{ "name" : "Pman.Dialog.BuilderAdd", "parent" : "", "title" : "Pman.Dialog.BuilderAdd", "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/Pman.Builder/Pman.Dialog.BuilderAdd.bjs", "permname" : "", "modOrder" : "001", "items" : [ { "modal" : true, "title" : "Add Node", "xtype" : "LayoutDialog", "width" : 400, "$ xns" : "Roo", "closable" : false, "resizable" : false, "height" : 170, "items" : [ { "region" : "center", "xtype" : "ContentPanel", "$ xns" : "Roo", "items" : [ { "listeners" : { "actioncomplete" : "function (_self, action)\n{\n if (action.type == 'setdata') {\n // check if element can be templated or databased..\n \n \n }\n}", "rendered" : "function (form)\n{\n _this.form = form;\n}" }, "xtype" : "Form", "$ xns" : "Roo.form", "items" : [ { "style" : "width:350px", "legend" : "Do you want to create the element ?", "xtype" : "FieldSet", "labelWidth" : 140, "$ xns" : "Roo.form", "items" : [ { "fieldLabel" : "From Template", "xtype" : "ComboBox", "$ xns" : "Roo.form", "name" : "template", "items" : [ { "xtype" : "Store", "$ xns" : "Roo.data", "* prop" : "store" } ] }, { "alwaysQuery" : true, "listWidth" : 400, "triggerAction" : "all", "fieldLabel" : "From Database Table", "displayField" : "name", "xtype" : "ComboBox", "allowBlank" : true, "$ xns" : "Roo.form", "name" : "table", "tpl" : "
{name} {desc}
", "items" : [ { "xtype" : "Store", "$ xns" : "Roo.data", "* prop" : "store", "items" : [ { "$ url" : "baseURL + '/Builder/ERM.php'", "xtype" : "HttpProxy", "method" : "GET", "$ xns" : "Roo.data", "* prop" : "proxy" }, { "root" : "data", "xtype" : "JsonReader", "$ fields" : "[ 'name' , 'desc' ]\n ", "$ xns" : "Roo.data", "* prop" : "reader", "totalProperty" : "total" } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "xtype" : "LayoutRegion", "$ xns" : "Roo", "* prop" : "center" }, { "listeners" : { "click" : "function (_self, e)\n{\n var vals = _this.form.getValues();\n \n _this.dialog.hide();\n \n if (vals.table.length) {\n Pman.Dialog.BuilderAddTable.show( \n Roo.apply({ table : vals.table } , _this.data), \n \n function(data) {\n _this.dialog.hide();\n var cls = data['|xns'] + '.' + data['xtype'];\n \n var res = Pman.Builder.Wizard[cls](data);\n _this.callback(res); \n });\n return;\n }\n \n // otherwise, call back with template??\n \n \n _this.callback(_this.data);\n}" }, "text" : "OK", "xtype" : "Button", "$ xns" : "Roo", "* prop" : "buttons[]" }, { "listeners" : { "click" : "function (_self, e)\n{\n _this.dialog.hide();\n}" }, "text" : "Cancel", "xtype" : "Button", "$ xns" : "Roo", "* prop" : "buttons[]" } ] } ] }