/** * * this is the code represents a File when using the Gtk view.. * * It ues NodeToGtk * * */ namespace JsRender { int plid = 1; public class PlainFile : JsRender { string contents; public PlainFile(Project.Project project, string path) { base( project, path); this.xtype = "PlainFile"; // if the file does not exist... if (GLib.FileUtils.test(path, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { var f = File.new_for_path (path) ; var info = f.query_info ("standard::*", 0); var ct = info.get_content_type(); this.content_type = ct; } else { this.content_type = "text/plain"; // hopefully.. // var ar = path.split("."); // var ext = ar[ar.length -1]; // hopefully not fail... // switch(ext) { // case "vala"; this.loaded = true; } this.language = ""; // fixme... this.contents = ""; // super?!?! this.id = "file-plain-%d".printf(plid++); //console.dump(this); // various loader methods.. // Class = list of arguments ... and which property to use as a value. } /* setNSID : function(id) { this.items[0]['*class'] = id; }, getType: function() { return 'Gtk'; }, */ public override void removeFiles() { if (FileUtils.test(this.path, FileTest.EXISTS)) { GLib.FileUtils.remove(this.path); } } public override void loadItems() throws GLib.Error // : function(cb, sync) == original was async. { if (this.loaded) { return; } GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(this.path, out this.contents); this.loaded = true; } public override string toSourcePreview() { return ""; } public override void setSource(string str) { this.contents = str; } public override string toSource() { return this.contents; } public override void save() { if (!this.loaded) { print("Ignoring Save - as file was never loaded?\n"); return; } try { this.writeFile(this.path, this.contents); } catch (GLib.Error e) { // error ??? } } // ignore these calls. public override void saveHTML ( string html ) {} /** * saveJS * * save as a javascript file. * why is this not save...??? * */ string getHelpUrl(string cls) { return ""; } public override void findTransStrings(Node? node ) { // not yet.. } } }