link('accnt_company', func_get_arg(0)) : $this->link('accnt_company'); } /** * Getter / Setter for $accnt_curr_id * * @param mixed (optional) value to assign * @access public */ public function curr() { return func_num_args() ? $this->link('accnt_curr_id', func_get_arg(0)) : $this->link('accnt_curr_id'); } /* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */ ###END_AUTOCODE function applyFilters($q, $authUser, $roo) { $dt = date('Y-m-01', isset($q['_as_of']) ? strtotime($q['_as_of']) : time()); // check all the currencies.. $ac = $this->factory($this->tableName()); $ac->selectAdd(); $ac->accnt_active = 1; $ac->selectAdd('distinct(accnt_curr_id) as accnt_curr_id'); $curs = $ac->fetchAll('accnt_curr_id'); DB_DataObject::Factory('curr_rate')->hasRates( $roo, isset($q['_as_of']) ? $q['_as_of'] : false, $curs ); if(isset($q['_with_xt_balances'])){ $this->selectAdd(" (SELECT SUM(trialbal_ending - trialbal_beginning) AS trialbal_ending FROM trialbal LEFT JOIN period ON period_id = trialbal_period_id WHERE trialbal_accnt_id=accnt_id AND period_start <= '$dt' ) as balance_base "); $this->orderBy('accnt_subaccnttype_code ASC, accnt_descrip ASC'); } if(isset($q['_general_ledger'])){ $this->orderBy("accnt_type asc,accnt_subaccnttype_code asc, accnt_descrip asc"); } if (isset($q['_with_balances'])) { // all gltrans are in HKD. // for hk office - the hkd value is line/by/line correct. // if baseCurrId() == getcurrid('HKD') // for the sg office hkd value == // check we have rates.. //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $p = DB_DataObject::factory('period'); if (!$p->get('period_start', $dt)) { // get the last period $p = DB_DataObject::factory('period'); $p->orderBy('period_start DESC'); $p->limit(1); $p->find(True); //$roo->jerr("period does not exist"); } // for trial balances - if it's not an asset or Liability.. // then ending is only the end of that period... $this->selectAdd(" (SELECT currtocurr( baseCurrId(), getcurrid('HKD' ), SUM( CASE WHEN accnt_type IN ( 'A','E') THEN (trialbal_ending - trialbal_beginning) * -1 ELSE trialbal_ending - trialbal_beginning END ), '{$p->period_end}' ) FROM trialbal LEFT JOIN period ON period_id = trialbal_period_id WHERE trialbal_accnt_id=accnt_id AND period_start <= '$dt' ) as balance_hkd, (SELECT CASE WHEN accnt_type IN ( 'A','E') THEN SUM(trialbal_ending - trialbal_beginning) * -1 ELSE SUM(trialbal_ending - trialbal_beginning) END as trialbal_ending FROM trialbal LEFT JOIN period ON period_id = trialbal_period_id WHERE trialbal_accnt_id=accnt_id AND period_start <= '$dt' ) as balance_base, (SELECT CASE WHEN accnt_type IN ( 'A', 'E') THEN trialbal_ending * -1 ELSE trialbal_ending END as trialbal_ending FROM trialbal LEFT JOIN period ON period_id = trialbal_period_id WHERE trialbal_accnt_id=accnt_id AND period_start = '$dt' ) as balance_base_soy, (SELECT currtocurr( baseCurrId(), accnt_curr_id, SUM( CASE WHEN accnt_type IN ( 'A','E') THEN (trialbal_ending - trialbal_beginning) * -1 ELSE trialbal_ending - trialbal_beginning END ), '{$p->period_end}' ) FROM trialbal LEFT JOIN period ON period_id = trialbal_period_id WHERE trialbal_accnt_id=accnt_id AND period_start <= '$dt' ) as balance , (SELECT curr_name from curr_symbol where curr_id = baseCurrId()) as base_curr, {$p->pid()} as period_id "); $this->selectAdd(" (SELECT ending FROM netsuite_balance WHERE netsuite_balance.accnt_id = accnt.accnt_id AND period_id = {$p->pid()} AND curr_id = accnt_curr_id LIMIT 1 ) as nsbalance, (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(curr_id),0) as curr_id FROM netsuite_balance WHERE netsuite_balance.accnt_id = accnt.accnt_id AND period_id = {$p->pid()} LIMIT 1 ) as nscurr_id, (SELECT base_ending FROM netsuite_balance WHERE netsuite_balance.accnt_id = accnt.accnt_id AND period_id = {$p->pid()} LIMIT 1 ) as nsbalance_base, (SELECT base_close FROM netsuite_balance WHERE netsuite_balance.accnt_id = accnt.accnt_id AND period_id = {$p->pid()} LIMIT 1 ) as base_close, (SELECT id FROM netsuite_balance WHERE netsuite_balance.accnt_id = accnt.accnt_id AND period_id = {$p->pid()} LIMIT 1 ) as nsbalance_id "); // $this->whereAdd('accnt_curr_id NOT IN ( 9,6) '); $this->whereAdd("accnt_id IN ( select distinct(trialbal_accnt_id) FROM trialbal LEFT JOIN period ON period_id = trialbal_period_id WHERE period_start <= '$dt'::date AND ( trialbal_credits != 0.0 OR trialbal_debits != 0.0 OR trialbal_ending != 0.0 OR trialbal_beginning != 0.0 ) ) "); $this->orderBy(); $this->orderBy('accnt_subaccnttype_code ASC, accnt_descrip ASC'); } if(!empty($q['search']['name'])){ $this->whereAdd(" accnt_name ILIKE '{$this->escape($q['search']['name'])}%' OR accnt_descrip ILIKE '{$this->escape($q['search']['name'])}%' OR accnt_descrip_alt ILIKE '{$this->escape($q['search']['name'])}%' "); } } function toRooArray($q) { $ret = $this->toArray(); return $ret; /* if (empty($q['_with_balances'])) { return $ret; } static $netsuite = false; if (!$netsuite) { $netsuite= $this->oldParse(); } //$ret['balance_ns'] = isset($netsuite[$this->accnt_number]) ? // $netsuite[$this->accnt_number]->netsuite_balance : 0.0; return $ret; */ } function oldParse() { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $ff->page->baseURL; $which = array_pop(explode('/', $ff->page->baseURL)); $cn = $which == 'hk.php' ? 'HK' : 'SG'; $har = explode('/', realpath(__FILE__)); $home = '/home/alan'; $fn = "$home/Dropbox/xtuple_working/old_database_snapshot/$cn/Netsuite_Account.sql.json.all"; $ar = file($fn); // echo '
        $ret = array();
        foreach($ar as $i=>$l) {
            if (!$i) continue;
            $line = json_decode($l);
            $ret[$line->id] =   (object)array(
                    'id' => $line->id ,
                    'description' => $line->description,
                    'netsuite_balance' => $line->balance,
                    'acctType' => $line->acctType,
                    'is_old' => 1
        return $ret;

    // used by gltrans reports?
    function multiplier() {
        $map = array(
                'Q' => 1,
                'L' =>  1,
                'A' => -1,
                'E' => -1,
                'R' => 1,
        return $map[$this->accnt_type];
    function defaults()
        return array(
            'accnt_descrip' => '',
            'accnt_comments' => '',
            'accnt_extref' => '',
            'accnt_closedpost'=> false,
            'accnt_forwardupdate' => false,
            'accnt_active' => true,
     * public $accnt_id;                        // int4(4)  not_null default_nextval%28%28accnt_accnt_id_seq%29%3A%3Aregclass%29 primary_key
    public $accnt_number;                    // text(-1)  
    public $accnt_descrip;                   // text(-1)  
    public $accnt_comments;                  // text(-1)  
    public $accnt_profit;                    // text(-1)  
    public $accnt_sub;                       // text(-1)  
    public $accnt_type;                      // bpchar(-1)  not_null
    public $accnt_extref;                    // text(-1)  
    public $accnt_company;                   // text(-1)  
    public $accnt_closedpost;                // bool(1)  
    public $accnt_forwardupdate;             // bool(1)  
    public $accnt_subaccnttype_code;         // text(-1)  
    public $accnt_curr_id;                   // int4(4)  default_basecurrid%28%29
    public $accnt_active;                    // bool(1)  not_null default_true
    public $accnt_name;       
    function joinAddBankaccnt()
        $this->_join .= '
            LEFT JOIN
                bankaccnt_accnt_id = accnt_id
        $bankaccnt = DB_DataObject::Factory('bankaccnt');
        $this->selectAs($bankaccnt, '%s');
    function importFromArray($roo, $accounts)
        foreach ($accounts as $account){
            $accnt = DB_DataObject::factory('accnt');
            if($accnt->get('accnt_name', $account['accnt_name'])){
            $curr = DB_DataObject::factory('curr_symbol');
            if(!$curr->get('curr_abbr', $account['accnt_curr_abbr'])){
                $roo->jerr("Missing currency : {$account['accnt_curr_abbr']}");
            $accnt->accnt_number = $account['accnt_number'];
            $accnt->accnt_descrip = $account['accnt_descrip'];
            $accnt->accnt_profit = $account['accnt_profit'];
            $accnt->accnt_sub = $account['accnt_sub'];
            $accnt->accnt_type = $account['accnt_type'];
            $accnt->accnt_company = $account['accnt_company'];
            $accnt->accnt_subaccnttype_code = $account['accnt_subaccnttype_code'];
            $accnt->accnt_name = $account['accnt_name'];
            $bankaccnt = DB_DataObject::factory('bankaccnt');
            $curr = DB_DataObject::factory('curr_symbol');
            if(!$curr->get('curr_abbr', $account['bankaccnt_curr_abbr'])){
                $roo->jerr("Missing currency : {$account['bankaccnt_curr_abbr']}");
            $bankaccnt->bankaccnt_curr_id = $curr->pid();
            $bankaccnt->bankaccnt_accnt_id = $accnt->pid();
    function checkAlternativeCode($roo, $download = false)
         *  check the alternative code 
         *  if an account has transactions and there is not a alt code for it - then display an error
        $errors = array();
        $accnt = DB_DataObject::factory('accnt');
            CASE WHEN (accnt_descrip_alt IS NOT NULL AND accnt_descrip_alt != '') THEN
            END AS accnt_descrip
        $accnt->orderBy('accnt_code_alt DESC');
        while ($accnt->fetch()){
                $a = DB_DataObject::factory('accnt');
                $a->accnt_code_alt = $accnt->accnt_code_alt;
                if($a->count() > 1){
                    $errors[] = "Duplicate alternative code : " . $accnt->accnt_code_alt . " - " . $accnt->accnt_descrip;
            $gltrans = DB_DataObject::factory('gltrans');
                gltrans_accnt_id = {$accnt->accnt_id}
                NOT gltrans_deleted
            $errors[] = "Missing alternative code : " . $accnt->accnt_descrip;
        $errors = array_filter($errors);
                $roo->jerr(implode("\n", $errors), array(), 'text/plain');
            $roo->jerr(implode("\n", $errors));
        return true;