/dev/null "; static $cli_opts = array( 'debug' => array( 'desc' => 'Turn on debugging (see DataObjects debugLevel )', 'default' => 0, 'short' => 'v', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, ), 'list' => array( 'desc' => 'List message to send, do not send them..', 'default' => 0, 'short' => 'l', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 0, ), 'old' => array( 'desc' => 'Show old messages.. (and new messages...)', 'default' => 0, 'short' => 'o', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 0, ), 'force' => array( 'desc' => 'Force redelivery, even if it has been sent before or not queued...', 'default' => 0, 'short' => 'f', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 0, ), /* removed - use GenerateNotifcations.php hooked classes 'generate' => 'Generate notifications for a table, eg. cash_invoice', ), */ 'limit' => array( 'desc' => 'Limit search for no. to send to ', 'default' => 1000, 'short' => 'L', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 999, ), 'dryrun' => array( 'desc' => 'Dry run - do not send.', 'default' => 0, 'short' => 'D', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 0, ), 'poolsize' => array( 'desc' => 'Pool size', 'default' => 10, 'short' => 'P', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, ), ); /** * @var $nice_level Unix 'nice' level to stop it jamming server up. */ var $nice_level = false; /** * @var $max_pool_size maximum runners to start at once. */ var $max_pool_size = 10; /** * @var $max_to_domain maximum connections to make to a single domain */ var $max_to_domain = 10; /** * @var $maxruntime - maximum seconds a child is allowed to run - defaut 2 minutes */ var $maxruntime = 120; /** * @var {Boolean} log_events - default true if events should be logged. */ var $log_events = true; /** * @var {Number} try_again_minutes how long after failing to try again default = 30 if max runtime fails */ var $try_again_minutes = 30; /** * @var {String} table - the table that the class will query for notification events */ var $table = 'core_notify'; /** * @var {String} target - the application that will run for each Row in the table (eg. Pman/Core/NotifySend) */ var $target = 'Core/NotifySend'; var $evtype = ''; // any notification... // this script should only handle EMAIL notifications.. var $opts; var $force = false; function getAuth() { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (!$ff->cli) { die("access denied"); } HTML_FlexyFramework::ensureSingle($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] .'|'. __FILE__ .'|'. (empty($_SERVER['argv'][1]) ? '': $_SERVER['argv'][1]), $this); return true; } var $pool = array(); function parseArgs(&$opts) { if ($opts['debug']) { DB_DataObject::debugLevel($opts['debug']); print_r($opts); } $this->opts = $opts; if (!empty($opts['poolsize'])) { $this->max_pool_size = $opts['poolsize']; } if (empty($opts['limit'])) { $opts['limit'] = '1000'; // not sure why it's not picking up the defautl.. } if (!empty($opts['old'])) { $opts['list'] = 1; // force listing.. } $this->force = empty($opts['force']) ? 0 : 1; if (!empty($opts['send-to'])) { $this->send_to = $opts['send-to']; } } var $queue = array(); var $domain_queue = array(); // false to use nextquee var $next_queue = array(); var $server_id; function get($r,$opts=array()) { $this->parseArgs($opts); //date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $this->generateNotifications(); $this->assignQueues(); //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $w = DB_DataObject::factory($this->table); $total = 0; $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (!empty($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])) { if (!isset($ff->Core_Notify['servers'][gethostname()])) { $this->jerr("Core_Notify['servers']['" . gethostname() ."'] is not set"); } $w->server_id = array_search(gethostname(),array_keys($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])); } if (!empty($this->evtype)) { $w->evtype = $this->evtype; } if (!empty($opts['old'])) { // show old and new... $w->orderBy('act_when DESC'); // latest first $w->limit($opts['limit']); // we can run $total = min($w->count(), $opts['limit']); } else { // standard //$w->whereAdd('act_when > sent'); // eg.. sent is not valid.. $w->whereAdd("sent < '1970-01-01' OR sent IS NULL"); // eg.. sent is not valid.. $w->whereAdd('act_start > NOW() - INTERVAL 14 DAY'); // ignore the ones stuck in the queue if (!$this->force) { $w->whereAdd('act_when < NOW()'); // eg.. not if future.. } $w->orderBy('act_when ASC'); // oldest first. $total = min($w->count(), $opts['limit']); $this->logecho("QUEUE is {$w->count()} only running " . ((int) $opts['limit'])); $w->limit($opts['limit']); // we can run 1000 ... } $w->autoJoin(); $total = $w->find(); if (!empty($opts['list'])) { while ($w->fetch()) { $o = $w->object(); $this->logecho("{$w->id} : {$w->person()->email} email : ". $o->toEventString()." ". $w->status() ); } exit; } //echo "BATCH SIZE: ". count($ar) . "\n"; while (true) { // only add if we don't have any queued up.. if (empty($this->queue) && $w->fetch()) { $this->queue[] = clone($w); $total--; } $this->logecho("BATCH SIZE: Queue=". count($this->queue) . " TOTAL = " . $total ); if (empty($this->queue)) { $this->logecho("COMPLETED MAIN QUEUE - running maxed out domains"); if ($this->domain_queue !== false) { $this->queue = $this->remainingDomainQueue(); continue; } break; // nothing more in queue.. and no remaining one } $p = array_shift($this->queue); if (!$this->poolfree()) { array_unshift($this->queue,$p); /// put it back on.. sleep(3); continue; } // not sure what happesn if person email and to_email is empty!!? $email = empty($p->to_email) ? ($p->person() ? $p->person()->email : $p->to_email) : $p->to_email; $black = $this->isBlacklisted($email); if ($black !== false) { $this->updateServer($p, $black); continue; } if ($this->poolHasDomain($email) > $this->max_to_domain) { // push it to a 'domain specific queue' $this->logecho("REQUEING - maxed out that domain - {$email}"); $this->pushQueueDomain($p, $email); //sleep(3); continue; } $this->run($p->id,$email); } $this->logecho("REQUEUING all emails that maxed out:" . count($this->next_queue)); if (!empty($this->next_queue)) { foreach($this->next_queue as $p) { $this->updateServer($p); } } $this->logecho("QUEUE COMPLETE - waiting for pool to end"); // we should have a time limit here... while(count($this->pool)) { $this->poolfree(); sleep(3); } $this->logecho("DONE"); exit; } function isBlacklisted($email) { // return current server id.. if (empty($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])) { return false; } if (!isset($ff->Core_Notify['servers'][gethostname()]['blacklisted'])) { return false; } // get the domain.. $ea = explode('@',$email); $dom = strtolower(array_pop($ea)); if (!in_array($dom, $ff->Core_Notify['servers'][gethostname()]['blacklisted'] )) { return false; } return array_search(gethostname(),array_keys($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])); } // this sequentially distributes requeued emails.. - to other servers. (can exclude current one if we have that flagged.) function updateServer($w, $exclude = -1) { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); static $num = 0; if (empty($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])) { return; } $num = ($num+1) % count(array_keys($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])); if ($exclude == $num ) { $num = ($num+1) % count(array_keys($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])); } // next server.. $pp = clone($w); $w->server_id = $num; $w->act_when = $w->sqlValue('NOW + INTERVAL 1 MINUTE'); $w->update($pp); } function generateNotifications() { // this should check each module for 'GenerateNotifications.php' class.. //and run it if found.. $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $disabled = explode(',', $ff->disable); $modules = array_reverse($this->modulesList()); // move 'project' one to the end... foreach ($modules as $module){ if(in_array($module, $disabled)){ continue; } $file = $this->rootDir. "/Pman/$module/GenerateNotifications.php"; if(!file_exists($file)){ continue; } require_once $file; $class = "Pman_{$module}_GenerateNotifications"; $x = new $class; if(!method_exists($x, 'generate')){ continue; }; //echo "$module\n"; $x->generate($this); } } function assignQueues() { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (empty($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])) { return; } if (!isset($ff->Core_Notify['servers'][gethostname()])) { $this->jerr("Core_Notify['servers']['" . gethostname() ."'] is not set"); } // only run this on the main server... if (array_search(gethostname(),array_keys($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])) > 0) { return; } $num_servers = count(array_keys($ff->Core_Notify['servers'])); $p = DB_DataObject::factory($this->table); $p->whereAdd(" sent < '2000-01-01' and event_id = 0 and act_start < NOW() + INTERVAL 3 HOUR and server_id < 0" ); if ($p->count() < 1) { return; } $p = DB_DataObject::factory($this->table); // 6 seconds on this machne... $p->query(" UPDATE {$this->table} SET server_id = ((@row_number := CASE WHEN @row_number IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE @row_number END +1) % {$num_servers}) WHERE sent < '2000-01-01' and event_id = 0 and act_start < NOW() + INTERVAL 3 HOUR and server_id < 0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10000 "); } function run($id, $email='', $cmdOpts="") { static $renice = false; if (!$renice) { require_once 'System.php'; $renice = System::which('renice'); } // phpinfo();exit; $tn = $this->tempName('stdout', true); $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", 'r'), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("file", $tn, 'w'), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr is a file to write to ); static $php = false; if (!$php) { require_once 'System.php'; $php = System::which('php'); } $sn = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; $cwd = $sn[0] == '/' ? dirname($sn) : dirname(realpath(getcwd() . '/'. $sn)); // same as run on.. (so script should end up being same relatively..) $app = $cwd . '/' . basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) . ' ' . $this->target . '/'. $id; if ($this->force) { $app .= ' -f'; } if (!empty($this->send_to)) { $app .= ' --sent-to='.escapeshellarg($this->send_to); } $cmd = 'exec ' . $php . ' ' . $app . ' ' . $cmdOpts; //. ' &'; $pipe = array(); //$this->logecho("call proc_open $cmd"); if ($this->max_pool_size === 1) { $this->logecho("call passthru [{$email}] $cmd"); passthru($cmd); return; } if (!empty($this->opts['dryrun'])) { $this->logecho("DRY RUN"); return; } $p = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd ); $info = proc_get_status($p); if ($this->nice_level !== false) { $rcmd = "$renice {$this->nice_level} {$info['pid']}"; `$rcmd`; } $this->pool[] = array( 'proc' => $p, 'pid' => $info['pid'], 'out' => $tn, 'cmd' => $cmd, 'email' => $email, 'pipes' => $pipes, 'notify_id' => $id, 'started' => time() ); $this->logecho("RUN [{$email}] ({$info['pid']}) $cmd "); } function poolfree() { $pool = array(); clearstatcache(); foreach($this->pool as $p) { //echo "CHECK PID: " . $p['pid'] . "\n"; $info = proc_get_status($p['proc']); //var_dump($info); // update if necessday. if ($info['pid'] && $p['pid'] != $info['pid']) { $this->logecho("CHANING PID FROM " . $p['pid'] . " TO ". $info['pid']); $p['pid'] = $info['pid']; } //echo @file_get_contents('/proc/'. $p['pid'] .'/cmdline') . "\n"; if ($info['running']) { //if (file_exists('/proc/'.$p['pid'])) { $runtime = time() - $p['started']; //echo "RUNTIME ({$p['pid']}): $runtime\n"; if ($runtime > $this->maxruntime) { proc_terminate($p['proc'], 9); //fclose($p['pipes'][1]); fclose($p['pipes'][0]); fclose($p['pipes'][2]); $this->logecho("TERMINATING: ({$p['pid']}) " . $p['cmd'] . " : " . file_get_contents($p['out'])); @unlink($p['out']); // schedule again $w = DB_DataObject::factory($this->table); $w->get($p['notify_id']); $ww = clone($w); if ($this->log_events) { $this->addEvent('NOTIFY', $w, 'TERMINATED - TIMEOUT'); } $w->act_when = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("NOW + {$this->try_again_minutes} MINUTES")); $w->update($ww); continue; } $pool[] = $p; continue; } fclose($p['pipes'][0]); fclose($p['pipes'][2]); //echo "CLOSING: ({$p['pid']}) " . $p['cmd'] . " : " . file_get_contents($p['out']) . "\n"; //fclose($p['pipes'][1]); proc_close($p['proc']); //clearstatcache(); //if (file_exists('/proc/'.$p['pid'])) { // $pool[] = $p; // continue; //} $this->logecho("ENDED: ({$p['pid']}) " . $p['cmd'] . " : " . file_get_contents($p['out']) ); @unlink($p['out']); // at this point we could pop onto the queue the $this->popQueueDomain($p['email']); //unlink($p['out']); } $this->logecho("POOL SIZE: ". count($pool) ); $this->pool = $pool; if (count($pool) < $this->max_pool_size) { return true; } return false; } /** * see if pool is already trying to deliver to this domain.? * -- if so it get's pushed to the end of the queue. * */ function poolHasDomain($email) { $ret = 0; $ea = explode('@',$email); $dom = strtolower(array_pop($ea)); foreach($this->pool as $p) { $ea = explode('@',$p['email']); $mdom = strtolower(array_pop($ea)); if ($mdom == $dom) { $ret++; } } return $ret; } function popQueueDomain($email) { $ea = explode('@',$email); $dom = strtolower(array_pop($ea)); if (empty($this->domain_queue[$dom])) { return; } array_unshift($this->queue, array_shift($this->domain_queue[$dom])); } function pushQueueDomain($e, $email) { if ($this->domain_queue === false) { $this->next_queue[] = $e; return; } $ea = explode('@',$email); $dom = strtolower(array_pop($ea)); if (!isset($this->domain_queue[$dom])) { $this->domain_queue[$dom] = array(); } $this->domain_queue[$dom][] = $e; } function remainingDomainQueue() { $ret = array(); foreach($this->domain_queue as $dom => $ar) { $ret = array_merge($ret, $ar); } $this->domain_queue = false; return $ret; } function output() { $this->logecho("DONE"); exit; } function logecho($str) { echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s - ") . $str . "\n"; } }