*, 'l' => '*', 'm' => '*') static $cfg = array( // translated versions availalable 't' => array( 'en', 'zh_CN', 'zh_HK', ), // languages available 'l' => array( 'en', 'zh_CN', 'zh_HK', 'zh_TW', //'th', 'ko', 'ja', 'ms', //'id', // indonesian // 'tl', // tagalog // 'vi', //vietnamise // 'hi', // hindi // 'ta', // tamil // '**', // other ), 'c' => '*', // array( //'AU', 'CN', 'HK', 'IN', 'ID', 'JP', 'MY', 'NZ', 'TW', 'SG', 'TH', 'KR', 'US', 'PH', 'VN','**' //), 'm' => array( 'USD', 'HKD', 'GBP', 'CNY', 'SGD', 'JPY' ), 'add_l'=> array(), // key -> value additional languages... 'add_c'=> array(), // additional countries...(eg. '-R' => 'Regional' ) 'add_m'=> array(), // additional currencies... ); /** * initalizie the cfg aray * */ function cfg() { static $loaded = false; if ($loaded) { return self::$cfg; } $loaded =true; $ff= HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); // BC compatible.. if any of these are set, then we use them as the settings.. $opts = array(); foreach(array('Pman_Core_I18N', 'Pman_I18N','Pman_I18n') as $pk) { if (isset($ff->$pk)) { //var_dump($pk); $opts= $ff->$pk; break; } } //print_R($opts); // var_dump($opts);exit; $i = DB_DataObject::Factory('I18n'); // load the cofiguration foreach($opts as $k=>$v) { if ($v == '*') { // everything.. self::$cfg[$k] = $i->availableCodes($k, false); continue; } self::$cfg[$k] = is_array($v) ? $v : explode(',', $v); } //print_R(self::$cfg); return self::$cfg; } // the default configuration. function applyFilters($q, $au) { $this->buildDB(); //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); if (!empty($q['query']['_with_en'])) { $this->buildDB(); // ensure we have the full database... $this->selectAdd(" i18n_translate(ltype, lkey, 'en') as lval_en "); } if (!empty($q['query']['name'])) { //DB_DAtaObject::debugLevel(1); $v = strtoupper($this->escape($q['query']['name'])); $this->whereAdd("upper(lval) LIKE '%{$v}%'"); } if (!empty($q['_filtered']) && !empty($this->ltype)) { $cfg = $this->cfg(); $filter = $cfg[$this->ltype]; $this->whereAddIn('lkey', $filter, 'string'); } } function translate($inlang,$ltype,$kval) { $x = DB_DataObject::factory('i18n'); $x->ltype = $ltype; $x->lkey = $kval; $x->inlang= $inlang; $fallback = clone($x); $x->limit(1); if ($x->find(true) && !empty($x->lval)) { return $x->lval; } $fallback->inlang = 'en'; if ($fallback->find(true) && !empty($fallback->lval)) { return $fallback->lval; } return $kval; } function toTransList($ltype, $inlang) { $this->ltype = $ltype; $this->inlang= $inlang; $this->selectAdd(); $this->selectAdd('lkey as code, lval as title'); $this->find(); $ret = array(); while ($this->fetch()) { $ret[] = array( 'code' => $this->code, 'title' => $this->title ); } return $ret; } // -------------- code to handle importing into database.. // returns a list of all countries/languages etc.. (with '*') function availableCodes($t, $filtered = true) { $ret = array(); $cfg = $this->cfg(); switch ($t) { case 'c': require_once 'I18Nv2/Country.php'; $c = new I18Nv2_Country('en'); $ret = array_keys($c->codes); if (!empty($cfg['add_c'])) { $ret = array_merge($ret, array_keys($cfg['add_c'])); } $ret[] = '**'; //print_r($ret); break; case 'l': require_once 'I18Nv2/Language.php'; $c = new I18Nv2_Language('en'); $ret = array_keys($c->codes); // we need to make sure these are lowercase!!! foreach ($cfg['add_l'] as $k=>$v){ // make sure that add_l is formated correctly.. (lower_UPPER?) $tolang = explode('_', $k); $tolang[0] = strtolower($tolang[0]); $tolang = implode('_', $tolang); unset($cfg['add_l'][$k]); // if they match..unset first.. then set $cfg['add_l'][$tolang] = $v; } if (!empty($cfg['add_l'])) { $ret = array_merge($ret, array_keys($cfg['add_l'])); } $ret[] = '**'; break; case 'm': require_once 'I18Nv2/Currency.php'; $c = new I18Nv2_Currency('en'); $ret = array_keys($c->codes); if (!empty($cfg['add_m'])) { $ret = array_merge($ret, array_keys($cfg['add_m'])); } $ret[] = '**'; break; } if ($filtered && !empty($cfg[$t]) && is_array($cfg[$t])) { // then there is a filter. - we should include all of them, even if they are not relivatn?? return $cfg[$t]; //array_intersect($cfg[$t], $ret); } // why upper case everyting?!?!? //foreach ($ret as $k=>$v) { // $ret[$k] = ($t=='l') ? $ret[$k] : strtoupper($v); //} return $ret; } function buildDB($ltype= false, $inlang= false ) { $cfg = $this->cfg(); //print_r($cfg); if ($ltype === false) { // trigger all builds. //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $this->buildDB('c'); $this->buildDB('l'); $this->buildDB('m'); return; } if ($inlang == '**') { return; // dont bother building generic.. } if ($inlang === false) { // do we want to add our 'configured ones..' // We only build translatiosn for our configured ones.. //foreach( $this->availableCodes('l') as $l) { foreach( $cfg['t'] as $l) { $this->buildDB($ltype, $l); } return; } //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $x = DB_DataObject::factory('I18n'); $x->inlang= $inlang; $x->ltype = $ltype; $complete = $x->fetchAll('lkey'); $list = $this->availableCodes($ltype); echo '
'; print_r($list); 
        foreach($list as $lkey) {
            // skip ones we know we have done...
            if (in_array($lkey, $complete)) {
            if (empty($lkey)) { // not sure why we get empty values here.
            $x = DB_DataObject::factory('I18n');
            $x->ltype = $ltype;
            $x->lkey = $lkey;  
            $x->inlang= $inlang;
            if ($x->find(true)) {
                $xx= clone($x);
                $x->lval = $this->defaultTranslate($inlang, $ltype, $lkey);
            $x->lval = $this->defaultTranslate($inlang, $ltype, $lkey);
     * default translate  - use i18n classes to provide a value.
    function defaultTranslate($lang, $type, $k) 
        static $cache;
        $cfg = $this->cfg();
        if (empty($k)) {
            return '??';
        //$lbits = explode('_', strtoupper($lang));
        $lbits = explode('_', $lang);
        $orig_lang = $lang;
        $lang = $lbits[0];
        if (!isset($cache[$lang])) {
            require_once 'I18Nv2/Country.php';
            require_once 'I18Nv2/Language.php';
            require_once 'I18Nv2/Currency.php';
            $cache[$lang] = array(
                'l' =>  new I18Nv2_Language($lang, 'UTF-8'),
                'c' => new I18Nv2_Country($lang, 'UTF-8'),
                'm' => new I18Nv2_Currency($lang, 'UTF-8')
            //echo '
';print_r(array($lang, $cache[$lang]['c']));
        if ($k == '**') {
            return 'Other / Unknown';
        // for languages if we get zh_HK then we write out Chinese ( HK )
        if ($type == 'l' && strpos($k, '_') > -1) {
            $tolang = explode('_', $k);
            $ret = $cache[$lang][$type]->getName(strtolower($tolang[0])) .  '('.$tolang[1].')'; 
        } else {
            $ret = $cache[$lang][$type]->getName($k);
        if ($orig_lang == 'zh_HK' || $orig_lang == 'zh_TW' ) {
            // then translation is by default in simplified.
            $ret = @iconv("UTF-8", "GB2312//IGNORE", $ret);
            $ret = @iconv("GB2312", "BIG5//IGNORE", $ret);
            $ret = @iconv("BIG5", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $ret);
        // our wierd countries/langs etc..
        if (isset($cfg['add_' . $type][$k])) {
            return $cfg['add_' . $type][$k];
        return $ret;