namespace JsRender { static int rid = 0; class Roo : JsRender { string region; bool disabled; public Roo(Project.Project project, string path) { base( project, path); this.xtype = "Roo"; this.language = "js"; //this.items = false; //if (cfg.json) { // var jstr = JSON.parse(cfg.json); // this.items = [ jstr ]; // //console.log(cfg.items.length); // delete cfg.json; // not needed! // } this.modOrder = "001"; /// sequence id that this uses. this.region = "center"; this.disabled = false; // super?!?! = "file-roo-%d".printf(rid++); //console.dump(this); // various loader methods.. string[] dsp = { "title", "legend", "loadingText", "emptyText", "qtip", "value", "text", "emptyMsg", "displayMsg" }; for (var i=0;i 0 ) { this.tree = new Node(); var ar = obj.get_array_member("items"); var tree_base = ar.get_object_element(0); this.tree.loadFromJson(tree_base, int.parse(bjs_version_str)); } } /** * old code had broken xtypes and used arrays differently, * this code should try and clean it up.. * * * / fixItems : function(node, fixthis) { if (fixthis) { // fix xtype. var fn = this.guessName(node); //print("guessname got " + fn); if (fn) { var bits = fn.split('.'); node.xtype = bits.pop(); node['|xns'] = bits.join('.'); } // fix array??? } if (!node.items || !node.items.length) { return; } var _this = this; var aitems = []; var nitems = []; node.items.forEach(function(i) { _this.fixItems(i, true); if (i.xtype == 'Array') { aitems.push(i); return; } nitems.push(i); }); node.items = nitems; if (!aitems.length) { return; } aitems.forEach(function(i) { if (!i.items || !i.items.length) { return; } var prop = i['*prop'] + '[]'; // colModel to cm? i.items.forEach(function(c) { c['*prop'] = prop; node.items.push(c); }); }); // array handling.. }, */ public override void save() { print("---"); this.saveBJS(); // no tree.. if (this.tree == null) { return; } // now write the js file.. string js; try { Regex regex = new Regex("\\.(bjs|js)$"); js = regex.replace(this.path,this.path.length , 0 , ".js"); } catch (RegexError e) { = "???"; print("count not make filename from path"); return; } //var d = new Date(); var js_src = this.toSource(); //print("TO SOURCE in " + ((new Date()) - d) + "ms"); try { this.writeFile(js, js_src); } catch (FileError e ) { print("Save failed\n"); } // for bootstrap - we can write the HTML to the templates directory.. //var top = this.guessName(this.items[0]); //print ("TOP = " + top) } public override void saveHTML ( string html ) { var top = this.tree.fqn(); print ("TOP = " + top + "\n" ); if (top.index_of("Roo.bootstrap.") < 0 && top.index_of("Roo.mailer.") < 0 ) { return; } // now write the js file.. string fn; try { Regex regex = new Regex("\\.(bjs|js)$"); fn = regex.replace(this.path,this.path.length , 0 , ".html"); } catch (RegexError e) { = "???"; print("count not make filename from path"); return; } var bn = GLib.Path.get_basename(fn); var dn = GLib.Path.get_dirname(fn); var targetdir = dn + ( top.index_of("Roo.mailer.") < 0 ? "/templates" : "" ); if (!FileUtils.test(targetdir, FileTest.IS_DIR)) { print("Skip save - templates folder does not exist : %s\n", targetdir); return; } print("SAVE HTML -- %s\n%s\n",targetdir + "/" + bn, html); try { this.writeFile(targetdir + "/" + bn , html); } catch (FileError e ) { print("SaveHtml failed\n"); } } public Gee.ArrayList findxincludes(Node node, Gee.ArrayList ret) { if (node.props.has_key("* xinclude")) { ret.add(node.props.get("* xinclude")); } for (var i =0; i < node.items.size; i++) { this.findxincludes(node.items.get(i), ret); } return ret; } /** * javascript used in Webkit preview */ public override string toSourcePreview() { print("to source preview\n"); if (this.tree == null) { return ""; } var top = this.tree.fqn(); var xinc = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.findxincludes(this.tree, xinc); print("got %d xincludes\n", xinc.size); var prefix_data = ""; if (xinc.size > 0 ) { for(var i = 0; i < xinc.size; i++) { print("check xinclude: %s\n", xinc.get(i)); var sf = this.project.getByName(xinc.get(i)); if (sf == null) { print("Failed to find file by name?\n"); continue; } sf.loadItems(); var xinc_str = sf.toSource(); //string xinc_str; //FileUtils.get_contents(js, out xinc_str); prefix_data += "\n" + xinc_str + "\n"; } } //print(JSON.stringify(this.items, null,4)); if (top == null) { print ("guessname returned false"); return ""; } if (top.contains("Dialog")) { return prefix_data + this.toSourceDialog(true); } if (top.contains("Modal")) { return prefix_data + this.toSourceModal(true); } return prefix_data + this.toSourceLayout(true); } /** * This needs to use some options on the project * to determine how the file is output.. * * At present we are hard coding it.. * * */ public override string toSource() { // dump the file tree back out to a string. // we have 2 types = dialogs and components // if (this.tree == null) { return ""; } var top = this.tree.fqn(); if (top == null) { return ""; } if (top.contains("Dialog")) { return this.toSourceDialog(false); } if (top.contains("Modal")) { return this.toSourceModal(false); } return this.toSourceLayout(false); /* eventually support 'classes??' return this.toSourceStdClass(); */ } public string outputHeader() { string[] s = { "//