_hasInit)) { return; } $this->_hasInit = true; $boot = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $this->appName= $boot->appName; $this->appNameShort= $boot->appNameShort; $this->appModules= $boot->enable; $this->isDev = empty($boot->Pman['isDev']) ? false : $boot->Pman['isDev']; $this->appDisable = $boot->disable; $this->appDisabled = explode(',', $boot->disable); $this->version = $boot->version; $this->uiConfig = empty($boot->Pman['uiConfig']) ? false : $boot->Pman['uiConfig']; if (!empty($ff->Pman['local_autoauth']) && ($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '') && ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') ) { $this->isDev = true; } } function checkDebug($req = false) { $req = $req === false ? $_REQUEST : $req; if (isset($req['_debug']) && $this->authUser && ( ( method_exists($this->authUser,'canDebug') && $this->authUser->canDebug() ) || ( method_exists($this->authUser,'groups') && is_a($this->authUser, 'Pman_Core_DataObjects_Person') && in_array('Administrators', $this->authUser->groups('name')) ) ) ){ DB_DAtaObject::debuglevel((int)$req['_debug']); } } function checkDebugPost() { return (!empty($_GET['_post']) || !empty($_GET['_debug_post'])) && $this->authUser && method_exists($this->authUser,'groups') && in_array('Administrators', $this->authUser->groups('name')); } function dataObject($tab) { if (is_array($this->validTables) && !in_array($tab, $this->validTables)) { $this->jerr("Invalid url - not listed in validTables"); } $tab = str_replace('/', '',$tab); // basic protection?? $x = DB_DataObject::factory($tab); if (!is_a($x, 'DB_DataObject')) { $this->jerr('invalid url - no dataobject'); } return $x; } function selectSingle($x, $id, $req=false) { $_columns = !empty($req['_columns']) ? explode(',', $req['_columns']) : false; if (!is_array($id) && empty($id)) { if (method_exists($x, 'toRooSingleArray')) { $this->jok($x->toRooSingleArray($this->getAuthUser(), $req)); } if (method_exists($x, 'toRooArray')) { $this->jok($x->toRooArray($req)); } $this->jok($x->toArray()); } $this->loadMap($x, array( 'columns' => $_columns, )); if ($req !== false) { $this->setFilters($x, $req); } // DB_DataObject::DebugLevel(1); if (is_array($id)) { // lookup... $x->setFrom($req['lookup'] ); $x->limit(1); if (!$x->find(true)) { if (!empty($id['_id'])) { // standardize this? $this->jok($x->toArray()); } $this->jok(false); } } else if (!$x->get($id)) { $this->jerr("selectSingle: no such record ($id)"); } // ignore perms if comming from update/insert - as it's already done... if ($req !== false && !$this->checkPerm($x,'S')) { $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED - si"); } // different symantics on all these calls?? if (method_exists($x, 'toRooSingleArray')) { $this->jok($x->toRooSingleArray($this->authUser, $req)); } if (method_exists($x, 'toRooArray')) { $this->jok($x->toRooArray($req)); } $this->jok($x->toArray()); } /* * From Pman.php */ static $permitError = false; function onPearError($err) { static $reported = false; if ($reported) { return; } if (Pman::$permitError) { return; } $reported = true; $out = $err->toString(); $ret = array(); $n = 0; foreach($err->backtrace as $b) { $ret[] = @$b['file'] . '(' . @$b['line'] . ')@' . @$b['class'] . '::' . @$b['function']; if ($n > 20) { break; } $n++; } //convert the huge backtrace into something that is readable.. $out .= "\n" . implode("\n", $ret); print_R($out);exit; $this->jerr($out); } function addEvent($act, $obj = false, $remarks = '') { if (!empty(HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman['disable_events'])) { return; } $au = $this->getAuthUser(); $e = DB_DataObject::factory('Events'); $e->init($act,$obj,$remarks); $e->event_when = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $eid = $e->insert(); // fixme - this should be in onInsert.. $wa = DB_DataObject::factory('core_watch'); if (method_exists($wa,'notifyEvent')) { $wa->notifyEvent($e); // trigger any actions.. } $e->onInsert(isset($_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST : array() , $this); return $e; } function getAuthUser() { die('Get auth user is not implement.'); } }