get($this->person_id); return $p; } function toEventString() { $p = $this->person(); // this is weird... company is in the person.. - effieciency?? // for seaching?? $c = DB_DataObject::factory('Companies'); $c->get($this->company_id); $pr = DB_DataObject::factory('Projects'); $pr->get($this->project_id); return $pr->code . ' '. $p->name . '('. $c->name .')'; } function personMemberOf($pe, $pr) { $this->person_id = $pe->id; $this->project_id = $pr->id; $this->limit(1); if ($this->find(true)) { return true; } return false; } function ensureProjectMember($pr, $pe) // used where? { if ($this->personMemberOf($pe, $pr)) { return; } $this->company_id = $pe->company_id; $this->office_id = $pe->office_id; $this->role = $pe->role; $this->insert(); } /** * project id's for a user. * @param DB_DataObject_Core_Person|array - who, or list of people. * @return array id's of the project they are a member of.. */ function projects($au) { if (empty($au)) { $p = DB_DataObject::Factory('Projects'); $p->get('code', '*PUBLIC'); return array($p->id); } $c = clone ($this); if (is_array($au)) { $c->whereAddIn('person_id', $au, 'int'); } else { $c->person_id = $au->id; } $c->selectAdd(); // people may have multiple roles for a project.. $c->selectAdd('distinct(project_id) as project_id'); return $c->fetchAll('project_id'); } /** * project id's for a user. * @param DB_DataObject_Core_Person - who * @return array id's of the project they are a member of.. */ function people($pr) { $c = clone ($this); //echo '
        if (is_array($pr)) {
            $c->whereAddIn('project_id', $pr, 'int');
        } else {
            $c->project_id = $pr->id;
        return $c->fetchAll('person_id');
    function checkPerm($lvl, $au) 
        return $au->hasPerm('Documents.Project_Directory', $lvl);
    function setFromRoo($ar,$roo)
        if ($this->id && 
            ($this->project_id == $roo->old->project_id) &&
            ($this->person_id  == $roo->old->person_id) &&
            ($this->company_id == $roo->old->company_id) )
            return true;

        $xx = DB_Dataobject::factory('ProjectDirectory');
            'project_id' => $this->project_id,
            'person_id'  => $this->person_id,
            'company_id' => $this->company_id,
        if ($xx->count()) {
            return "Duplicate entry found Project Directory entry";
        return true;

    function applyFilters($q, $au)
        //DB_DAtaObject::debugLevel(1);  var_dump($q);
        // otherwise only the project they are involved with..
        // can  see - their projects + their personal mail...
        if (!empty($q['project_id_ar'])) {
            // can filter projects!
            $this->whereAddIn('ProjectDirectory.project_id', explode(',',$q['project_id_ar']), 'int');
         if (!empty($q['query']['company_ids'])) {
             $this->whereAddIn('ProjectDirectory.company_id', explode(',',$q['query']['company_ids']), 'int');
        // whos should they see as far as personal contacts.!?!?
        // their projects... and their mail or.. just their mail if no projects..
        /// ------------ PERMISSION FILTERERIN!!!!!!
        if ($au->hasPerm('Core.Projects_All', 'S')) {
            return; // can see it all!!!
        $pr = DB_DataObject::factory('Projects');
        $pr->whereAdd("Projects.type IN ('N','X')");
        $prjs = $pr->fetchAll('id');
        $pd = DB_DataObject::factory('ProjectDirectory');
        $pd->joinAdd(DB_DataObject::factory('Projects'), 'LEFT');
        $pd->whereAdd("Projects.type NOT IN ('N','X')");
        $pd->person_id = $au->id;
        $prjs = array_merge($prjs, $pd->fetchAll('project_id'));
        if (count($prjs)) {
                    (ProjectDirectory.project_id IN (".implode(',', $prjs).")) 
        }  else {
            $this->whereAdd("1=0"); // can see nothing!!!