cli)) { $this->cli = true; return true; } return true; } function get($tbl, $opts=array()) { PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($this, 'onPearError')); $this->opts = $opts; $this->updateData(); } function updateData() { $this->scanTemplates(); $this->scanTables(); $this->syncLanguage(); $this->jok('OK'); } function scanTemplates() { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (empty($ff->Pman_Cms)) { $this->jerr("config[Pman_Cms] is not set"); } $base = $ff->Pman_Cms['project_name']; $dir = $ff->Pman_Cms['site_dir'][$base]; $dh = opendir($dir); $ret = array(); if(!$dh){ $this->jerr("could not open dir: config[Pman_Cms] = " . $dir); return $ret; // something went wrong!? } while (($fn = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if(empty($fn) || $fn[0] == '.' || !preg_match('/\.bjs$/', $fn)){ continue; } // var_dump($fn);exit; if($this->cli){ echo "Processing {$fn} \n"; } $template = DB_DataObject::factory('cms_template'); $template->setFrom(array( 'template' => $fn, 'lang' => 'en', 'view_name' => $base )); $o = false; if($template->find(true)){ $o = clone ($template); } $template->updated = $template->sqlValue("NOW()"); (empty($o)) ? $template->insert() : $template->update($o); $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($base . '/' . $fn), true); $template->words = empty($data['strings']) ? array() : $data['strings']; $x = DB_DataObject::Factory('cms_templatestr'); $x->syncTemplateWords($template, false); } // pman templates are done via core templates // $this->scanPmanTemplates(); } function scanPmanTemplates() { foreach ($this->modules() as $m){ $view_name = "Pman.$m"; $dh = opendir("Pman/$m"); $ret = array(); if(!$dh){ continue; } while (($fn = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if(empty($fn) || $fn[0] == '.' || !preg_match('/\.bjs$/', $fn)){ continue; } if($this->cli){ echo "Processing {$fn} \n"; } $template = DB_DataObject::factory('cms_template'); $template->setFrom(array( 'template' => $fn, 'lang' => 'en', 'view_name' => $view_name )); $o = false; if($template->find(true)){ $o = clone ($template); } $template->updated = $template->sqlValue("NOW()"); (empty($o)) ? $template->insert() : $template->update($o); $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('Pman' . '/' . $m . '/' . $fn), true); $template->words = empty($data['strings']) ? array() : $data['strings']; $x = DB_DataObject::Factory('cms_templatestr'); $x->syncTemplateWords($template, false); } } } function scanTables() { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (empty($ff->Pman_Cms)) { $this->jerr("config[Pman_Cms] is not set"); } if(isset($ff->Pman_Cms['DataObjects_Cms_templatestr']['tables'])){ $cts = DB_DataObject::factory('cms_templatestr'); if($this->cli){ echo "Sync tables.....\n"; } foreach($ff->Pman_Cms['DataObjects_Cms_templatestr']['tables'] as $table=>$cols){ $t = DB_DataObject::factory($table); foreach($t->fetchAll() as $d) { $cts->onTableChange($this, $d, 'update'); } } } } function syncLanguage() { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); if (empty($ff->Pman_Cms)) { $this->jerr("config[Pman_Cms] is not set"); } $opt_lang = empty($ff->Pman_Core_I18n) ? array( 'l' => array()) : $ff->Pman_Core_I18n; if($this->cli){ echo "Sync the Languages template.....\n"; } foreach($opt_lang['l'] as $l) { if($this->cli){ echo "Sync $l Language.....\n"; } $tps = DB_DataObject::factory('cms_templatestr'); $tps->syncLang($l); /// this should be configured somewhere.. } } }