err; * - onUpdate($old, $request,$roo) - after update // return value ignored * - onInsert($request,$roo) - after insert * - onUpload($roo) * - setFromRoo($ar) - values from post (deal with dates etc.) - return true|error string. * * - toEventString (for logging - this is generically prefixed to all database operations.) */ class Pman_Roo extends Pman { function getAuth() { parent::getAuth(); // load company! $au = $this->getAuthUser(); if (!$au) { $this->jerr("Not authenticated", array('authFailure' => true)); } $this->authUser = $au; return true; } /** * GET method Roo/TABLENAME.php * -- defaults to listing data. with args. * * * !colname=.... => colname != .... * !colname[0]=... !colname[1]=... => colname NOT IN (.....) ** only supports main table at present.. * colname[0]=... colname[1]=... => colname IN (.....) ** only supports main table at present.. * * other opts: * _post = simulate a post with debuggin on. * lookup = array( k=>v) single fetch based on a key/value pair * _id = single fetch based on id. * _delete = delete a list of ids element. (seperated by ,); * _columns = comma seperated list of columns. * _distinct = a distinct column lookup. * _requestMeta = default behaviour of Roo stores.. on first query.. * * csvCols[0] csvCols[1].... = .... column titles for CSV output * * csvTitles[0], csvTitles[1] .... = columns to use for CSV output * * sort = sort column (',' comma delimited) * dir = sort direction ?? in future comma delimited... * start = limit start * limit = limit number * * _toggleActive !:!:!:! - this hsould not really be here.. * query[add_blank] - add a line in with an empty option... - not really needed??? * */ function get($tab) { // $this->jerr("Not authenticated", array('authFailure' => true)); //echo '
        $this->init(); // from pnan.
        // debugging...
        if (!empty($_GET['_post'])) {
            $_POST  = $_GET;
            return $this->post($tab);
        $tab = str_replace('/', '',$tab); // basic protection??
        $x = DB_DataObject::factory($tab);
        if (!is_a($x, 'DB_DataObject')) {
            $this->jerr('invalid url');
        $_columns = !empty($_REQUEST['_columns']) ? explode(',', $_REQUEST['_columns']) : false;
        if (isset( $_REQUEST['lookup'] )) { // single fetch based on key/value pairs
            if (method_exists($x, 'checkPerm') && !$x->checkPerm('S', $this->authUser))  {
                $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED");
            $this->loadMap($x, $_columns);
            $x->setFrom($_REQUEST['lookup'] );
            if (!$x->find(true)) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['_id'])) { // single fetch
            if (empty($_REQUEST['_id'])) {
                $this->jok($x->toArray());  // return an empty array!
            $this->loadMap($x, $_columns);
            if (!$x->get($_REQUEST['_id'])) {
                $this->jerr("no such record");
            if (method_exists($x, 'checkPerm') && !$x->checkPerm('S', $this->authUser))  {
                $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED");
            $this->jok(method_exists($x, 'toRooSingleArray') ? $x->toRooSingleArray($this->authUser, $_REQUEST) : $x->toArray());
        if (isset($_REQUEST['_delete'])) {
            // do we really delete stuff!?!?!?
            return $this->delete($x,$_REQUEST);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['_toggleActive'])) {
            // do we really delete stuff!?!?!?
            if (!$this->hasPerm("Core.Staff", 'E'))  {
                $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED");
            $clean = create_function('$v', 'return (int)$v;');
            $bits = array_map($clean, explode(',', $_REQUEST['_toggleActive']));
            if (in_array($this->authUser->id, $bits) && $this->authUser->active) {
                $this->jerr("you can not disable yourself");
            $x->query('UPDATE Person SET active = !active WHERE id IN (' .implode(',', $bits).')');
            $this->addEvent("USERTOGGLE", false, implode(',', $bits));
        if (method_exists($x, 'checkPerm') && !$x->checkPerm('S', $this->authUser))  {
            $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED");
        // sets map and countWhat
        $this->loadMap($x, $_columns, empty($_REQUEST['_distinct']) ? false:  $_REQUEST['_distinct']);
        // build join if req.
        $total = $x->count($this->countWhat);
        // sorting..
            empty($_REQUEST['start']) ? 0 : (int)$_REQUEST['start'],
            min(empty($_REQUEST['limit']) ? 25 : (int)$_REQUEST['limit'], 5000)
        $queryObj = clone($x);
        $ret = array();
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['query']['add_blank'])) {
            $ret[] = array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => '----');
        // MOVE ME...
        //if (($tab == 'Groups') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 0))  { // then it's a list of teams..
        if ($tab == 'Groups') {
            $ret[] = array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => 'EVERYONE');
            $ret[] = array( 'id' => -1, 'name' => 'NOT_IN_GROUP');
            //$ret[] = array( 'id' => 999999, 'name' => 'ADMINISTRATORS');
        // DOWNLOAD...
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['csvCols']) && !empty($_REQUEST['csvTitles']) ) {
            header('Content-type: text/csv');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="list-export-'.date('Y-m-d') . '.csv"');
            //header('Content-type: text/plain');
            $fh = fopen('php://output', 'w');
            fputcsv($fh, $_REQUEST['csvTitles']);
            while ($x->fetch()) {
                //echo "
"; print_r(array($_REQUEST['csvCols'], $x->toArray())); exit;
                $line = array();
                foreach($_REQUEST['csvCols'] as $k) {
                    $line[] = isset($x->$k) ? $x->$k : '';
                fputcsv($fh, $line);
        $rooar = method_exists($x, 'toRooArray');
        while ($x->fetch()) {
            $add = $rooar  ? $x->toRooArray($_REQUEST) : $x->toArray();
            $ret[] =  !$_columns ? $add : array_intersect_key($add, array_flip($_columns));
        //if ($x->tableName() == 'Documents_Tracking') {
        //    $ret = $this->replaceSubject(&$ret, 'doc_id_subject');
       // }
        $extra = false;
        if (method_exists($queryObj ,'postListExtra')) {
            $extra = $queryObj->postListExtra($_REQUEST);
        // filter results, and add any data that is needed...
        if (method_exists($x,'postListFilter')) {
            $ret = $x->postListFilter($ret, $this->authUser, $_REQUEST);
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['_requestMeta']) &&  count($ret)) {
            $meta = $this->meta($x, $ret);
            if ($meta) {
                $extra['metaData'] = $meta;
       // echo "
"; print_r($ret);
        $this->jdata($ret,$total, $extra );

     * applySort
     * apply REQUEST[sort] and [dir]
     * sort may be an array of columsn..
     * @arg   DB_DataObject $x
    function applySort($x, $sort = '', $dir ='')
       // Db_DataObject::debugLevel(1);
        $sort = empty($_REQUEST['sort']) ? $sort : $_REQUEST['sort'];
        $dir = empty($_REQUEST['dir']) ? $dir : $_REQUEST['dir'];
        $dir = $dir == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
        $sorted = false;
        if (method_exists($x, 'applySort')) {
            $sorted = $x->applySort($this->authUser, $sort, $dir, array_keys($this->cols));
        if ($sorted === false) {
            $cols = $x->table();
            $sort_ar = explode(',', $sort);
            $sort_str = array();
            foreach($sort_ar as $sort) {
                if (strlen($sort) && isset($cols[$sort]) ) {
                    $sort_str[] =  $x->tableName() .'.'.$sort . ' ' . $dir ;
                } else if (in_array($sort, array_keys($this->cols))) {
                    $sort_str[] = $sort . ' ' . $dir ;
            if ($sort_str) {
                $x->orderBy(implode(', ', $sort_str ));
     * POST method   Roo/TABLENAME.php 
     * -- updates the data..
     * other opts:
     * _debug - forces debugging on.
     * _get - forces a get request
     * _ids - multiple update of records.
     * {colid} - forces fetching
    function post($tab) // update / insert (?? dleete??)
       // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1);
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['_debug'])) {
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['_get'])) {
            return $this->get($tab);
        $_columns = !empty($_REQUEST['_columns']) ? explode(',', $_REQUEST['_columns']) : false;
        $tab = str_replace('/', '',$tab); // basic protection??
        $x = DB_DataObject::factory($tab);
        if (!is_a($x, 'DB_DataObject')) {
            $this->jerr('invalid url');
        // find the key and use that to get the thing..
        $keys = $x->keys();
        if (empty($keys) ) {
            $this->jerr('no key');
          // delete should be here...
        if (isset($_REQUEST['_delete'])) {
            // do we really delete stuff!?!?!?
            return $this->delete($x,$_REQUEST);
        $old = false;
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['_ids'])) {
            $ids = explode(',',$_REQUEST['_ids']);
            $x->whereAddIn($keys[0], $ids, 'int');
            $ar = $x->fetchAll();
            foreach($ar as $x) {
                $this->update($x, $_REQUEST);
            // all done..
        if (!empty($_REQUEST[$keys[0]])) {
            // it's a create..
            if (!$x->get($keys[0], $_REQUEST[$keys[0]]))  {
                $this->jerr("Invalid request");
            $this->jok($this->update($x, $_REQUEST));
        } else {
            if (empty($_POST)) {
                $this->jerr("No data recieved for inserting");
            $this->jok($this->insert($x, $_REQUEST));
    function insert($x, $req)
        if (method_exists($x, 'checkPerm') && !$x->checkPerm('A', $this->authUser, $req))  {
            $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED");
        $_columns = !empty($req['_columns']) ? explode(',', $req['_columns']) : false;
        if (method_exists($x, 'setFromRoo')) {
            $res = $x->setFromRoo($req, $this);
            if (is_string($res)) {
        } else {
        $cols = $x->table();
        if (isset($cols['created'])) {
            $x->created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['created_dt'])) {
            $x->created_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['created_by'])) {
            $x->created_by = $this->authUser->id;
         if (isset($cols['modified'])) {
            $x->modified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['modified_dt'])) {
            $x->modified_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['modified_by'])) {
            $x->modified_by = $this->authUser->id;
        if (isset($cols['updated'])) {
            $x->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['updated_dt'])) {
            $x->updated_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['updated_by'])) {
            $x->updated_by = $this->authUser->id;
        if (method_exists($x, 'onInsert')) {
            $x->onInsert($_REQUEST, $this);
        $this->addEvent("ADD", $x);
        // note setFrom might handle this before hand...!??!
        if (!empty($_FILES) && method_exists($x, 'onUpload')) {
        $r = DB_DataObject::factory($x->tableName());
          $pk = $x->keys();
        // let's assume it has a key!!!
        $pk = $pk[0];
        $r->$pk = $x->$pk;
        $this->loadMap($r, $_columns);
        $rooar = method_exists($r, 'toRooArray');
        //print_r(var_dump($rooar)); exit;
        return $rooar  ? $r->toRooArray($_REQUEST) : $r->toArray();
    function update($x, $req)
        if (method_exists($x, 'checkPerm') && !$x->checkPerm('E', $this->authUser, $_REQUEST))  {
            $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED");
        // check any locks..
        // only done if we recieve a lock_id.
        // we are very trusing here.. that someone has not messed around with locks..
        // the object might want to check in their checkPerm - if locking is essential..
        $lock = DB_DataObjecT::factory('Core_locking');
        if (is_a($lock,'DB_DataObject'))  {
            $lock->on_id = $x->id;
            $lock->on_table= $x->tableName();
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['_lock_id'])) {
                $lock->whereAdd('id != ' . ((int)$_REQUEST['_lock_id']));
            if ($lock->find(true)) {
                // it's locked by someone else..
                $p = $lock->person();
                $this->jerr("Your lock is invalid, This record is locked by " . $p->name . " at " .$lock->created);
            // check the users lock.. - no point.. ??? - if there are no other locks and it's not the users, then they can 
            // edit it anyways...
        $_columns = !empty($req['_columns']) ? explode(',', $req['_columns']) : false;

        $old = clone($x);
        $this->old = $x;
        // this lot is generic.. needs moving 
        if (method_exists($x, 'setFromRoo')) {
            $res = $x->setFromRoo($req, $this);
            if (is_string($res)) {
        } else {
        $this->addEvent("EDIT", $x);
        $cols = $x->table();
        if (isset($cols['modified'])) {
            $x->modified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['modified_dt'])) {
            $x->modified_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['modified_by'])) {
            $x->modified_by = $this->authUser->id;
        if (isset($cols['updated'])) {
            $x->updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['updated_dt'])) {
            $x->updated_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (isset($cols['updated_by'])) {
            $x->updated_by = $this->authUser->id;
        if (method_exists($x, 'onUpdate')) {
            $x->onUpdate($old, $req, $this);
        $r = DB_DataObject::factory($x->tableName());
        $pk = $x->keys();
        // let's assume it has a key!!!
        $pk = $pk[0];
        $r->$pk = $x->$pk;
        $this->loadMap($r, $_columns);
        $rooar = method_exists($r, 'toRooArray');
        //print_r(var_dump($rooar)); exit;
        return $rooar  ? $r->toRooArray($_REQUEST) : $r->toArray();
    function delete($x, $req)
        // do we really delete stuff!?!?!?
        if (empty($req['_delete'])) {
            $this->jerr("Delete Requested with no value");
        // build a list of tables to queriy for dependant data..
        $map = $x->links();
        $affects  = array();
        $all_links = $GLOBALS['_DB_DATAOBJECT']['LINKS'][$x->_database];
        foreach($all_links as $tbl => $links) {
            foreach($links as $col => $totbl_col) {
                $to = explode(':', $totbl_col);
                if ($to[0] != $x->tableName()) {
                $affects[$tbl .'.' . $col] = true;
        // collect tables
       // echo '
        $clean = create_function('$v', 'return (int)$v;');
        $bits = array_map($clean, explode(',', $req['_delete']));
       // print_r($bits);exit;
         $pk = $x->keys();
        // let's assume it has a key!!!
        $pk = $pk[0];
        $x->whereAdd($pk .'  IN ('. implode(',', $bits) .')');
        if (!$x->find()) {
            $this->jerr("Nothing found to delete");
        $errs = array();
        while ($x->fetch()) {
            $xx = clone($x);
            // perms first.
            if (method_exists($x, 'checkPerm') && !$x->checkPerm('D', $this->authUser))  {
                $this->jerr("PERMISSION DENIED");
            // before delte = allows us to trash dependancies if needed..
            if ( method_exists($xx, 'beforeDelete') && ($xx->beforeDelete() === false)) {
                $errs[] = "Delete failed ({$xx->id})\n". (isset($xx->err) ? $xx->err : '');
            // now check deps.
            foreach($affects as $k=> $true) {
                $ka = explode('.', $k);
                $chk = DB_DataObject::factory($ka[0]);
                if (!is_a($chk,'DB_DataObject')) {
                    $this->jerr('Unable to load referenced table, check the links config: ' .$ka[0]);
                $chk->{$ka[1]} =  $xx->$pk;
                $matches = $chk->count();
                if ($matches) {
                    $o = $chk->fetchAll();
                    $desc =  $ka[0]. ':' . $ka[1] .'='.$xx->$pk;
                    if (method_exists($chk, 'toEventString')) {
                        $desc = $ka[0] . ' : ' . $o[0]->toEventString();
                    $this->jerr("Delete Dependant records ($matches found),  first is ( $desc )");
            // finally log it.. 
            $this->addEvent("DELETE", $x);
        if ($errs) {
", $errs)); } $this->jok("Deleted"); } var $cols = array(); function loadMap($do, $filter=false, $distinct = false) { //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $this->countWhat = false; $conf = array(); $this->init(); $mods = explode(',',$this->appModules); $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); //$db->databaseName(); //$ff->DB_DataObject['ini_'. $db->database()]; //echo '
        if (in_array('Builder', $mods) ) {
            foreach(in_array('Builder', $mods) ? scandir($this->rootDir.'/Pman') : $mods as $m) {
                if (!strlen($m) || $m[0] == '.' || !is_dir($this->rootDir."/Pman/$m")) {
                $ini = $this->rootDir."/Pman/$m/DataObjects/pman.links.ini";
                if (!file_exists($ini)) {
                $conf = array_merge($conf, parse_ini_file($ini,true));
                if (!isset($conf[$do->tableName()])) {
                $map = $conf[$do->tableName()];
        } else {
            $map = $do->links();
        // current table..
        $tabdef = $do->table();
        if (isset($tabdef['passwd'])) {
            // prevent exposure of passwords..
        $xx = clone($do);
        $xx = array_keys($tabdef);
        $do->selectAdd(); // we need thsi as normally it's only cleared by an empty selectAs call.
        $selectAs = array(array(  $xx , '%s', false));
        $has_distinct = false;
        if ($filter || $distinct) {
            $cols = array();
            //echo '
' ;print_r($filter);exit;
            foreach($xx as $c) {
                if ($distinct && $distinct == $c) {
                    $has_distinct = 'DISTINCT( ' . $do->tableName() .'.'. $c .') as ' . $c;
                    $this->countWhat =  'DISTINCT  ' . $do->tableName() .'.'. $c .'';
                if (!$filter || in_array($c, $filter)) {
                    $cols[] = $c;
            $selectAs = empty($cols) ?  array() : array(array(  $cols , '%s', false)) ;
        $this->cols = array();
        $this->colsJoinName =array();
        foreach($xx as $k) {
            $this->cols[$k] = $do->tableName(). '.' . $k;
        foreach($map as $ocl=>$info) {
            list($tab,$col) = explode(':', $info);
            // what about multiple joins on the same table!!!
            $xx = DB_DataObject::factory($tab);
            if (!is_a($xx, 'DB_DataObject')) {
            // this is borked ... for multiple jions..
            $do->joinAdd($xx, 'LEFT', 'join_'.$ocl.'_'. $col, $ocl);
            $tabdef = $xx->table();
            $table = $xx->tableName();
            if (isset($tabdef['passwd'])) {
            $xx = array_keys($tabdef);
            if ($filter || $distinct) {
                $cols = array();
                foreach($xx as $c) {
                    $tn = sprintf($ocl.'_%s', $c);
                  // echo '
'; var_dump($tn);
                    if ($distinct && $tn == $distinct) {
                        $has_distinct = 'DISTINCT( ' . 'join_'.$ocl.'_'.$col.'.'.$k .')  as ' . $tn ;
                        $this->countWhat =  'DISTINCT  join_'.$ocl.'_'.$col.'.'.$k;
                    if (!$filter || in_array($tn, $filter)) {
                        $cols[] = $c;
                if (!empty($cols)) {
                     $selectAs[] = array($cols, $ocl.'_%s', 'join_'.$ocl.'_'. $col);
            } else {
                $selectAs[] = array($xx, $ocl.'_%s', 'join_'.$ocl.'_'. $col);
            foreach($xx as $k) {
                $this->cols[sprintf($ocl.'_%s', $k)] = $tab.'.'.$k;
                $this->colsJname[sprintf($ocl.'_%s', $k)] = 'join_'.$ocl.'_'.$col.'.'.$k;
        if ($has_distinct) {
        // we do select as after everything else as we need to plop distinct at the beginning??
        /// well I assume..
       // echo '
        foreach($selectAs as $ar) {
            $do->selectAs($ar[0], $ar[1], $ar[2]);
     * generate the meta data neede by queries.
    function meta($x, $data)
        // this is not going to work on queries where the data does not match the database def..
        // for unknown columns we send them as stirngs..
        $lost = 0;
        $cols  = array_keys($data[0]);
        //echo '
';print_r($this->cols); exit;
        $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
        $reader = $options["ini_{$x->_database}"] .'.reader';
        if (!file_exists( $reader )) {
        $rdata = unserialize(file_get_contents($reader));
       // echo '
        $meta = array();
        foreach($cols as $c ) {
            if (!isset($this->cols[$c]) || !isset($rdata[$this->cols[$c]]) || !is_array($rdata[$this->cols[$c]])) {
                $meta[] = $c;
            $add = $rdata[$this->cols[$c]];
            $add['name'] = $c;
            $meta[] = $add;
        return array(
            'totalProperty' =>  'total',
            'successProperty' => 'success',
            'root' => 'data',
            'id' => 'id',
            'fields' => $meta
    function setFilters($x, $q)
        // if a column is type int, and we get ',' -> the it should be come an inc clause..
       // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1);
        if (method_exists($x, 'applyFilters')) {
           // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1);
            $x->applyFilters($q, $this->authUser);
        $q_filtered = array();
        foreach($q as $key=>$val) {
            // value is an array..
            if (is_array($val) ) {
                $pref = '';
                if ($key[0] == '!') {
                    $pref = '!';
                    $key = substr($key,1);
                if (!in_array( $key,  array_keys($this->cols))) {
                // support a[0] a[1] ..... => whereAddIn(
                $ar = array();
                $quote = false;
                foreach($val as $k=>$v) {
                    if (!is_numeric($k)) {
                        $ar = array();
                    // FIXME: note this is not typesafe for anything other than mysql..
                    if (!is_numeric($v) || !is_long($v)) {
                        $quote = true;
                    $ar[] = $v;
                if (count($ar)) {
                    $x->whereAddIn($pref . (
                        isset($this->colsJname[$key]) ? 
                            $this->colsJname[$key] :
                            ($x->tableName(). '.'.$key)),
                        $ar, $quote ? 'string' : 'int');
            if ($key[0] == '!' && in_array(substr($key, 1), array_keys($this->cols))) {
                $key  = substr($key, 1) ;
                $x->whereAdd(   (
                        isset($this->colsJname[$key]) ? 
                            $this->colsJname[$key] :
                            $x->tableName(). '.'.$key ) . ' != ' .
                    (is_numeric($val) ? $val : "'".  $x->escape($val) . "'")
            switch($key) {
                // Events and remarks -- fixme - move to events/remarsk...
                case 'on_id':  // where TF is this used...
                    if (!empty($q['query']['original'])) {
                      //  DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1);
                        $o = (int) $q['query']['original'];
                        $oid = (int) $val;
                        $x->whereAdd("(on_id = $oid  OR 
                                on_id IN ( SELECT distinct(id) FROM Documents WHERE original = $o ) 
                    $x->on_id = $val;
                    if (strlen($val)) {
                        $q_filtered[$key] = $val;
                    // subjoined columns = check the values.
                    // note this is not typesafe for anything other than mysql..
                    if (isset($this->colsJname[$key])) {
                        $quote = false;
                        if (!is_numeric($val) || !is_long($val)) {
                            $quote = true;
                        $x->whereAdd( "{$this->colsJname[$key]} = " . ($quote ? "'". $x->escape($val) ."'" : $val));
        // nice generic -- let's get rid of it.. where is it used!!!!
        // used by: 
        // Person / Group / most of my queries noww...
        if (!empty($q['query']['name'])) {
            $x->whereAdd($x->tableName().".name LIKE '". $x->escape($q['query']['name']) . "%'");
        // - projectdirectory staff list - persn queuy