jerr("missing brand"); } if (empty($_REQUEST['span'])) { $this->jerr("missing span"); } // if we restrict this by brand then the output data should not be that bad... $sd = strtoupper(substr(HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->database,-2)); $q = DB_DataObject::factory('cohist'); $q->selectAdd(); $q->selectAdd(" itemcharvalue(item_id, 'BRAND') as item_brand, itemcharvalue(item_id, 'PRODUCTCATEGORY') as item_productcategory, item_number, item_descrip1, CASE WHEN (addr_country IS NULL OR addr_country = '') THEN 'UNKNOWN' ELSE addr_country END AS cohist_country, ROUND( COALESCE(SUM(cohist_qtyshipped * currTocurr(cohist_curr_id, getcurrid('HKD'), cohist_unitprice, cohist_shipdate)),0),2) as ship_value, ROUND(COALESCE(SUM(cohist_qtyshipped),0),0) as ship_qty "); $q->_join = " LEFT JOIN custinfo ON cust_id = cohist_cust_id LEFT JOIN cntct ON cntct_id = cust_cntct_id LEFT JOIN addr ON addr_id = cntct_addr_id LEFT JOIN itemsite ON itemsite_id = cohist_itemsite_id LEFT JOIN item ON itemsite_item_id = item_id "; $q->whereAdd(" item_type = 'P' AND itemcharvalue(item_id, 'BRAND') = '{$q->escape($_REQUEST['brand'])}' "); $q->groupBy("item_id,item_number,item_descrip1,addr_country"); $q->orderBy("item_number ASC"); $data = array(); $countries = array(); $span = (int) $_REQUEST['span']; for ($i = 0 ; $i < 2; $i++) { $qq = clone($q); if (!$i) { $qq->whereAdd("cohist_invcdate BETWEEN '{$base_date}'::date - INTERVAL '1 YEAR' AND '{$base_date}'::date - INTERVAL '1 YEAR' + INTERVAL '{$span} MONTH'"); $qq->selectAdd( ($cur_y - 1) . " as cohist_year"); } else { $qq->whereAdd("cohist_invcdate BETWEEN '$base_date'::date AND '$base_date'::date + INTERVAL '{$span} MONTH' "); $qq->selectAdd( ($cur_y ) . " as cohist_year"); } $qq->find(); while ($qq->fetch()) { if (!isset($data[$qq->item_number])) { $data[$qq->item_number] = array(); } $data[$qq->item_number][] = (object) $qq->toArray('%s', true); if (!isset($countries[$qq->cohist_country])) { $countries[$qq->cohist_country] = 1; } } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['format']) && $_REQUEST['format'] == 'json' ) { $this->jdata(array( 'data'=> $data, 'countries'=>$countries)); } if ($sd == 'HK') { // fetch SG DATA... //echo "http://localhost{$this->rootURL}/sg.php/Xtuple/Reports/SalesByCountryItemYear". // "?date_from={$base_date}&format=json&brand=". urlencode($_REQUEST['brand']); $xtd = json_decode(file_get_contents( "http://localhost{$this->rootURL}/sg.php/Xtuple/Reports/SalesByCountryItemYear". "?date_from={$base_date}". "&format=json". "&brand=". urlencode($_REQUEST['brand']). "&span=".$span )); //echo '
            // merge in SG data..
            foreach((array)($xtd->data->countries) as $c=>$tr) {
                $countries[$c] = 1;
            foreach((array)($xtd->data->data) as $item=>$rdata) {
                $data[$item] = array_merge(isset($data[$item]) ? $data[$item] : array(), $rdata);
       //echo '
'; print_R($data);exit;
        // work out what the head rows will be
        $heads = array(
            'item_brand' => array('Brand'),
            'item_productcategory' => array('Category'),
            'item_number' => array('Name'),
            'item_descrip1' => array('Description'),
        foreach($countries as $c=>$tr) {
            for ($i = 0 ; $i < 2; $i++) {
                $heads['ship_qty:'.$c.':'. ($cur_y +$i -1)] = array($c, $cur_y +$i -1, 'Sum qty');
                $heads['ship_value:'.$c.':'. ($cur_y +$i -1)] = array($c, $cur_y +$i -1, 'Sum Value');
        for ($i = 0 ; $i < 2; $i++) {
            $heads['ship_qty:'.($cur_y +$i -1)] = array('Total Qty' , ($cur_y +$i -1) );
            $heads['ship_value:'.($cur_y +$i -1)] = array('Total Value', ($cur_y +$i -1));
        $fn = 'CountryItemYear-'.urlencode($_REQUEST['brand']) . '-' . $base_date .'-for-'. $span.'Months-rptdate-';
        header('Content-type: text/csv');
        //header('Content-type: text/plain');
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$'Y-m-d') . '.csv"');
            //header('Content-type: text/plain');
        $fh = fopen('php://output', 'w');
        fwrite($fh,"\xEF\xBB\xBF"); // Stupid Excel and unicode!
        for($i =0; $i< 3;$i++) {
            $row = array();
            foreach($heads as $k=>$v) {
                $row[] = isset($v[$i]) ? $v[$i] : '';
            fputcsv($fh, $row);
        foreach($heads as $h=>$v) {
            $heads[$h] = explode(':', $h);
        foreach($data as $item=>$recs) {
            fputcsv($fh, $this->toRow($recs, $heads));
    function toRow($recs, $head) {
        $ret = array();
       //echo '
        foreach($head as $h=>$har) {
            if (count($har) == 1) {
                // simple key - eg itmems.
                $ret[] = $recs[0]->{$h};
            // complex stuff..
            $val = 0;
            foreach($recs as $r) {
                if (count($har) == 2) {
                    // total..
                    if ($r->cohist_year != $har[1]) {
                    $val += $r->{$har[0]};
                if ($r->cohist_country != $har[1]) {
                if ($r->cohist_year != $har[2]) {
                //echo "GOT $har[0] \n";
                $val += $r->{$har[0]};
                // got matching year and country..
            $ret[] = $val;
        // totals...
        return $ret;