tableName()); $p->get($this->owner_id); return $p; } /** * * * * * FIXME !!!! -- USE Pman_Core_Mailer !!!!! * * * * */ function buildMail($templateFile, $args) { $args = (array) $args; $content = clone($this); foreach((array)$args as $k=>$v) { $content->$k = $v; } $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); //?? is this really the place for this??? if ( !$ff->cli && empty($args['no_auth']) && !in_array($templateFile, array( // templates that can be sent without authentication. 'password_reset' , 'password_welcome' )) ) { $content->authUser = $this->getAuthUser(); if (!$content->authUser) { return PEAR::raiseError("Not authenticated"); } } // should handle x-forwarded... $content->HTTP_HOST = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : (isset($ff->HTTP_HOST) ? $ff->HTTP_HOST : 'localhost'); /* use the regex compiler, as it doesnt parse 'Flexy', 'nonHTML' => true, 'filters' => array('SimpleTags','Mail'), // 'debug'=>1, ); if (!empty($args['templateDir'])) { $tops['templateDir'] = $args['templateDir']; } require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php'; $template = new HTML_Template_Flexy( $tops ); $template->compile("mail/$templateFile.txt"); /* use variables from this object to ouput data. */ $mailtext = $template->bufferedOutputObject($content); $htmlbody = false; // if a html file with the same name exists, use that as the body // I've no idea where this code went, it was here before.. if (false !== $template->resolvePath ( "mail/$templateFile.html" )) { $tops['nonHTML'] = false; $template = new HTML_Template_Flexy( $tops ); $template->compile("mail/$templateFile.html"); $htmlbody = $template->bufferedOutputObject($content); } //echo "
        /* With the output try and send an email, using a few tricks in Mail_MimeDecode. */
        require_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php';
        require_once 'Mail.php';
        $decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($mailtext);
        $parts = $decoder->getSendArray();
        if (is_a($parts,'PEAR_Error')) {
            return $parts;
            //echo "PROBLEM: {$parts->message}";
        list($recipents,$headers,$body) = $parts;
        $recipents = array($this->email);
        if (!empty($content->bcc) && is_array($content->bcc)) {
            $recipents =array_merge($recipents, $content->bcc);
        $headers['Date'] = date('r');
        if ($htmlbody !== false) {
            require_once 'Mail/mime.php';
            $mime = new Mail_mime(array('eol' => "\n"));
            // I think there might be code in mediaoutreach toEmail somewhere
            // h embeds images here..
            $body = $mime->get();
            $headers = $mime->headers($headers);
        return array(
            'recipients' => $recipents,
            'headers'    => $headers,
            'body'      => $body
     * send a template
     * - user must be authenticate or args[no_auth] = true
     *   or template = password_[reset|welcome]
    function sendTemplate($templateFile, $args)
        $ar = $this->buildMail($templateFile, $args);
        $mailOptions = PEAR::getStaticProperty('Mail','options');
        $mail = Mail::factory("SMTP",$mailOptions);
        if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
            return $mail;
        $oe = error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT);
        $ret = $mail->send($ar['recipients'],$ar['headers'],$ar['body']);
        return $ret;
    function getEmailFrom()
        if (empty($this->name)) {
            return $this->email;
        return '"' . addslashes($this->name) . '" <' . $this->email . '>';
    function toEventString() 
        return empty($this->name) ? $this->email : $this->name;
    function verifyAuth()
        $ff= HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
        if (!empty($ff->Pman['auth_comptype']) &&
            (!$this->company_id || ($ff->Pman['auth_comptype'] != $this->company()->comptype))
            $sesPrefix = $this->sesPrefix();
            $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth'] = "";
            return false;
            //$ff->page->jerr("Login not permited to outside companies");
        return true;
    //   ---------------- authentication / passwords and keys stuff  ----------------
    function isAuth()
        $ff= HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
        $sesPrefix = $this->sesPrefix();
        if (!empty($_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth'])) {
            // in session...
            $a = unserialize($_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth']);
            $u = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName());
            if ($a->id && $u->get($a->id)) { //&& strlen($u->passwd)) {
                return $u->verifyAuth();  // got authentication...
            unset($_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth']);
            unset($_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-timeout']);
            setcookie('Pman.timeout', -1, time() + (30*60), '/');
        // http basic auth..
        $u = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName());
        if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) 
            $u->get('email', $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])
           ) {
            $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth'] = serialize($u);
            return true; 
        //die("test init");
        if (!$this->canInitializeSystem()) {
          //  die("can not init");
            return false;
        // local auth - 
        $default_admin = false;
        if (!empty($ff->Pman['local_autoauth']) && 
            ($ff->Pman['local_autoauth'] === true) &&
            (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) &&
                    $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '' &&
                    $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == ''
                    $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '::1' &&
                    $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '::1'
        ) {
            $group = DB_DataObject::factory('core_group');
            $group->get('name', 'Administrators');
            $member = DB_DataObject::factory('core_group_member');
            $member->group_id = $group->id;
       IS NOT NULL
                $default_admin = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName());
                    $default_admin = false;
        //var_dump($ff->Pman['local_autoauth']);         var_dump($_SERVER); exit;
        $u = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName());
        $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
        if (!empty($ff->Pman['local_autoauth']) && 
            (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) &&
                    $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '' &&
                    $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == ''
                    $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '::1' &&
                    $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '::1'
            ) &&
            ($default_admin ||  $u->get('email', $ff->Pman['local_autoauth']))
        ) {
            $user = $default_admin ? $default_admin->toArray() : $u->toArray();
            $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth'] = serialize((object) $user);
            return true;
        //if (!empty(   $_SESSION[__CLASS__][$sesPrefix .'-empty'] )) {
        //    return false;
        //die("got this far?");
        // not in session or not matched...
        $u = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName());
        $u->whereAdd(' LENGTH(passwd) > 0');
        $n = $u->count();
        $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-empty']  = $n;
        if (class_exists('PEAR')) {
            $error =  PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','lastError');
            if ($error) {
                die($error->toString()); // not really a good thing to do...
        if (!$n){ // authenticated as there are no users in the system...
            return true;
        return false;
    function canInitializeSystem()
        return !strcasecmp(get_class($this) , __CLASS__);
    function getAuthUser()
        if (!$this->isAuth()) {
            return false;
        $ff= HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
        $sesPrefix = $this->sesPrefix();
        //var_dump(array(get_class($this),$sesPrefix .'-auth'));
        if (!empty($_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth'])) {
            $a = unserialize($_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth']);
            $u = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); // allow extending this ...
            if ($u->get($a->id)) { /// && strlen($u->passwd)) {  // should work out the pid .. really..
                $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth-timeout'] = time() + (30*60); // eg. 30 minutes
                setcookie('Pman.timeout', time() + (30*60), time() + (30*60), '/');
                $user = clone ($u);
                return clone($user);
            unset($_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth']);
            unset($_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-timeout']);
            setcookie('Pman.timeout', -1, time() + (30*60), '/');
        if (!$this->canInitializeSystem()) {
            return false;
        if (empty(   $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-empty'] )) {
            $u = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName());
            $u->whereAdd(' LENGTH(passwd) > 0');
            $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-empty']  = $u->count();
        if (isset(   $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-empty'] ) && $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-empty']  < 1) {
            // fake person - open system..
            //$ce = DB_DataObject::factory('core_enum');
            $u = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName());
            $u->id = -1;
            // if a company has been created fill that in in company_id_id
            $c = DB_DAtaObject::factory('core_company')->lookupOwner();
            if ($c) {
                $u->company_id_id = $c->pid();
                $u->company_id = $c->pid();
            return $u;
        return false;
    function login()
        $this->isAuth(); // force session start..
        if (!$this->verifyAuth()) { // check for company valid..
            return false;
        // open up iptables at login..
        $dbname = $this->databaseNickname();
        touch( '/tmp/run_pman_admin_iptables-'.$dbname);
        // refresh admin group if we are logged in as one..
        $g = DB_DataObject::factory('core_group');
        $g->type = 0;
        $g->get('name', 'Administrators');
        $gm = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_member');
        if (in_array($g->id,$gm->listGroupMembership($this))) {
            // refresh admin groups.
            $gr = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_right');
            $gr->applyDefs($g, 0);
        $sesPrefix = $this->sesPrefix();
        // we should not store the whole data in the session - otherwise it get's huge.
        $p = DB_DAtaObject::Factory($this->tableName());
        $d = $p->toArray();
        $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth-timeout'] = time() + (30*60); // eg. 30 minutes
        setcookie('Pman.timeout', time() + (30*60), time() + (30*60), '/');
        //var_dump(array(get_class($this),$sesPrefix .'-auth'));
        $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth'] = serialize((object)$d);
        // ensure it's written so that ajax calls can fetch it..
    function logout()
        $this->isAuth(); // force session start..
        $sesPrefix = $this->sesPrefix();
        $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth-timeout'] = -1;
        $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth'] = "";
    function genPassKey ($t) 
        return md5($this->email . $t. $this->passwd);
    function simpleAuthKey($m = 0)
        $month = $m > -1 ? date('Y-m') : date('Y-m', strtotime('LAST MONTH'));
        return md5(implode(',' ,  array($month, $this->email , $this->passwd, $this->id)));
    function checkTwoFactorAuthentication($val)
        require_once 'System.php';
        $oathtool = System::which('oathtool');
        if (!$oathtool) {
            return false;
        $cmd = "{$oathtool} --totp --base32 {$this->oath_key}";
        $password = exec($cmd);
        return ($password == $val) ? true : false;
    function checkPassword($val)
        if (substr($this->passwd,0,1) == '$') {
            if (function_exists('pasword_verify')) {
                return password_verify($val, $this->passwd);
            return crypt($val,$this->passwd) == $this->passwd ;
        // old style md5 passwords...- cant be used with courier....
        return md5($val) == $this->passwd;
    function setPassword($value) 
        if (function_exists('pasword_hash')) {
            return password_hash($value);
        while(strlen($salt)<9) {
            //php -r var_dump(crypt('testpassword', '$1$'. (rand(64,126)). '$'));
        $this->passwd = crypt($value, '$1$'. $salt. '$');
    function generatePassword($length = 5) // genearte a password (add set 'rawPasswd' to it's value)
        require_once 'Text/Password.php';
        $this->rawPasswd = strtr(ucfirst(Text_Password::create($length)).ucfirst(Text_Password::create($length)), array(
        "a"=>"4", "e"=>"3",  "i"=>"1",  "o"=>"0", "s"=>"5",  "t"=>"7"));
        return $this->rawPasswd;
    function company()
        $x = DB_DataObject::factory('core_company');
        return $x;
    function loadCompany()
        $this->company = $this->company();
    function active()
        return $this->active;
    function authUserName($n) // set username prior to acheck user exists query.
        $this->whereAdd('LENGTH(passwd) > 1'); 
        $this->email = $n;
    function lang()
        if (!func_num_args()) {
            return $this->lang;
        $val = array_shift(func_get_args());
        if ($val == $this->lang) {
        $uu = clone($this);
        $this->lang = $val;
        return $this->lang;
    function authUserArray()
        $aur = $this->toArray();
        if ($this->id < 1) {
            return $aur;
        $c = DB_Dataobject::factory('core_company');
        $im = DB_Dataobject::factory('Images');
        $c->joinAdd($im, 'LEFT');
        $c->selectAs($c, 'company_id_%s');
        $c->selectAs($im, 'company_id_logo_id_%s');
        $c->id = $this->company_id;
        $aur = array_merge( $c->toArray(),$aur);
        if (empty($c->company_id_logo_id_id))  {
            $im = DB_Dataobject::factory('Images');
            $im->ontable = DB_DataObject::factory('core_company')->tableName();
            $im->onid = $c->id;
            $im->imgtype = 'LOGO';
            $im->selectAs($im,  'company_id_logo_id_%s');
            if ($im->find(true)) {
                foreach($im->toArray() as $k=>$v) {
                    $aur[$k] = $v;
        // perms + groups.
        $aur['perms']  = $this->getPerms();
        $g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_member');
        $aur['groups']  = $g->listGroupMembership($this, 'name');
        $aur['passwd'] = '';
        $aur['dailykey'] = '';
        $aur['oath_key'] = '';
        return $aur;
    //   ----------PERMS------  ----------------
    function getPerms() 
        // find out all the groups they are a member of.. + Default..
        $g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_right');
        if (!$g->count()) {
        if ($this->id < 0) {
            return $g->adminRights(); // system is not set up - so they get full rights.
        $g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_member');
        $g->whereAdd('group_id is NOT NULL AND user_id IS NOT NULL');
        if (!$g->count()) {
            // add the current user to the admin group..
            $g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group');
            if ($g->get('name', 'Administrators')) {
                $gm = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_member');
                $gm->group_id = $g->id;
                $gm->user_id = $this->id;
        $isOwner = $this->company()->comptype == 'OWNER';
        $g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_member');
        $grps = $g->listGroupMembership($this);
        $isAdmin = $g->inAdmin;   //???  what???
        //echo '
'; print_r($grps);var_dump($isAdmin);
        // the load all the perms for those groups, and add them all together..
        // then load all those 
        $g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_right');
        $ret =  $g->listPermsFromGroupIds($grps, $isAdmin, $isOwner);
        //echo '
        return $ret;
     *Basic group fetching - probably needs to filter by type eventually.
     *@param String $what - fetchall() argument - eg. 'name' returns names of all groups that they are members of.
    function groups($what=false)
        $g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_member');
        $grps = $g->listGroupMembership($this);
        $g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group');
        $g->whereAddIn('id', $grps, 'int');
        return $g->fetchAll($what);
    function hasPerm($name, $lvl) 
        static $pcache = array();
        if (!isset($pcache[$this->id])) {
            $pcache[$this->id] = $this->getPerms();
       // echo "
       // var_dump($pcache[$au->id]);
        if (empty($pcache[$this->id][$name])) {
            return false;
        return strpos($pcache[$this->id][$name], $lvl) > -1;
    //  ------------ROO HOOKS------------------------------------
    function applyFilters($q, $au, $roo)
        if (!empty($q['query']['is_owner'])) {
            $this->whereAdd(" join_company_id_id.comptype = 'OWNER'");
        if (!empty($q['query']['person_not_internal'])) {
            $this->whereAdd(" join_company_id_id.isOwner = 0 ");
        if (!empty($q['query']['person_internal_only_all'])) {
            // must be internal and not current user (need for distribution list)
            // user has a projectdirectory entry and role is not blank.
            $pd = DB_DataObject::factory('ProjectDirectory');
            $pd->whereAdd("role != ''");
            $pd->selectAdd('distinct(person_id) as person_id');
            $roled = $pd->fetchAll('person_id');
            $rs = $roled  ? "  OR
                    {$this->tableName()}.id IN (".implode(',', $roled) . ") 
                    " : '';
            $this->whereAdd(" join_company_id_id.comptype = 'OWNER' $rs ");
        // -- for distribution
        if (!empty($q['query']['person_internal_only'])) {
            // must be internal and not current user (need for distribution list)
            $this->whereAdd(" join_company_id_id.comptype = 'OWNER'");
            //$this->whereAdd(($this->tableName() == 'Person' ? 'Person' : "join_person_id_id") .
            //    ".id  != ".$au->id);
            $this->whereAdd("{$this->tableName()}.id != {$au->id}");
        if (!empty($q['query']['comptype_or_company_id'])) {
           // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1);
            $bits = explode(',', $q['query']['comptype_or_company_id']);
            $id = (int) array_pop($bits);
            $ct = $this->escape($bits[0]);
            $this->whereAdd(" join_company_id_id.comptype = '$ct' OR {$this->tableName()}.company_id = $id");
        // staff list..
        if (!empty($q['query']['person_inactive'])) {
           // DB_Dataobject::debugLevel(1);
            $this->active = 1;
        $tn_p = $this->tableName();
        $tn_gm = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group_member')->tableName();
        $tn_g = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_group')->tableName();

        ///---------------- Group views --------
        if (!empty($q['query']['in_group'])) {
            // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1);
            $ing = (int) $q['query']['in_group'];
            if ($q['query']['in_group'] == -1) {
                // list all staff who are not in a group.
                $this->whereAdd("{$this->tableName()}.id NOT IN (
                    SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM $tn_gm LEFT JOIN
                        $tn_g ON $ = $tn_gm.group_id
                        WHERE $tn_g.type = ".$q['query']['type']."
            } else {
                $this->whereAdd("$ IN (
                    SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM $tn_gm
                        WHERE group_id = $ing
            $v = $this->escape($q['in_group_name']);
                $ IN (
                        DISTINCT(user_id) FROM $tn_gm
                    LEFT JOIN
                        $ = $tn_gm.group_id
                        $ = '{$v}'
        // #2307 Search Country!!
        if (!empty($q['query']['in_country'])) {
            // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1);
            $inc = $q['query']['in_country'];
            $this->whereAdd("$tn_p.countries LIKE '%{$inc}%'");
        if (!empty($q['query']['not_in_directory'])) { 
            // it's a Person list..
            // DB_DATaobjecT::debugLevel(1);
            // specific to project directory which is single comp. login
            $owncomp = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_company');
            $owncomp->get('comptype', 'OWNER');
            if ($q['company_id'] == $owncomp->id) {
                $this->active =1;

            if ( $q['query']['not_in_directory'] > -1) {
                $tn_pd = DB_DataObject::Factory('ProjectDirectory')->tableName();
                // can list current - so that it does not break!!!
                $this->whereAdd("$ NOT IN 
                    ( SELECT distinct person_id FROM $tn_pd WHERE
                        project_id = " . $q['query']['not_in_directory'] . " AND 
                        company_id = " . $this->company_id . ')');
        if (!empty($q['query']['role'])) { 
            // it's a Person list..
            // DB_DATaobjecT::debugLevel(1);
            // specific to project directory which is single comp. login
            $tn_pd = DB_DataObject::Factory('ProjectDirectory')->tableName();
                // can list current - so that it does not break!!!
            $this->whereAdd("$ IN 
                    ( SELECT distinct person_id FROM $tn_pd WHERE
                        role = '". $this->escape($q['query']['role']) ."'
        if (!empty($q['query']['project_member_of'])) {
               // this is also a flag to return if they are a member..
            $do = DB_DataObject::factory('ProjectDirectory');
            $do->project_id = $q['query']['project_member_of'];
            $tn_pd = DB_DataObject::Factory('ProjectDirectory')->tableName();
            $this->joinAdd($do,array('joinType' => 'LEFT', 'useWhereAsOn' => true));
            $this->selectAdd("IF($ IS NULL, 0,  $ )  as is_member");
            if (!empty($q['query']['project_member_filter'])) {
                $this->having('is_member !=0');
                {$this->tableName()}.name LIKE '%{$this->escape($q['query']['name'])}%'
                {$this->tableName()}.name LIKE '{$this->escape($q['query']['name_starts'])}%'
        if (!empty($q['query']['search'])) {
            // use our magic search builder...
             require_once 'Text/SearchParser.php';
            $x = new Text_SearchParser($q['query']['search']);
            $props = array(
            $tbcols = $this->table();
            foreach(array('firstname','lastname') as $k) {
                if (isset($tbcols[$k])) {
                    $props[] = "{$tn_p}.{$k}";
            $str =  $x->toSQL(array(
                'default' => $props,
                'map' => array(
                    'company' => '',
                    //'country' => '',
                    //  'media' => 'Clipping.media_name',
                'escape' => array($this->getDatabaseConnection(), 'escapeSimple'), /// pear db or mdb object..

            $this->whereAdd($str); /*
                        $ LIKE '%$s%'  OR
                        $ LIKE '%$s%'  OR
                        $tn_p.role LIKE '%$s%'  OR
                        $ LIKE '%$s%' OR
                        $tn_p.remarks LIKE '%$s%' 
        // project directory rules -- this may distrupt things.
        $p = DB_DataObject::factory('ProjectDirectory');
        // if project directories are set up, then we can apply project query rules..
        if ($p->count()) {
            $pids = $p->projects($au);
            if (isset($q['query']['project_id'])) {   
                $pid = (int)$q['query']['project_id'];
                if (!in_array($pid, $pids)) {
                    $roo->jerr("Project not in users valid projects");
                $pids = array($pid);
            // project roles..
            //if (empty($q['_anyrole'])) {  // should be project_directry_role
            //    $p->whereAdd("{$p->tableName()}.role != ''");
            // }
            if (!empty($q['query']['role'])) {  // should be project_directry_role
                $role = $this->escape($q['query']['role']); 
                $p->whereAdd("{$p->tableName()}.role LIKE '%{$role}%'");
            if (!$roo->hasPerm('Core.Projects_All', 'S')) {
                $peps = $p->people($pids);
                $this->whereAddIn("{$tn}.id", $peps, 'int');
        // fixme - this needs a more generic fix - it was from the mtrack_person code...
        if (isset($q['query']['ticket_id'])) {  
            // find out what state the ticket is in.
            $t = DB_DataObject::Factory('mtrack_ticket');
            if (!$this->checkPerm('S', $au)) {
                $roo->jerr("permssion denied to query state of ticket");
            $p = DB_DataObject::factory('ProjectDirectory');
            $pids = array($t->project_id);
            $peps = $p->people($pids);
            $this->whereAddIn($this->tableName().'.id', $peps, 'int');
            //$this->whereAdd('join_prole != ''");
         * Seems we never expose oath_key / passwd, so...
        if($this->tableName() == 'core_person'){
            $this->_extra_cols = array('length_passwd', 'length_oath_key');
                LENGTH({$this->tableName()}.passwd) AS length_passwd,
                LENGTH({$this->tableName()}.oath_key) AS length_oath_key
    function setFromRoo($ar, $roo)
        if (!empty($ar['passwd1'])) {
        if (    $this->id &&
                ($this->email == $roo->old->email)&&
                ($this->company_id == $roo->old->company_id)
            ) {
            return true;
        if (empty($this->email)) {
            return true;
        // this only applies to our owner company..
        $c = $this->company();
        if (empty($c->comptype_name) || $c->comptype_name != 'OWNER') {
            return true;
        $xx = DB_Dataobject::factory($this->tableName());
            'email' => $this->email,
           // 'company_id' => $x->company_id
        if ($xx->count()) {
            return "Duplicate Email found";
        return true;
     * before Delete - delete significant dependancies..
     * this is called after checkPerm..
    function beforeDelete($dependants_array, $roo)
        $e = DB_DataObject::Factory('Events');
        $e->whereAdd('person_id = ' . $this->id);
        // anything else?  
     * Check if the a user has access to modify this item.
     * @param String $lvl Level (eg. Core.Projects)
     * @param Pman_Core_DataObjects_Person $au The authenticated user.
     * @param boolean $changes alllow changes???
     * @return false if no access..
    function checkPerm($lvl, $au, $changes=false) //heck who is trying to access this. false == access denied..
       // do we have an empty system..
        if ($au && $au->id == -1) {
            return true;
        // if not authenticated... do not allow in???
        if (!$au ) {
            return false;
        // determine if it's staff!!!
        $owncomp = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_company');
        $owncomp->get('comptype', 'OWNER');
        $isStaff = ($au->company_id ==  $owncomp->id);
        if (!$isStaff) {
            // - can not change company!!!
            if ($changes && 
                isset($changes['company_id']) && 
                $changes['company_id'] != $au->company_id) {
                return false;
            // can only set new emails..
            if ($changes && 
                    !empty($this->email) && 
                    isset($changes['email']) && 
                    $changes['email'] != $this->email) {
                return false;
            // mtrack had the idea that all 'S' should be allowed.. - but filtered later..
            // ???? do we want this?
            // edit self... - what about other staff members...
            //return $this->company_id == $au->company_id;
        // yes, only owner company can mess with this...
        switch ($lvl) {
            // extra case change passwod?
            case 'P': //??? password
                // standard perms -- for editing + if the user is dowing them selves..
                $ret = $isStaff ? $au->hasPerm("Core.Staff", "E") : $au->hasPerm("Core.Person", "E");
                return $ret || $au->id == $this->id;
                return $isStaff ? $au->hasPerm("Core.Staff", $lvl) : $au->hasPerm("Core.Person", $lvl);
        return false;
    function beforeInsert($req, $roo)
        $p = DB_DataObject::factory('core_person');
        if ($roo->authUser->id > -1 ||  $p->count() > 1) {
        $c = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_company');
        $tc = $c->count();
        if (!$tc || $tc> 1) {
            $roo->jerr("can not create initial user as multiple companies already exist");
        $this->company_id = $c->id;
    function onInsert($req, $roo)
        $p = DB_DataObject::factory('core_person');
        if ($roo->authUser->id < 0 && $p->count() == 1) {
            // this seems a bit risky...
            $g = DB_DataObject::factory('core_group');
            $g->type = 0;
            $g->get('name', 'Administrators');
            $p = DB_DataObject::factory('core_group_member');
            $p->group_id = $g->id;
            $p->user_id = $this->id;     
            if (!$p->count()) {
                $roo->addEvent("ADD", $p, $g->toEventString(). " Added " . $this->toEventString());
        if (!empty($req['project_id_addto'])) {
            $pd = DB_DataObject::factory('ProjectDirectory');
            $pd->project_id = $req['project_id_addto'];
            $pd->person_id = $this->id; 
            $pd->ispm =0;
            $pd->office_id = $this->office_id;
            $pd->company_id = $this->company_id;
    function importFromArray($roo, $persons, $opts)
        if (empty($opts['prefix'])) {
            $roo->jerr("opts[prefix] is empty - you can not just create passwords based on the user names");
        if (!is_array($persons) || empty($persons)) {
            $roo->jerr("error in the person data. - empty on not valid");
        foreach($persons as $person){
            $p = DB_DataObject::factory('core_person');
            if($p->get('name', $person['name'])){
            $companies = DB_DataObject::factory('core_company');
            if(!$companies->get('comptype', 'OWNER')){
                $roo->jerr("Missing OWNER companies!");
            $p->company_id = $companies->pid();
            // strip the 'spaces etc.. make lowercase..
            $name = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $person['name']));
            // set up groups
            // if $person->groups is set.. then
            // add this person to that group eg. groups : [ 'Administrator' ] 
                $groups = DB_DataObject::factory('core_group');
                if(!$groups->get('name', $person['groups'])){
                    $roo->jerr("Missing groups : {$person['groups']}");
                $gm = DB_DataObject::factory('core_group_member');
                $gm->change($p, $groups, true);
            $p->onInsert(array(), $roo);
    // this is for the To: "{getEmailName()}" 
    // not good for Dear XXXX, - use {person.firstname} for that.
    function getEmailName()
        $name = array();
            array_push($name, $this->honor);
            array_push($name, $this->name);
            return implode(' ', $name);
        if(!empty($this->firstname) || !empty($this->lastname)){
            array_push($name, $this->firstname);
            array_push($name, $this->lastname);
            $name = array_filter($name);
            return implode(' ', $name);
        return $this->email;
    function sesPrefix()
        $ff= HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
        $appname = empty($ff->appNameShort) ? $ff->project : $ff->project . '-' . $ff->appNameShort;
        $dname = method_exists($this, 'getDatabaseConnection') ? $this->getDatabaseConnection()->dsn['database'] : $this->databaseNickname();
        $sesPrefix = $appname.'-' .get_class($this) .'-' . $dname;

        return $sesPrefix;
    function loginPublic()
        $this->isAuth(); // force session start..
        $db = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
        $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
        if(empty($ff->Pman) || empty($ff->Pman['login_public'])){
            return false;
        $sesPrefix = $ff->Pman['login_public'] . '-' .get_class($this) .'-'.$db->dsn['database'] ;
        $p = DB_DAtaObject::Factory($this->tableName());
        $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$sesPrefix .'-auth'] = serialize((object)$p->toArray());
        return true;
    function beforeUpdate($old, $q, $roo)
            $o = clone($this);
            $qrcode = $this->generateQRCode();
                $roo->jerr('Fail to generate QR Code');
    function generateOathKey()
        $hex = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(10));
        require 'Base32.php';
        $base32 = new Base32();
        $this->oath_key = $base32->base32_encode($hex);
        return $this->oath_key;
    function generateQRCode()
            return false;
        $issuer = (empty($this->name)) ? rawurlencode('ROOJS') : rawurlencode($this->name);
        $uri = "otpauth://totp/{$issuer}:{$this->email}?secret={$this->oath_key}&issuer={$issuer}&algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&period=30";
        require_once 'Image/QRCode.php';
        $qrcode = new Image_QRCode();
        $image = $qrcode->makeCode($uri, array(
            'output_type' => 'return'
        $base64 = base64_encode(ob_get_contents());
        return "data:image/png;base64,{$base64}";