tableName(); if(!empty($q['search']['nameortitle'])){ $this->whereAdd(" $ LIKE '%{$this->escape($q['search']['nameortitle'])}%' OR $tn.subject LIKE '%{$this->escape($q['search']['nameortitle'])}%' "); } } function beforeDelete($dependants_array, $roo) { $i = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); $i->onid = $this->id; $i->ontable = $this->tableName(); $i->find(); while ($i->fetch()){ $i->beforeDelete(); $i->delete(); } } function beforeUpdate($old, $request,$roo) { if (!empty($request['_make_copy'])) { $this->makeCopy($roo); } } function makeCopy($roo) { $c = DB_DataObject::Factory($this->tableName()); $c->setFrom($this); $c->name = "COPY of " . $this->name; $c->updated_dt = $this->sqlValue('NOW()'); $id = $c->insert(); $c = DB_DataObject::Factory($this->tableName()); $c->get($id); // copy images. $i = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); $i->onid = $this->id; $i->ontable = $this->tableName(); $i->find(); while ($i->fetch()){ $new_image = DB_DataObject::factory('Images'); $new_image->onid = $c->id; $new_image->ontable = $this->tableName(); $new_image->createFrom($i->getStoreName(), $i->filename); $map[$i->id] = $new_image->id; } libxml_use_internal_errors (true); $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $doc->loadHTML(''.$this->bodytext.''); $doc->formatOutput = true; //echo '
'; print_R($doc);
        $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
        foreach ($xpath->query('//img[@src]') as $img) {
            $href = $img->getAttribute('src');
            $matches = array();
            if (preg_match("/Images\/([0-9]+)\/([^#]+)\#image\-([0-9]+)$/", $href, $matches)) {
                $oid = $matches[1];
                if (!isset($map[$oid])) {
                    //echo "skip no new id for $oid";
                $nid = $map[$oid];
                $nstr = "/Images/$nid/{$matches[2]}/#image-{$nid}";
                $img->setAttribute('src',  str_replace($matches[0], $nstr, $href ));
        $cc = clone($c);
        $c->bodytext = $doc->saveHTML();
        libxml_use_internal_errors (false);
    function onInsert($request,$roo)
        $i = DB_DataObject::factory('Images');
        $i->onid = 0;
        $i->ontable = $this->tableName();
        while ($i->fetch()){
            $ii = clone ($i);
            $i->onid = $this->id;
    function attachmentIds()
        libxml_use_internal_errors (true);
        $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
        $ret = array();
        foreach ($xpath->query('//img[@src]') as $img) { // process images!
            $href = $img->getAttribute('src');
            $cid = explode('#', $href);
            $cid = explode('-', $cid[1]);
            if (!isset($cid[1])||!is_numeric($cid[1])) {
            $ret[] = $cid[1];
        return $ret;
     * process replacements is run to generate a template - not the final content..
    function processRelacements($replace_links = true)
        libxml_use_internal_errors (true);
        $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
        foreach ($xpath->query('//img[@src]') as $img) { // process images!
            $href = $img->getAttribute('src');
            $cid = explode('#', $href);
                $img->setAttribute('src', 'cid:' . $cid[1]);
        $this->bodytext = $doc->saveHTML();
        libxml_use_internal_errors (false);
        $this->bodytext = str_replace('%7B', '{', $this->bodytext ); // kludge as template is not interpretated as html.
        $this->bodytext = str_replace('%7D', '}', $this->bodytext ); // kludge as template is not interpretated as html.
    function send($obj)
        $contents = (array)$obj;
        $this->cachedMailWithOutImages(true, false);
        $contents['subject'] = $this->subject;
        require_once 'Pman/Core/Mailer.php';
        $templateDir = session_save_path() . '/email-cache-' . getenv('APACHE_RUN_USER') ;
        $r = new Pman_Core_Mailer(array(
            'template'=> $this->tableName() . '-' . $this->id,
            'templateDir' => $templateDir,
            'page' => $this,
            'contents' => $contents
        $ret = $r->toData();
        $images = file_get_contents(session_save_path() . '/email-cache-' . getenv('APACHE_RUN_USER') . '/mail/' . $this->tableName() . '-' . $this->id . '-images.txt');
        $ret['body'] = str_replace('%Images%', $images, $ret['body']);
        return $r->send($ret);
    function cachedMailWithOutImages($force = false, $replace_links = true)
        $random_hash = md5(date('r', time()));
        $cachePath = session_save_path() . '/email-cache-' . getenv('APACHE_RUN_USER') . '/mail/' . $this->tableName() . '-' . $this->id . '.txt';
        if (!$force && $this->isGenerated($cachePath)) {
        if (!file_exists(dirname($cachePath))) {
            mkdir(dirname($cachePath), 0700, true);
        $fh = fopen($cachePath, 'w');

        fwrite($fh, implode("\n", array(
            "From: {t.messageFrom():h} ",
            "To: {t.person.getEmailFrom():h} ",
            "Subject: {t.subject} ",
            "X-Message-ID: {} "
// note the extra space to finish the last line..
        fwrite($fh, " " . "
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=alt-{$random_hash}

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=rel-{$random_hash}

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit




    function cachedImages($random_hash)
        $imageCache = session_save_path() . '/email-cache-' . getenv('APACHE_RUN_USER') . '/mail/' . $this->tableName() . '-' . $this->id . '-images.txt';
        $ids = $this->attachmentIds();
        $fh = fopen($imageCache, 'w');
        $i = DB_DataObject::factory('Images');
        $i->onid = $this->id;
        $i->ontable = $this->tableName();
        $i->whereAddIn('id', $ids, 'int');
        while ($i->fetch()){
            if (!file_exists($i->getStoreName()) || !filesize($i->getStoreName())) {
            $out = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($i->getStoreName())));
            if (empty($out)) {
            $imgfn = urlencode(preg_replace('/#.*$/i', '' , $i->filename));
            fwrite($fh, "--rel-{$random_hash}
Content-Type: {$i->mimetype}; name={$imgfn}
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-ID: id}>
Content-Disposition: inline; filename={$imgfn}

" . $out  . "");

    function isGenerated($cachePath)
        if (!file_exists($cachePath) || !filesize($cachePath)) {
            return false;
        $ctime = filemtime($cachePath);
        $mtime = array();
        $mtime[] = $this->updated_dt;
        $i = DB_DataObject::factory('Images');
        $i->onid = $this->id;
        $i->ontable = $this->tableName();
        $i->selectAdd('max(created) as created');
        $mtime[] = $i->created;
        if($ctime >= strtotime(max($mtime))){
            return true;
        return false;
    function messageFrom()
        return '"' . addslashes($this->from_name) . '" <' . $this->from_email. '>'  ;
    function formatDate($dt, $format = 'd/M/Y')
        return date($format, strtotime($dt));