tableName()); // template scanning and syncing should be done by the UpdateDatabase Code. //if (!$x->count() || !empty($q['_rescan'])) { //DB_DataObject::debugLEvel(1); //$tp = DB_DataObject::factory('core_template'); //$opts = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman_Core; //$tp->syncTemplateDir(false, '', !empty($q['_rescan'])); //if (isset($q['lang'])) { // $this->syncLang($q['lang']); //} //} // $this->whereAdd(" // join_ // "); } function toRooArray($req) { $ret = $this->toArray(); if (!empty($req['_clean_name']) ) { $ret['template_clean'] = preg_replace('#\.html$#i', '', $this->template); } return $ret; } /* * @param base (should be full path to template directory) * @param subdir = empty for top or subpath. */ function syncTemplateDir($base = false, $subdir = '', $force = false) { echo "syncTemplateDir: $base , $subdir, $force \n"; //print_r(func_get_args()); if (!$base) { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (!isset($ff->Pman_Core)) { echo "[ERROR] Not scanning template directory - no set in Pman_Core[templateDir]\n"; return; } $opts = $ff->Pman_Core; if (is_array($opts['templateDir'])) { foreach($opts['templateDir'] as $type=>$dir) { $this->syncTemplateDir($dir, '', $force); } return; } $base = $opts['templateDir']; } if($force){ $tmpls = DB_DataObject::factory('core_template'); $this->tmpls = $tmpls->fetchAll('template','id'); // dupes?? } $tmp_dir = $base . (empty($subdir) ? '' : '/') . $subdir; if(!is_dir($tmp_dir)){ return; } $dh = opendir($tmp_dir); if(!$dh){ return; // something went wrong!? } while (($fn = readdir($dh)) !== false) { // do we care that it will try and parse the template directory??? - not really.. // as we are only looking for php files.. if(empty($fn) || $fn[0] == '.'){ continue; } $fullpath = $tmp_dir."/".$fn; // echo "filename: ".$fullpath." \n"; $relpath = $subdir . (empty($subdir) ? '' : '/') . $fn; if(is_dir($fullpath)){ // then recursively call self... // var_Dump($base); // var_Dump($subdir . (empty($subdir) ? '' : '/') . $fn); $this->syncTemplateDir($base, $subdir . (empty($subdir) ? '' : '/') . $fn ); continue; } if (!preg_match('/(\.html|\.txt|\.abw)$/', $fn)) { continue; } // var_dump($tmp); // var_dump($tmp_path); // $fn = basename($fn); if (isset($this->tmpls[$relpath])) { unset($this->tmpls[$relpath]); } $template = $this->syncTemplate($relpath, true, false); // var_dump($template); if (is_a($template, 'PEAR_Error')) { continue; } } closedir($dh); // if($force){ foreach($this->tmpls as $id) { $x = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); if ($x->get($id)) { $x->delete(); } } } } /* compile a html template * * @param template_dir << the path to the template dir ... Pman/XXX/template ... * @param template << name of template used by name field) * @param base << view name (module ? + templates?) * * */ function syncTemplatePage($pgdata) { //print_r($pgdata); $force = true; //echo "compiling:"; print_r($pgdata); // read the template and extract the translatable strings. ini_set('memory_limit', '512M'); //var_dump($n); $n= $pgdata['template']; // remove trailing slash.. $fopts = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->HTML_Template_Flexy; $opts = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman_Core; //print_R($opts); //$dir = $opts['templateDir'] . '/' . $node; $oo = array( 'fatalError' => PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION, 'disableTranslate' => false, 'templateDir' => $pgdata['template_dir'], 'compileDir' => $fopts['compileDir'] . '_translation_files', 'forceCompile' => true, //?? only for force above??? ); // non-html templates - treat as such.. // abiword - treat as html? if (!preg_match('/\.(html|abw)$/i', $pgdata['template'])) { $oo['nonHTML'] = true; } //print_r(array($oo, $n)); $flexy = new HTML_Template_Flexy( $oo ); if (!$flexy->resolvePath ($pgdata['template'])) { //echo "SKIP - could not resolve path?\n"; print_r($oo); return false; } // attempt to find the template... record. $tmpl = DB_DataObject::Factory($this->tableName()); $tmpl->view_name = $pgdata['base']; if ($tmpl->get('template', $pgdata['template'])) { if (strtotime($tmpl->updated) >= filemtime($flexy->resolvePath ($pgdata['template']))) { return $tmpl; } } try { $r = $flexy->compile($pgdata['template']); } catch(Exception $e) { $old = clone($tmpl); $tmpl->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',filemtime($flexy->resolvePath ($pgdata['template']))); if ($tmpl->id) { $tmpl->update($tmpl); } else { $tmpl->lang = 'en'; $tmpl->insert(); } return false; } if (is_a($r,'PEAR_Error')) { // echo $r->toString(). "\n"; return $r; } $tmpl = DB_DataObject::Factory($this->tableName()); $tmpl->words = file_exists($flexy->getTextStringsFile) ? unserialize(file_get_contents($flexy->getTextStringsFile)) : array(); $tmpl->contentStrings = $flexy->compiler->contentStrings; //var_dump(file_exists($flexy->getTextStringsFile)); //print_r($tmpl->words); $tmpl->currentTemplate = $flexy->currentTemplate; $tmpl->view_name = $pgdata['base']; if (!$tmpl->get('template', $pgdata['template'])) { $tmpl->template = $pgdata['template']; $tmpl->lang = 'en'; /// ??? hard coded?? $tmpl->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($flexy->currentTemplate)); $tmpl->insert(); } else { $xx =clone($tmpl); // has it been cahnged... //if (!$force && filemtime($flexy->currentTemplate) == strtotime($tmpl->updated)) { // nothing changed.. // return $tmpl; //} if (empty($tmpl->lang)) { //echo "FIX LANG?";exit; $tmpl->lang = 'en'; /// ??? hard coded?? } $tmpl->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($flexy->currentTemplate)); $tmpl->update($xx); } $x = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_templatestr'); $x->syncTemplateWords($tmpl); // if file_exists ( template/path/name.php << eg. a matching view..) // then create a system page for this. $x = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_template_element'); $tmpl->elements = $x->syncTemplateElement($tmpl, file_get_contents($flexy->currentTemplate), $flexy->compiler->contentStrings, false); return clone($tmpl); } function syncPhpGetText($pgdata) { $tmpl = DB_DataObject::Factory($this->tableName()); $tmpl->view_name = $pgdata['base']; $tmpl->currentTemplate = $pgdata['template_dir'] . '/'. $pgdata['template']; if ($tmpl->get('template', $pgdata['template'])) { if (strtotime($tmpl->updated) >= filemtime( $tmpl->currentTemplate )) { //return $tmpl; } } $words = array(); $ar = token_get_all(file_get_contents( $tmpl->currentTemplate )); foreach( $ar as $i=> $tok) { if (!is_array($tok) || $tok[0] != T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { continue; } if ($i < 2) { continue; } if (is_array($ar[$i-1]) || $ar[$i-1] != '(') { continue; } if (!is_array($ar[$i-2]) || $ar[$i-2][1] != '_') { continue; } $ct = $tok[1][0]; $words[] = str_replace('\\'. $ct, $ct, trim($tok[1] , $ct)); } // create the template... if (!$tmpl->id) { $tmpl->template = $pgdata['template']; $tmpl->lang = 'en'; /// ??? hard coded?? $tmpl->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($tmpl->currentTemplate)); $tmpl->insert(); } else { $xx =clone($tmpl); $tmpl->lang = 'en'; /// ??? hard coded?? $tmpl->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($tmpl->currentTemplate)); $tmpl->update($xx); } $words = array_unique($words); if (!count($words)) { return; } $tmpl->words = $words; $x = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_templatestr'); $x->syncTemplateWords($tmpl); return $tmpl; } }