{ "name" : "RooProjectProperties", "parent" : "", "title" : "", "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/RooProjectProperties.bjs", "permname" : "", "modOrder" : "", "build_module" : "", "items" : [ { "listeners" : { "delete_event" : " (self, event) => {\n this.el.hide();\n return true;\n}", "response" : " (self, response_id) => {\n //print(response_id);\n if (response_id< 1 ) {\n this.el.hide();\n \n return;\n }\n \n var buf = view.el.get_buffer();\n Gtk.TextIter s;\n Gtk.TextIter e;\n buf.get_start_iter(out s);\n buf.get_end_iter(out e);\n var str = buf.get_text(s,e,true);\n // ideally we should syntax check it.. but it's html!?\n \n //var project = this.get('/Window.LeftTree').getActiveFile().project;\n \n \n _this.project.runhtml = str;\n _this.project.save();\n \n // imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager.saveConfig();\n// print (str);\n // this.get('view').el.get_buffer().get_text(project.runjs, project.runjs.length);\n // ok pressed..\n this.el.hide();\n}" }, "default_width" : 500, "| void show" : " (Project.Project project) {\n _this.project = project;\n // get the active project.\n \n //print (project.fn);\n //project.runhtml = project.runhtml || '';\n _this.view.el.get_buffer().set_text(project.runhtml);\n \n this.el.show_all();\n}\n", "# Project.Project project" : "", "xtype" : "Dialog", "$ modal" : true, "$ xns" : "Gtk", "items" : [ { "$ pack" : " get_content_area().add\n", "xtype" : "Box", "$ xns" : "Gtk", "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL", "border_width" : 5, "items" : [ { "label" : "HTML To insert at end of ", "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0", "xtype" : "Label", "$ xns" : "Gtk" }, { "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,0", "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow", "$ xns" : "Gtk", "items" : [ { "id" : "view", "* pack" : "add", "xtype" : "SourceView", "$ xns" : "Gtk" } ] } ] }, { "label" : "OK", "* pack" : "add_action_widget,1", "xtype" : "Button", "$ xns" : "Gtk" }, { "label" : "Cancel", "* pack" : "add_action_widget,0", "xtype" : "Button", "$ xns" : "Gtk" } ] } ] }