isOwner = 1; $x->find(true); if (!empty($q['query']['company_project_id'])) { $add = ''; if (!empty($q['query']['company_include_self'])) { $add = ' OR = ' . $x->id; } if (!empty($q['query']['company_not_self'])) { $add = ' AND != ' . $x->id; } $pids = array(); $pid = $q['query']['company_project_id']; if (strpos($pid, ',')) { $bits = explode(',', $pid); foreach($bits as $b) { $pids[] = (int)$b; } } else { $pids = array($pid); } $pids = implode(',', $pids); $this->whereAdd(" IN ( SELECT distinct(company_id) FROM ProjectDirectory where project_id IN ($pids) ) $add" ); // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); } if (!empty($q['query']['comptype'])) { $this->whereAddIn('comptype', explode(',', $q['query']['comptype']), 'string'); } if (!empty($q['query']['province'])) { $prov = $this->escape($q['query']['province']); $this->whereAdd("province LIKE '$prov%'"); } } function toEventString() { return $this->name; } // ---------- AUTHENTICATION function isAuth() { $db = $this->getDatabaseConnection(); $sesPrefix = $db->dsn['database']; @session_start(); if (!empty($_SESSION[__CLASS__][$sesPrefix .'-auth'])) { // in session... $a = unserialize($_SESSION[__CLASS__][$sesPrefix .'-auth']); $u = DB_DataObject::factory('Companies'); if ($u->get($a->id)) { //&& strlen($u->passwd)) { return true; } $_SESSION[__CLASS__][$sesPrefix .'-auth'] = ''; } // not in session or not matched... return false; } function getAuthUser() { if (!$this->isAuth()) { return false; } $db = $this->getDatabaseConnection(); $sesPrefix = $db->dsn['database']; if (!empty($_SESSION[__CLASS__][$sesPrefix .'-auth'])) { $a = unserialize($_SESSION[__CLASS__][$sesPrefix .'-auth']); $u = DB_DataObject::factory('Companies'); if ($u->get($a->id)) { /// && strlen($u->passwd)) { return clone($u); } } return false; } function login() { $this->isAuth(); // force session start.. $db = $this->getDatabaseConnection(); $sesPrefix = $db->dsn['database']; $_SESSION[__CLASS__][$sesPrefix .'-auth'] = serialize($this); } function logout() { $this->isAuth(); // force session start.. $db = $this->getDatabaseConnection(); $sesPrefix = $db->dsn['database']; $_SESSION[__CLASS__][$sesPrefix .'-auth'] = ""; } // ---------- AUTHENTICATION function checkPassword($val) { //echo '
'.$val .  print_R($this,true);
        if (substr($this->passwd,0,1) == '$') {
            return crypt($val,$this->passwd) == $this->passwd ;
        // old style md5 passwords...- cant be used with courier....
        return md5($val) == $this->passwd;
    function setPassword($value) 
        while(strlen($salt)<9) {
            //php -r var_dump(crypt('testpassword', '$1$'. (rand(64,126)). '$'));
        $this->passwd = crypt($value, '$1$'. $salt. '$');
    function onUpload($controller)
        $image = DB_DataObject::factory('Images');
        return $image->onUploadWithTbl($this, 'logo_id');
    function  onUpdate($old, $req,$roo) 
        if (!empty($req['password1'])) {
    function onInsert($req, $roo)
        if (!empty($this->logo_id)) { // update images table to sycn with this..
            $img = DB_DataObject::factory('Images');
            if ($img->get($this->logo_id) && ($img->onid != $this->id)) {
                $img->onid = $this->id;
        if (!empty($req['password1'])) {
        $img = DB_DataObject::factory('Images');
        $img->onid= 0;
        $img->ontable = 'Companies';
        $img->imgtype = 'LOGO';
        // should check uploader!!!
        if ($img->find()) {
            while($img->fetch()) {
                $ii = clone($img);
                $ii->onid = $this->id;
                $this->logo_id = $ii->id;
    function beforeDelete()
        // should check for members....
        $img = DB_DataObject::factory('Images');
        $img->ontable = 'Companies';
        $img->onid = $this->id;
        while ($img->fetch()) {
        return true;
     * check who is trying to access this. false == access denied..
    function checkPerm($lvl, $au, $changes = false) 
        // do we have an empty system..
        if ($au && $au->id == -1) {
            return true;
        if ($au->company()->comptype != 'OWNER') {
            // hacking!
            if ($changes && isset($changes['comptype']) && $changes['comptype'] != $this->comptype) {
                return false;
            return $this->id == $au->company_id;
        return $au->hasPerm("Core.".$this->tableName(), $lvl);    