isOwner = 1; if (!$c->find(true)) { return array(); } $pmids = array(); $pd = DB_DataObject::factory('ProjectDirectory'); $pd->project_id = $this->id; $pd->company_id = $c->id; $pd->ispm = 1; if (!$pd->count()) { return array(); } $pd->selectAdd(); $pd->selectAdd('distinct (person_id)'); $pd->find(); while ($pd->fetch()) { $pmids[] = $pd->person_id; } $ret = array(); $p = DB_DataObject::factory('core_person'); $p->whereAdd('id IN ('. implode(',', $pmids) .')'); $p->find(); while ($p->fetch()) { $ret[] = clone($p); } return $ret; } function toEventString() { $c = $this->client(); return ($c && $c->id ? $c->toEventString() : '??'). ':' . $this->name; } /** * apply filter arguemnts * @param $query - see below * @param $authUser - authenticated user * * Query specs: * [query] * project_search = text string. * project_indaterange - a/c/o * project_filter = ALL || P,N,U .... * * // to get a users valid project list - just use array('query' => array('project_filter'=> 'ALL')); * */ function applyFilters($q, $au, $roo) { $tn = $this->tableName(); if (!empty($q['query']['project_search'])) { $s = $this->escape($q['query']['project_search']); $this->whereAdd(" ({$tn}.code LIKE '$s%') OR ({$tn}.name LIKE '%$s%') OR LIKE '%$s%' "); } // types of project to list ... - default is only the open ones... if (!empty($q['query']['project_indaterange'])) { switch($q['query']['project_indaterange']) { case 'A': // all break; case 'C': // current $this->whereAdd("{$tn}.close_date is NULL OR {$tn}.close_date >= NOW()"); break; case 'O': // old $this->whereAdd("{$tn}.close_date < NOW()"); break; } } if (empty($q['_is_update_request']) && (empty($q['query']['project_filter']) || $q['query']['project_filter'] != 'ALL')) { $pf = empty($q['query']['project_filter']) ? 'P,N,U' : $q['query']['project_filter']; $this->whereAddIn("{$tn}.type", explode(',', $pf), 'string'); } // user projects!!!! - make sure they can only see project they are suppsed to.. // only applies to document stuff.. //&& $au->hasPerm('Documents.Documents','S') << this is dependant on the doc modules if (!$au->hasPerm('Core.Projects_All','S') ) { $pr = DB_DataObject::factory($tn); $pr->whereAdd("{$tn}.type IN ('N','X')"); $prjs = $pr->fetchAll('id'); //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $pd = DB_DataObject::factory('ProjectDirectory'); $pd->joinAdd(DB_DataObject::factory($tn), 'LEFT'); $pd->whereAdd("{$tn}.type NOT IN ('N','X')"); $pd->person_id = $au->id; $prjs = array_merge($prjs, $pd->fetchAll('project_id')); if (count($prjs)) { $this->whereAdd(" ({$tn}.id IN (".implode(',', $prjs).")) "); } else { $this->whereAdd("1=0"); // can see nothing!!! } } if (!empty($q['query']['distinct_client_id'])) { // DB_DataObjecT::debuglevel(1); $this->selectAdd(); $this->selectAdd('distinct(client_id)'); $this->selectAs(DB_DataObject::factory('core_company'), 'client_id_%s','join_client_id_id'); $this->groupBy('client_id'); } // this is clipping related.. -- we should have an API for addons like this.. (and docs) } function onInsert($request,$roo) { $oo = clone($this); if (empty($this->code)) { $this->code = 'C' + $this->client_id + '-P' + $this->id; $dt = new DateTime(); $this->updated_dt = $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->update($oo); } } function onUpdate($old, $request, $roo) { $oo = clone($this); if (empty($this->code)) { $this->code = 'C' + $this->client_id + '-P' + $this->id; $dt = new DateTime(); $this->updated_dt = $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->update($oo); } if ($old->code == $this->code) { return; } $opts = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->Pman; $olddir = $opts['storedir'] . '/' . $old->code; $newdir = $opts['storedir'] . '/' . $this->code; if ( file_exists($olddir)) { rename($olddir, $newdir); } } function prune() { if (!$this->prune) { // non-expiring.. return; } $d = DB_DataObject::factory('Document'); $d->whereAdd("date_rec < NOW - INTERVAL {$this->expires} DAYS"); $d->find(); while ($d->fetch()) { $d->prune(); } } /** * our camp interface uses the format Cxxx-Pyyyyyy to refer to the project. */ function getByCodeRef($str) { $bits = explode('-', $str); if ((count($bits) != 2) || $bits[0][0] != 'C' || $bits[1][0] != 'P' ) { return false; } $comp = substr($bits[0], 1); $id = (int) substr($bits[1], 1); return $id && $this->get($id); } function setFromRoo($q) { $this->setFrom($q); if (isset($q['open_date'])) { $this->open_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime( implode('-', array_reverse(explode('/', $q['open_date']))) )); } return true; } /** * fetch a list of user projects. * if you need to filter open/closed.. then add whereAdds before calling */ function userProjects($au, $data='id') // COMPANY BASED!!!! { $id = (int) $au->company_id; $this->whereAdd(" (client_id= $id) OR (agency_id= $id) "); return empty($data) ? $this->fetchAll() :$this->fetchAll($data); } function client() { if (!$this->client_id) { return false; } $c = DB_DataObject::factory('core_company'); $c->get($this->client_id); return $c; } function team() { $c = DB_DataObject::factory('core_group'); $c->get($this->team_id); return $c; } // DEPRICATED - use userProjects function getUserProjects($au, $data='id') // COMPANY BASED!!!! { return $this->userProjects($au, $data); } /** * check who is trying to access this. false == access denied.. */ function checkPerm($lvl, $au) { return $au->hasPerm("Core.Projects_Member_Of",$lvl) || $au->hasPerm("Core.Projects_All",$lvl); } static $cache = array(); function cacheLoad($id) { if (isset(self::$cache[$id])) { return self::$cache[$id]; } $n = $this->factorySelf(); $n->get($id); $n->cacheSave(); return $n; } function cacheSave() { self::$cache[$this->id] = $this; } }