mimetype)) { require_once 'File/MimeType.php'; $y = new File_MimeType(); $this->mimetype = $y->fromFilename($filename); } $this->mimetype= strtolower($this->mimetype); if (array_shift(explode('/', $this->mimetype)) == 'image') { $imgs = @getimagesize($file); if (empty($imgs) || empty($imgs[0]) || empty($imgs[1])) { // it's a file!!!! } else { list($this->width , $this->height) = $imgs; } } $this->filesize = filesize($file); $this->created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (empty($this->filename)) { $this->filename = basename($filename); } //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); if (!$this->id) { $this->insert(); } else { $this->update(); } $f = $this->getStoreName(); $dest = dirname($f); if (!file_exists($dest)) { $oldumask = umask(0); mkdir($dest, 0770, true); umask($oldumask); } copy($file,$f); // fill in details.. /* thumbnails */ // $this->createThumbnail(0,50); return true; } /** * Calculate target file name * * @return - target file name */ function getStoreName() { $opts = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman; $fn = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\.]+/i', '_', $this->filename); return implode( '/', array( $opts['storedir'], '_images_', date('Y/m', strtotime($this->created)), $this->id . '-'. $fn )); } /** * deletes all the image instances of it... * * */ function beforeDelete() { $fn = $this->getStoreName(); if (file_exists($fn)) { unlink($fn); } // delete thumbs.. $b = basename($fn); $d = dirname($fn); if (file_exists($d)) { $dh = opendir($d); while (false !== ($fn = readdir($dh))) { if (substr($fn, 0, strlen($b)) == $b) { unlink($d. '/'. $fn); } } } } /** * check mimetype against type * - eg. img.is(#image#) * */ function is($type) { if (empty($this->mimetype)) { return false; } return 0 === strcasecmp($type, array_shift(explode('/',$this->mimetype))); } /** * onUpload (singlely attached image to a table) */ function onUploadWithTbl($tbl, $fld) { if ( $tbl->__table == 'Images') { return; // not upload to self... } if (empty($_FILES['imageUpload']['tmp_name']) || empty($_FILES['imageUpload']['name']) || empty($_FILES['imageUpload']['type']) ) { return false; } if ($tbl->$fld) { $image = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); $image->get($tbl->$fld); $image->beforeDelete(); $image->delete(); } $image = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); $image->onid = $tbl->id; $image->ontable = $tbl->__table; $image->filename = $_FILES['imageUpload']['name']; $image->mimetype = $_FILES['imageUpload']['type']; if (!$image->createFrom($_FILES['imageUpload']['tmp_name'])) { return false; } $old = clone($tbl); $tbl->$fld = $image->id; $tbl->update($old); } // direct via roo... function onUpload($ctrl) { if (empty($_FILES['imageUpload']['tmp_name']) || empty($_FILES['imageUpload']['name']) || empty($_FILES['imageUpload']['type']) ) { $this->err = "Missing file details"; return false; } if ($this->id) { $this->beforeDelete(); } if ( empty($this->ontable)) { $this->err = "Missing ontable"; return false; } if (!empty($this->imgtype) && $this->imgtype[0] == '-' && !empty($this->onid)) { // then its an upload $img = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); $img->onid = $this->onid; $img->ontable = $this->ontable; $img->imgtype = $this->imgtype; $img->find(); while ($img->fetch()) { $img->beforeDelete(); $img->delete(); } } require_once 'File/MimeType.php'; $y = new File_MimeType(); $this->mimetype = $_FILES['imageUpload']['type']; if (in_array($this->mimetype, array('text/application', 'application/octet-stream'))) { // weird tyeps.. $inf = pathinfo($_FILES['imageUpload']['name']); $this->mimetype = $y->fromExt($inf['extension']); } $ext = $y->toExt(trim((string) $this->mimetype )); $this->filename = empty($this->filename) ? $_FILES['imageUpload']['name'] : ($this->filename .'.'. $ext); if (!$this->createFrom($_FILES['imageUpload']['tmp_name'])) { return false; } return true; } /** * return a list of images for an object, optionally with a mime regex. * eg. '%/pdf' or 'image/%' */ function gather($obj, $mime_like='') { //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); if (empty($obj->id)) { return array(); } $c = clone($this); $c->ontable = $obj->tableName(); $c->onid = $obj->id; $c->autoJoin(); if (!empty($mime_like)) { $c->whereAdd("Images.mimetype LIKE '". $c->escape($mime_like) ."'"); } return $c->fetchAll(); } /** * set or get the dataobject this image is associated with * @param DB_DataObject $obj An object to associate this image with * (does not store it - you need to call update() to do that) * @return DB_DataObject the dataobject this image is attached to. */ function object($obj=false) { if ($obj === false) { $ret = DB_DataObject::factory($this->ontable); $ret->get($this->onid); return $ret; } $this->ontable = $obj->tableName(); $this->onid = $obj->id; /// assumes our nice standard of using ids.. return $obj; } function toRooArray($req = array()) { // echo '
        $ret= $this->toArray();
        if (!empty($req['query']['imagesize'])) {
             $baseURL = isset($req['query']['imageBaseURL']) ? $req['query']['imageBaseURL'] : false;
            $ret['url'] = $this->URL(-1, '/Images/Download',$baseURL);
            $ret['url_view'] = $this->URL(-1, '/Images',$baseURL);    
            if (!empty($req['query']['imagesize'])) {
                $ret['url_thumb'] = $this->URL($req['query']['imagesize'], '/Images/Thumb',$baseURL);
        return $ret;
     * URL - create  a url for the image.
     * size - use -1 to show full size.
     * provier = baseURL + /Images/Thumb ... use '/Images/' for full
    function URL($size , $provider = '/Images/Thumb', $baseURL=false)
        if (!$this->id) {
            return 'about:blank';

        $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
        $baseURL = $baseURL ? $baseURL : $ff->baseURL ;
        if ($size < 0) {
            return $baseURL . $provider . "/{$this->id}/{$this->filename}";
        //-- max?
        //$size = max(100, (int) $size);
        //$size = min(1024, (int) $size);
        return $baseURL . $provider . "/$size/{$this->id}/{$this->filename}";
     * size could be 123x345
    function toHTML($size, $provider = '/Images/Thumb') 
        $sz = explode('x', $size);
        $sx = $sz[0];
        if (!$this->id || empty($this->width)) {
            $this->height = $sx;
            $this->width = empty($sz[1]) ? $sx : $sz[1];
            $sy = $this->width ;
        if (empty($sz[1])) {
            $ratio =  empty($this->width) ? 1 : $this->height/ ($this->width *1.0);
            $sy = $ratio * $sx;
        } else {
            $sy = $sz[1];
        // create it?
        return '';
    function setFromRoo($ar, $roo)
        // not sure why we do this.. 
        // if imgtype starts with '-' ? then we set the 'old' (probably to delete later)
        if (!empty($ar['imgtype']) && !empty($ar['ontable']) && !empty($ar['onid']) && ($ar['imgtype'][0] == '-')) {
            if ($this->find(true)) {
                $roo->old = clone($this);
        if (!empty($ar['_copy_from'])) {
            $copy = DB_DataObject::factory('Images');
            $roo->addEvent("ADD", $this, $this->toEventString());
            $r = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName());
            $r->id = $this->id;
        // FIXME - we should be checking perms here...
        //if (method_exists($x, 'checkPerm') && !$x->checkPerm('E', $this->authUser))  {
        //    $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED");
        // }
        // this should be doign update
        if (!isset($_FILES['imageUpload'])) {
            return; // standard update...
        if ( !$this->onUpload($this)) {
            $this->jerr("File upload failed");
        $roo->addEvent("ADD", $this, $this->toEventString());
        $r = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName());
        $r->id = $this->id;
    function toEventString()
        //$p = DB_DataObject::factory($this->ontable);
        //if (!is_$p) {
        //    return "ERROR unknown table? {$this->ontable}";
       // }
        return $this->filename .' - on ' . $this->ontable . ':' . $this->onid;