send($fn); * * * cfg: * formats * name : [ Align : left, .... ] * * workbook : nameof * * head : [ [ "a", "b" ] [], [ "A", "B" ] [ "a", ["test", "left"] ] << sub array [text, formatname] ], * merged_ranges : array( * array($first_row, $first_col, $last_row, $last_col), * * array($first_row, $first_col, $last_row, $last_col), * ), * cols : array( array( 'header'=> "Thumbnail", 'dataIndex'=> 'id', * 'dataFormat' => 'string' // to force a string.. 'width'=> 75, 'renderer' => array($this, 'getThumb'), 'txtrenderer' => array($this, 'cleanValue'), // for * 'color' => 'yellow', // set color for the cell which is a header element * 'fillBlank' => 'gray', // set the color for the cell which is a blank area ), // if this is set then it will add a tab foreach one. workbooks = array( workbook -> 'leave_open' => false // callbacks: renderer function($value, $worksheet, $row, $col, $row_data) // callbacks : txtrenderer function($value, $worksheet, $row, $col, $row_data) */ require_once 'Pman.php'; class Pman_Core_SimpleExcel extends Pman { var $worksheet_cfg = array(); var $start_row = 0; var $formats = array(); var $workbook = false; var $worksheet= false; function Pman_Core_SimpleExcel($data,$cfg) { // print_r($cfg);exit; require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php'; // Creating a workbook $outfile2 = $this->tempName('xls'); // var_dump($outfile2); $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer($outfile2); //$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer(); $workbook->setVersion(8); // sending HTTP headers $this->workbook = $workbook; $formats = array(); $cfg['formats'] = isset($cfg['formats']) ? $cfg['formats'] : array(); foreach($cfg['formats'] as $f=>$fcfg) { $this->formats[$f] = & $workbook->addFormat(); foreach((array)$fcfg as $k=>$v) { $this->formats[$f]->{'set' . $k}($v); } } if (!empty($cfg['workbook'])) { $this->buildPage( array(), $data,$cfg); } elseif (!empty($cfg['workbooks'])) { foreach($cfg['workbooks'] as $i =>$wcfg) { $this->buildPage( array() , $data[$i],$wcfg); } } // if workbooks == false - > the user can call buildpage.. if (!empty($cfg['leave_open'])) { $this->outfile2 = $outfile2; return; } $workbook->close(); $this->outfile2 = $outfile2; } static function date($str) { return (strtotime($str . ' UTC') + (86400 * 25569)) / 86400; } function buildPage( $formats , $data, $cfg) { $workbook = $this->workbook; //echo '
';        print_R($cfg);
      //  print_r($cfg);exit;
        // Creating a worksheet
        // copy the config and alias so that book can be written to..
        $this->worksheet_cfg[$cfg['workbook']] = &$cfg;
        //$this->formats = (array)$formats;
        foreach($formats as $k=>$fcfg) {
            if (!isset($this->formats[$f])) {
                $this->formats[$f] = & $workbook->addFormat();
            if (is_a($fcfg,'Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format')) {
                continue; // skip!?!?
            // not an object..
            foreach((array)$fcfg as $k=>$v) {
                $this->formats[$f]->{'set' . $k}($v);
        if (isset($cfg['formats'])) {
            foreach($cfg['formats'] as $f=>$fcfg) {
                if (!isset($this->formats[$f])) {
                    $this->formats[$f] = & $workbook->addFormat();
                foreach((array)$fcfg as $k=>$v) {
                    $this->formats[$f]->{'set' . $k}($v);

        $worksheet =  $workbook->addWorksheet($cfg['workbook']);
        if (is_a($worksheet, 'PEAR_Error')) {
        if(!empty($cfg['merged_ranges'])){ // merge cell
            $worksheet->_merged_ranges = $cfg['merged_ranges'];
        $this->worksheet = $worksheet;
        $start_row = 0;
        if (!empty($cfg['head'])) {
            foreach($cfg['head'] as $row) { 
                foreach($row as $c => $col) {
                    if (is_array($col)) {
                        $format = isset($this->formats[$col[1]] ) ?$this->formats[$col[1]] : false;
                        $worksheet->write($start_row, $c, $col[0], $format);
                    $worksheet->write($start_row, $c, $col);
            // add a spacer..
            if(!isset($cfg['nonspacer'])){ $start_row++; }
        foreach($cfg['cols'] as $c=>$col_cfg) {
            if (is_string($col_cfg)) {
                $cfg['cols'][$c] = array(
                    'header' => $col_cfg,
                    'dataIndex' => $col_cfg,
                    'width' => 50,
        foreach($cfg['cols'] as $c=>$col_cfg) {
            $format = isset($col_cfg['color']) && isset($this->formats[$col_cfg['color']]) ? $this->formats[$col_cfg['color']] : false;
            $worksheet->write($start_row, $c, @$col_cfg['header'],$format);
            $worksheet->setColumn ( $c, $c, $col_cfg['width'] / 5);
        $this->start_row = &$start_row;
        $hasRender  = false;
        if (empty($data)) {
        foreach($data as $r=>$clo) {
            $hasRenderRow = $this->addLine($cfg['workbook'], $clo);
            $hasRender = ($hasRender  || $hasRenderRow) ? true : false;
        /// call user render on any that are defined..
        if ($hasRender) {
            foreach($data as $r=>$cl) {
                foreach($cfg['cols']   as $c=>$col_cfg) {
                    $v = isset($cl[$col_cfg['dataIndex']]) ? $cl[$col_cfg['dataIndex']] : '';
                    if (empty($cl[$col_cfg['dataIndex']])) {
                    if (isset($col_cfg['renderer'])) {
                        // not sure if row is correct here...!!!?
                        call_user_func($col_cfg['renderer'], $cl[$col_cfg['dataIndex']], $worksheet, $r+1, $c, $cl);
                  //  echo "
WRITE: ". htmlspecialchars(print_r(array($r+1, $c, $cl[$col_cfg['dataIndex']]), true));
        $start_row += count($data);
        if (!empty($cfg['foot'])) {
            foreach($cfg['foot'] as $row) { 
                foreach($row as $c => $col) {
                    // if it's an array? - formated ???
                    if (is_array($col)) {
                        $format = isset($this->formats[$col[1]] ) ? $this->formats[$col[1]] : false;
                        $worksheet->write($start_row, $c, $col[0], $format);
                    $worksheet->write($start_row, $c, $col);
            // add a spacer..
    function addLine($worksheet_name, $clo)
        $cfg        = $this->worksheet_cfg[$worksheet_name];
        $start_row  = $this->start_row;
        $formats    = (array)$this->formats;
        $worksheet  = $this->worksheet;
        $hasRender   = false;
        $r = 0;
        $cl = $clo;
        if (is_object($clo)) {
            $cl = (array)$clo; // lossless converstion..
        if (isset($cfg['row_height'])) {
            $worksheet->setRow($start_row +$r, $cfg['row_height']);
        foreach($cfg['cols']  as $c=>$col_cfg) {
            if(isset($col_cfg['dataIndex']) && isset($cl[$col_cfg['dataIndex']])){
                $v =    $cl[$col_cfg['dataIndex']]  ;
                    $worksheet->write($start_row+$r, $c, '', $formats[$col_cfg['fillBlank']]);
            if (!isset($cl[$col_cfg['dataIndex']])) {
            if (isset($col_cfg['txtrenderer'])) {
                $v = call_user_func($col_cfg['txtrenderer'], 
                        $cl[$col_cfg['dataIndex']], $worksheet, $r+1, $c, $clo);
                if ($v === false) {
              //  var_dump($v);
            if (isset($col_cfg['renderer'])) {
                $hasRender = true;
            $v = @iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $v);
            $dataFormat = empty($col_cfg['dataFormat']) ? '' : $col_cfg['dataFormat'];
            $format = isset($col_cfg['format'])  && isset($formats[$col_cfg['format']] )   ? $formats[$col_cfg['format']] : false;
          //  print_R(array($start_row+$r, $c, $v, $format));exit;
          // handle 0 prefixes..
            if ( (is_numeric($v) &&  strlen($v) > 1 && substr($v,0,1) == '0' && substr($v,1,1) != '.') 
                    $dataFormat == 'string' ) {
                $worksheet->writeString($start_row+$r, $c, $v, $format);
            } else {
                $worksheet->write($start_row+$r, $c, $v, $format);
        return $hasRender;
    function send($fname)
        if (!empty($this->workbook)) {
            $this->workbook = false;
        require_once 'File/Convert.php';
        $fc=  new File_Convert($this->outfile2, "application/");
        $fn = $fc->convert("application/"); 
        $fc->serve('attachment',$fname); // can fix IE Mess