cli) { die("not cli"); } return true; } function get($base, $opts = array()) { //print_R($_SERVER['argv']);exit; $file = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; if (!file_exists($file)) { die("file $file does not exist"); } $o = json_decode(file_get_contents($file)); $this->walk($o); //print_R($this->cols); $b = explode('.', basename($file)); array_pop($b); $tn = strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z])/','_$1', array_pop($b))); $tn = preg_replace('/^_+/', '', $tn); if (!empty($_SERVER['argv'][3])) { $tn= $_SERVER['argv'][3]; } $this->toSQL($tn); $b= basename(dirname($file)); $do = $this->toDO($b, $tn); $dofile = dirname($file).'/DataObjects/'. ucfirst($tn).'.php'; if (!file_exists($dofile)) { echo "WRITING $dofile\n"; file_put_contents($dofile, $do); } else { // should support AUTOCODE... echo "DELETE $dofile IF YOU WANT TO RECREATED IT..\n"; } die("DONE"); } function walk($o) { $this->flattenProps($o); $this->parse($o); foreach((array)$o as $k=>$v) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach($v as $oo) { $this->walk($oo); } continue; } if (is_object($v)) { $this->walk($v); continue; } } } function flattenProps($o) { if (empty($o->items)) { return; } $items = array(); foreach($o->items as $oo) { if (!isset($oo->{'*prop'})) { $items[] = $oo; continue; } $this->flattenProps($oo); $o->{$oo->{'*prop'}} = $oo; } $o->items = $items; } function parse($o) { require_once 'Services/JSON.php'; $s = new Services_JSON(); if (empty($o->xtype) || empty($o->{'|xns'})) { return; } if ($o->{'|xns'} != 'Roo.form') { return; } $f = new StdClass; switch ($o->xtype) { case 'TextField': $f->name = $o->name; $f->type = 'VARCHAR'; $f->default = "''"; $f->extra = "NOT NULL"; $f->size = min(255,max(8, pow(2, strlen(decbin(($o->width/2)-1))))); $this->cols[] = $f; break; case 'ComboBox': // print_r($o);exit; if ($o->store->xtype == 'SimpleStore') { //print_R($o);exit; $data = $s->decode($o->store->{'|data'}); $type = 'INT'; $len = 0; foreach($data as $row) { if (is_numeric($row[0])) { continue; } $type = 'VARCHAR'; $len = strlen($row[0]); } if ($type == 'VARCHAR') { $len = min(255,max(8, pow(2, strlen(decbin(($len)))))); $f->default = "''"; } else { $len = 11; $f->default = 0; } $f->name = $o->name; // hiddenname? $f->type = $type; $f->size = $len; $this->cols[] = $f; continue; } // otherwise it's a datasource based one... // our 18N fields are a bit odd here... if (preg_match('/i18n/i', $o->store->proxy->{'|url'})) { $f->name = isset($o->hiddenName) ? $o->hiddenName : $o->name; $f->type = 'VARCHAR'; $f->size = 8; $f->default = "''"; $this->cols[] = $f; continue; } $f->name = isset($o->hiddenName) ? $o->hiddenName : $o->name; $f->type = 'INT'; $f->size = 11; $f->extra = "NOT NULL"; $f->default = 0; $this->cols[] = $f; continue; case 'TextArea': $f->name = $o->name; $f->type = 'TEXT'; $this->cols[] = $f; continue; case 'DateField': case 'NumberField': echo 'FIXME'; print_r($o);exit; case 'Hidden': $f->name = $o->name; $f->type = 'INT'; $f->size = 11; if ($o->name == 'id') { $f->extra = "NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT "; $this->primary_key = $o->name; } else { $f->default = 0; } array_unshift($this->cols, $f); break; default: continue; } } function toSQL($tn) { $out = "CREATE TABLE $tn (\n"; foreach($this->cols as $i=> $f) { $out .= $i ? ",\n" : ""; $row = ''; $sz = $f->type ; if (!empty($f->size)) { $sz .= "(". $f->size.")"; } $row .= " ".str_pad($sz, 20); if (!empty($f->extra)) { $row .= ' ' . $f->extra; } if (isset($f->default)) { $row .= " DEFAULT ". $f->default; } $this->cols[$i]->def = $row; $out.= " ".str_pad($f->name, 30) . $row; } if ($this->primary_key) { $out .= ",\n PRIMARY KEY (". $this->primary_key . ")"; } $out .= "\n);"; echo $out; } function toDO($b,$tn) { $utn = ucfirst($tn); $out = 'cols as $f) { $out .= ' public $' . str_pad($f->name.';',30 ). '// ' . $f->def . "\n"; } $out.=" /* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */ ###END_AUTOCODE }"; echo "\n\n"; echo $out; echo "\n\n"; return $out; } }