From b66d4967e360e3fb68bdf2a4f617d983137ed7a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: garyhgohoos Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:04:10 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Issue #24187:release pr using default itemsrc and add to unreleased po --- foundation-database/manifest.js | 1 + .../public/functions/releasepr.sql | 195 ++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 196 insertions(+) create mode 100644 foundation-database/public/functions/releasepr.sql diff --git a/foundation-database/manifest.js b/foundation-database/manifest.js index ba912f155..27b1bd058 100644 --- a/foundation-database/manifest.js +++ b/foundation-database/manifest.js @@ -741,6 +741,7 @@ "public/functions/releaseinvcnumber.sql", "public/functions/releasenumber.sql", "public/functions/releaseponumber.sql", + "public/functions/releasepr.sql", "public/functions/releaseprnumber.sql", "public/functions/releasepurchaseorder.sql", "public/functions/releasequnumber.sql", diff --git a/foundation-database/public/functions/releasepr.sql b/foundation-database/public/functions/releasepr.sql new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0044151b --- /dev/null +++ b/foundation-database/public/functions/releasepr.sql @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ + +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION releasePR(pPrId INTEGER) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ +-- Copyright (c) 1999-2014 by OpenMFG LLC, d/b/a xTuple. +-- See for the full text of the software license. +DECLARE + _pr RECORD; + _w RECORD; + _i RECORD; + _rows INTEGER := 0; + _itemsrcid INTEGER := -1; + _poheadid INTEGER := -1; + _poitemid INTEGER := -1; + _taxtypeid INTEGER := -1; + _polinenumber INTEGER; + _ponumber NUMERIC; + _price NUMERIC; + +BEGIN + + -- Cache information + SELECT *, + CASE WHEN(pr_order_type='W') THEN pr_order_id + ELSE -1 + END AS parentwo, + CASE WHEN(pr_order_type='S') THEN pr_order_id + ELSE -1 + END AS parentso + INTO _pr + FROM pr LEFT OUTER JOIN itemsite ON (pr_itemsite_id = itemsite_id) + LEFT OUTER JOIN item ON (item_id = itemsite_item_id) + LEFT OUTER JOIN prj ON (prj_id = pr_prj_id) + WHERE (pr_id = pPrId); + IF (NOT FOUND) THEN + RETURN -1; + END IF; + + SELECT * INTO _w + FROM itemsite JOIN whsinfo ON (warehous_id = itemsite_warehous_id) + LEFT OUTER JOIN addr ON (warehous_addr_id = addr_id) + LEFT OUTER JOIN cntct ON (warehous_cntct_id = cntct_id) + WHERE (itemsite_id = _pr.itemsite_id); + + -- Must either be a single itemsrc or a default itemsrc + SELECT itemsrc_id INTO _itemsrcid + FROM itemsrc + WHERE (itemsrc_item_id = _pr.item_id) + AND (_pr.pr_duedate BETWEEN COALESCE(itemsrc_effective, startOfTime()) AND COALESCE(itemsrc_expires, endOfTime())) + AND (itemsrc_default); + IF (NOT FOUND) THEN + SELECT MAX(itemsrc_id), count(*) INTO _itemsrcid, _rows + FROM itemsrc + WHERE (itemsrc_item_id = _pr.item_id) + AND (_pr.pr_duedate BETWEEN COALESCE(itemsrc_effective, startOfTime()) AND COALESCE(itemsrc_expires, endOfTime())) + GROUP BY itemsrc_item_id; + IF (NOT FOUND) THEN + RETURN -2; + END IF; + IF (_rows > 1) THEN + RETURN -2; + END IF; + END IF; + + SELECT * INTO _i + FROM itemsrc JOIN vendinfo ON (itemsrc_vend_id = vend_id) + LEFT OUTER JOIN cntct ON (vend_cntct1_id = cntct_id) + LEFT OUTER JOIN addr ON (vend_addr_id = addr_id) + WHERE (itemsrc_id = _itemsrcid); + + RAISE NOTICE 'releasepr selected itemsrc_id = % for pr = %', _itemsrcid, _pr.pr_id; + + -- Find matching unreleased PO + SELECT COALESCE(pohead_id, -1) INTO _poheadid + FROM pohead + WHERE ( (pohead_status = 'U') + AND (pohead_vend_id = _i.itemsrc_vend_id) + AND (COALESCE(pohead_shiptoaddress1, '') = COALESCE(_w.addr_line1, '')) + AND (COALESCE(pohead_shiptoaddress2, '') = COALESCE(_w.addr_line2, '')) + AND (COALESCE(pohead_shiptoaddress3, '') = COALESCE(_w.addr_line3, '')) + AND (COALESCE(pohead_shiptocity, '') = COALESCE(_w.addr_city, '')) + AND (COALESCE(pohead_shiptostate, '') = COALESCE(_w.addr_state, '')) + AND (COALESCE(pohead_shiptozipcode, '') = COALESCE(_w.addr_postalcode, '')) + AND (COALESCE(pohead_shiptocountry, '') = COALESCE(_w.addr_country, '')) ); + + IF (NOT FOUND) THEN + -- Create new PO + SELECT NEXTVAL('pohead_pohead_id_seq') INTO _poheadid; + SELECT fetchPoNumber() INTO _ponumber; + + INSERT INTO pohead + ( pohead_id, pohead_number, pohead_status, pohead_dropship, + pohead_agent_username, pohead_vend_id, pohead_taxzone_id, + pohead_orderdate, pohead_curr_id, pohead_cohead_id, + pohead_warehous_id, pohead_shipvia, + pohead_terms_id, pohead_shipto_cntct_id, + pohead_shipto_cntct_honorific, pohead_shipto_cntct_first_name, + pohead_shipto_cntct_middle, pohead_shipto_cntct_last_name, + pohead_shipto_cntct_suffix, pohead_shipto_cntct_phone, + pohead_shipto_cntct_title, pohead_shipto_cntct_fax, + pohead_shipto_cntct_email, pohead_shiptoaddress_id, + pohead_shiptoaddress1, + pohead_shiptoaddress2, + pohead_shiptoaddress3, + pohead_shiptocity, + pohead_shiptostate, pohead_shiptozipcode, + pohead_shiptocountry, pohead_vend_cntct_id, + pohead_vend_cntct_honorific, pohead_vend_cntct_first_name, + pohead_vend_cntct_middle, pohead_vend_cntct_last_name, + pohead_vend_cntct_suffix, pohead_vend_cntct_phone, + pohead_vend_cntct_title, pohead_vend_cntct_fax, + pohead_vend_cntct_email, pohead_vendaddress1, + pohead_vendaddress2, pohead_vendaddress3, + pohead_vendcity, pohead_vendstate, + pohead_vendzipcode, pohead_vendcountry ) + VALUES + ( _poheadid, _ponumber, 'U', FALSE, + getEffectiveXtUser(), _i.itemsrc_vend_id, _i.vend_taxzone_id, + CURRENT_DATE, COALESCE(_i.vend_curr_id, basecurrid()), NULL, + COALESCE(_pr.itemsite_warehous_id, -1), COALESCE(_i.vend_shipvia, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.vend_terms_id, -1), _w.cntct_id, + _w.cntct_honorific, _w.cntct_first_name, + _w.cntct_middle, _w.cntct_last_name, + _w.cntct_suffix, _w.cntct_phone, + _w.cntct_title, _w.cntct_fax, + _w.cntct_email, _w.addr_id, + COALESCE(_w.addr_line1, ''), + COALESCE(_w.addr_line2, ''), + COALESCE(_w.addr_line3, ''), + COALESCE(_w.addr_city, ''), + COALESCE(_w.addr_state, ''), COALESCE(_w.addr_postalcode, ''), + COALESCE(_w.addr_country, ''), _i.cntct_id, + COALESCE(_i.cntct_honorific, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.cntct_first_name, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.cntct_middle, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.cntct_last_name, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.cntct_suffix, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.cntct_phone, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.cntct_title, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.cntct_fax, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.cntct_email, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.addr_line1, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.addr_line2, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.addr_line3, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.addr_city, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.addr_state, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.addr_postalcode, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.addr_country, TEXT('')) ); + END IF; + + SELECT NEXTVAL('poitem_poitem_id_seq') INTO _poitemid; + + SELECT (COALESCE(MAX(poitem_linenumber), 0) + 1) INTO _polinenumber + FROM poitem + WHERE (poitem_pohead_id = _poheadid); + + SELECT COALESCE(itemtax_taxtype_id, -1) INTO _taxtypeid + FROM itemtax + WHERE (itemtax_item_id = _i.itemsrc_item_id); + + SELECT itemsrcPrice(_i.itemsrc_id, + COALESCE(_pr.itemsite_warehous_id, -1), + FALSE, + (_pr.pr_qtyreq / COALESCE(_i.itemsrc_invvendoruomratio, 1.00)), + COALESCE(_i.vend_curr_id, baseCurrId()), + CURRENT_DATE) INTO _price; + + -- Create PO Item + INSERT INTO poitem + ( poitem_id, poitem_status, poitem_pohead_id, poitem_linenumber, + poitem_duedate, poitem_itemsite_id, + poitem_vend_item_descrip, poitem_vend_uom, + poitem_invvenduomratio, poitem_qty_ordered, + poitem_unitprice, poitem_vend_item_number, + poitem_itemsrc_id, poitem_order_id, poitem_order_type, poitem_prj_id, poitem_stdcost, + poitem_manuf_name, poitem_manuf_item_number, + poitem_manuf_item_descrip, poitem_taxtype_id, poitem_comments ) + VALUES + ( _poitemid, 'U', _poheadid, _polinenumber, + _pr.pr_duedate, _pr.itemsite_id, + COALESCE(_i.itemsrc_vend_item_descrip, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.itemsrc_vend_uom, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.itemsrc_invvendoruomratio, 1.00), (_pr.pr_qtyreq / COALESCE(_i.itemsrc_invvendoruomratio, 1.00)), + _price, COALESCE(_i.itemsrc_vend_item_number, TEXT('')), + _i.itemsrc_id, _pr.pr_order_id, _pr.pr_order_type, _pr.prj_id, stdcost(_i.itemsrc_item_id), + COALESCE(_i.itemsrc_manuf_name, TEXT('')), COALESCE(_i.itemsrc_manuf_item_number, TEXT('')), + COALESCE(_i.itemsrc_manuf_item_descrip, TEXT('')), _taxtypeid, + COALESCE(_pr.pr_releasenote, TEXT(''))); + + -- Copy characteristics from the pr to the poitem + INSERT INTO charass + ( charass_target_type, charass_target_id, charass_char_id, + charass_value, charass_default, charass_price ) + SELECT 'PI', _poitemid, charass_char_id, + charass_value, charass_default, charass_price + FROM charass + WHERE ( (charass_target_type='PR') + AND (charass_target_id=pPrId) ); + + -- Delete the PR + PERFORM deletePr(pPrId); + + RETURN _poitemid; + +END; +$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; -- 2.39.2