poolname = $notify->poolname; $ns->is_active = 1; $ns->hostname = gethostname(); if (!$ns->count()) { $notify->jerr("Server not found for this server " . gethostname() . " in core_notify_server" ); } $ns->find(true); $current = $ns; return $ns; } function isFirstServer() { $servers = $this->availableServers(); if (empty($servers)) { return false; } // only run this on the first server... return $this->id == $servers[0]->id; } // called on current server. function assignQueues($notify) { $servers = $this->availableServers(); $ids = array(); foreach($servers as $s) { $ids[] = $s->id; } if (empty($ids)) { $notify->jerr("no configured servers in core_notify_server for poolname = {$notify->poolname}"); } // only run this on the first server... if ($this->id != $ids[0]) { return; } foreach($ids as $rn) { $up[$rn] = array(); } $num_servers = count($ids); if ($num_servers == 1) { $p = DB_DataObject::factory($notify->table); $p->query(" UPDATE {$notify->table} SET server_id = {$ids[0]} WHERE sent < '2000-01-01' and event_id = 0 and act_start < NOW() + INTERVAL 3 HOUR and server_id != {$ids[0]} "); return; } // ((@row_number := CASE WHEN @row_number IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE @row_number END +1) % {$num_servers}) $p = DB_DataObject::factory($notify->table); $p->whereAdd(" sent < '2000-01-01' and event_id = 0 and act_start < NOW() + INTERVAL 3 HOUR and server_id NOT IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ") "); if ($p->count() < 1) { return; } $p->selectAdd(); $p->selectAdd("id, ((@row_number := CASE WHEN @row_number IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE @row_number END +1) % {$num_servers}) as rn"); $kv = $p->fetchAll('id','rn'); foreach($kv as $id => $r) { $up[ $ids[$r] ][] = $id; } foreach($up as $sid => $nids) { if (empty($nids)) { continue; } $p = DB_DataObject::factory($notify->table); $p->query(" UPDATE {$notify->table} SET server_id = $sid WHERE id IN (". implode(',', $nids). ')' ); } DB_DataObject::factory("core_notify_blacklist")->prune(); } // called on current server. function availableServers() { $ns = DB_DataObject::factory('core_notify_server'); $ns->poolname = $this->poolname; $ns->is_active = 1; $ns->orderBy('id ASC'); return $ns->fetchAll(); } function updateNotifyToNextServer( $cn , $when = false, $allow_same = false) { // fixme - this should take into account blacklisted - and return false if no more servers are available $email = empty($cn->to_email) ? ($cn->person() ? $cn->person()->email : $cn->to_email) : $cn->to_email; $w = DB_DataObject::factory($cn->tableName()); $w->get($cn->id); $servers = $this->availableServers(); $start = 0; foreach($servers as $i => $s) { if ($s->id == $this->id) { $start = $i; } } $offset = ($start + 1) % count($servers); $good = false; while ($offset != $start) { $s = $servers[$offset]; if (!$s->isBlacklisted($email)) { $good = $s; break; } } if ($good == false && $allow_same) { $good = $this; } if ($good == false) { return false; } // next server.. $pp = clone($w); $w->server_id = $good->id; $w->act_when = $when === false ? $w->sqlValue('NOW() + INTERVAL 1 MINUTE') : $when; $w->update($pp); return true; } function isBlacklisted($email) { // return current server id.. static $cache = array(); // get the domain.. $ea = explode('@',$email); $dom = strtolower(array_pop($ea)); if (isset($cache[$dom])) { return $cache[$dom]; } $cd = DB_DataObject::factory('core_domain')->loadOrCreate($dom); $bl = DB_DataObject::factory('core_notify_blacklist'); $bl->server_id = $this->id; $bl->domain_id = $cd->id; if ($bl->count()) { $cache[$dom] = true; return true; } return false; } function initHelo() { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $ff->Mail['helo'] = $this->helo; } function checkSmtpResponse($errmsg, $core_domain) { $bl = DB_DataObject::factory('core_notify_blacklist'); $bl->server_id = $this->id; $bl->domain_id = $core_domain->id; if ($bl->count()) { return; } // is it a blacklist message if (!$bl->messageIsBlacklisted($errmsg)) { return; } $bl->added_dt = $bl->sqlValue("NOW()"); $bl->insert(); } }