getAuthUser(); // if (!$au) { // $this->jerr("Not authenticated", array('authFailure' => true)); //} //$this->authUser = $au; return true; } function get() { // should be in the root directory... $opts = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $this->src = isset($opts->Pman_Builder['roojs1_path']) ? $opts->Pman_Builder['roojs1_path'] .'/docs/json': realpath($opts->rootDir. '/roojs1/docs/json'); if (!$this->src) { $this->jerr("roojs1 directory is not in top level folder, or Builder.roojs1_path is not set"); } if (empty($_REQUEST['xtype'])) { $this->jerr("no xtype"); } if ($_REQUEST['xtype'] == '*all') { $this->allProps(); } if ($_REQUEST['xtype'] == 'Array') { $this->jdata(array()); } $view = empty($_REQUEST['view']) ? 'props' : 'events'; $ret = array( ); if ($_REQUEST['xtype'] == '*Module' && $view == 'props') { $this->jdata($this->defModule()); } // strip non alpha chars == our dummy xtype use '*' $xtype = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_.-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['xtype']); //var_dump($xtype);exit; $guess = array( 'Roo', '' , 'Roo.form', '', 'Roo.grid', 'Roo.Toolbar'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['xns'])) { $guess = array( preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_.-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['xns']) ); } foreach( $guess as $p) { $fp = $this->src . '/'. $p.'.'.$xtype . '.json'; if (!file_exists($fp)) { continue; } // var_dump(file_get_contents($fp) ); // is this needed?? can we just dump it out.. with a bit of kluding? $jd = json_decode( file_get_contents($fp) ); //print_r($jd); foreach($jd->$view as $n=>$inf) { $ret[] = (array)$inf; } if ($view == 'props') { $ret = array_merge($ret, $this->defProps()); } $this->jdata($ret); exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST['dataonly'])) { $this->jerr('Not available'); } return $this->jdata(array()); } function defModule() { return array( array( 'name'=>'app', 'type'=>'Object', 'desc'=>'Application (used in perm name) and relates to directory that file is written to..' , 'def'=>'' ), // we could get rid of these... and use the disabled function!!! array( 'name'=>'perm', 'type'=>'String', 'desc'=>'(Optional) Permision name (eg. ListCompanies)' , 'def'=>'' ), array( 'name'=> 'permtype', 'type'=>'String', 'desc'=>'Optional) A,E,S...' , 'def'=>'S' ), array( 'name'=>'disabled', 'type'=>'Number', 'desc'=>'Disable this panel (turn it into a function to run things at module load time)' , 'def'=>'1' ), array( 'name'=>'modkey', 'type'=>'Number', 'desc'=>'Order of item (for tabs)', 'def'=>'' ), array( 'name'=>'module', 'type'=>'Object', 'desc'=>'Module name (eg. Pman.Tab.XXXX or Pman.Dialog.XXXX' , 'def'=>'Pman.Tab.' ), array( 'name'=>'region', 'type'=>'String', 'desc'=>'center|south|east|west|north' , 'def'=>'center' ), array( 'name'=>'parent', 'type'=>'Object', 'desc'=>'Name of Module to add this to.' , 'def'=> 'Pman' ), array( 'name'=>'name', 'type'=>'String', 'desc'=>'Text to display when loading' , 'def'=>'Un-named Part' ), ); } function defProps() { return array( array( 'name'=>'xtype', 'type'=>'String', 'desc'=>'Xtype name of element'), array( 'name'=>'|xns', 'type'=>'Object', 'desc'=>'Namespace for xtype'), array( 'name'=>'style', 'type'=>'String', 'desc'=>'CSS Style'), array( 'name'=>'region', 'type'=>'String', 'desc'=>'Region '), // need for panels.. array( 'name'=>'+buildershow', 'type'=>'Boolean', 'desc'=>'Hide from builder'), // need for panels. array( 'name'=>'*prop', 'type'=>'String', 'desc'=>'Change to property'), // need for panels. ); } function jdata($ar) { if (isset($_REQUEST['dataonly'])) { $this->jok($ar); } parent::jdata($ar); } function allProps() { $defprops = $this->defProps(); $ret = array(); $ret['*Module'] = array('events' => array(), 'props' => $this->defModule()); foreach(scandir($this->src) as $f) { if (empty($f) || $f[0] == '.' || !preg_match('/\.json$/', $f)) { continue; } $cls = preg_replace('/\.json$/', '', $f); $fp = $this->src. '/'. $f; $jd = json_decode( file_get_contents($fp) ); if (empty($jd->props) && empty($jd->events)) { continue; } $jd->props = array_merge($jd->props , $defprops); $ret[$cls] = $jd; } $this->jok($ret); $this->jok("OK"); } }