archivePaths() - returns array ( sourcedirectory, remainder of path to dependant file ) * DataObjects->listThumbs() - returns array ( list of full path to thumbnail urls. ) * * * DISCOVERY * * * */ require_once 'Pman.php'; class Pman_Admin_Export extends Pman_Admin_Dump { function getAuth() { if (!HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->cli) { die("Access only permitted from cli"); } } var $args = array(); var $deps = array(); // list of dependants var $out = array(); // list of created sql/shell scripts. var $uid = array(); function get($path ) { ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); // we need alot of memory set_time_limit(0); $argv = $_SERVER['argv']; array_shift($argv); array_shift($argv); $opts = explode(',', 'table==,where==,dump-dir==,debug='); require_once 'Console/Getopt.php'; $go = Console_Getopt::getopt2($argv, '', $opts ); if (is_object($go)) { die($go->toString()); } foreach($go[0] as $ar) { $args[substr($ar[0],2)] = $ar[1]; } $errs = array(); foreach($opts as $req) { if (substr($req,-2, 2) != '==') { // skip optional arguments continue; } if (empty($args[substr($req,0, -2)])) { $errs[] = "--".substr($req,0, -2) . ' is required'; } } if (!empty($errs)) { die(print_R($errs,true)); } if (!empty($args['debug'])) { DB_DataObject::debugLevel($args['debug']); } $this->args = $args; $this->out = array(); $this->discoverChildren($this->args['table'], $this->args['where'], true); //print_R($this->deletes); //print_r($this->dumps); //exit; $this->discover($this->args['table'], $this->args['where'], true); if (!file_exists($args['dump-dir'])) { mkdir($args['dump-dir'], 0777, true); } // create uid's // dump items.. echo "GENERATED FILES:\n"; // summary echo " ". implode("\n ", $this->out). "\n"; exit; } var $deletes = array(); // TABLE => [key] => TRUE|FALSE var $dumps = array(); // TABLE => [key] => TRUE|FALSE - if it's been scanned.. var $dscan = array(); // TABLE:COL => [value => TRUE|FALSE] - if its been scanned.. var $childfiles = array(); // array of [ 'sourcedirectory' , 'subdirectory(s) and filename' ] var $childthumbs = array(); // array of [ 'filename', 'filename' ,......] var $filesize = 0; // size of files to be saved. (not total deletd..) var $filetotal = 0; // number of distinct files to be saved (not total deleted) /** * scan table for * a) what depends on it (eg. child elements) - which will be deleted. * b) what it depends on it (eg. parent elements) - which will be dumped.. */ function generateDelete() { $target = $this->args['dump-dir'] .'/'. date('Y-m-d').'.delete.sql'; $this->out[] = $target; $fh = fopen($target, 'w'); foreach($this->deletes as $tbl=>$ar) { $do = DB_DataObject::factory($tbl); $tbl = $do->tableName(); $keys = $do->keys(); $key = $keys[0]; $do->whereAddIn($keys[0] , array_keys($ar), 'int'); $do->find(); $archivePaths = method_exists($do,'archivePaths'); $listThumbs = method_exists($do,'listThumbs'); while ($do->fetch()) { if ($archivePaths) { $ct = $do->archivePaths(); if ($ct) { $this->childfiles[] = $ct; } } if ($listThumbs) { $ct = $do->listThumbs(); if($ct) { $this->childthumbs[] = $ct; } } $id = $do->$key; fwrite($fh, "DELETE FROM `$tbl` WHERE `$key` = $id;\n"); // we assume id's and nice column names... } $do->free(); } fclose($fh); } function generateShell() { if (empty($this->childfiles) && empty($this->childthumbs)) { return; } $target = $this->args['dump-dir'] .'/'. date('Y-m-d').''; $this->out[] = $target; $fh = fopen($target, 'w'); $target = $this->args['dump-dir'] .'/'. date('Y-m-d').''; $this->out[] = $target; $fh2 = fopen($target, 'w'); $target = $this->args['dump-dir'] .'/'. date('Y-m-d').''; $this->out[] = $target; $fh3 = fopen($target, 'w'); $done = array(); $donedir = array(); foreach($this->childfiles as $v) { if (isset($done[$v[1]])) { continue; } $done[$v[1]] = true; $this->filesize += filesize($v[0].'/'.$v[1]); $this->filetotal++; $fdir = dirname($this->args['dump-dir'] .'/'.$v[1]); if (!isset($donedir[$fdir])) { fwrite($fh,"mkdir -p " . escapeshellarg(dirname($this->args['dump-dir'] .'/'.$v[1])) ."\n" ); } fwrite($fh,"cp " . escapeshellarg($v[0].'/'.$v[1]) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($this->args['dump-dir'] .'/'.$v[1]) ."\n" ); if (!isset($donedir[$fdir])) { fwrite($fh3,"mkdir -p " . escapeshellarg(dirname($v[0].'/'.$v[1])) ."\n" ); } $donedir[$fdir] = true; fwrite($fh3,"cp " . escapeshellarg($this->args['dump-dir'] .'/'.$v[1]) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($v[0].'/'.$v[1]) . "\n" ); fwrite($fh2,"rm " . escapeshellarg($v[0].'/'.$v[1]) ."\n" ); } fclose($fh); fclose($fh3); // restore does not need to bother with thumbnails. foreach($this->childthumbs as $v) { foreach($v as $vv) { fwrite($fh2,"rm " . escapeshellarg($vv). "\n"); } } fclose($fh2); } function generateInsert() { $target = $this->args['dump-dir'] .'/'. date('Y-m-d').'.sql'; $this->out[] = $target; $fh = fopen($target,'w'); foreach($this->dumps as $tbl => $ar) { if (empty($ar)) { continue; } $do = DB_DataObject::factory($tbl); $keys = $do->keys(); $do->whereAddIn($keys[0] , array_keys($ar), 'int'); $do->find(); while ($do->fetch()) { fwrite($fh,$this->toInsert($do)); } $do->free(); } fclose($fh); } /** * toInsert - does not handle NULLS... */ function toInsert($do) { $kcol = array_shift($do->keys()); // for auto_inc column we need to use a 'set argument'... $items = $do->table(); //print_R($items); // for $leftq = ''; $rightq = ''; $table = $do->tableName(); foreach( $items as $k=>$v) { if ($leftq) { $leftq .= ', '; $rightq .= ', '; } $leftq .= '`' . $k . '`'; if ($v & DB_DATAOBJECT_STR) { $rightq .= $do->_quote((string) ( ($v & DB_DATAOBJECT_BOOL) ? // this is thanks to the braindead idea of postgres to // use t/f for boolean. (($do->$k === 'f') ? 0 : (int)(bool) $do->$k) : $do->$k )) . " "; continue; } if (is_numeric($do->$k)) { $rightq .=" {$do->$k} "; continue; } $rightq .= ' ' . intval($do->$k) . ' '; } return "INSERT INTO `{$table}` ($leftq) VALUES ($rightq);\n"; } }