array( 'desc' => 'prefix for the password (eg. fred > xxx4fred - prefix is xxx4)', 'short' => 'p', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'data-only' => array( 'desc' => 'only run the updateData - do not run import the tables and procedures.', 'short' => 'p', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'add-company' => array( 'desc' => 'add a company name of the company', 'short' => 'n', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'add-company-with-type' => array( 'desc' => 'the type of company (default OWNER)', 'short' => 't', 'default' => 'OWNER', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'init' => array( 'desc' => 'Initialize the database (pg only supported)', 'short' => 'i', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'only-module-sql' => array( 'desc' => 'Only run sql import on this modules - eg. Core', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'skip-mysql-checks' => array( 'desc' => 'Skip mysql checks', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'skip-email-import' => array( 'desc' => 'Skip email import', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'procedures-only' => array( 'desc' => 'Only import procedures (not supported by most modules yet) - ignores sql directory', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'disable-create-triggers' => array( 'desc' => 'So not create the mysql triggers', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'json-person' => array( 'desc' => 'Person JSON file', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'debug' => array( 'desc' => 'Debug the database', 'short' => 'D', 'default' => '', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), ); static function cli_opts() { $ret = self::$cli_opts; $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $a = new Pman(); $mods = $a->modulesList(); foreach($mods as $m) { $fd = $ff->rootDir. "/Pman/$m/UpdateDatabase.php"; if (!file_exists($fd)) { continue; } require_once $fd; $cls = new ReflectionClass('Pman_'. $m . '_UpdateDatabase'); $ar = $cls->getStaticProperties(); if (isset($ar['cli_opts'])) { $ret = array_merge($ret, $cls->getStaticPropertyValue('cli_opts')); } } return $ret; } var $opts = false; var $disabled = array(); var $cli = false; var $local_base_url = false; var $emailTemplates = array( 'EVENT_ERRORS_REPORT' => array( 'bcc_group' => 'Empty Group', 'test_class' => 'Pman/Admin/Report/SendEventErrors', 'to_group' => 'Administrators', 'active' => 1, 'description' => '9.2 System Error Messages', 'template_dir' => '/Pman/Admin/templates/mail/' ), 'ADMIN_PASSWORD_RESET' => array( 'bcc_group' => 'Administrators', 'test_class' => 'Pman/Core/DataObjects/Core_person', 'to_group' => '', 'active' => 1, 'description' => '9.1 Management System Password Reset', 'template_dir' => '/Pman/Core/templates/mail/' ) ); var $required_extensions = array( 'curl', 'gd' ); function getAuth() { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (!empty($ff->cli)) { $this->cli = true; return true; } parent::getAuth(); // load company! $au = $this->getAuthUser(); if (!$au || $au->company()->comptype != 'OWNER') { $this->jerr("Not authenticated", array('authFailure' => true)); } $this->authUser = $au; return true; } function get($args, $opts=array()) { PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($this, 'onPearError')); $this->checkSystem(); $this->verifyExtensions($this->required_extensions); if (class_exists('PDO_DataObjects_Introspection')) { PDO_DataObject_Introspection::$cache = array(); } echo "Generate DB cache\n"; HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->generateDataobjectsCache(true); echo "Generated DB cache\n"; $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if(!isset($ff->Pman) || !isset($ff->Pman['local_base_url'])){ die("Please setup Pman[local_base_url]\n"); } $this->local_base_url = $ff->Pman['local_base_url']; if(!empty($ff->Core_Notify)){ // require_once 'Pman/Core/NotifySmtpCheck.php'; // $x = new Pman_Core_NotifySmtpCheck(); // $x->check(); } $this->disabled = explode(',', $ff->disable); //$this->fixSequencesPgsql();exit; $this->opts = $opts; if (!empty($opts['debug'])) { DB_DataObject::DebugLevel($opts['debug']); } // ask all the modules to verify the opts echo "Checking options\n"; $this->checkOpts($opts); $response = $this->curl("http://localhost{$this->local_base_url}/Core/UpdateDatabase/VerifyExtensions"); $json = json_decode($response, true); if(empty($json['data']) || $json['data'] != 'DONE'){ echo "\nError: Missing php extensions:\n"; print_r($response); echo "Please install the above extensions and restart the apache.\n"; sleep(5); //exit; } echo "Checking Setup Requirements\n"; require_once 'Pman/Core/UpdateDatabase/VerifyConfig.php'; $sq = new Pman_Core_UpdateDatabase_VerifyConfig(); $ret = $sq->get($args, $opts); if(!empty($ret)){ echo implode("\n", $ret) . "\n"; sleep(30); } // do this first, so the innodb change + utf8 fixes column max sizes // this will trigger errors about freetext indexes - we will have to remove them manually.? // otherwise we need to do an sql query to find them, then remove them (not really worth it as it only affects really old code..) echo "Run extensions\n"; $this->runExtensions(); if (empty($opts['data-only'])) { echo "Import SQL\n"; $this->importSQL(); } if (!empty($opts['only-module-sql'])) { return; } echo "run Update Modules Data\n"; $this->runUpdateModulesData(); if (!empty($opts['add-company']) && !in_array('Core', $this->disabled)) { // make sure we have a good cache...? DB_DataObject::factory('core_company')->initCompanies($this, $opts); } $this->runExtensions(); $this->clearApacheDataobjectsCache(); $this->clearApacheAssetCache(); } function output() { echo "\nUpdate Completed SUCCESS\n"; return ''; } /** * imports SQL files from all DataObjects directories.... * * except any matching /migrate/ */ function importSQL() { // loop through all the modules, and see if they have a importSQL method? $ff = HTML_Flexyframework::get(); $dburl = parse_url($ff->database); // used to be DB_DataObject['database'] - but not portable to PDO //$this->{'import' . $url['scheme']}($url); $dbtype = $dburl['scheme']; $dirmethod = 'import' . $dburl['scheme'] . 'dir'; $ar = $this->modulesList(); foreach($ar as $m) { if(in_array($m, $this->disabled)){ echo "module $m is disabled \n"; continue; } echo "Importing SQL from module $m\n"; if (!empty($this->opts['only-module-sql']) && $m != $this->opts['only-module-sql']) { continue; } // check to see if the class has $file = $this->rootDir. "/Pman/$m/UpdateDatabase.php"; if($m != 'Core' && file_exists($file)){ require_once $file; $class = "Pman_{$m}_UpdateDatabase"; $x = new $class; if(method_exists($x, 'importModuleSQL')){ echo "Importing SQL from module $m using Module::importModuleSQL\n"; $x->opts = $this->opts; $x->rootDir = $this->rootDir; $x->importModuleSQL($dburl); continue; } }; echo "Importing SQL from module $m\n"; // if init has been called // look in pgsql.ini if (!empty($this->opts['init'])) { $this->{$dirmethod}($dburl, $this->rootDir. "/Pman/$m/{$dbtype}.init"); } $fd = $this->rootDir. "/Pman/$m/DataObjects"; $this->{$dirmethod}($dburl, $fd); // new -- sql directory.. // new style will not support migrate ... they have to go into mysql-migrate.... directories.. // new style will not support pg.sql etc.. naming - that's what the direcotries are for.. $dbdir = $dbtype == 'mysqli' ? 'mysql' : $dbtype; $this->{$dirmethod}($dburl, $this->rootDir. "/Pman/$m/sql"); $this->{$dirmethod}($dburl, $this->rootDir. "/Pman/$m/{$dbdir}"); if (!empty($this->opts['init']) && file_exists($this->rootDir. "/Pman/$m/{$dbtype}.initdata")) { if (class_exists('PDO_DataObjects_Introspection')) { PDO_DataObject_Introspection::$cache = array(); } HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->generateDataobjectsCache(true); $this->{$dirmethod}($dburl, $this->rootDir. "/Pman/$m/{$dbtype}.initdata"); $this->{'fixSequences'. $dbtype}(); } } } /** -------------- code to handle importing a whole directory of files into the database ------- **/ function importpgsqldir($url, $dir, $disable_triggers = false) { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); require_once 'System.php'; $cat = System::which('cat'); $psql = System::which('psql'); if (!empty($url['pass'])) { putenv("PGPASSWORD=". $url['pass']); } $psql_cmd = $psql . ' -h ' . $url['host'] . ' -U' . escapeshellarg($url['user']) . ' ' . basename($url['path']); echo $psql_cmd . "\n" ; echo "scan : $dir\n"; if (is_file($dir)) { $files = array($dir); } else { $files = glob($dir.'/*.sql'); uksort($files, 'strcasecmp'); } //$lsort = create_function('$a,$b','return strlen($a) > strlen($b) ? 1 : -1;'); //usort($files, $lsort); foreach($files as $bfn) { if (preg_match('/migrate/i', basename($bfn))) { // skip migration scripts at present.. continue; } if (preg_match('#\.[a-z]{2}\.sql#i', basename($bfn)) && !preg_match('#\.pg\.sql#i', basename($bfn)) ) { // skip migration scripts at present.. continue; } $fn = false; if (!preg_match('/pgsql/', basename($dir) )) { if ( !preg_match('#\.pg\.sql$#', basename($bfn))) { $fn = $this->convertToPG($bfn); } } // files ending in .pg.sql are native postgres files.. ## depricated $cmd = "$psql_cmd < " . escapeshellarg($fn ? $fn : $bfn) . ' 2>&1' ; echo "$bfn: $cmd ". ($ff->cli ? "\n" : "
\n"); passthru($cmd); if ($fn) { unlink($fn); } } } /** * mysql - does not support conversions. * * */ function importmysqlidir($dburl, $dir) { return $this->importmysqldir($dburl, $dir); } function importmysqldir($dburl, $dir) { $this->fixMysqlInnodb(); /// run once echo "Import MYSQL :: $dir\n"; require_once 'System.php'; $cat = System::which('cat'); $mysql = System::which('mysql'); $mysql_cmd = $mysql . ' -h ' . $dburl['host'] . ' -u' . escapeshellarg($dburl['user']) . (!empty($dburl['pass']) ? ' -p' . escapeshellarg($dburl['pass']) : '') . ' ' . basename($dburl['path']); //echo $mysql_cmd . "\n" ; $files = glob($dir.'/*.sql'); uksort($files, 'strcasecmp'); foreach($files as $fn) { if (preg_match('/migrate/i', basename($fn))) { // skip migration scripts at present.. continue; } // .my.sql but not .pg.sql if (preg_match('#\.[a-z]{2}\.sql#i', basename($fn)) && !preg_match('#\.my\.sql#i', basename($fn)) ) { // skip migration scripts at present.. continue; } if (!strlen(trim($fn))) { continue; } $cmd = "$mysql_cmd -f < " . escapeshellarg($fn) ." 2>&1" ; echo basename($dir).'/'. basename($fn) . '::' . $cmd. ($this->cli ? "\n" : "
\n"); $fp = popen($cmd, "r"); while(!feof($fp)) { // send the current file part to the browser $line = trim(fgets($fp, 1024)); if (empty($line)) { continue; } $matches = array(); if (!preg_match('/^ERROR\s+([0-9]+)/', $line, $matches)) { echo " ---- {$line}\n"; flush(); continue; } $continue =0; switch($matches[1]) { case 1017: // cause by renaming table -- old one does not exist.. case 1050: // create tables triggers this.. case 1060: // Duplicate column name case 1061: // Duplicate key name - triggered by add index.. but could hide error. - unlikely though. case 1091: // drop index -- name does not exist.. might hide errors.. case 1146: // drop a index on an unknown table.. - happens rarely... case 1054: // Unknown column -- triggered by CHANGE COLUMN - but may hide other errrors.. $continue = 1; break; } if ($continue) { echo " ---- {$line}\n"; flush(); continue; } // real errors... // 1051: // Unknown table -- normally drop = add iff exists.. echo "File: $fn\n$line\n"; exit; } } } /** * simple regex based convert mysql to pgsql... */ function convertToPG($src) { //echo "Convert $src\n"; $fn = $this->tempName('sql'); $ret = array( ); // pad it a bit. $extra = array("", "" ); $tbl = false; foreach(file($src) as $l) { $l = trim($l); if (!strlen($l) || $l[0] == '#') { continue; } $m = array(); if (preg_match('#create\s+table\s+([a-z0-9_]+)#i', $l, $m)) { $tbl = $m[1]; } if (preg_match('#create\s+table\s+\`([a-z0-9_]+)\`#i', $l, $m)) { $tbl = 'shop_' . strtolower($m[1]); $l = preg_replace('#create\s+table\s+\`([a-z0-9_]+)\`#i', "CREATE TABLE {$tbl}", $l); } if (preg_match('#\`([a-z0-9_]+)\`#i', $l, $m) && !preg_match('#alter\s+table\s+#i', $l)) { $l = preg_replace('#\`([a-z0-9_]+)\`#i', "{$m[1]}_name", $l); } // autoinc if ($tbl && preg_match('#auto_increment#i', $l, $m)) { $l = preg_replace('#auto_increment#i', "default nextval('{$tbl}_seq')", $l); $extra[] = "create sequence {$tbl}_seq;"; } if (preg_match('#alter\s+table\s+(\`[a-z0-9_]+\`)#i', $l, $m)){ $l = preg_replace('#alter\s+table\s+(\`[a-z0-9_]+\`)#i', "ALTER TABLE {$tbl}", $l); } // enum value -- use the text instead.. if ($tbl && preg_match('#([\w]+)\s+(enum\([\w|\W]+\))#i', $l, $m)) { $l = preg_replace('#enum\([\w|\W]+\)#i', "TEXT", $l); } // ignore the alter enum if ($tbl && preg_match('#alter\s+table\s+([\w|\W]+)\s+enum\([\w|\W]+\)#i', $l, $m)) { continue; } // UNIQUE KEY .. ignore if ($tbl && preg_match('#UNIQUE KEY#i', $l, $m)) { $last = array_pop($ret); $ret[] = trim($last, ","); continue; } if ($tbl && preg_match('#RENAME\s+TO#i', $l, $m)) { continue; } if ($tbl && preg_match('#change\s+column#i', $l, $m)) { continue; } // INDEX lookup ..ignore if ($tbl && preg_match('#INDEX lookup+([\w|\W]+)#i', $l, $m)) { $last = array_pop($ret); $ret[] = trim($last, ","); continue; } // CREATE INDEX ..ignore if (preg_match('#alter\s+table\s+([a-z0-9_]+)\s+add\s+index\s+#i', $l, $m)) { // $l = "CREATE INDEX {$m[1]}_{$m[2]} ON {$m[1]} {$m[3]}"; continue; } // basic types.. $l = preg_replace('#int\([0-9]+\)#i', 'INT', $l); $l = preg_replace('# datetime#i', ' TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE', $l); $l = preg_replace('# blob#i', ' TEXT', $l); $l = preg_replace('# longtext#i', ' TEXT', $l); $l = preg_replace('# tinyint#i', ' INT', $l); $ret[] = $l; } $ret = array_merge($extra,$ret); // echo implode("\n", $ret); exit; file_put_contents($fn, implode("\n", $ret)); return $fn; } function checkOpts($opts) { foreach($opts as $o=>$v) { if (!preg_match('/^json-/', $o) || empty($v)) { continue; } if (!file_exists($v)) { die("File does not exist : OPTION --{$o} = {$v} \n"); } } $modules = array_reverse($this->modulesList()); // move 'project' one to the end... foreach ($modules as $module){ $file = $this->rootDir. "/Pman/$module/UpdateDatabase.php"; if($module == 'Core' || !file_exists($file)){ continue; } require_once $file; $class = "Pman_{$module}_UpdateDatabase"; $x = new $class; if(!method_exists($x, 'checkOpts')){ continue; }; $x->checkOpts($opts); } } static function jsonImportFromArray($opts) { foreach($opts as $o=>$v) { if (!preg_match('/^json-/', $o) || empty($v)) { continue; } $type = str_replace('_', '-', substr($o,5)); $data= json_decode(file_get_contents($v),true); $pg = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->page; DB_DataObject::factory($type)->importFromArray($pg ,$data,$opts); } } function runUpdateModulesData() { if (class_exists('PDO_DataObjects_Introspection')) { PDO_DataObject_Introspection::$cache = array(); } HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->generateDataobjectsCache(true); if(!in_array('Core', $this->disabled)){ echo "Running jsonImportFromArray\n"; Pman_Core_UpdateDatabase::jsonImportFromArray($this->opts); echo "Running updateData on modules\n"; // runs core... echo "Core\n"; $this->updateData(); } $modules = array_reverse($this->modulesList()); // move 'project' one to the end... foreach ($modules as $module){ if(in_array($module, $this->disabled)){ continue; } $file = $this->rootDir. "/Pman/$module/UpdateDatabase.php"; if($module == 'Core' || !file_exists($file)){ continue; } require_once $file; $class = "Pman_{$module}_UpdateDatabase"; $x = new $class; if(!method_exists($x, 'updateData')){ continue; }; echo "$module\n"; $x->updateData(); } } function updateDataEnums() { HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->generateDataobjectsCache(true); $enum = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_enum'); //DB_DAtaObject::debugLevel(1); $enum->initEnums( array( array( 'etype' => '', 'name' => 'COMPTYPE', 'display_name' => 'Company Types', 'is_system_enum' => 1, 'cn' => array( array( 'name' => 'OWNER', 'display_name' => 'Owner', 'seqid' => 999, // last... 'is_system_enum' => 1, ) ) ), array( 'etype' => '', 'name' => 'HtmlEditor.font-family', 'display_name' => 'HTML Editor font families', 'is_system_enum' => 1, 'cn' => array( array( 'name' => 'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif', 'display_name' => 'Helvetica', ), array( 'name' => 'Courier New', 'display_name' => 'Courier', ), array( 'name' => 'Tahoma', 'display_name' => 'Tahoma', ), array( 'name' => 'Times New Roman,serif', 'display_name' => 'Times', ), array( 'name' => 'Verdana', 'display_name' => 'Verdana', ), ) ) ) ); } function updateDataGroups() { $groups = DB_DataObject::factory('core_group'); $groups->initGroups(); $groups->initDatabase($this,array( array( 'name' => 'bcc-email', // group who are bcc'ed on all requests. 'type' => 0, // system 'display_name' => 'Standard BCC Group' ), array( 'name' => 'system-email-from', 'type' => 0, // system 'display_name' => 'Standard System Email From Group' ), array( 'name' => 'core-person-signup-bcc', 'type' => 0, // system 'display_name' => 'Standard Person Signup BCC Group' ), array( 'name' => 'Empty Group', // use for no bcc emails. 'type' => 0, 'display_name' => 'Standard Empty Group' ) )); } function updateDataCompanies() { // fix comptypes enums.. $c = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_company'); $c->selectAdd(); $c->selectAdd('distinct(comptype) as comptype'); $c->whereAdd(" comptype != '' AND comptype != 'undefined' AND comptype != 'undefine' "); $ctb = array(); foreach($c->fetchAll('comptype') as $cts) { $ctb[]= array( 'etype'=>'COMPTYPE', 'name' => $cts, 'display_name' => ucfirst(strtolower($cts))); } $c = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_enum'); $c->initEnums($ctb); //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); // fix comptypeid $c = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_company'); $c->query(" UPDATE {$c->tableName()} SET comptype_id = (SELECT id FROM core_enum where etype='comptype' and name={$c->tableName()}.comptype LIMIT 1) WHERE comptype_id = 0 AND LENGTH(comptype) > 0 "); } function updateDataEmails() { if (!empty($this->opts['skip-email-import'])) { return; } foreach ($this->emailTemplates as $k => $mail) { $mail_dir = "{$this->rootDir}{$mail['template_dir']}"; $this->initEmails( $mail_dir, array($k => $mail), false ); } } function initEmails($templateDir, $emails, $mapping = false) { HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->generateDataobjectsCache(true); $pg = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->page; foreach($emails as $name=>$data) { $cm = DB_DataObject::factory('core_email'); $update = $cm->get('name', $name); $old = clone($cm); if (empty($cm->bcc_group_id)) { if (empty($data['bcc_group'])) { $this->jerr("missing bcc_group for template $name"); } $g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group')->lookup('name',$data['bcc_group']); if (empty($g->id)) { $this->jerr("bcc_group {$data['bcc_group']} does not exist when importing template $name"); } if (!$g->members('email') && $g->name != 'Empty Group') { $this->jerr("bcc_group {$data['bcc_group']} does not have any members"); } $cm->bcc_group_id = $g->id; } // initEmails will always have the latest location of the test class - in theory the user should not be changign the value of this... //if (empty($cm->test_class)) { if (empty($data['test_class'])) { $this->jerr("missing test_class for template $name"); } $cm->test_class = $data['test_class']; //} if(isset($cm->to_group_id)) { print_r('isset'); } if ( !empty($data['to_group']) && (!isset($cm->to_group_id) || !empty($cm->to_group_id)) ) { $gp = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group')->lookup('name',$data['to_group']); if (empty($gp->id)) { $this->jerr("to_group {$data['to_group']} does not exist when importing template $name"); } $cm->to_group_id = $gp->id; } if( isset($data['active']) && !isset($cm->active) ) { $cm->active = $data['active']; } /* * Set description to email. * However we do not update if it is been set. */ if(empty($cm->description) && !empty($data['description'])){ $cm->description = $cm->escape($data['description']); } require_once $cm->test_class . '.php'; $clsname = str_replace('/','_', $cm->test_class); try { $method = new ReflectionMethod($clsname , 'test_'. $name) ; $got_it = $method->isStatic(); } catch(Exception $e) { $got_it = false; } if (!$got_it) { $this->jerr("template {$name} does not have a test method {$clsname}::test_{$name}"); } if ($update) { $cm->update($old); echo "email: {$name} - checked\n"; continue; /// we do not import the body content of templates that exist... } else { //$cm->insert(); } // $basedir = $this->bootLoader->rootDir . $mail_template_dir; $opts = array( 'update' => 1, 'file' => $templateDir. $name .'.html' ); if (!empty($data['master'])) { $opts['master'] = $templateDir . $master .'.html'; } require_once 'Pman/Core/Import/Core_email.php'; $x = new Pman_Core_Import_Core_email(); $x->updateOrCreateEmail('', $opts, $cm, $mapping); echo "email: {$name} - CREATED\n"; } } function updateData() { // fill i18n data.. if (class_exists('PDO_DataObjects_Introspection')) { PDO_DataObject_Introspection::$cache = array(); } HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->generateDataobjectsCache(true); $this->updateDataEnums(); $this->updateDataGroups(); $this->updateDataCompanies(); $this->updateDataEmails(); $c = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n'); $c->buildDB(); } function fixMysqlInnodb() { static $done_check = false; if ($done_check) { return; } if (!empty($this->opts['skip-mysql-checks'])) { return; } // innodb in single files is far more efficient that MYD or one big innodb file. // first check if database is using this format. $db = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $db->query("show variables like 'innodb_file_per_table'"); $db->fetch(); if ($db->Value == 'OFF') { die("Error: set innodb_file_per_table = 1 in my.cnf (or run with --skip-mysql-checks\n\n"); } $db = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $db->query("select version() as version"); $db->fetch(); if (version_compare($db->version, '5.7', '>=' )) { $db = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $db->query("show variables like 'sql_mode'"); $db->fetch(); $modes = explode(",", $db->Value); // these are 'new' problems with mysql. if( in_array('NO_ZERO_IN_DATE', $modes) || in_array('NO_ZERO_DATE', $modes) || in_array('STRICT_TRANS_TABLES', $modes) || !in_array('ALLOW_INVALID_DATES', $modes) ){ die("Error: set sql_mode include 'ALLOW_INVALID_DATES', remove 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' AND 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES' AND 'NO_ZERO_DATE' in my.cnf\n\n". "Recommended line: \n\nsql_mode = ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ALLOW_INVALID_DATES\n\n" ); } } $done_check = true;; } /** ------------- schema fixing ... there is an issue with data imported having the wrong sequence names... --- */ function fixSequencesMysql() { // not required... } function fixSequencesPgsql() { //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $cs = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $cs->query(" SELECT 'ALTER SEQUENCE '|| CASE WHEN strpos(seq_name, '.') > 0 THEN min(seq_name) ELSE quote_ident(min(schema_name)) ||'.'|| quote_ident(min(seq_name)) END ||' OWNED BY '|| quote_ident(min(schema_name)) || '.' || quote_ident(min(table_name)) ||'.'|| quote_ident(min(column_name)) ||';' as cmd FROM ( SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name, c.relname AS table_name, a.attname AS column_name, regexp_replace(regexp_replace(d.adsrc, E'nextval\\\\(+[''\\\"]*', ''),E'[''\\\"]*::.*\$','') AS seq_name FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_attribute a ON (c.oid=a.attrelid) JOIN pg_attrdef d ON (a.attrelid=d.adrelid AND a.attnum=d.adnum) JOIN pg_namespace n ON (c.relnamespace=n.oid) WHERE has_schema_privilege(n.oid,'USAGE') AND n.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg!_%' escape '!' AND has_table_privilege(c.oid,'SELECT') AND (NOT a.attisdropped) AND d.adsrc ~ '^nextval' ) seq WHERE CASE WHEN strpos(seq_name, '.') > 0 THEN substring(seq_name, 1,strpos(seq_name,'.')-1) ELSE schema_name END = schema_name GROUP BY seq_name HAVING count(*)=1 "); $cmds = array(); while ($cs->fetch()) { $cmds[] = $cs->cmd; } foreach($cmds as $cmd) { $cs = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); echo "$cmd\n"; $cs->query($cmd); } $cs = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); $cs->query(" SELECT 'SELECT SETVAL(' || quote_literal(quote_ident(nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(S.relname)) || ', MAX(' || quote_ident(C.attname)|| ')::integer ) FROM ' || nspname || '.' || quote_ident(T.relname)|| ';' as cmd FROM pg_class AS S, pg_depend AS D, pg_class AS T, pg_attribute AS C, pg_namespace AS NS WHERE S.relkind = 'S' AND S.oid = D.objid AND D.refobjid = T.oid AND D.refobjid = C.attrelid AND D.refobjsubid = C.attnum AND NS.oid = T.relnamespace ORDER BY S.relname "); $cmds = array(); while ($cs->fetch()) { $cmds[] = $cs->cmd; } foreach($cmds as $cmd) { $cs = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum'); echo "$cmd\n"; $cs->query($cmd); } } var $extensions = array( 'EngineCharset', 'Links', ); function runExtensions() { $ff = HTML_Flexyframework::get(); $dburl = parse_url($ff->database); $dbtype = $dburl['scheme']; $dbtype = ($dbtype == 'mysqli') ? 'mysql' : $dbtype; foreach($this->extensions as $ext) { $scls = ucfirst($dbtype). $ext; $cls = __CLASS__ . '_'. $scls; $fn = implode('/',explode('_', $cls)).'.php'; if (!file_exists(__DIR__.'/UpdateDatabase/'. $scls .'.php')) { return; } require_once $fn; $c = new $cls(); } } function checkSystem($req = false, $pref = false) { // most of these are from File_Convert... // these are required - and have simple dependancies. require_once 'System.php'; $req = $req !== false ? $req : array( 'convert', 'grep', 'pdfinfo', 'pdftoppm', 'rsvg-convert', //librsvg2-bin 'strings', 'oathtool', 'gifsicle', // used for gif conversions ); // these are prefered - but may have complicated depenacies $pref = $pref !== false ? $pref : array( 'abiword', 'faad', 'ffmpeg', 'html2text', // not availabe in debian squeeze 'pdftocairo', //poppler-utils - not available in debian squeeze. 'lame', 'ssconvert', 'unoconv', 'wkhtmltopdf', 'xvfb-run', ); $res = array(); $fail = false; foreach($req as $r) { if (!System::which($r)) { $res[] = $r; } $fail = true; } if ($res) { die("Missing these programs - need installing\n" . implode("\n",$res). "\n"); } foreach($pref as $r) { if (!System::which($r)) { $res[] = $r; } $fail = true; } if ($res) { echo "WARNING: Missing these programs - they may need installing\n". implode("\n",$res); sleep(5); } } function clearApacheDataobjectsCache() { // this needs to clear it's own cache along with remote one.. $url = "http://localhost{$this->local_base_url}/Core/RefreshDatabaseCache"; echo "Clearing Database Cache : http://localhost{$this->local_base_url}/Core/RefreshDatabaseCache\n"; $response = $this->curl($url); $json = json_decode($response, true); if(empty($json['data']) || $json['data'] != 'DONE'){ echo "fetching $url\n"; echo "GOT:" . $response. "\n"; echo "Clear DataObjects Cache failed\n"; exit; } } function clearApacheAssetCache() { echo "Clearing Asset Cache : http://localhost{$this->local_base_url}/Core/Asset\n"; $response = $this->curl( "http://localhost{$this->local_base_url}/Core/Asset", array( '_clear_cache' => 1 ,'returnHTML' => 'NO' ), 'POST' ); $json = json_decode($response, true); if(empty($json['success']) || !$json['success']) { echo $response. "\n"; echo "CURL Clear Asset cache failed\n"; exit; } } function curl($url, $request = array(), $method = 'GET') { if($method == 'GET'){ $request = http_build_query($request); $url = $url . "?" . $request; } $ch = curl_init($url); if ($method == 'POST') { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request); } else { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Content-Length: " . strlen($request))); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $response; } static function verifyExtensions($extensions) { $error = array(); foreach ($extensions as $e){ if(empty($e) || extension_loaded($e)) { continue; } $error[] = "Error: Please install php extension: {$e}"; } if(empty($error)){ return true; } $ff = HTML_FLexyFramework::get(); $ff->page->jerr(implode('\n', $error)); } }