loadIniFiles(); $this->updateTableComments(); $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (!empty($ff->Pman['enable_trigger_tests'])) { // note we may want to override some of these... - to do special triggers.. // as you can only have one trigger per table for each action. $this->createDeleteTriggers(); $this->createInsertTriggers(); $this->createUpdateTriggers(); } } function loadIniFiles() { // will create the combined ini cache file for the running user. $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $ff->generateDataobjectsCache(true); $this->dburl = parse_url($ff->database); $dbini = 'ini_'. basename($this->dburl['path']); $iniCache = $ff->DB_DataObject[$dbini]; $this->schema = parse_ini_file($iniCache, true); $this->links = parse_ini_file(preg_replace('/\.ini$/', '.links.ini', $iniCache), true); } function updateTableComments() { foreach($this->links as $tbl =>$map) { $this->updateTableComment($tbl, $map); } } function updateTableComment($tbl, $map) { if (!isset($this->schema[$tbl])) { echo "Skip $tbl = table does not exist in schema\n"; return; } $q = DB_DAtaObject::factory('core_enum'); $q->query("SELECT TABLE_COMMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '{$q->escape($q->database())}' AND TABLE_NAME = '{$q->escape($tbl)}' "); $q->fetch(); $tc = $q->TABLE_COMMENT; //echo "$tbl: $tc\n\n"; if (!empty($q->TABLE_COMMENT)) { //var_dump($tc); $tc = trim(preg_replace('/FK\([^)]+\)/', '' , $q->TABLE_COMMENT)); //var_dump($tc);exit; // strip out the old FC(....) } $fks = array(); foreach($map as $k=>$v) { $fks[] = "$k=$v"; } $fkstr = $tc . ' FK(' . implode("\n", $fks) .')'; if ($q->TABLE_COMMENT == $fkstr) { return; } $q = DB_DAtaObject::factory('core_enum'); $q->query("ALTER TABLE $tbl COMMENT = '{$q->escape($fkstr)}'"); } function createDeleteTriggers() { // this should only be enabled if the project settings are configured.. // delete triggers on targets - // if you delete a company, and a person points to it, then it should fire an error... // create a list of source/targets from $this->links $revmap = array(); foreach($this->links as $tbl => $map) { if (!isset($this->schema[$tbl])) { continue; } foreach($map as $k =>$v) { list ($tname, $tcol) = explode(':', $v); if (!isset($revmap[$tname])) { $revmap[$tname] = array(); } $revmap[$tname]["$tbl:$k"] = "$tname:$tcol"; } } foreach($revmap as $target_table => $sources) { // throw example.. UPDATE `Error: invalid_id_test` SET x=1; if (!isset($this->schema[$target_table])) { echo "Skip $target_table = table does not exist in schema\n"; continue; } $q = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $q->query(" DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `{$target_table}_before_delete` ; "); $trigger = " CREATE TRIGGER `{$target_table}_before_delete` BEFORE DELETE ON `{$target_table}` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE mid INT(11); IF (@DISABLE_TRIGGER IS NULL AND @DISABLE_TRIGGER_{$target_table} IS NULL ) THEN "; foreach($sources as $source=>$target) { list($source_table , $source_col) = explode(':', $source); list($target_table , $target_col) = explode(':', $target); $err = substr("Failed Delete {$target_table} refs {$source_table}:{$source_col}", 0, 64); $trigger .=" SET mid = 0; IF OLD.{$target_col} > 0 THEN SELECT count(*) into mid FROM {$source_table} WHERE {$source_col} = OLD.{$target_col} LIMIT 1; IF mid > 0 THEN UPDATE `$err` SET x = 1; END IF; END IF; "; } $ar = $this->listTriggerFunctions($tbl, 'delete'); foreach($ar as $fn=>$col) { $trigger .= " CALL $fn( OLD.{$col}); "; } $trigger .= " END IF; END "; //DB_DAtaObject::debugLevel(1); $q = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $q->query($trigger); echo "CREATED TRIGGER {$target_table}_before_delete\n"; } // inserting - row should not point to a reference that does not exist... } function createInsertTriggers() { foreach($this->links as $tbl => $map) { if (!isset($this->schema[$tbl])) { continue; } $q = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $q->query(" DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `{$tbl}_before_insert` ; "); $trigger = " CREATE TRIGGER `{$tbl}_before_insert` BEFORE INSERT ON `{$tbl}` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE mid INT(11); IF (@DISABLE_TRIGGER IS NULL AND @DISABLE_TRIGGER_{$tbl} IS NULL ) THEN "; foreach($map as $source_col=>$target) { // check that source_col exists in schema. if (!isset($this->schema[$tbl][$source_col])) { continue; } $source_tbl = $tbl; list($target_table , $target_col) = explode(':', $target); if (!isset($this->schema[$target_table])) { // skip... target table does not exist continue; } $err = substr("Fail: INSERT referenced {$tbl}:{$source_col}", 0, 64); $trigger .=" SET mid = 0; if NEW.{$source_col} > 0 THEN SELECT {$target_col} into mid FROM {$target_table} WHERE {$target_col} = NEW.{$source_col} LIMIT 1; IF mid < 1 THEN UPDATE `$err` SET x = 1; END IF; END IF; "; } $ar = $this->listTriggerFunctions($tbl, 'insert'); foreach($ar as $fn=>$col) { $trigger .= " CALL $fn( NEW.{$col}); "; } $trigger .= " END IF; END "; //echo $trigger; exit; //DB_DAtaObject::debugLevel(1); $q = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $q->query($trigger); echo "CREATED TRIGGER {$tbl}_before_insert\n"; } } function createUpdateTriggers() { foreach($this->links as $tbl => $map) { if (!isset($this->schema[$tbl])) { continue; } $q = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $q->query(" DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `{$tbl}_before_update` ; "); $trigger = " CREATE TRIGGER `{$tbl}_before_update` BEFORE UPDATE ON `{$tbl}` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE mid INT(11); IF (@DISABLE_TRIGGER IS NULL AND @DISABLE_TRIGGER_{$tbl} IS NULL ) THEN "; foreach($map as $source_col=>$target) { // check that source_col exists in schema. if (!isset($this->schema[$tbl][$source_col])) { continue; } $source_tbl = $tbl; list($target_table , $target_col) = explode(':', $target); if (!isset($this->schema[$target_table])) { // skip... target table does not exist continue; } $err = substr("Fail: UPDATE referenced {$tbl}:$source_col", 0, 64); $trigger .=" SET mid = 0; if NEW.{$source_col} > 0 THEN SELECT {$target_col} into mid FROM {$target_table} WHERE {$target_col} = NEW.{$source_col} LIMIT 1; IF mid < 1 THEN UPDATE `$err` SET x = 1; END IF; END IF; "; } $ar = $this->listTriggerFunctions($tbl, 'update'); foreach($ar as $fn=>$col) { $trigger .= " CALL $fn(OLD.{$col}, NEW.{$col}); "; } $trigger .= " END IF; END "; //echo $trigger; exit; //DB_DAtaObject::debugLevel(1); $q = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $q->query($trigger); echo "CREATED TRIGGER {$tbl}_before_update\n"; } } /** * check the information schema for any methods that match the trigger criteria. * -- {tablename}_trigger_{optional_string}_before_delete_{column_name}(NEW.column) * -- {tablename}_trigger_{optional_string}_before_update_{column_name}(OLD.column, NEW.column} * -- {tablename}_trigger_{optional_string}_before_insert_{column_name}(OLD.column} * * */ // type = update/insert/delete function listTriggerFunctions($table, $type) { static $cache = array(); if (!isset($cache[$table])) { $cache[$table] = array(); $q = DB_DAtaObject::factory('core_enum'); $q->query("SELECT SPECIFIC_NAME FROM information_schema.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = '{$q->escape($q->database())}' AND ROUTINE_NAME LIKE '" . $q->escape("{$table}_trigger_") . "%' AND ROUTINE_TYPE = 'PROCEDURE' "); while ($q->fetch()) { $cache[$table][] = $q->SPECIFIC_NAME; } } // now see which of the procedures match the specification.. $ret = array(); foreach($cache[$table] as $cname) { $bits = explode("_before_{$type}_", $cname); if (count($bits) < 2) { continue; } $ret[$cname] = $bits[1]; } return $ret; } }