While the editor is not to bad at present there are a few fundimental issues with the design, that could do with some thought - Gtk 'big' tree The application builder itself core window is a huge tree that describes the UI This makes working on the thing slower as it's often more difficult to find the related code. - Big handlers and methods on objects Kind of related to the big tree issue, the was it's possible to add methods to objects results in quite a bit of the code getting added to a variety of objects in the code - Breaking code into 'groups' The cleaner idea here would be to break the code into groups, in such a way that all the 'special' methods for a group of elements would be always at the 'top' level. Currently all generated code looks like Window = new XObject({ ...... (the tree goes in here..) }); -- GTK code needs simplifing so it works better 'out the box' ** get rid of the 'init' methods - basically the XObject base code should handle stuff that is in there. ** this has a knock on effect that we will provide additional 'children' to the tree structure though.. eg. to fake a table - we would do something like this.. -> Table -> row[] = TableRow -> cel[] = TableCell