> must.. * freq_hourly = 'what hours' << OR IF EMPTY USES TIME FROM DTSTART * /* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */ function applyFilters($q, $au, $roo) { if (isset($q['query']['person_id_name']) ) { $this->whereAdd( "join_person_id_id.name LIKE '{$this->escape($q['query']['person_id_name'])}%'"); } } function notifytimesRange($advance) { $start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', max(strtotime("NOW"), strtotime($this->dtstart))); $end = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', min(strtotime("NOW + $advance DAYS"), strtotime($this->dtend))); } function method() { $e = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_enum'); $e->get($this->method_id); return $e; } function notifytimes($advance) { // make a list of datetimes when notifies need to be generated for. // it starts 24 hours ago.. or when dtstart list($start, $end) = $this->notifytimesRange($advance); if (strtotime($start) > strtotime($end)) { return array(); // no data.. } $ret = array(); $hours = empty($this->freq_hour) ? array() : array_unique(json_decode($this->freq_hour)); $days = empty($this->freq_day) ? array() : json_decode($this->freq_day); //days to use are = MON FRI SUN //ARE there events on these day in advance days in the future? //TODAY = 25th of may (FRI) //TODAY+1 = 26th (SAT) //TODAY +2 = 27th = SUN (2== advance) //foreeach day in the future upto >>> advance <<< days? // - does an event occur on this day? // -YES - then we will generate an event for it. // -NO nothing happens.. $usedays = array(); for ( $i =0; $i < $advance +1; $i++) { $ut = strtotime("NOW + $i DAYS"); $day = strtoupper(date("D", $ut)); if (in_array($day, $days)) { $usedays[] = date("Y-m-d", $ut); } } print_R($usedays);exit; //print_r($this); foreach($usedays as $d){ foreach($hours as $h){ $date = new DateTime($d. ' ' . $h, new DateTimeZone($this->tz)); $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); $ret[] = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } } return $ret; } function generateNotifications() { //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $w = DB_DataObject::factory($this->tableName()); $w->id = 117; $w->find(); while($w->fetch()){ $w->generateNotificationsSingle(); } } function generateNotificationsSingle() { $notifytimes = $this->notifyTimes(2); print_R($notifytimes);exit; $newSearch = DB_DataObject::factory('core_notify'); $newSearch->whereAdd( 'act_start > NOW()'); $newSearch->recur_id = $this->id; $old = $newSearch->fetchAll('act_start', 'id'); // returns array('2012-12-xx'=>12, 'date' => id....) foreach($notifytimes as $time){ if (isset($old[$time])) { // we already have it... $oo = DB_DataObject::Factory('core_notify'); $oo->get($old[$time]); $oc = clone($oo); $oo->evtype = $this->method()->name; $oo->update($oc); unset($old[$time]); continue; } if (strtotime($time) < time()) { // will not get deleted.. //echo "SKIP BEFORE NOW"; unset($old[$time]); continue; } // do not have a notify event... creat it.. $add = DB_DataObject::factory('core_notify'); $add->setFrom(array( "recur_id" => $this->id, "act_start" => $time, "act_when" => $time, "person_id" => $this->person_id, "onid" => $this->onid, "ontable" => $this->ontable, 'evtype' => $this->method()->name, )); $add->insert(); } foreach($old as $date => $id ) { $del = DB_DataObject::factory('core_notify'); $del->get($id); $del->delete(); } //echo("UPDATED"); } function onUpdate($old, $request,$roo) { $this->generateNotificationsSingle(); } function onInsert($request,$roo) { $this->generateNotificationsSingle(); } function beforeDelete($dependants_array, $roo) { $n = DB_DataObject::Factory("core_notify"); $n->recur_id = $this->id; $n->whereAdd('act_start > NOW() OR act_when > NOW()'); // should delete old events that have not occurred... $n->delete(DB_DATAOBJECT_WHEREADD_ONLY); } function toRooSingleArray($authUser, $request) { $ret = $this->toArray(); if(!empty($ret['keyword_filters'])){ $keywords = array_unique(array_filter(explode(',', $ret['keyword_filters']))); $clipping_keywords = DB_DataObject::factory('clipping_keywords'); $clipping_keywords->whereAddIn('id', $keywords, 'int'); $li = array(); foreach ($clipping_keywords->fetchAll('id', 'keyword') as $k => $v){ $li[] = array( 'id' => $k, 'keyword' => $v ); } $ret['keywords'] = json_encode($li); } return $ret; } function toRooArray($request) { $ret = $this->toArray(); if(!empty($ret['keyword_filters'])){ $keywords = array_unique(array_filter(explode(',', $ret['keyword_filters']))); $clipping_keywords = DB_DataObject::factory('clipping_keywords'); $clipping_keywords->whereAddIn('id', $keywords, 'int'); $ret['keywords'] = implode(',', $clipping_keywords->fetchAll('keyword')); } return $ret; } }