array( 'desc' => 'Request per second (default 1)', 'default' => '2', 'short' => 'P', 'max' => 1 ), 'timeout' => array( 'desc' => 'Timeout in seconds', 'default' => '5', 'short' => 'T' , 'max' => 1 ), 'total' => array( 'desc' => 'Total tests (20)', 'default' => '20', 'short' => 't' , 'max' => 1 ), ); // try and do some load testing.. var $total = 20; // total number of tests to run. var $timeout = 5; // for each request. var $per_second = 2; // how many per second. var $host = ''; var $url = ''; var $cmd = ""; // filled in by initCmd var $started = 0; var $done = array(); var $pool = array(); function get($r,$opts=array()) { // print_R($opts);exit; foreach($opts as $k=>$v) { $this->{$k} = $v; } $this->initCmd(); echo "Run: Request Per Second: {$this->per_second} No. Requests : {$this->total} Timeout: {$this->timeout} URL: {$this->url} Host: {$this->host} CMD: {$this->cmd} "; while (true) { $ps = $this->poolsize(); if ($this->started >= $this->total) { if ($ps == 0) { break; } usleep((1.0/$this->per_second) * 1000000); continue; } // run it.. $this->run(); $this->started++; //echo "Sleep: " . ((1.0/$this->per_second) * 1000000) . "\n"; usleep((1.0/$this->per_second) * 1000000); } $this->displayResults(); //print_R($this->done); exit; } var $log = array(); var $keynames = array(); function initCmd() { require_once 'System.php'; $curl = System::which('curl'); $this->cmd = implode(" ", array( $curl, "--max-time " , $this->timeout , "-s -o /dev/null -k ", "-H \"Host: {$this->host}\"", "\"{$this->url}\"", "-w \"%{http_code},%{size_download},%{time_connect},%{time_starttransfer},%{time_total}\n\"" )); $sn = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; $this->cwd = $sn[0] == '/' ? dirname($sn) : dirname(realpath(getcwd() . '/'. $sn)); $this->keynames =array( 'success', 'size', 'connect', 'building', 'sent' ); foreach($this->keynames as $k=>$v) { $this->log[$v] = array(); } } function run() { $tn = $this->tempName('stdout', true); $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", 'r'), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("file", $tn, 'w'), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr is a file to write to ); //$cmd = 'exec ' . $php . ' ' . $app . ' ' . $cmdOpts; //. ' &'; $pipe = array(); //echo date("H:i:s"). ":Start: {$this->started} : {$this->cmd}\n"; $p = proc_open($this->cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $this->cwd ); $info = proc_get_status($p); $this->pool[] = array( 'proc' => $p, 'pid' => $info['pid'], 'out' => $tn, 'id' => $this->started, //'cmd' => $cmd, 'pipes' => $pipes, 'started' => time() ); } function poolsize() { $pool = array(); clearstatcache(); foreach($this->pool as $p) { $info = proc_get_status($p['proc']); // update if necessday. if ($info['pid'] && $p['pid'] != $info['pid']) { $p['pid'] = $info['pid']; } if ($info['running']) { $pool[] = $p; continue; } // closed... fclose($p['pipes'][0]); fclose($p['pipes'][2]); proc_close($p['proc']); $res = trim(file_get_contents($p['out'])); $p['data'] = explode(",", $res); $this->done[] = $p; foreach($p['data'] as $i=>$v) { $this->log[$this->keynames[$i]][] = $v; } $suc = $p['data'][0] == 200 ? 'Done' : 'Fail'; echo date("H:i:s"). ":{$suc}: ". (1+$p['id']). "/{$this->total}: "; $this->displayResults(); @unlink($p['out']); } $this->pool = $pool; return count($pool); } function displayResults() { $log = $this->log; // we could slice log values to get recent.. // to show current trend. $done = count($this->done); echo "Success Rate: ". number_format(100*(count(array_filter($log['success'], function($s) { return $s == 200; })) / $done), 0) . '%'. " Largest: " . number_format(max($log['size']),0) .'b'. // these ignore failures. " Smallest: " . number_format(min($log['size']),0) .'b'. " Av.Connect: ". number_format(array_sum($log['connect'])/$done, 2) .'s'. " Average Before Output Time: ", number_format(array_sum($log['building'])/$done, 2) .'s'. " Average Load Time: " .number_format(array_sum($log['sent'])/$done, 2) .'s' . " Load: {$this->per_second} req/s" . "\n"; } }