loadIniFiles(); //?? shared??? try { $dbo = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); } catch(PDO_DataObject_Exception_InvalidConfig $e) { echo "SKipping MysqlEngineCharse - no database yet\n"; return; } if (is_a($dbo, 'PDO_DataObject')) { $this->views = $dbo->generator()->introspection()->getListOf('views'); } else { $db = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum')->getDatabaseConnection(); $this->views = $db->getListOf( 'views'); // needs updated pear... } // update the engine first - get's around 1000 character limit on indexes..cd // however - Innodb does not support fulltext indexes, so this may fail... $this->updateEngine(); $this->updateCharacterSet(); } function loadIniFiles() { // will create the combined ini cache file for the running user. $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $ff->generateDataobjectsCache(true); $this->dburl = parse_url($ff->database); $dbini = 'ini_'. basename($this->dburl['path']); $iniCache = isset( $ff->PDO_DataObject) ? $ff->PDO_DataObject['schema_location'] : $ff->DB_DataObject[$dbini]; if (!file_exists($iniCache)) { return; } $this->schema = parse_ini_file($iniCache, true); $this->links = parse_ini_file(preg_replace('/\.ini$/', '.links.ini', $iniCache), true); } function updateCharacterSet() { $views = $this->views; foreach (array_keys($this->schema) as $tbl){ if(strpos($tbl, '__keys') !== false ){ continue; } if(in_array($tbl , $views)) { continue; } $ce = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $ce->query(" SELECT CCSA.character_set_name csname, CCSA.collation_name collatename FROM information_schema.`TABLES` T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` CCSA WHERE CCSA.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = DATABASE() -- COLLATE utf8_general_ci AND T.table_name = '{$tbl}' -- COLLATE utf8_general_ci "); if (!$ce->fetch()) { continue; } if($ce->csname == 'utf8' && $ce->collatename == 'utf8_general_ci'){ echo "utf8: SKIP $tbl\n"; continue; } // this used to be utf8_unicode_ci //as the default collation for stored procedure parameters is utf8_general_ci and you can't mix collations. $ce = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); // not sure why, but convert to does not actually change the 'charset=' bit.. $ce->query("ALTER TABLE $tbl CHARSET=utf8"); $ce->query("ALTER TABLE {$tbl} CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"); echo "utf8: FIXED {$tbl}\n"; } } function updateEngine() { $db = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $db->query("show variables like 'innodb_file_per_table'"); $db->fetch(); $pg = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->page; if (empty($pg->opts['skip-mysql-checks'])) { if ($db->Value == 'OFF') { die("Error: set innodb_file_per_table = 1 in my.cnf\n\n"); } } // get a list of table views... // innodb in single files is far more efficient that MYD or one big innodb file. // first check if database is using this format. $views = $this->views; foreach (array_keys($this->schema) as $tbl){ if(strpos($tbl, '__keys') !== false ){ continue; } if(in_array($tbl , $views)) { continue; } $ce = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $ce->query(" select engine from information_schema.tables where table_schema= DATABASE() and table_name = '{$tbl}' "); if (!$ce->fetch()) { continue; } //AWS is returning captials? $engine = isset($ce->engine) ? $ce->engine : $ce->ENGINE; if($engine == 'InnoDB' ){ echo "InnoDB: SKIP $tbl\n"; continue; } if($engine == 'ndbcluster' ){ echo "ndbcluster: SKIP $tbl\n"; continue; } // should really determine if we are running in cluster ready ... // this used to be utf8_unicode_ci //as the default collation for stored procedure parameters is utf8_general_ci and you can't mix collations. $ce = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $ce->query("ALTER TABLE $tbl ENGINE=InnoDB"); echo "InnoDB: FIXED {$tbl}\n"; } } }