{ "id": "roo-file-266", "name": "Pman.Dialog.AdminEnumImages", "parent": "", "title": "", "path": "/home/chris/gitlive/Pman.Admin/Pman.Dialog.AdminEnumImages.bjs", "items": [ { "|xns": "Roo", "xtype": "LayoutDialog", "items": [ { "|xns": "Roo", "xtype": "LayoutRegion", "*prop": "center" }, { "listeners": { "|activate": "function() {\n _this.panel = this;\n if (_this.grid) {\n _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n }\n}" }, "background": true, "fitContainer": true, "fitToframe": true, "region": "center", "tableName": "Companies", "title": "Outlets", "xtype": "GridPanel", "|xns": "Roo", "items": [ { "listeners": { "|render": "function() \n{\n _this.grid = this; \n _this.dialog = Pman.Dialog.PrettybookedOutlet;\n if (_this.panel.active) {\n this.footer.onClick('first');\n }\n}", "|rowdblclick": "function (_self, rowIndex, e)\n{\n //_this.dialog = Pman.Dialog.PrettybookOutlet;\n _this.dialog.show( this.getDataSource().getAt(rowIndex).data, function() {\n _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n }); \n}\n", "cellclick": "function (_self, rowIndex, columnIndex, e)\n{\n var di = this.colModel.getDataIndex(columnIndex);\n if (di == 'is_active' || di == 'is_allow_booking') {\n\n var rec = _this.grid.ds.getAt(rowIndex);\n if(di == 'is_active'){\n rec.set('is_active', rec.data.is_active ? 0 : 1);\n }else{\n rec.set('is_allow_booking', rec.data.is_allow_booking ? 0 : 1);\n }\n rec.commit();\n }else{\n return;\n }\n \n}", "afteredit": "function (e)\n{\n e.record.commit(); \n}" }, "*prop": "grid", "clicksToEdit": 1, "loadMask": true, "xtype": "EditorGrid", "|xns": "Roo.grid", "items": [ { "listeners": { "beforeload": "function (_self, options)\n{\n options.params = options.params || {};\n options.params.comptype='Outlet';\n options.params._search = _this.searchBox.getValue();\n for(var k in _this.pagetype) {\n if (!_this.pagetype[k].pressed) {\n continue;\n }\n switch(k) {\n case 'new':\n options.params.is_active = 0;\n break;\n case 'all':\n options.params.is_active = 1 ;\n break;\n }\n \n }\n}", "update": "function (_self, record, operation)\n{\n if (operation != Roo.data.Record.COMMIT) {\n return;\n }\n // got commit..\n if(record.data.id > 0){\n new Pman.Request({\n url : baseURL + '/Roo/Companies.php',\n method : 'POST',\n params : {\n id : record.data.id,\n is_active : record.data.is_active,\n owner_id_active_by : record.data.is_active ? 2 : 0,\n is_allow_booking : record.data.is_allow_booking\n }, \n success : function(res) {\n //Roo.log(data);\n // update the ID if it's not set..\n if (record.data.id * 1 < 1) {\n record.set('id', res.data.id);\n }\n // no need to reload this..\n //_this.grid.getDataSource().load({});\n }\n });\n }\n \n}" }, "*prop": "dataSource", "remoteSort": true, "xtype": "Store", "|sortInfo": "{ field : 'created_dt', direction: 'DESC' }", "|xns": "Roo.data", "items": [ { "*prop": "proxy", "method": "GET", "xtype": "HttpProxy", "|url": "baseURL + '/Roo/Companies.php'", "|xns": "Roo.data" }, { 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{\n 'name': 'company_id_updated_dt',\n 'type': 'date'\n },\n {\n 'name': 'company_id_is_active',\n 'type': 'int'\n },\n {\n 'name': 'company_id_top_id',\n 'type': 'int'\n }\n]", "|xns": "Roo.data" } ] }, { "*prop": "footer", "xtype": "PagingToolbar", "pageSize": 25, "displayInfo": true, "displayMsg": "Displaying Companies{0} - {1} of {2}", "emptyMsg": "No Companies found", "|xns": "Roo" }, { "*prop": "toolbar", "xtype": "Toolbar", "|xns": "Roo", "items": [ { "listeners": { "render": "function (_self)\n{\n_this.searchBox= _self;\n}", "specialkey": "function (_self, e)\n{\n_this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n}" }, "xtype": "TextField", "|xns": "Roo.form" }, { "listeners": { "|click": "function (_self, e)\n{\n_this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n}" }, "cls": "x-btn-icon", "xtype": "Button", "|icon": "rootURL + '/Pman/templates/images/search.gif'", "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar" }, { "listeners": { "|click": "function (_self, e)\n{\n _this.searchBox.setValue('');\n \n _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n}" }, "cls": "x-btn-icon", "xtype": "Button", "|icon": "rootURL + '/Pman/templates/images/edit-clear.gif'", "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar" }, { "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar", "xtype": "Separator" }, { "listeners": { "render": "function (_self)\n{\n _this.pagetype = _this.pagetype || {};\n _this.pagetype['new'] = _self;\n}", "click": "function (_self, e)\n{\n _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n}" }, "enableToggle": true, "pressed": true, "text": "New Outlets", "toggleGroup": "pagetype", "xtype": "Button", "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar" }, { "listeners": { "render": "function (_self)\n{\n _this.pagetype = _this.pagetype || {};\n _this.pagetype['all'] = _self;\n}", "click": "function (_self, e)\n{\n _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n}" }, "enableToggle": true, "pressed": false, "text": "All Outlets", "toggleGroup": "pagetype", "xtype": "Button", "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar" }, { "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar", "xtype": "Fill" }, { "listeners": { "|click": "function()\n{\n\n var sel = _this.grid.selModel.getSelectedCell();\n if (!sel) { \n Roo.MessageBox.alert(\"Error\", \"Select an outlet\");\n return;\n }\n var rec = _this.grid.ds.getAt(sel[0]);\n Pman.Dialog.PersonEdit.show( { id : rec.data.owner_id } , function() {\n _this.grid.footer.onClick('reload');\n }); \n \n \n}\n" }, "text": "Edit Owner password", "xtype": "Button", "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar" }, { "listeners": { "|click": "function()\n{\n if (!_this.dialog) return;\n _this.dialog.show( { id : 0 } , function() {\n _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n }); \n}\n" }, "cls": "x-btn-text-icon", "text": "Add", "xtype": "Button", "|icon": "Roo.rootURL + 'images/default/dd/drop-add.gif'", "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar" }, { "listeners": { "|click": "function()\n{\n //Pman.genericDelete(_this, 'Companies'); \n \n var selection = _this.grid.getSelectionModel().getSelectedCell();\n var sn = _this.grid.ds.getAt(selection[0]);\n if (!sn || isNaN(sn.id *1)) {\n Roo.MessageBox.alert(\"Error\", \"Select a row\"); \n return;\n }\n Roo.MessageBox.confirm(\"Confirm\", \"Are sure you want to delete that?\", function (v){\n if (v != 'yes') {\n return;\n }\n Roo.log(sn);\n new Pman.Request({\n url : baseURL + '/Roo/Companies.php',\n method: 'POST',\n params : {\n _delete : sn.data.id\n },\n success : function()\n {\n Roo.log('Got Success!!');\n _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n }\n });\n /*new Pman.Request({\n url : baseURL + '/Roo/Person.php',\n method: 'POST',\n params : {\n _delete : sn.data.owner_id\n },\n success : function()\n {\n Roo.log('Got Success!!');\n \n \n }\n });\n */\n });\n \n}" }, "cls": "x-btn-text-icon", "text": "Delete", "xtype": "Button", "|icon": "rootURL + '/Pman/templates/images/trash.gif'", "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar" } ] }, { "xtype": "ColumnModel", "header": "Id", "width": 75, "dataIndex": "id", "|renderer": "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }", "|xns": "Roo.grid", "*prop": "colModel[]" }, { "xtype": "ColumnModel", "header": "Name", "width": 200, "dataIndex": "name", 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'-checked' : '';\n\n return '';\n \n }", "|xns": "Roo.grid" }, { "xtype": "ColumnModel", "header": "Price range min", "width": 75, "dataIndex": "price_range_min", "|renderer": "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }", "|xns": "Roo.grid", "*prop": "colModel[]" }, { "xtype": "ColumnModel", "header": "Price range max", "width": 75, "dataIndex": "price_range_max", "|renderer": "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }", "|xns": "Roo.grid", "*prop": "colModel[]" }, { "xtype": "ColumnModel", "header": "Favoured value", "width": 75, "dataIndex": "favoured_value", "|renderer": "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }", "|xns": "Roo.grid", "*prop": "colModel[]" }, { "*prop": "colModel[]", "dataIndex": "owner_id_active_by", "header": "Active By", "width": 75, "xtype": "ColumnModel", "|renderer": "function(v)\n{\n switch(v){\n case 1:\n v = 'user';\n break;\n case 2:\n v = 'admin';\n break;\n default:\n v = '';\n break;\n }\n return String.format('{0}', v);\n}", "|xns": "Roo.grid" }, { "*prop": "colModel[]", "dataIndex": "is_allow_booking", "header": "Allow Booking?", "width": 75, "xtype": "ColumnModel", "|renderer": "function(v) { \n var state = v * 1 > 0 ? '-checked' : '';\n\n return '';\n \n }", "|xns": "Roo.grid" }, { "*prop": "colModel[]", "dataIndex": "total_value", "header": "Total $ value", "width": 75, "xtype": "ColumnModel", "|renderer": "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }", "|xns": "Roo.grid" } ] } ] } ] } ], "permname": "", "modOrder": "001" }