outputJS(preg_replace('#^BuilderJS/#','', $name)); } //var_dump($name, $default); //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(5); parent::loadPage($prefix, $name, $default ); // template... // menus???? } function outputJS($name) { $proj = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->project; // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $m = DB_DAtaObject::factory('Builder_modules'); $m->get('name', $proj ); $p = DB_DAtaObject::factory('Builder_part'); $p->module_id = $m->pid(); if (!$p->get('name', $name )) { die("invalid url"); } header('Content-type: text/javascript'); // this should outpt the file if it's found. if (file_exists($m->path . '/'. $p->name .'.js')) { $fh = fopen($m->path . '/'. $p->name .'.js', 'r'); fpassthru($fh); exit; } echo $p->jsource; exit; } function outputBody() { $proj = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->project; // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $m = DB_DAtaObject::factory('Builder_modules'); $m->get('name', $proj ); //var_dump($m->path);exit; // needs to modify the template directory?? // use the builder_module == app name // look for part with same name. $template_engine = new HTML_Template_Flexy(array( 'templateDir' => $m->path )); $template_engine->compile($this->template); if ($this->elements) { /* BC crap! */ $this->elements = HTML_Template_Flexy_Factory::setErrors($this->elements,$this->errors); } $template_engine->elements = $this->elements; $template_engine->outputObject($this,$this->elements); } }