getAuthUser(); if (!$au) { $this->authUser = false; return true;//die("Access denied"); } $this->authUser = $au; return true; } var $thumb = false; var $as_mimetype = false; var $method = 'inline'; var $page = false; var $is_local = false; function get($s, $opts=array()) // determin what to serve!!!! { // for testing only. //if (!empty($_GET['_post'])) { // return $this->post(); //} $this->is_local = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') ? true : false; $this->as_mimetype = empty($_REQUEST['as']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['as']; $this->page = empty($_REQUEST['page']) ? false : (int) $_REQUEST['page']; $bits= explode('/', $s); $id = 0; // var_dump($bits);die('in'); // without id as first part... if (!empty($bits[0]) && $bits[0] == 'Thumb') { $this->thumb = true; $this->as_mimetype = 'image/jpeg'; $this->size = empty($bits[1]) ? '0x0' : $bits[1]; $id = empty($bits[2]) ? 0 : $bits[2]; } else if (!empty($bits[0]) && $bits[0] == 'Download') { $this->method = 'attachment'; $id = empty($bits[1]) ? 0 : $bits[1]; } else if (!empty($bits[1]) && $bits[1] == 'Thumb') { // with id as first part. $this->thumb = true; $this->as_mimetype = 'image/jpeg'; $this->size = empty($bits[2]) ? '0x0' : $bits[2]; $id = empty($bits[3]) ? 0 : $bits[3]; } else if (!empty($bits[0]) && $bits[0] == 'events') { if (!$this->authUser) { $this->imgErr("no-authentication-events",$s); } $this->downloadEvent($bits); $this->imgErr("unknown file",$s); } else { $id = empty($bits[0]) ? 0 : $bits[0]; } if (strpos($id,':') > 0) { // id format tablename:id:-imgtype //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); if (!$this->authUser) { $this->imgErr("not-authenticated-using-colon-format",$s); } $onbits = explode(':', $id); if ((count($onbits) < 2) || empty($onbits[1]) || !is_numeric($onbits[1]) || !strlen($onbits[0])) { $this->imgErr("bad-url",$s); } //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $img = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); $img->ontable = $onbits[0]; $img->onid = $onbits[1]; if (empty($_REQUEST['anytype'])) { $img->whereAdd("mimetype like 'image/%'"); } $img->orderBy('title ASC'); /// spurious ordering... (curretnly used by shipping project) if (isset($onbits[2])) { $img->imgtype = $onbits[2]; } $img->limit(1); if (!$img->find(true)) { die("HERE"); $this->imgErr("no images for that item: " . htmlspecialchars($id),$s); } $id = $img->id; } $id = (int) $id; // depreciated - should use ontable:onid:type here... if (!empty($_REQUEST['ontable'])) { if (!$this->authUser) { die("authentication required"); } //DB_DataObjecT::debugLevel(1); $img = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); $img->setFrom($_REQUEST); $img->limit(1); if (!$img->find(true)) { $this->imgErr("No file exists",$s); } $id = $img->id; } $img = DB_DataObjecT::factory('Images'); if (!$id || !$img->get($id) || !$img->exists()) { $this->imgErr("image has been removed or deleted.",$s); } if($this->is_local) { return $this->serve($img); } if (!$this->authUser && !in_array($img->ontable,$this->public_image_tables)) { if ($img->ontable != 'core_company') { $this->imgErr("not-authenticated {$img->ontable}",$s); } if ($img->imgtype != 'LOGO') { $this->imgErr("not-logo",$s); } $comp = $img->object(); if ($comp->comptype != 'OWNER') { $this->imgErr("not-owner-company",$s); } return $this->serve($img); } if(!$this->hasPermission($img)){ $this->imgErr("access to this image/file has been denied.",$s); } $this->serve($img); exit; } function imgErr($reason,$path) { header('Location: ' . $this->rootURL . '/Pman/templates/images/file-broken.png?reason=' . urlencode($reason) .'&path='.urlencode($path)); exit; } function hasPermission($img) { return true; } function post($v) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['_get'])) { return $this->get($v); } if (!$this->authUser) { $this->jerr("image conversion only allowed by registered users"); } // converts a posted string (eg.svg) // into another type.. if (empty($_REQUEST['as'])) { $this->jerr("missing target type"); } if (empty($_REQUEST['mimetype'])) { $this->jerr("missing mimetype"); } if (empty($_REQUEST['data'])) { $this->jerr("missing data"); } $this->as_mimetype = $_REQUEST['as']; $this->mimetype = $_REQUEST['mimetype']; require_once 'File/MimeType.php'; $y = new File_MimeType(); $src_ext = $y->toExt( $this->mimetype ); $tmp = $this->tempName($src_ext); file_put_contents($tmp, $_REQUEST['data']); require_once 'File/Convert.php'; $cv = new File_Convert($tmp, $this->mimetype); $fn = $cv->convert( $this->as_mimetype , empty($_REQUEST['width']) ? 0 : $_REQUEST['width'], empty($_REQUEST['height']) ? 0 : $_REQUEST['height'] ); if (!empty($_REQUEST['as_data'])) { $this->jok(base64_encode(file_get_contents($fn))); } $cv->serve('attachment'); exit; } function serve($img) { $this->sessionState(0); // turn off session... - locking... require_once 'File/Convert.php'; if (!file_exists($img->getStoreName())) { // print_r($img);exit; header('Location: ' . $this->rootURL . '/Pman/templates/images/file-broken.png?reason=' . urlencode("Original file was missing : " . $img->getStoreName())); } // print_r($img);exit; $x = $img->toFileConvert(); if (empty($this->as_mimetype) || $img->mimetype == 'image/gif') { $this->as_mimetype = $img->mimetype; } if (!$this->thumb) { if ($x->mimetype == $this->as_mimetype) { $x->serveOnly($this->method); exit; } $x->convert( $this->as_mimetype); $x->serve($this->method); exit; } //echo "SKALING? $this->size"; // acutally if we generated the image, then we do not need to validate the size.. // if the mimetype is not converted.. // then the filename should be original.{size}.jpeg $fn = $img->getStoreName() . '.'. $this->size . '.jpeg'; // thumbs are currenly all jpeg.!??? if($img->mimetype == 'image/gif'){ $fn = $img->getStoreName() . '.'. $this->size . '.gif'; } if (!file_exists($fn)) { $fn = $img->getStoreName() . '.'. $this->size . '.'. $img->fileExt(); // if it's an image, convert into the same type for thumbnail.. if (preg_match('#^image/#', $img->mimetype)) { $this->as_mimetype = $img->mimetype; } } if (!file_exists($fn)) { $this->validateSize(); } if(!empty($this->page) && !is_nan($this->page * 1)){ $x->convert( $this->as_mimetype, $this->size, 0, $this->page); } else { $x->convert( $this->as_mimetype, $this->size); } $x->serve(); exit; } function validateSize() { if($this->is_local) { return true; } if (($this->authUser && !empty($this->authUser->company_id) && $this->authUser->company()->comptype=='OWNER') || $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { return true; } $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $sizes= $this->sizes; $cfg = isset($ff->Pman_Images) ? $ff->Pman_Images : (isset($ff->Pman_Core_Images) ? $ff->Pman_Core_Images : array()); if (!empty($cfg['sizes'])) { $sizes = array_merge($sizes , $cfg['sizes']); } $project = $ff->project; require_once $ff->project . '.php'; $project = str_replace('/', '_', $project); $pr_obj = new $project; // var_dump($pr_obj->Pman_Core_Images_Size); if(isset($pr_obj->Pman_Core_Images_Size)){ $sizes = $pr_obj->Pman_Core_Images_Size; } if (!in_array($this->size, $sizes)) { die("invalid scale - ".$this->size); } } /** * replace image urls * * The idea of this code was to replace urls for images when you have an admin * and a distribution page. with different urls. * * it may be usefull later if things like embedded images in emails. but * I think it's proably better not to use this. * * The key problem being how to determine if we are replacing 'our' images or some external one.. * * */ static function replaceImageURLS($html, $obj = false) { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (!isset($ff->Pman_Images['public_baseURL'])) { return $html; } //var_dump($ff->Pman_Images['public_baseURL']); $baseURL = $ff->Pman_Images['public_baseURL']; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML("
"); $imgs = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img'); foreach($imgs as $img) { $src = $img->getAttribute('src'); if (!$src|| !strlen(trim($src))) { continue; } if (0 === strpos($src, 'data:')) { if (!$obj) { HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->page->jerr("no object to attach data url"); } self::replaceDataUrl($baseURL, $img, $obj); continue; } if (false !== strpos($src, '//') && false === strpos($src, $baseURL)) { // contains an absolute path.. and not our baseURL. continue; } $img->setAttribute('src', self::domImgUrl($baseURL, $img)); // what about mailto or data... - just ignore?? for images... } $anchors = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a'); $result = array(); preg_match_all('/]+>/i',$html, $result); $matches = array_unique($result[0]); foreach($anchors as $anc) { $href = $anc->getAttribute('href'); if (!empty($href) || 0 !== strpos($href, $baseURL)) { continue; } $anc->setAttribute('href', self::domImgUrl($baseURL, $href)); } $inner = $dom->getElementById("tmp_dom_wrapper"); $html = ''; foreach ($inner->childNodes as $child) { $html .= ($dom->saveHTML($child)); } return $html; } static function domImgUrl($baseURL, $dom) { $url = $dom; if (!is_string($url)) { $url = $dom->getAttribute('src'); } $umatch = false; if(!preg_match('#/(Images|Images/Thumb/[a-z0-9]+|Images/Download)/([0-9]+)/(.*)$#', $url, $umatch)) { return $url; } $id = $umatch[2]; $hash = ''; if (!empty($umatch[3]) && strpos($umatch[3],'#')) { $hh = explode('#',$umatch[3]); $hash = '#'. array_pop($hh); } $img = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); if (!$img->get($id)) { return $url; } $type = explode('/', $umatch[1]); $thumbsize = -1; if (count($type) > 2 && $type[1] == 'Thumb') { $thumbsize = $type[2]; $provider = '/Images/Thumb'; } else { $provider = '/'.$umatch[1]; } $w = is_string($dom) ? false : $dom->getAttribute('width'); $h = is_string($dom) ? false : $dom->getAttribute('width'); if (!is_string($dom) && (!empty($w) || !empty($h)) ) { // no support for %... $thumbsize = (empty($w) ? '0' : $w * 1) . 'x' . (empty($h) ? '0' : $h * 1); $provider = '/Images/Thumb'; } if ($thumbsize !== -1) { // change in size.. // need to regenerate it.. $type = array('Images', 'Thumb', $thumbsize); $fc = $img->toFileConvert(); // make sure it's available.. $fc->convert($img->mimetype, $thumbsize); } else { $provider = $provider == 'Images/Thumb' ? 'Images' : $provider; } // finally replace the original TAG with the new version.. return $img->URL($thumbsize, $provider, $baseURL) . $hash ; } static function replaceDataUrl($baseURL, $img, $obj) { $d = DB_DataObject::Factory('Images'); $d->object($obj); $d->createFromData($img->getAttribute('src')); $img->setAttribute('src', $d->URL(-1, '/Images' , $baseURL)); } static function replaceImgUrl($html, $baseURL, $tag, $attr, $attr_name) { //print_R($attr); // see if it's an image url.. // Images/{ID}/fullname.xxxx // Images/Thumb/200/{ID}/fullname.xxxx // Images/Download/{ID}/fullname.xxxx $attr_url = $attr[$attr_name]; $umatch = false; if(!preg_match('#/(Images|Images/Thumb/[a-z0-9]+|Images/Download)/([0-9]+)/(.*)$#', $attr_url, $umatch)) { return $html; } $id = $umatch[2]; $hash = ''; if (!empty($umatch[3]) && strpos($umatch[3],'#')) { $hh = explode('#',$umatch[3]); $hash = '#'. array_pop($hh); } $img = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); if (!$img->get($id)) { return $html; } $type = explode('/', $umatch[1]); $thumbsize = -1; if (count($type) > 2 && $type[1] == 'Thumb') { $thumbsize = $type[2]; $provider = '/Images/Thumb'; } else { $provider = '/'.$umatch[1]; } if (!empty($attr['width']) || !empty($attr['height']) ) { // no support for %... $thumbsize = (empty($attr['width']) ? '0' : $attr['width'] * 1) . 'x' . (empty($attr['height']) ? '0' : $attr['height'] * 1); $provider = '/Images/Thumb'; } if ($thumbsize !== -1) { // change in size.. // need to regenerate it.. $type = array('Images', 'Thumb', $thumbsize); $fc = $img->toFileConvert(); // make sure it's available.. $fc->convert($img->mimetype, $thumbsize); } else { $provider = $provider == 'Images/Thumb' ? 'Images' : $provider; } // finally replace the original TAG with the new version.. $new_tag = str_replace( $attr_name. '="'. $attr_url . '"', $attr_name .'="'. htmlspecialchars($img->URL($thumbsize, $provider, $baseURL)) . $hash .'"', $tag ); return str_replace($tag, $new_tag, $html); } function downloadEvent($bits) { $ev = DB_DAtaObject::Factory('events'); if (!$ev->get($bits[1])) { die("could not find event id"); } // technically same user only.. -- normally www-data.. if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $uinfo = posix_getpwuid( posix_getuid () ); $user = $uinfo['name']; } else { $user = getenv('USERNAME'); // windows. } $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $file = $ev->logDir() . date('/Y/m/d/',strtotime($ev->event_when)). $ev->id . ".json"; if(!$file || !file_exists($file)){ die("file was not saved"); } $filesJ = json_decode(file_get_contents($file)); foreach($filesJ->FILES as $k=>$f){ if ($f->tmp_name != $bits[2]) { continue; } $src = $file = $ev->logDir() . date('/Y/m/d/', strtotime($ev->event_when)). $f->tmp_name ; if (!$src || !file_exists($src)) { die("file was not saved"); } header ('Content-Type: ' . $f->type); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($f->name)."\";" ); @ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($src); exit; } } }