } private bool is_forward_space(unichar space){ return !( space.to_string() == " " || space.to_string() == "" || space.to_string() == "\n" || space.to_string() == ")" || space.to_string() == "(" ); } } }