colname = .... * !colname=.... => colname != .... * !colname[0]=... !colname[1]=... => colname NOT IN (.....) ** only supports main table at present.. * colname[0]=... colname[1]=... => colname IN (.....) ** only supports main table at present.. * * ORDER BY * sort=name what to sort. * sort=a,b,d can support multiple columns * dir=ASC what direction * _multisort ={...} JSON encoded { sort : { row : direction }, order : [ row, row, row ] } * * LIMIT * start=0 limit start * limit=25 limit number * * * Simple CSV support * csvCols[0] csvCols[1].... = .... column titles for CSV output * csvTitles[0], csvTitles[1] .... = columns to use for CSV output * * Depricated * _toggleActive !:!:!:! - this hsould not really be here.. * query[add_blank] - add a line in with an empty option... - not really needed??? * _delete = delete a list of ids element. (depricated.. this will be removed...) * * DEBUGGING * _post =1 = simulate a post with debuggin on. * _debug_post << This is prefered, as _post may overlap with accouting posts.. * * _debug = turn on DB_dataobject deubbing, must be admin at present.. * * * CALLS methods on dataobjects if they exist * * * checkPerm('S' , $authuser) * - can we list the stuff * - return false to disallow... * applySort($au, $sortcol, $direction, $array_of_columns, $multisort) * -- does not support multisort at present.. * applyFilters($_REQUEST, $authUser, $roo) * -- apply any query filters on data. and hide stuff not to be seen. * -- can exit by calling $roo->jerr() * postListExtra($_REQUEST) : array(extra_name => data) * - add extra column data on the results (like new messages etc.) * postListFilter($data, $authUser, $request) return $data * - add extra data to an object * * * toRooSingleArray($authUser, $request) : array * - called on single fetch only, add or maniuplate returned array data. * - is also called when _id=0 is used (for fetching a default set.) * toRooArray($request) : array * - called if singleArray is unavailable on single fetch. * - always tried for mutiple results. * toArray() - the default method if none of the others are found. * * autoJoin($request) * - standard DataObject feature - causes all results to show all * referenced data. * * PROPERTIES: * _extra_cols -- if set, then filtering by column etc. will use them. * */ function get($tab) { $this->init(); HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->generateDataobjectsCache($this->isDev); if ( $this->checkDebugPost()) { $_POST = $_GET; return $this->post($tab); } $this->checkDebug(); PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($this, 'onPearError')); $tab = array_shift(explode('/', $tab)); $x = $this->dataObject($tab); $_columns = !empty($_REQUEST['_columns']) ? explode(',', $_REQUEST['_columns']) : false; if (isset( $_REQUEST['lookup'] ) && is_array($_REQUEST['lookup'] )) { // single fetch based on key/value pairs $this->selectSingle($x, $_REQUEST['lookup'],$_REQUEST); // actually exits. } // single fetch (use '0' to fetch an empty object..) if (isset($_REQUEST['_id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['_id'])) { $this->selectSingle($x, $_REQUEST['_id'],$_REQUEST); // actually exits. } // Depricated... if (isset($_REQUEST['_delete'])) { $this->jerr("DELETE by GET has been removed - update the code to use POST"); /* $keys = $x->keys(); if (empty($keys) ) { $this->jerr('no key'); } $this->key = $keys[0]; // do we really delete stuff!?!?!? return $this->delete($x,$_REQUEST); */ } // Depricated... if (isset($_REQUEST['_toggleActive'])) { // do we really delete stuff!?!?!? if (!$this->hasPerm("Core.Staff", 'E')) { $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED (ta)"); } $clean = create_function('$v', 'return (int)$v;'); $bits = array_map($clean, explode(',', $_REQUEST['_toggleActive'])); if (in_array($this->authUser->id, $bits) && $this->authUser->active) { $this->jerr("you can not disable yourself"); } $x->query('UPDATE Person SET active = !active WHERE id IN (' .implode(',', $bits).')'); $this->addEvent("USERTOGGLE", false, implode(',', $bits)); $this->jok("Updated"); } //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); // sets map and countWhat $this->loadMap($x, array( 'columns' => $_columns, 'distinct' => empty($_REQUEST['_distinct']) ? false: $_REQUEST['_distinct'], 'exclude' => empty($_REQUEST['_exclude_columns']) ? false: explode(',', $_REQUEST['_exclude_columns']) )); $this->setFilters($x,$_REQUEST); if (!$this->checkPerm($x,'S', $_REQUEST)) { $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED (g)"); } //print_r($x); // build join if req. //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); // var_dump($this->countWhat); $total = $x->count($this->countWhat); // sorting.. // //var_dump($total);exit; $this->applySort($x); $fake_limit = false; if (!empty($_REQUEST['_distinct']) && $total < 400) { $fake_limit = true; } if (!$fake_limit) { $x->limit( empty($_REQUEST['start']) ? 0 : (int)$_REQUEST['start'], min(empty($_REQUEST['limit']) ? 25 : (int)$_REQUEST['limit'], 10000) ); } $queryObj = clone($x); //DB_DataObject::debuglevel(1); $this->sessionState(0); $res = $x->find(); $this->sessionState(1); if (false === $res) { $this->jerr($x->_lastError->toString()); } $ret = array(); // ---------------- THESE ARE DEPRICATED.. they should be moved to the model... if (!empty($_REQUEST['query']['add_blank'])) { $ret[] = array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => '----'); $total+=1; } $rooar = method_exists($x, 'toRooArray'); $_columnsf = $_columns ? array_flip($_columns) : false; while ($x->fetch()) { //print_R($x);exit; $add = $rooar ? $x->toRooArray($_REQUEST) : $x->toArray(); if ($add === false) { continue; } $ret[] = !$_columns ? $add : array_intersect_key($add, $_columnsf); } if ($fake_limit) { $ret = array_slice($ret, empty($_REQUEST['start']) ? 0 : (int)$_REQUEST['start'], min(empty($_REQUEST['limit']) ? 25 : (int)$_REQUEST['limit'], 10000) ); } $extra = false; if (method_exists($queryObj ,'postListExtra')) { $extra = $queryObj->postListExtra($_REQUEST, $this); } // filter results, and add any data that is needed... if (method_exists($x,'postListFilter')) { $ret = $x->postListFilter($ret, $this->authUser, $_REQUEST); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['csvCols']) && !empty($_REQUEST['csvTitles']) ) { $this->toCsv($ret, $_REQUEST['csvCols'], $_REQUEST['csvTitles'], empty($_REQUEST['csvFilename']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['csvFilename'] ); } //die("DONE?"); //if ($x->tableName() == 'Documents_Tracking') { // $ret = $this->replaceSubject(&$ret, 'doc_id_subject'); // } if (!empty($_REQUEST['_requestMeta']) && count($ret)) { $meta = $this->meta($x, $ret); if ($meta) { $extra['metaData'] = $meta; } } // this make take some time... $this->sessionState(0); // echo "
"; print_r($ret);
        $this->jdata($ret, max(count($ret), $total), $extra );

    function checkDebugPost()
        return (!empty($_GET['_post']) || !empty($_GET['_debug_post'])) && 
                    $this->authUser && 
                    method_exists($this->authUser,'groups') &&
                    in_array('Administrators', $this->authUser->groups('name')); 
    function selectSingle($x, $id, $req=false)
        $_columns = !empty($req['_columns']) ? explode(',', $req['_columns']) : false;

        if (!is_array($id) && empty($id)) {
            if (method_exists($x, 'toRooSingleArray')) {
                $this->jok($x->toRooSingleArray($this->getAuthUser(), $req));
            if (method_exists($x, 'toRooArray')) {
        $this->loadMap($x, array(
                    'columns' => $_columns,
        if ($req !== false) { 
            $this->setFilters($x, $req);
        if (is_array($id)) {
            // lookup...
            $x->setFrom($req['lookup'] );
            if (!$x->find(true)) {
                if (!empty($id['_id'])) {
                    // standardize this?
        } else if (!$x->get($id)) {
            $this->jerr("selectSingle: no such record ($id)");
        // ignore perms if comming from update/insert - as it's already done...
        if ($req !== false && !$this->checkPerm($x,'S'))  {
            $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED - si");
        // different symantics on all these calls??
        if (method_exists($x, 'toRooSingleArray')) {
            $this->jok($x->toRooSingleArray($this->authUser, $req));
        if (method_exists($x, 'toRooArray')) {