// valac TreeBuilder.vala --pkg libvala-0.24 --pkg posix -o /tmp/treebuilder namespace Palete { public class ValaSourceReport : Vala.Report { public Gee.HashMap line_errors; public ValaSourceReport() { base(); this.line_errors = new Gee.HashMap (); } public override void err (Vala.SourceReference? source, string message) { errors++; if (source == null) { return; //stderr.printf ("My error: %s\n", message); } if (source.file.filename != "~~~~~testfile.vala") { return; } var pre = ""; if (line_errors.has_key(source.begin.line)) { pre = line_errors.get(source.begin.line) + "\n"; } line_errors.set(source.begin.line, pre + message); } public void dump() { var iter = this.line_errors.map_iterator(); while (iter.next()) { print ("%d : %s\n\n", iter.get_key(), iter.get_value()); } } } public class ValaSource : Vala.CodeVisitor { Vala.CodeContext context; ValaSourceReport report; JsRender.JsRender file; public ValaSource(JsRender.JsRender file) { base(); this.file = file; } public void dumpCode(string str) { var ls = str.split("\n"); for (var i=0;i < ls.length; i++) { print("%d : %s\n", i+1, ls[i]); } } public Gee.HashMap checkFile() { return this.checkString(JsRender.NodeToVala.mungeFile(this.file)); } public Gee.HashMap checkFileWithNodePropChange( JsRender.Node node, string prop, string ptype, string val) { var hash = ptype == "listener" ? node.listeners : node.props; var old = hash.get(prop); var newval = "/*--VALACHECK-START--*/ " + val ; hash.set(prop, newval); var tmpstring = JsRender.NodeToVala.mungeFile(this.file); var bits = tmpstring.split("/*--VALACHECK-START--*/"); var offset =0; if (bits.length > 0) { offset = bits[0].split("\n").length +1; } //this.dumpCode(tmpstring); //print("offset %d\n", offset); this.checkString(tmpstring); hash.set(prop, old); // modify report Gee.HashMap ret = new Gee.HashMap (); var iter = this.report.line_errors.map_iterator(); while (iter.next()) { // print("%d : %s\n",iter.get_key() - offset, iter.get_value()); // we have to prefix the error with the fake line number // so that it's a unique mark.. ret.set(iter.get_key() - offset, "%d : %s".printf(iter.get_key() - offset,iter.get_value())); } return ret; } public Gee.HashMap checkString(string contents) { // init context: context = new Vala.CodeContext (); Vala.CodeContext.push (context); context.experimental = false; context.experimental_non_null = false; // or context.get_vapi_path("glib-2.0"); // should return path.. context.vapi_directories = { "/usr/share/vala-0.24/vapi" }; context.report.enable_warnings = true; context.metadata_directories = { }; context.gir_directories = {}; this.report = new ValaSourceReport();; context.report = this.report; context.basedir = Posix.realpath ("."); context.directory = context.basedir; // add default packages: //if (settings.profile == "gobject-2.0" || settings.profile == "gobject" || settings.profile == null) { context.profile = Vala.Profile.GOBJECT; // context.add_define ("GOBJECT"); //} //add_depencies (context, settings.packages); //if (reporter.errors > 0) { // return context; //} var source_file = new Vala.SourceFile ( context, Vala.SourceFileType.SOURCE, "~~~~~testfile.vala", contents ); //Vala.Config.PACKAGE_SUFFIX.substring (1) context.add_external_package ("glib-2.0"); context.add_external_package ("gobject-2.0"); context.add_external_package ("libvala-0.24"); var ns_ref = new Vala.UsingDirective (new Vala.UnresolvedSymbol (null, "GLib", null)); source_file.add_using_directive (ns_ref); context.root.add_using_directive (ns_ref); context.add_source_file (source_file); //add_documented_files (context, settings.source_files); Vala.Parser parser = new Vala.Parser (); parser.parse (context); //gir_parser.parse (context); if (context.report.get_errors () > 0) { print("parse got errors"); ((ValaSourceReport)context.report).dump(); Vala.CodeContext.pop (); return this.report.line_errors; } /* // check context: context.check (); if (context.report.get_errors () > 0) { print("check got errors"); ((ValaSourceReport)context.report).dump(); Vala.CodeContext.pop (); return this.report.line_errors; } */ Vala.CodeContext.pop (); print("ALL OK?\n"); return this.report.line_errors; } // // startpoint: // } } /* int main (string[] args) { var a = new ValaSource(file); a.create_valac_tree(); return 0; } */