syncLang($q['_rescan']); $roo->jok('OK'); } } function applyFilters($q, $au, $roo) { if (!empty($q['_tree'])) { $this->applyFiltersTree($q,$roo); } if(!empty($q['on_table']) && (empty($q['template_id']) || !is_numeric($q['template_id']))){ $this->template_id = 0; $this->whereAdd(" join_src_id_id.txt != ''"); } if (!empty($q['_search_txt'])) { $str = $this->escape($q['_search_txt']); $this->whereAdd("core_templatestr.txt like '%{$str}%' OR join_src_id_id.txt like '%{$str}%'"); } } function translateTableCol($obj, $col, $lang) { $cts = DB_DataObject::factory('core_templatestr'); $cts->lang = $lang; $cts->on_table = $obj->tableName(); $cts->on_id = $obj->pid(); $cc = clone($cts); if(!$cts->find(true)){ return $obj->$col; } if(empty($cts->txt)){ return $obj->$col; } return $cts->txt; } /** * * insert the origanal table text * * @param type $roo * @param type $obj * @param type $chg * @return type */ function onTableChange($roo, $obj, $chg) { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman_Core; if(empty($ff['DataObjects_Core_templatestr']['tables'])){ return; } $tn = $obj->tableName(); if(empty($ff['DataObjects_Core_templatestr']['tables'][$tn])){ return; } $cols = $ff['DataObjects_Core_templatestr']['tables'][$tn]; foreach($cols as $c) { $x = $this->factory($this->tableName()); $x->on_id = $obj->pid(); $x->on_table = $tn; $x->on_col = $c; $x->lang = ''; /// eg. base language.. $up = $x->find(true); if ($up && $x->txt == $obj->$c) { continue; // update an no change.. } $x->active = 1; $x->src_id = 0; $x->txt = $obj->$c; $x->mdsum = md5($obj->$c); $x->template_id = 0; $x->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("NOW")); $up ? $x->update() : $x->insert(); } } function applyFiltersTree($q,$roo) { if (empty($q['node'])) { $roo->jerr("invalid node"); } switch(true) { case ($q['node'] == 'transtree'): case ($q['node'] == 'langlist'): // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $x = DB_Dataobject::Factory($this->tableName()); $x->selectAdd(); $x->selectAdd('distinct(lang) as lang'); $x->selectAdd("i18n_translate('l', lang, 'en') as lang_name"); $x->whereAdd("lang != ''"); $ret= array(); foreach( $x->fetchAll() as $l) { $ret[] = array( 'text'=>$l->lang_name, 'id' => $q['node'] == 'langlist' ? $l->lang : 'lang:'.$l->lang , 'language' => true ); } if (empty($ret)) { $ret[] = array( 'text'=>'English', 'id' => 'lang:en', 'language' => true ); } $roo->jdata($ret); case preg_match('/^lang:/', $q['node']): $lang = preg_replace('/^lang:/', '', $q['node']); $ret= array(); $x = DB_DataObject::factory('core_templatestr'); $x->autoJoin(); $x->selectAdd(); $x->selectAdd('distinct(view_name) as view_name'); $x->lang = $lang; $x->whereAdd('join_template_id_id.is_deleted = 0'); $x->orderBy('view_name DESC'); $x->find(); while($x->fetch()) { $ret[] = array( 'text'=> $x->view_name, 'id' => 'view:'. $lang .':'. $x->view_name, 'leaf' => false ); } $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman_Core; if(!empty($ff['DataObjects_Core_templatestr']['tables'])){ foreach($ff['DataObjects_Core_templatestr']['tables'] as $table=>$v){ $ret[] = array( 'text'=> $table, 'on_table' => $table, 'id' => 'table:'. $lang .':'. $table, 'leaf' => true ); } } $roo->jdata($ret); break; case preg_match('/^view:/', $q['node']): $bits= explode(":",preg_replace('/^view:/', '', $q['node'])); $x = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $x->autoJoin(); $x->selectAdd(); $x->selectAdd('distinct(core_templatestr.template_id) as template_id'); $x->whereAdd("join_template_id_id.view_name = '{$x->escape($bits[1])}'"); $x->whereAdd('join_template_id_id.is_deleted = 0'); $x->lang = $bits[0]; $ids = $x->fetchAll('template_id'); $ret= array(); //add the table type lists /* $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman_Core; // $x->orderBy('template ASC'); // $x->whereAdd("lang != ''"); */ //below are old code $xx = DB_Dataobject::Factory('core_template'); $xx->whereAddIn('id', $ids, 'int'); $xx->selectAdd(); $xx->selectAdd(" id, concat( template) as template_name "); $xx->orderBy('template_name ASC'); foreach( $xx->fetchAll('id', 'template_name') as $l =>$n) { $ret[] = array( 'text'=> $n, 'id' => $l, 'leaf' => true ); } $roo->jdata($ret); break; } } /** * * * @param object $tmpl core_template data object * @param array $words array of words */ function syncTemplateWords($tmpl, $keyvalue = false) { $words = $tmpl->words; // mapping for template : //tablename => $n (templatename) //tableid => $k (key value) //colname => $n (templatename) // mdsum => md5(sum) // //print_r($words);exit; // grab original $tt = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $t = clone($tt); $t->template_id = $tmpl->id; $t->whereAdd("lang = ''"); // we have a situation where old md sums where created.. $cur = $t->fetchAll('mdsum', 'id'); // now loop through current.. $cwords = array();// not in used?? $active = array(); // echo "sync Template Words... \n"; // print_r($words); foreach($words as $k=>$v) { $v = trim($v); $md = $keyvalue ? $k : md5($v); // check to see if there are more that one versions of that md5 if (!isset($cur[$md])) { // create a record for it.. $t = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $t->setFrom(array( 'txt' => $v, 'lang' => '',// by default should a english 'updated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("YESTERDAY")), 'template_id'=>$tmpl->id, 'mdsum' => $md, 'src_id' => 0, 'active' => 1, )); $active[] = $t->insert(); continue; } $cur[$md] = $this->checkDupes($tmpl->id, '', $cur[$md] , $md); $active[] = $cur[$md]; // we have it already? - $tt->query("UPDATE {$this->tableName()} SET active= 1 WHERE id = ".$cur[$md]); unset($cur[$md]); } // delete unused. $deactive = array(); if (count(array_values($cur))) {// de-active unused $t = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); // echo "de-active current?? \n"; // print_r($cur); // echo "\n"; $deactive = array_values($cur); $t->query("UPDATE core_templatestr SET active = 0 WHERE id in (" . implode(',' ,$deactive) . ") "); } // delete all the items that are not relivant. // clear orphaned chidren - it just blanks out the src id, so they can be used as suggestions..? // this does not help - as it just puts random strings in there.. - with no reference to the original text.. $t = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); // this will active the child data if (empty($active)) {// set the active array to empty $active = array(-1); } $t->query("UPDATE core_templatestr SET active = 1 WHERE src_id IN (". implode(',' ,$active) . ") AND template_id = {$tmpl->id} "); //deactive the child data if (empty($deactive)) { $deactive = array(-1); } $t->query("UPDATE core_templatestr SET active = 0 WHERE src_id IN (". implode(',' ,$deactive) . ") AND template_id = {$tmpl->id} AND lang != '' "); } function checkDupes($tid, $lang, $id, $mdsum) { $t = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $t->template_id = $tid; $t->mdsum = $mdsum; $t->whereAdd("lang = '{$lang}'"); if ($t->count() == 1) { return $id; // only got one ... no issues.. } //echo "GOT DUPES : $id, $lang, $id , $mdsum\n"; //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); // find out if any of them have got translations. $ids = $t->fetchAll('id'); $t = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $t->whereAddIn('src_id', $ids, 'int'); $t->whereAdd("txt != ''"); $t->orderBy('updated DESC'); if ($t->count()) { $t->limit(1); // do any translations exist? $t->find(true); $id = $t->src_id; } // delete all the others... $t = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $t->whereAddIn('src_id', $ids, 'int'); $t->whereAdd("src_id != $id"); $t->find(); while($t->fetch()) { $tt = clone($t); $tt->mdsum = $t->mdsum . '-bad-'. $t->id; $tt->update($t); } $t = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $t->whereAddIn('id', $ids, 'int'); $t->whereAdd("id != $id"); $t->find(); while($t->fetch()) { $tt = clone($t); $tt->mdsum = $t->mdsum . '-bad-'. $t->id; $tt->update($t); } // this is done by calling code //$t = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); //$t->query("update core_templatestr set active= 1 where src_id = $id"); //exit; return $id; } function syncLang($lang) { // bugs with our old code... // die('in?'); $tn = $this->tableName(); $t = DB_DataObject::factory($tn); $t->query("DELETE FROM {$tn} WHERE lang !='' AND src_id = 0 AND on_table = ''"); // find all the id's from lang that have not been generated.. static $id_tmp = false; if ($id_tmp == false) { //find the origanal $t = DB_DataObject::factory($tn); $t->whereAdd("lang = ''"); $t->active = 1; //old code, this did not support the on_table // $id_tmp = $t->fetchAll('id','template_id'); // $ids = array_keys($id_tmp); $id_tmp = array(); //new code for support the sync tables foreach($t->fetchAll() as $ori){ $id_tmp[$ori->id] = $ori; } } $ids = array_keys($id_tmp); // matching by language: $t = DB_DataObject::factory($tn); $t->whereAddIn('src_id', $ids , 'int'); $t->lang = $lang; //$t->active = 1; $got = $t->fetchAll('src_id'); $missing = array_diff($ids, $got); if (empty($missing)) { return; } $t = DB_DataObject::factory($tn); $q = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE core_templatestr_insert SELECT id as src_id, '' as txt, '$lang' as lang, NOW() as updated, template_id, on_table, on_id, on_col, 1 as active FROM core_templatestr WHERE id IN (". implode(',', $missing) . ") "; //echo $q; exit; DB_DataObject::factory($tn)->query($q); $q = "INSERT INTO $tn (src_id, txt, lang, updated, template_id, on_table,on_id, on_col, active) SELECT * FROM core_templatestr_insert"; DB_DataObject::factory($tn)->query($q); $q = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE core_templatestr_insert"; DB_DataObject::factory($tn)->query($q); } // called from flexy to translate a string. function translateFlexyString($flexy, $string) { $debug = false;; //if (!empty($_REQUEST['_debug'])) { $debug= true; } // using $flexy->currentTemplate -> find the template we are looking at.. // then find the string for $flexy->options['locale'] //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); if ($debug) { var_dump($string); } static $cache = array(); // cache of templates.. $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $view_name = isset($ff->Pman_Core['view_name']) ? $ff->Pman_Core['view_name'] : false; if (empty($view_name)) { $pg = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->page; if (isset($pg->templateViewName)) { $view_name = $pg->templateViewName; } } if ($debug) { var_dump(array('view_name'=> $view_name)); } $tempdir = ''; foreach($flexy->options['templateDir'] as $td) { if (substr($flexy->currentTemplate, 0, strlen($td)) == $td) { $tempdir = $td; break; } } $tmpname = substr($flexy->currentTemplate, strlen($td) +1); if (isset($cache[$tmpname]) && $cache[$tmpname] === false) { if ($debug) { echo "from cache no match - $string\n"; } return $string; } if (!isset($cache[$tmpname])) { $tmpl = DB_DataObject::factory('core_template'); if ($view_name !== false) { $tmpl->view_name = $view_name; } if(!$tmpl->get('template', $tmpname)){ // strip of site prefix if set... $tmpl = DB_DataObject::factory('core_template'); if(!$tmpl->get('template', $tmpname)){ //var_dump("no template? {$tmpname} or {$relpath}" ); $cache[$tmpname] = false; if ($debug) { echo "no template found - no match - $string\n"; } return $string; } } $cache[$tmpname] = $tmpl; } else { $tmpl = $cache[$tmpname] ; } //get original template id /* $orig = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $orig->lang = ''; $orig->template_id = $tmpl->id; $orig->active = 1; $cache[$tmpname]->words = if(!$orig->get( 'mdsum' , md5(trim($string)))){ //var_dump('no text? '. $string); if ($debug) { echo "no original string found tplid: {$tmpl->id}\n"; } return false; } */ if (empty($cache[$tmpname]->translations)) { //find out the text by language //DB_DataObject::DebugLevel(1); $x = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $x->lang = $flexy->options['locale']; $x->template_id = $tmpl->id; $x->autoJoin(); $cache[$tmpname]->translations = $x->fetchAll('src_id_mdsum', 'txt'); if (empty($cache[$tmpname]->translations)) { $cache[$tmpname]->translations = true; } //var_Dump($cache[$tmpname]->translations); } if ($cache[$tmpname]->translations === true) { return $string; } //var_dump("Checking: " . md5(trim($string))); if (!empty($cache[$tmpname]->translations [md5(trim($string))])){ // var_dump("RETURNING: ". $cache[$tmpname]->translations [md5(trim($string))]); return $cache[$tmpname]->translations [md5(trim($string))]; } return $string; } function translateChanged($flexy) { $date = $this->lastUpdated($flexy); if ($date === false) { return false; } $utime = file_exists($flexy->compiledTemplate) ? filemtime( $flexy->compiledTemplate) : 0; return strtotime($date) > $utime; } // determine if a complied template need recompling function lastUpdated($flexy) { //return true; // var_dump('check changed?'); //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); //var_Dump(array($flexy->options['templateDir'][0], $flexy->currentTemplate)); //var_dump($flexy->compiledTemplate); $utime = file_exists($flexy->compiledTemplate) ? filemtime( $flexy->compiledTemplate) : 0; static $cache = array(); // cache of templates.. $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $view_name = isset($ff->Pman_Core['view_name']) ? $ff->Pman_Core['view_name'] : false; // find which of the template directories was actually used for the template. $tempdir = ''; foreach($flexy->options['templateDir'] as $td) { if (substr($flexy->currentTemplate, 0, strlen($td)) == $td) { $tempdir = $td; break; } } $tmpname = substr($flexy->currentTemplate, strlen($td) +1); // we do not have any record of this template.. if (isset($cache[$tmpname]) && $cache[$tmpname] === false) { return false; } if (!isset($cache[$tmpname])) { $tmpl = DB_DataObject::factory('core_template'); if ($view_name !== false) { $tmpl->view_name = $view_name; } if(!$tmpl->get('template', $tmpname)){ // strip of site prefix if set... $tmpl = DB_DataObject::factory('core_template'); if(!$tmpl->get('template', $tmpname)){ //var_dump("no template? {$tmpname} or {$relpath}" ); $cache[$tmpname] = false; return false; } } $cache[$tmpname] = $tmpl; } else { $tmpl = $cache[$tmpname] ; } $x = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $x->lang = $flexy->options['locale']; $x->active = 1; $x->template_id = $tmpl->id; //$x->whereAdd("updated > '". date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $utime)."'"); if ($x->count() < 1) { return false; // we don't have any record of it. } $x->selectAdd(); $x->selectAdd('max(updated) as max_updated'); $x->find(true); return $x->max_updated; } }