static Xcls_WindowLeftTree _WindowLeftTree; public class Xcls_WindowLeftTree : Object { public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; public static Xcls_WindowLeftTree singleton() { if (_WindowLeftTree == null) { _WindowLeftTree= new Xcls_WindowLeftTree(); } return _WindowLeftTree; } public Xcls_view view; public Xcls_model model; public Xcls_renderer renderer; public Xcls_LeftTreeMenu LeftTreeMenu; // my vars (def) public signal bool before_node_change (JsRender.Node? node); public signal void changed (); public signal void node_selected (JsRender.Node? node); public Xcls_MainWindow main_window; // ctor public Xcls_WindowLeftTree() { _this = this; this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null ); // my vars (dec) this.main_window = null; // set gobject values this.el.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.IN; var child_0 = new Xcls_view( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_LeftTreeMenu( _this ); child_1.ref(); // init method this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC); } // user defined functions public JsRender.Node? getActiveElement () { // return path to actie node. var path = this.getActivePath(); if (path.length < 1) { return null; } return _this.model.pathToNode(path); } public JsRender.JsRender getActiveFile () { return this.model.file; } public string getActivePath () { var model = this.model; var view = this.view.el; if (view.get_selection().count_selected_rows() < 1) { return ""; } Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; view.get_selection().get_selected(out mod, out iter); return mod.get_path(iter).to_string(); } public class Xcls_view : Object { public Gtk.TreeView el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) public string dragData; public int drag_x; public string[] dropList; public int drag_y; public bool drag_in_motion; public bool blockChanges; // ctor public Xcls_view(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.view = this; this.el = new Gtk.TreeView(); // my vars (dec) this.blockChanges = false; // set gobject values this.el.tooltip_column = 1; this.el.enable_tree_lines = true; this.el.headers_visible = false; var child_0 = new Xcls_model( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.set_model ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn4( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.append_column ( child_1.el ); // init method { var description = new Pango.FontDescription(); description.set_size(8000); this.el.modify_font(description); var selection = this.el.get_selection(); selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE); // is this really needed?? /* this.selection.signal['changed'].connect(function() { _this.get('/LeftTree.view').listeners.cursor_changed.apply( _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), [ _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), ''] ); }); */ Gtk.drag_source_set ( this.el, /* widget will be drag-able */ Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK, /* modifier that will start a drag */ Builder4.Application.targetList, /* lists of target to support */ Gdk.DragAction.COPY | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE | Gdk.DragAction.LINK /* what to do with data after dropped */ ); // ?? needed?? //Gtk.drag_source_add_text_targets(this.el); Gtk.drag_dest_set ( this.el, /* widget that will accept a drop */ Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT, Builder4.Application.targetList, /* lists of target to support */ Gdk.DragAction.COPY | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE | Gdk.DragAction.LINK /* what to do with data after dropped */ ); //Gtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, Builder.Application.targetList); //Gtk.drag_dest_add_text_targets(this.el); } // listeners this.el.button_press_event.connect( ( ev) => { //console.log("button press?"); if (! _this.before_node_change(null) ) { return true; } if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS || ev.button != 3) { //print("click" + ev.type); return false; } Gtk.TreePath res; if (!_this.view.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x,(int)ev.y, out res, null, null, null) ) { return true; } this.el.get_selection().select_path(res); //if (!this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el) { // this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').init(); // } _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default()); _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.show_all(); _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.popup(null, null, null, 3, ev.time); // print("click:" + res.path.to_string()); return true; }); this.el.drag_begin.connect( ( ctx) => { //print('SOURCE: drag-begin'); //this.targetData = ""; // find what is selected in our tree... var s = _this.view.el.get_selection(); if (s.count_selected_rows() < 1) { return; } Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; s.get_selected(out mod, out iter); // set some properties of the tree for use by the dropped element. GLib.Value value; _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value); var tp = mod.get_path(iter).to_string(); var data = (JsRender.Node)(value.dup_object()); var xname = data.fqn(); print ("XNAME IS " + xname+ "\n"); this.dragData = tp; this.dropList = _this.model.file.palete().getDropList(xname); print ("DROP LIST IS " + string.joinv(", ", this.dropList) + "\n"); // make the drag icon a picture of the node that was selected // by default returns the path.. var path = _this.model.el.get_path(iter); var pix = this.el.create_row_drag_icon ( path); Gtk.drag_set_icon_surface (ctx, pix) ; return; }); this.el.cursor_changed.connect( ( ) => { if (this.blockChanges) { // probably not needed.. return ; } if (!_this.before_node_change(null) ) { this.blockChanges = true; this.el.get_selection().unselect_all(); this.blockChanges = false; return; } if (_this.model.file == null) { return; } //var render = this.get('/LeftTree').getRenderer(); print("LEFT TREE -> view -> selection changed called\n"); // -- it appears that the selection is not updated. GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => { if (this.el.get_selection().count_selected_rows() < 1) { print("selected rows < 1\n"); //??this.model.load( false); _this.node_selected(null); return false ; } //console.log('changed'); var s = this.el.get_selection(); Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; s.get_selected(out mod, out iter); // var val = ""; GLib.Value value; _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value); _this.model.activePath = mod.get_path(iter).to_string(); var node = (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object(); _this.node_selected(node); return false; }); //_this.after_node_change(node); // _this.model.file.changed(node, "tree"); //Seed.print( value.get_string()); return ; }); this.el.drag_end.connect( (drag_context) => { //Seed.print('LEFT-TREE: drag-end'); this.dragData = ""; this.dropList = null; // this.targetData = ""; this.highlightDropPath("",0); // return true; }); this.el.drag_motion.connect( ( ctx, x, y, time) => { print("got drag motion\n"); var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx); this.drag_x = x; this.drag_y = y; if (src != this.el) { // the point of this is to detect where an item could be dropped.. print("requesting drag data\n"); this.drag_in_motion = true; // request data that will be recieved by the recieve... Gtk.drag_get_data ( this.el, // will receive 'drag-data-received' signal ctx, // represents the current state of the DnD Gdk.Atom.intern("STRING",true), // the target type we want time // time stamp ); return true; } print("action: %d\n", ctx.get_actions()); //print("GETTING POS"); var targetData = ""; Gtk.TreePath path; Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos; var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos); // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything.. var isEmpty = false; if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) { print("got NO children?\n"); isOver = true; //??? isEmpty = true; pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER; } // ------------- a drag from self.. //var action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY; // unless we are copying!!! ctl button.. var action = (ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0 ? Gdk.DragAction.COPY : Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ; // Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY ; if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) { // no children.. -- asume it's ok.. targetData = "|%d|".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER); this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0); Gdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time); return true; // continue through to allow drop... } //print("ISOVER? " + isOver); if (!isOver) { Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time); this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0); return false; } // drag node is parent of child.. //console.log("SRC TREEPATH: " + src.treepath); //console.log("TARGET TREEPATH: " + data.path.to_string()); // nned to check a few here.. //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE // locally dragged items to not really use the var selection_text = this.dragData; if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1) { //print("Error - drag selection text returned NULL"); Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time); this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0); return false; } // see if we are dragging into ourself? var target_path = path.to_string(); print ("Drag %s onto %s--%d\n ", selection_text, target_path, pos); // pos : 3 = ontop - 0 = after, 1 = before //print("target_path="+target_path); // if (selection_text == target_path) { print("self drag ?? == we should perhaps allow copy onto self..\n"); Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time); this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0); return false; // -- fixme -- this is not really correct.. } // check that //print("DUMPING DATA"); //console.dump(data); // path, pos //print(data.path.to_string() +' => '+ data.pos); // dropList is a list of xtypes that this node could be dropped on. // it is set up when we start to drag.. targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( path.to_string(), this.dropList, pos); print("targetDAta: " + targetData +"\n"); if (targetData.length < 1) { //print("Can not find drop node path"); Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time); this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0); return false; } var td_ar = targetData.split("|"); Gdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time); this.highlightDropPath(td_ar[0], (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)int.parse(td_ar[1])); return true; }); this.el.drag_data_get.connect( ( drag_context, data, info, time) => { //print("drag-data-get"); var s = this.el.get_selection(); if (s.count_selected_rows() < 1) { data.set_text("",0); print("return empty string - no selection.."); return; } Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; s.get_selected(out mod, out iter); GLib.Value value; _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value); var ndata = (JsRender.Node)(value.dup_object()); var xname = ndata.fqn(); var tp = mod.get_path(iter).to_string(); // by default returns the path.. if ( info != Gdk.Atom.intern("STRING",true) ) { tp = ndata.toJsonString(); } //data.set_text(tp,tp.length); data.set (data.get_target (), 8, (uchar[]) tp.to_utf8 ()); // print("return " + tp); }); this.el.drag_data_received.connect( (ctx, x, y, sel, info, time) => { // THIS CODE ONLY RELATES TO drag or drop of "NEW" elements or "FROM another tree.." // print("Tree: drag-data-received\n"); var selection_text = (string)sel.get_data(); //print("selection_text= %s\n",selection_text); var is_drag = this.drag_in_motion; print("Is Drag %s\n", is_drag ? "Y": "N"); var targetData = ""; Gtk.TreePath path; Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos; var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos); // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything.. var isEmpty = false; if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) { print("got NO children?\n"); isOver = true; //??? isEmpty = true; pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER; } //console.log("LEFT-TREE: drag-motion"); var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx); // a drag from self - this should be handled by drop and motion. if (src == this.el) { print("Source == this element should not happen.. ? \n"); return; } //print("drag_data_recieved from another element"); if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1 || !isOver) { // nothing valid foudn to drop... print("empty sel text or not over"); if (is_drag) { Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time); this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0); return; } Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. // no drop action... return; } var dropNode = new JsRender.Node(); var dropNodeType = selection_text; var show_templates = true; // for drop if (dropNodeType[0] == '{') { var pa = new Json.Parser(); pa.load_from_data(dropNodeType); dropNode.loadFromJson( pa.get_root().get_object(), 2); dropNodeType = dropNode.fqn(); show_templates = false; } else { dropNode.setFqn(selection_text); } // dropList --- need to gather this ... print("get dropList for : %s\n",dropNodeType); var dropList = _this.model.file.palete().getDropList(dropNodeType); print("dropList: %s\n", string.joinv(" , ", dropList)); // if drag action is link ... then we can drop it anywahere... if ((ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.LINK) > 0) { targetData = path.to_string() + "|%d".printf((int)pos); } else { targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( isEmpty ? "" : path.to_string(), dropList, pos); } print("targetDAta: " + targetData +"\n"); if (targetData.length < 1) { // invalid drop path.. if (this.drag_in_motion) { Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time); this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0); return; } Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. // no drop action... return; } // valid drop path.. var td_ar = targetData.split("|"); if (this.drag_in_motion) { Gdk.drag_status(ctx, Gdk.DragAction.COPY ,time); this.highlightDropPath( td_ar[0] , (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)int.parse(td_ar[1])); return; } // continue on to allow drop.. // at this point, drag is not in motion... -- as checked above... - so it's a real drop event.. _this.model.dropNode(targetData, dropNode, show_templates); print("ADD new node!!!\n"); ///Xcls_DialogTemplateSelect.singleton().show( _this.model.file.palete(), node); Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false,time); }); this.el.drag_drop.connect( ( ctx, x, y, time) => { //Seed.print("TARGET: drag-drop"); var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx); if (src != this.el) { this.drag_in_motion = false; // request data that will be recieved by the recieve... Gtk.drag_get_data ( this.el, // will receive 'drag-data-received' signal ctx, // represents the current state of the DnD Gdk.Atom.intern("application/json",true), // the target type we want time // time stamp ); // No target offered by source => error return false; } // handle drop around self.. //print("GETTING POS"); var targetData = ""; Gtk.TreePath path; Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos; var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos); // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything.. var isEmpty = false; if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) { print("got NO children?\n"); isOver = true; //??? isEmpty = true; pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER; } //var action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY; // unless we are copying!!! ctl button.. var action = (ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0 ? Gdk.DragAction.COPY : Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ; // Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY ; if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) { // no children.. -- asume it's ok.. targetData = "|%d|".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER); // continue through to allow drop... } else { //print("ISOVER? " + isOver); if (!isOver) { Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. return true; // not over apoint!?! - no action on drop or motion.. } // drag node is parent of child.. //console.log("SRC TREEPATH: " + src.treepath); //console.log("TARGET TREEPATH: " + data.path.to_string()); // nned to check a few here.. //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE // locally dragged items to not really use the var selection_text = this.dragData; if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1) { //print("Error - drag selection text returned NULL"); Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. return true; /// -- fixme -- this is not really correct.. } // see if we are dragging into ourself? print ("got selection text of " + selection_text); var target_path = path.to_string(); //print("target_path="+target_path); // if (selection_text == target_path) { print("self drag ?? == we should perhaps allow copy onto self..\n"); Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. return true; /// -- fixme -- this is not really correct.. } // check that //print("DUMPING DATA"); //console.dump(data); // path, pos //print(data.path.to_string() +' => '+ data.pos); // dropList is a list of xtypes that this node could be dropped on. // it is set up when we start to drag.. targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( path.to_string(), this.dropList, pos); print("targetDAta: " + targetData +"\n"); if (targetData.length < 1) { //print("Can not find drop node path"); Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time); // drop failed.. return true; } var td_ar = targetData.split("|"); // continue on to allow drop.. } // at this point, drag is not in motion... -- as checked above... - so it's a real drop event.. var delete_selection_data = false; if (action == Gdk.DragAction.ASK) { /* Ask the user to move or copy, then set the ctx action. */ } if (action == Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) { delete_selection_data = true; } // drag around.. - reorder.. _this.model.moveNode(targetData, action); // we can send stuff to souce here... // do we always say failure, so we handle the reall drop? Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false,time); //delete_selection_data, time); return true; }); } // user defined functions public void highlightDropPath ( string treepath, Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos) { // highlighting for drag/drop if (treepath.length > 0) { this.el.set_drag_dest_row( new Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath ), pos); } else { this.el.set_drag_dest_row(null, Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER); } } public void selectNode (string treepath_str) { //this.selection.select_path(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath_str)); var tp = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath_str); this.el.set_cursor(tp, null, false); this.el.scroll_to_cell(tp, null, false, 0,0); } } public class Xcls_model : Object { public Gtk.TreeStore el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) public DialogTemplateSelect template_select; public JsRender.JsRender? file; public string activePath; public Project.Project? project; // ctor public Xcls_model(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.model = this; this.el = new Gtk.TreeStore( 3, typeof(string),typeof(string),typeof(Object) ); // my vars (dec) this.template_select = null; this.file = null; this.activePath = ""; this.project = null; // set gobject values // init method print("model initialized"); } // user defined functions public string findDropNode (string treepath_str, string[] targets) { // this is used by the dragdrop code in the roo version AFAIR.. //var path = treepath_str.replace(/^builder-/, ''); // treemap is depreciated... - should really check if model has any entries.. if (this.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) { //print("NO KEYS"); return "|%d".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER); } //print("FIND treepath: " + path); //console.dump(this.treemap); //if (!treepath_str.match(/^builder-/)) { // return []; // nothing! //} if (targets.length > 0 && targets[0] == "*") { return treepath_str; } return this.findDropNodeByPath(treepath_str,targets, -1); } public void loadFile (JsRender.JsRender f) { //console.dump(f); this.el.clear(); this.file = f; // if (!f) { // console.log('missing file'); // return; // } // load the file if not loaded.. if (f.tree == null) { f.loadItems( ); } // if it's still null? if (f.tree == null) { return; } /// this.get('/Window').setTitle(f.project.getName() + ' - ' +; //if (f.items.length && typeof(f.items[0]) == 'string') { //this.get('/RightEditor'); //this.get('/RightEditor.view').load( f.items[0]); // return; //} //print("LOAD"); //print(JSON.stringify(f.items, null,4)); //console.dump(f.items); var o = new Gee.ArrayList(); o.add(f.tree); this.load(o,null); _this.view.el.expand_all(); if (f.tree.items.size < 1) { // single item.. //this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(80); // select first... _this.view.el.set_cursor( new Gtk.TreePath.from_string("0"), null, false); } else { //this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(200); } return; /* //print("hide right editior"); //this.get('/RightEditor').el.hide(); //this.get('/Editor').el.hide(); //print("set current tree"); //this.currentTree = this.toJS(false, false)[0]; //console.dump(this.currentTree); //this.currentTree = this.currentTree || { items: [] }; //_this.renderView(); //console.dump(; //var RightPalete = imports.Builder.RightPalete.RightPalete; var pm = this.get('/RightPalete.model'); // set up provider.. this.get('/RightPalete').provider = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider(); if (!this.get('/RightPalete').provider) { print ("********* PALETE PROVIDER MISSING?!!"); } this.get('/LeftTree').renderView(); pm.load( this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider().gatherList(this.listAllTypes())); this.get('/Window.view-notebook').el.set_current_page( this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.getType()== 'Roo' ? 0 : -1); */ } public void updateSelected () { var s = _this.view.el.get_selection(); Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) { return; // nothing seleted.. } GLib.Value value; this.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value); var node = (JsRender.Node)(value.get_object()); this.el.set(iter, 0, node.nodeTitle(), 1, node.nodeTip(), -1 ); } public string findDropNodeByPath (string treepath_str, string[] targets, int in_pref = -1) { var path = treepath_str; // dupe it.. // pref : 3 = ontop - 0 = after, 1 = before int pref = in_pref < 0 ? Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER : in_pref; var last = ""; //console.dump(this.treemap); print("findDropNodeByPath : got path length %d / %s\n", path.length, path); if (path.length == 0) { // top drop. // just return empty.. return "|%d".printf((int)pref) ; } while (path.length > 0) { if (path.length == treepath_str.length && pref != Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER) { if (path.last_index_of(":") < 0 ) { return ""; } path = path.substring(0, path.last_index_of(":")); last = treepath_str; print("DROP before or after : using %s\n",path); continue; } //print("LOOKING FOR PATH: " + path); var node_data = this.pathToNode(path); if (node_data == null) { print("node not found"); return ""; } var xname = node_data.fqn(); var match = ""; var prop = ""; for (var i =0; i < targets.length; i++) { var tg = targets[i]; if ((tg == xname) ) { match = tg; break; } // if target is "xxxx:name" if (tg.contains(xname +":")) { match = tg; var ar = tg.split(":"); prop = ar[1]; break; } } if (match.length > 0) { if (last.length > 0) { // pref is after/before.. // then it's after last //if (pref > 1) { // return ""; //} return last + "|%d".printf((int)pref) + "|" + prop; } return path + "|%d".printf( (int) Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);// + "|" + prop; } /* last = "" + path; var par = path.split(":"); string [] ppar = {}; for (var i = 0; i < par.length-1; i++) { ppar += par[i]; } path = string.joinv(":", ppar); */ break; } return ""; } public void moveNode (string target_data, Gdk.DragAction action) { /// target_data = "path|pos"); //print("MOVE NODE"); // console.dump(target_data); Gtk.TreeIter old_iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; var s = _this.view.el.get_selection(); s.get_selected(out mod , out old_iter); mod.get_path(old_iter); var node = this.pathToNode(mod.get_path(old_iter).to_string()); //console.dump(node); if (node == null) { print("moveNode: ERROR - node is null?"); } // needs to drop first, otherwise the target_data // treepath will be invalid. if ((action & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0) { print("REMOVING OLD NODE : " + target_data + "\n"); node.remove(); this.dropNode(target_data, node, false); this.el.remove(ref old_iter); } else { print("DROPPING NODE // copy: " + target_data + "\n"); node = node.deepClone(); this.dropNode(target_data, node, false); } _this.changed(); this.activePath= ""; //this.updateNode(false,true); } public void load (Gee.ArrayList tr, Gtk.TreeIter? iter) { Gtk.TreeIter citer; //this.insert(citer,iter,0); for(var i =0 ; i < tr.size; i++) { if (iter != null) { this.el.insert(out citer,iter,-1); // why not append? } else { this.el.append(out citer,null); } this.el.set(citer, 0, tr.get(i).nodeTitle(), 1, tr.get(i).nodeTip(), -1 ); var o = new GLib.Value(typeof(Object)); o.set_object((Object)tr.get(i)); this.el.set_value(citer, 2, o); if (tr.get(i).items.size > 0) { this.load(tr.get(i).items, citer); } } } public void deleteSelected () { print("DELETE SELECTED?"); //_this.view.blockChanges = true; print("GET SELECTION?"); var s = _this.view.el.get_selection(); print("GET SELECTED?"); Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) { return; // nothing seleted.. } this.activePath= ""; print("GET vnode value?"); GLib.Value value; this.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value); var data = (JsRender.Node)(value.get_object()); print("removing node from Render\n"); if (data.parent == null) { this.file.tree = null; } else { data.remove(); } print("removing node from Tree\n"); s.unselect_all(); this.el.remove(ref iter); // this.activePath= ""; // again!?!? //this.changed(null,true); _this.changed(); _this.view.blockChanges = false; } public JsRender.Node pathToNode (string path) { Gtk.TreeIter iter; _this.model.el.get_iter_from_string(out iter, path); GLib.Value value; _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value); return (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object(); } public void dropNode (string target_data_str, JsRender.Node node, bool show_templates) { // print("drop Node"); // console.dump(node); // console.dump(target_data); // 0 = before , 1=after 2/3 onto var target_data= target_data_str.split("|"); var parent_str = target_data[0].length > 0 ? target_data[0] : ""; var pos = target_data.length > 1 ? int.parse(target_data[1]) : 2; // ontop.. Gtk.TreePath tree_path = parent_str.length > 0 ? new Gtk.TreePath.from_string( parent_str ) : null; //print("add " + tp + "@" + target_data[1] ); JsRender.Node parentNode = null; Gtk.TreeIter iter_after; Gtk.TreeIter iter_par ; if (target_data.length == 3 && target_data[2].length > 0) { node.props.set("* prop", target_data[2]); } Gtk.TreePath expand_parent = null; // we only need to show the template if it's come from else where? if (show_templates) { if (this.template_select == null) { this.template_select = new DialogTemplateSelect(); } var new_node = (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_toplevel (), this.file.palete(), node); if (new_node != null) { node = new_node; } } //print("pos is %d \n".printf(pos)); Gtk.TreeIter n_iter; if ( parent_str.length < 1) { this.el.append(out n_iter, null); // drop at top level.. node.parent = null; this.file.tree = node; } else if (pos < 2) { //print(target_data[1] > 0 ? 'insert_after' : 'insert_before'); this.el.get_iter(out iter_after, tree_path ); this.el.iter_parent(out iter_par, iter_after); expand_parent = this.el.get_path(iter_par); GLib.Value value; this.el.get_value( iter_par, 2, out value); parentNode = (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object(); this.el.get_value( iter_after, 2, out value); var relNode = (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object(); if ( pos > 0 ) { this.el.insert_after(out n_iter, iter_par , iter_after); var ix = parentNode.items.index_of(relNode); parentNode.items.insert(ix+1, node); } else { this.el.insert_before(out n_iter, iter_par , iter_after); var ix = parentNode.items.index_of(relNode); parentNode.items.insert(ix, node); } node.parent = parentNode; } else { // print("appending to " + parent_str); this.el.get_iter(out iter_par, tree_path); this.el.append(out n_iter, iter_par ); expand_parent = this.el.get_path(iter_par); GLib.Value value; this.el.get_value( iter_par, 2, out value); parentNode = (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object(); node.parent = parentNode; parentNode.items.add(node); } // reparent node in tree... // why only on no parent??? //if (node.parent = null) { //} // work out what kind of packing to use.. -- should be in if (!node.has("pack") && parent_str.length > 1) { this.file.palete().fillPack(node,parentNode); } // add the node... this.el.set(n_iter, 0, node.nodeTitle(), 1, node.nodeTip(), -1 ); var o = new GLib.Value(typeof(Object)); o.set_object((Object)node); this.el.set_value(n_iter, 2, o); // load children - if it has any.. if (node.items.size > 0) { this.load(node.items, n_iter); _this.view.el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(n_iter), true); } else if (expand_parent != null && !_this.view.el.is_row_expanded(expand_parent)) { _this.view.el.expand_row(expand_parent,true); } //if (tp != null && (node.items.length() > 0 || pos > 1)) { // _this.view.el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(iter_par), true); // } // wee need to get the empty proptypes from somewhere.. //var olditer = this.activeIter; this.activePath = this.el.get_path(n_iter).to_string(); _this.view.el.set_cursor(this.el.get_path(n_iter), null, false); _this.changed(); } } public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn4 : Object { public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_TreeViewColumn4(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.title = "test"; var child_0 = new Xcls_renderer( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.pack_start ( child_0.el , true ); // init method this.el.add_attribute(_this.renderer.el , "markup", 0 ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_renderer : Object { public Gtk.CellRendererText el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_renderer(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.renderer = this; this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_LeftTreeMenu : Object { public Gtk.Menu el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_LeftTreeMenu(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; _this.LeftTreeMenu = this; this.el = new Gtk.Menu(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuItem7( _this ); child_0.ref(); this.el.add ( child_0.el ); var child_1 = new Xcls_MenuItem8( _this ); child_1.ref(); this.el.add ( child_1.el ); var child_2 = new Xcls_MenuItem9( _this ); child_2.ref(); this.el.add ( child_2.el ); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuItem7 : Object { public Gtk.MenuItem el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_MenuItem7(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Delete Element"; // listeners this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => { print("ACTIVATE?"); _this.model.deleteSelected(); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuItem8 : Object { public Gtk.MenuItem el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_MenuItem8(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Save as Template"; // listeners this.el.activate.connect( () => { DialogSaveTemplate.singleton().show( (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_toplevel (), _this.model.file.palete(), _this.getActiveElement() ); }); } // user defined functions } public class Xcls_MenuItem9 : Object { public Gtk.MenuItem el; private Xcls_WindowLeftTree _this; // my vars (def) // ctor public Xcls_MenuItem9(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner ) { _this = _owner; this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem(); // my vars (dec) // set gobject values this.el.label = "Save as Module"; // listeners this.el.activate.connect( () => { var node = _this.getActiveElement(); var name = DialogSaveModule.singleton().show( (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_toplevel (), _this.model.file.project, node ); if (name.length < 1) { return; } node.props.set("* xinclude", name); node.items.clear(); var s = _this.view.el.get_selection(); print("GET SELECTED?"); Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel mod; if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) { return; // nothing seleted.. } Gtk.TreeIter citer; var n_cn = mod.iter_n_children(iter) -1; for (var i = n_cn; i > -1; i--) { mod.iter_nth_child(out citer, iter, i); print("removing node from Tree\n"); _this.model.el.remove(ref citer); } _this.changed(); _this.node_selected(node); }); } // user defined functions } }