cli) { return true; } $this->authUser = $this->getAuthUser(); if (!$this->authUser) { return false; } return true; } function relPath($base, $url) { //var_dump(array($base,$url)); if (preg_match('/^(http|https|mailto):/',$url)) { return $url; } $ui = parse_url($base); // if it starts with '/'... // we do not handle ports... if (substr($url,0,2) == '//') { return $ui['scheme'] .':' . $url; } if (substr($url,0,1) == '/') { return $ui['scheme'] .'://'.$ui['host']. $url; } if (substr($ui['path'], -1) == '/') { return $ui['scheme'] .'://'.$ui['host']. $ui['path'] . $url; } if (!strlen($ui['path'])) { return $ui['scheme'] .'://'.$ui['host']. '/' . $url; } /// not sure if this will work... return $ui['scheme'] .'://'.$ui['host']. $ui['path'] . '/../'. $url; } function post() { if(isset($_REQUEST['_convertToPlain'])) { require_once 'System.php'; $tmpdir = System::mktemp("-d convertPlain"); $path = $tmpdir . '/' . time() . '.html'; if(isset($_REQUEST['_check_unsubscribe'])){ libxml_use_internal_errors (true); $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $doc->loadHTML($_REQUEST['bodytext']); $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); foreach ($xpath->query('//a[@href]') as $a) { $href = $a->getAttribute('href'); if(!preg_match('/^#unsubscribe/', $href)){ continue; } $a->parentNode->replaceChild($doc->createTextNode($a->nodeValue . ' {unsubscribe_link}'), $a); } $_REQUEST['bodytext'] = $doc->saveHTML(); libxml_use_internal_errors (false); } if(!file_exists($path)){ file_put_contents($path, $_REQUEST['bodytext']); } require_once 'File/Convert.php'; $fc = new File_Convert($path, 'text/html'); $plain = $fc->convert('text/plain'); $this->jok(file_get_contents($plain)); } // Import from URL if(isset($_REQUEST['importUrl'])) { // $host = parse_url($_REQUEST['importUrl']); // if($host['host'] != 'localhost' && $host['host'] != '' && $host['host'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) // { // $this->jerr('Invalid URL!'); // } $this->checkHeader($_REQUEST['importUrl']); $data = $this->convertStyle($_REQUEST['importUrl'], ''); // print_r($data);exit; $this->jok($data); } // Import from file $htmlFile = DB_DataObject::factory('images'); $htmlFile->setFrom(array( 'onid' => 0, 'ontable' =>'crm_mailing_list_message' )); $htmlFile->onUpload(false); // print_r($htmlFile); if($htmlFile->mimetype != 'text/html') { $this->jerr('accept html file only!'); } if(!file_exists($htmlFile->getStoreName())) { $this->jerr('update failed!'); } $data = $this->convertStyle('', $htmlFile->getStoreName()); $htmlFile->delete(); unlink($htmlFile->getStoreName()) or die('Unable to delete the file'); $this->jok($data); } function checkHeader($url) { if(strpos($url, 'https') !== false) { $this->jerr('accept HTTP url only!'); } $headers = get_headers($url, 1); if(strpos(is_array($headers['Content-Type']) ? $headers['Content-Type'][0] : $headers['Content-Type'], 'text/html') === false) { $this->jerr('accept html file only!'); } return; } var $styleSheets = array(); function convertStyle($url, $file) { if(!empty($url)) { $host = parse_url($url); require_once 'System.php'; $wget = System::which('wget'); if (!$wget) { $this->jerr("no wget"); } $cmd = $wget . ' -q -O - ' . escapeshellarg($url); //echo $cmd; exit; $data = `$cmd`; if (!trim(strlen($data))) { $this->jerr("url returned an empty string"); } // $this->jerr($url); /*require_once 'HTTP/Request.php'; $a = new HTTP_Request($url, array( 'allowRedirects' => true, 'maxRedirects' => 2, 'userAgent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.1229.94 Safari/537.4', )); $a->sendRequest(); // if this results in an errorr or redirect.. // we should log that somewhere.. and display it on the feed... $data = $a->getResponseBody(); */ //$this->jerr($data); // $data = file_get_contents($url); } if(file_exists($file)) { $data = file_get_contents($file); } libxml_use_internal_errors (true); $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $doc->loadHTML(''.$data); $doc->formatOutput = true; $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); foreach ($xpath->query('//img[@src]') as $img) { $href = $img->getAttribute('src'); if (!preg_match("/^http(.*)$/", $href, $matches)) { if(!empty($url)){ $img->setAttribute('src', $this->relPath($url, $href)); continue; } $this->jerr('Please use the absolutely url for image src!'); } } foreach ($xpath->query('//a[@href]') as $a) { $href = $a->getAttribute('href'); if (!preg_match("/^http|mailto|#(.*)$/", $href, $matches)) { if(!empty($url)){ $a->setAttribute('href', $this->relPath($url, $href)); continue; } $this->jerr('Please use the absolutely url for a href!'); } } foreach ($xpath->query('//link[@href]') as $l) { if($l->getAttribute('rel') == 'stylesheet'){ $href = $l->getAttribute('href'); if (empty($url) && !preg_match("/^http(.*)$/", $href, $matches)) { // import from file , must use absolutely url $this->jerr('Please use the absolutely url for link href!'); } if (!empty($url)) { // import from URL $href = $this->relPath($url, $href); } $this->styleSheets[$href] = $this->replaceImageUrl(file_get_contents($href),$href); } } $data = $doc->saveHTML(); $htmldoc = new HTML_CSS_InlineStyle($data); if(count($this->styleSheets) > 0){ foreach ($this->styleSheets as $styleSheet){ $htmldoc->applyStylesheet($styleSheet); } } $html = $htmldoc->getHTML(); libxml_use_internal_errors (false); if (!function_exists('tidy_repair_string')) { return "INSTALL TIDY ON SERVER " . $html; } // finally clean it up... using tidy... $html = tidy_repair_string( $html, array( 'indent' => TRUE, 'output-xhtml' => TRUE, 'wrap' => 120 ), 'UTF8' ); return $html; } function replaceImageUrl($stylesheet,$href) { $base = explode("/", $href); $s = preg_split('/url\(([\'\"]?)/', $stylesheet); foreach($s as $k => $v){ if($k == 0){ continue; } array_pop($base); array_push($base, $v); $s[$k] = implode("/", $base); } $r = implode("url(", $s); $this->checkImportCss($r); return $r; } function checkImportCss($r) { if(preg_match("/@import url/", $r, $matches)){ $importCss = explode("@import url", $r); foreach ($importCss as $css){ if(preg_match("/\.css/", $css, $matches)){ $cssFileName = explode(".css", $css); $name = preg_replace("/[\(\'\"]/", '', $cssFileName[0]); $p = $name . '.css'; $this->styleSheets[$p] = $this->replaceImageUrl(file_get_contents($p),$p); } } } return; } }