* * * * * * first part should return a list of files to include. * $x = new Pman_Core_JsTemplate($cfg) * * $x->to * * second part should compile and deliver. * * * * // should return {baseurl}/Pman/JsTemplate/mod/file * * * * */ require_once 'Pman.php'; class Pman_Core_JsTemplate extends Pman { var $modDir = false; function getAuth() { parent::getAuth(); return true; } function get($v, $opts=array()) { $this->sessionState(0); // get the modules. header('Content-type: text/javascript'); $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $pr = $ff->project; $mods = $this->modulesList(); //print_r($mods); //$ar = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $ff->HTML_Template_Flexy['templateDir']); array_push($mods, $pr); foreach($mods as $mod ) { $prefix = $mod == $pr ? "" : "{$pr}."; //var_dump($prefix); $pdir = $mod == $pr ? '' : ($pr .'/') ; $dir = $this->rootDir .'/'.$pdir . $mod . '/jtemplates'; if (!file_exists($dir)) { echo '// missing directory '. htmlspecialchars($dir) ."\n"; continue; } // got a directory.. $ar = glob("$dir/*.html") ; if (empty($ar)) { echo '// no template is directory '. htmlspecialchars($dir) ."\n"; continue; } echo "{$prefix}{$mod} = {$prefix}{$mod} || {};\n"; echo "{$prefix}{$mod}.template = {$prefix}{$mod}.template || {};\n\n"; foreach(glob("$dir/*.html") as $fn) { $name = "{$prefix}{$mod}.template." . preg_replace('/\.html$/i', '', basename($fn)); echo $this->compile($fn, $name) . "\n"; } // testing.. //new HTML_FlexyFramework_JsTemplate('/home/alan/gitlive/web.mtrack/MTrackWeb/jtemplates/TimelineTicket.html', 'Pman.template.TimelineTicket'); } exit; } function compile($fn, $name) { // cached? - check file see if we have cached contents. $contents = file_get_contents($fn); $ar = preg_split('/(\{[^\\n}]+})/', $contents, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); //echo '
' . htmlspecialchars(print_r($ar,true));
        $out= array();
        $head = "$name = function(t)\n{\n    var ret = '';\n\n";
        $funcs = array();
        // do not allow nested functions..?
        $fstart = -1;
        $indent = 2;
        $inscript = false;
        $ret = &$out;
        foreach($ar as $item) {
            $in = str_repeat("    ", $indent);
            $indent  = max($indent , 1);
            switch(true) {
                case (!strlen($item)):
                    continue 2;
                case ($inscript && ($item != '{end:}')):
                    $ret[count($ret)-1] .= $item;
                    continue 2;
                case ($inscript && ($item == '{end:}')):
                    $inscript = false;
                    continue 2;
                case ($item[0] != '{'):
                    if (!strlen(trim($item))) {
                    $ret[] = $in . "ret += ". json_encode($item) . ";";
                    continue 2;
                case ($item == '{script:}'): 
                    $inscript = true;
                     $ret[] = '';
                    continue 2;
                case ($item[1] == '!'):
                    $ret[] = $in . substr($item,2,-1) .';';
                    continue 2;
                case (substr($item,1,3) == 'if('):
                    $ret[] = $in . substr($item,1,-1) . ' {';
                    continue 2;
                case (substr($item,1,5) == 'else:'):
                    $in = str_repeat("    ", $indent);
                    $ret[] = $in . "} else { ";
                    continue 2;
                case (substr($item,1,4) == 'end:'):
                    $in = str_repeat("    ", $indent);
                    $ret[] = $in . "}";
                    if ($fstart == $indent) {
                        $fstart = -1;
                        $ret = &$out;
                    continue 2;
                case (substr($item,1,7) == 'return:'):
                    $ret[] = $in . "return;";
                    continue 2;
                case (substr($item,1,9) == 'function:'):
                    $fstart = $indent;
                    $ret = &$funcs;
                    $def  = substr($item,10,-1) ;
                    list($name,$body) = explode('(', $def, 2);
                    $ret[] = $in . "var $name = function (" .  $body  . '{';
                    continue 2;
                    if (substr($item,-3,2) == ':h') {
                        $ret[] = $in . "ret += ".  substr($item,1,-3) . ';';
                        continue 2;
                    if (substr($item,-3,2) == ':b') {
                        $ret[] = $in . "ret += Roo.util.Format.htmlEncode(".  substr($item,1,-3).').split("\n").join("
\n");'; continue 2; } $ret[] = $in . "ret += Roo.util.Format.htmlEncode(". substr($item,1,-1).');'; continue 2; } } $in = str_repeat(" ", $indent); $ret[] = $in . "return ret;\n}\n"; return $head . implode("\n",$funcs) . "\n\n" .implode("\n",$out) ; //echo '
' . htmlspecialchars(implode("\n",$ret));
