namespace Palete { public errordomain Error { INVALID_TYPE, NEED_IMPLEMENTING, MISSING_FILE, INVALID_VALUE } public class Usage : Object { public Gee.ArrayList left; public Gee.ArrayList right; public Usage(Gee.ArrayList ileft, Gee.ArrayList iright) { this.left = ileft; this.right= iright; } public bool leftHas(string s) { for(var i = 0 ; i < this.left.size; i++) { var m = this.left.get(i); if (s == m) { return true; } if (!m.contains(":")) { continue; } var ar = m.split(":"); if (ar[0] == s) { return true; } } return false; } } static Gee.HashMap? cache = null; public static Palete factory(string xtype) { if (cache == null) { cache = new Gee.HashMap(); } if (cache.get(xtype) != null) { return cache.get(xtype); } switch(xtype) { case "Gtk": cache.set(xtype, new Gtk()); break; case "Roo": cache.set(xtype, new Roo()); break; default: throw new Error.INVALID_TYPE("invalid argument to Palete factory"); } return cache.get(xtype); } public abstract class Palete : Object { public string name; public Gee.ArrayList map; public Palete() { // nothing? = null; } //map : false, // array of mappings left: [] , right : [] //items : false, // the tree of nodes. string guessName(JsRender.Node ar) throws Error // turns the object into full name. { throw new Error.NEED_IMPLEMENTING("xxx. guessName needs implimenting"); } /** * gather a list of potentional objects that can be added.. * */ /* listChildren: function (existing) { existing = existing || []; // existing.push('*top'); // always have top var ret = []; console.log("GATHER LIST? " +; function addRight(right) { right.forEach(function(r) { if (ret.indexOf(r) > -1) { return; } ret.push(r); }); } { var done = false m.left.forEach( function(left) { if (done) return; var l = left.replace(/:.*$/, ''); // print("chk:" + l + " in " + existing.join(',')); if (existing.indexOf(l) > -1) { addRight(m.right); done =true; //return true; // no more needed.. } }); }); ret.sort(); // console.dump(ret); return ret; }, */ public string[] getChildList(string in_rval) { if ( == null) { this.load(); } // empty == *top var rval = in_rval == "" ? "*top" : in_rval; // should be a bit more than this.. // -> it should look for all elements that inherit string[] ret = {}; var rt = new Gee.ArrayList(); for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { var m =; if (!m.leftHas(rval)) { continue; } print("found LEFT, adding right\n"); for(var ii =0; ii < m.right.size; ii++) { var l = m.right.get(ii); if (rt.index_of(l) > -1) { continue; } //print("ADD " + string.joinv(", ", ret) + "\n"); ret += l; rt.add(l); } } print ("drop list for %s is:\n%s\n", rval, string.joinv("\n", ret)); //console.log("DROP LIST:"); //console.dump(ret); return ret; } public string[] getDropList(string rval) { if ( == null) { this.load(); } // should be a bit more than this.. // -> it should look for all elements that inherit string[] ret = {}; var rt = new Gee.ArrayList(); for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { var m =; if (m.right.index_of(rval) < 0) { continue; } //print("found RIGHT, adding left\n"); for(var ii =0; ii < m.left.size; ii++) { var l = m.left.get(ii); if (rt.index_of(l) > -1) { continue; } //print("ADD " + string.joinv(", ", ret) + "\n"); ret += l; rt.add(l); } } print ("drop list for %s is:\n%s\n", rval, string.joinv("\n", ret)); //console.log("DROP LIST:"); //console.dump(ret); return ret; } /** * basic guess type.. * * / findType : function (data, prop, value) { if (prop[0] == '|') { return 'function'; } return typeof(value); }, findOptions : function(ename) { switch(ename.toLowerCase()) { case 'boolean': return [ 'true', 'false' ]; // everything else does not have options. case 'string': case 'utf8': case 'int': case 'uint': case 'function': return false; default: console.log("OOPS: = unknown type: " + ename); return false; } }, confirmCanAdd: function(parent, child) { // confirms that one obj can be added to another. // returns true, for items, or list of properties that can hold it.. return true; }, getDefaultPack: function(pname, cname) { return 'add'; }, */ public void saveTemplate (string name, JsRender.Node data) { var gn = data.fqn(); // store it in user's directory.. var appdir = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder"; if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(appdir+ "/" + gn, GLib.FileTest.IS_DIR)) { GLib.File.new_for_path (appdir+ "/" + gn).make_directory (); } GLib.FileUtils.set_contents(appdir+ "/" + gn + "/" + name + ".json", data.toJsonString()); } /** * list templates - in home directory (and app dir in future...) * @param {String} name - eg. Gtk.Window.. * @return {Array} list of templates available.. */ public GLib.List listTemplates (JsRender.Node node) { var gn = node.fqn(); var ret = new GLib.List(); var dir= GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder/" + gn; if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(dir, GLib.FileTest.IS_DIR)) { return ret; } var f = File.new_for_path(dir); var file_enum = f.enumerate_children(GLib.FileAttribute.STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME, GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null); FileInfo next_file; while ((next_file = file_enum.next_file(null)) != null) { var n = next_file.get_display_name(); if (!Regex.match_simple ("\\.json$", n)) { continue; } ret.append( dir + "/" + n); } return ret; } public JsRender.Node? loadTemplate(string path) { var pa = new Json.Parser(); pa.load_from_file(path); var node = pa.get_root(); if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) { return null; } var obj = node.get_object (); var ret = new JsRender.Node(); ret.loadFromJson(obj, 1); ret.ref(); // not sure if needed -- but we had a case where ret became uninitialized? return ret; } public void loadUsageFile (string fname) { print("Palete Load called\n"); string raw; if (!FileUtils.test (fname, FileTest.EXISTS)) { throw new Error.MISSING_FILE(fname + " not found"); } FileUtils.get_contents(fname, out raw); // print(data); var data = raw.split("\n"); var state = 0; var cfg = new Gee.ArrayList(); var left = new Gee.ArrayList(); var right = new Gee.ArrayList(); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var d = data[i].strip(); //print("READ " + d + "\n"); if ( d.length < 1 || Regex.match_simple ("^\\s+$", d) || Regex.match_simple ("^\\s*/", d) ){ continue; } if (Regex.match_simple ("^left:", d)) { state = 1; if (left.size > 0 ){ cfg.add(new Usage( left, right)); } left = new Gee.ArrayList(); right = new Gee.ArrayList(); continue; } if (Regex.match_simple ("^right:", d)) { state = 2; continue; } if (state == 1) { //print("add left: " + d + "\n"); left.add(d); continue; } //print("add Right: " + d + "\n"); right.add(d); //Seed.quit(); } if (left.size > 0 ){ cfg.add(new Usage( left, right)); } = cfg; } public Gee.HashMap validateCode( string code, string property, string ptype, JsRender.JsRender file, JsRender.Node node ) { //print("validate code (%s) %s\n", file.language, code); if (file.language == "js" && (ptype == "listener" || property[0] == '|')) { var ret = new Gee.HashMap(); //var cd = new JSCore.ClassDefinitionEmpty(); string errmsg; var line = Javascript.singleton().validate( "var __aaa___ = " + code, out errmsg); if (line < 0) { return ret; } ret.set(line, errmsg); return ret; } if (file.language == "vala" ) { // not sure if we need to validate property var vs = new ValaSource(file); //var cd = new JSCore.ClassDefinitionEmpty(); var ret = vs.checkFileWithNodePropChange( node, property, ptype, code ); return ret; } var ret = new Gee.HashMap(); //print ("not javascript\n"); return ret; } public abstract void fillPack(JsRender.Node node,JsRender.Node parent); public abstract void load(); public abstract Gee.HashMap getPropertiesFor(string ename, string type); public abstract GirObject? getClass(string ename); } }