From 30497b8c13ee10f101d769e084d74fd2fa1f9d0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alan Knowles Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 15:33:37 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/1] ClutterTest/Window.bjs --- ClutterTest/Window.bjs | 284 ----------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 284 deletions(-) diff --git a/ClutterTest/Window.bjs b/ClutterTest/Window.bjs index 0c6f46f80..e69de29bb 100644 --- a/ClutterTest/Window.bjs +++ b/ClutterTest/Window.bjs @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -{ - "id": "file-gtk-13", - "name": "Window", - "parent": "", - "title": false, - "path": "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/ClutterTest/Window.bjs", - "items": [ - { - "default_height": 900, - "default_width": 900, - "id": "Window", - "xtype": "Window", - "|init": "function() {\n;\n this.el.show_all();\n}\n", - "|xns": "Gtk", - "items": [ - { - "id": "Canvas", - "pack": "add", - "xtype": "Embed", - "|activate": "function(elname) \n{\n\n // enter event. - triggers start of possible re-arrange.\n // --> 'next event'\n // leave notify event...- cancel..\n // --> clear next event\n \n \n \n \n\n\n // prevent dupes\n \n/* if (this.lastAct) {\n if (((new Date()) - this.lastAct) < 1000) {\n return;\n }\n \n }\n */\n this.lastAct = new Date();\n\n // THIS NEEDS TO ACTIVATE CERTIAN LAYOUTS BASED ON WHAT ELEMENT\n // HAS BEEN ACTIVATED.\n var Clutter =;\n var _t = this;\n \n var moved = [];\n function mv(en, opts) {\n moved.push(en);\n if (opts.scale && !opts.scale_x) {\n opts.scale_x = opts.scale;\n }\n if (opts.scale && !opts.scale_y) {\n opts.scale_y = opts.scale;\n }\n if (opts.scale) {\n delete opts.scale;\n }\n var anim = _t.get(en).el.animate( Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_ELASTIC, 1000, opts );\n \n anim.timeline.start();\n }\n var left = ['project', 'parts', 'props' ];\n var right = [ 'filelist', 'editor', 'preview', 'palete' ];\n function emin() {\n \n left.forEach(function(e) {\n if (moved.indexOf(e) > -1) { return; } // already moved\n mv(e, { scale : 0.5, x : 5, y : left.indexOf(e)*60} );\n });\n right.forEach(function(e) {\n if (moved.indexOf(e) > -1) { return; } // already moved\n mv(e, { scale : 0.5, x : 700 , y : right.indexOf(e)*60} );\n });\n }\n \n // reserve left < 100 for icons...\n // elements have a few 'scale' states\n // a) minimized '50x50' box on left or right....\n // b) full size\n // c) reduced size (visible but not active..)\n \n // active element should always end up on left...\n \n switch (elname) {\n case 'project':\n case 'filelist': \n \n mv('project', { scale : 2, x : 100 , y : 0}); // full left.\n mv('filelist', { scale : 2, x : 400 , y : 0}); // right. \n break;\n \n \n case 'parts': // tree of parts\n case 'props': \n mv('parts', { scale : 2, x : 60 , y : 0}); // full left.\n mv('props', { scale : 2, x : 60 , y : 200}); // bottom (full)\n mv('preview', { scale : 1, x : 260 , y : 0}); // right (half.)\n break;\n \n\n case 'editor':\n // editor = props / tree and editor (main!)\n mv('editor', { scale : 3, x : 300 , y : 0}); // main?\n \n mv('props', { scale : 2, x : 60 , y : 0}); // bottom (full)\n mv('parts', { scale : 2, x : 60 , y : 200}); // full left. \n\n break;\n \n case 'preview':\n // preview... debugger is probably helpful..?\n mv('parts', { scale : 1, x : 60 , y : 0}); // full left.\n mv('props', { scale : 1, x : 60 , y : 200}); // bottom (full)\n mv('preview', { scale : 3, x : 160 , y : 0}); // right (half.)\n break;\n break;\n\n case 'palete':\n mv('parts', { scale : 2, x : 60 , y : 0}); // full left.\n mv('palete', { scale : 2, x : 500 , y : 0}); // bottom (full)\n \n break;\n \n }\n emin();\n \n/*\n \n if (this.lastEl) {\n mv(this.lastEl, { scale: 0.5 });\n }\n \n this.lastEl = elname;\n mv(elname, { scale: 2});\n */\n}\n", - "|enter": "function(n) {\n print(\"ENTER : \" + n);\n this.nextActor = n;\n // start countdown..\n this.entered = new Date();\n // set up a timeout..\n if (this.hasTimeout) {\n return;\n }\n var _t = this;\n this.hasTimeout = GLib.timeout_add (GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 100, function() { \n\n if (!_t.nextActor) { // no actor..\n // print(\"no actor\");\n return true;\n }\n // lapsed\n var lapsed = ((new Date()) - _t.entered);\n //print (\"lapsed: \" + lapsed);\n if (lapsed < 1000) { // not enought time yet..\n //print(\"not yet\");\n return true;\n }\n var na = _t.nextActor + '';\n _t.nextActor = false;\n _t.activate(na);\n return true;\n });\n}\n", - "|leave": "function() {\n this.nextActor = false;\n}\n", - "|xns": "GtkClutter", - "items": [ - { - "id": "project", - "pack": false, - "scale_x": 0.5, - "scale_y": 0.5, - "x": 10, - "xtype": "Actor", - "y": 10, - "|xns": "GtkClutter", - "items": [ - { - "listeners": { - "enter_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').enter('project');\n return false;\n}", - "leave_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\nprint(\"leave not event?\");\n this.get('/Canvas').leave();\n return false;\n}" - }, - "height_request": 100, - "label": "project list", - "pack": false, - "width_request": 100, - "xtype": "Button", - "|xns": "Gtk" - } - ] - }, - { - "id": "filelist", - "pack": false, - "x": 10, - "xtype": "Actor", - "y": 150, - "|xns": "GtkClutter", - "items": [ - { - "listeners": { - "enter_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').enter('filelist');\n return false;\n}", - "leave_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').leave();\n return false;\n}" - }, - "height_request": 100, - "label": "file list", - "pack": false, - "width_request": 100, - "xtype": "Button", - "|xns": "Gtk" - } - ] - }, - { - "id": "parts", - "pack": false, - "x": 10, - "xtype": "Actor", - "y": 300, - "|xns": "GtkClutter", - "items": [ - { - "listeners": { - "enter_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').enter('parts');\n return false;\n}", - "leave_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').leave();\n return false;\n}" - }, - "height_request": 400, - "id": "LeftTree", - "pack": "false", - "width_request": 150, - "xtype": "ScrolledWindow", - "|getActiveElement": "function() { // return path to actie node.\n\n var path = this.getActivePath();\n if (!path) {\n return false;\n }\n var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n this.get('model').el.get_iter_from_string(iter, path);\n \n var value = new GObject.Value('');\n this.get('model').el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n \n return JSON.parse(value.value);\n}\n", - "|getActiveFile": "function() {\n return this.get('model').file;\n}\n", - "|getActivePath": "function() {\n var model = this.get('model');\n var view = this.get('view');\n if (view.selection.count_selected_rows() < 1) {\n return false;\n }\n var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n\n view.selection.get_selected(model.el, iter);\n return model.el.get_path(iter).to_string();\n}\n", - "|getPaleteProvider": "function() {\n var model = this.get('model');\n var pm = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager;\n return pm.getPalete(model.file.getType());\n}\n", - "|getRenderer": "function() {\n\n\tswitch( this.getActiveFile().getType()) {\n\t\tcase 'Roo':\n\t\t return this.get('/RightBrowser.view');\n\t\tcase 'Gtk':\n\t\t return this.get('/RightGtkView');\n\t}\n\n}\n", - "|init": "function() {\n;\n this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)\n}\n", - "|renderView": "function() {\n var render = this.getRenderer();\n var model = this.get('model');\n if (render) {\n render.renderJS(model.toJS(false,true)[0]);\n } else {\n print(\"NO RENDER JS METHOD?\");\n }\n}\n", - "|shadow_type": "Gtk.ShadowType.IN", - "|xns": "Gtk", - "items": [ - { - "listeners": { - "button_press_event": "function (self, ev) {\n// \tconsole.log(\"button press?\");\n \treturn;\n if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS || ev.button.button != 3) {\n print(\"click\" + ev.type);\n return false;\n }\n \n \n var res = {}; \n this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.get_path_at_pos(ev.button.x,ev.button.y, res);\n \n if (!this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el) this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').init();\n \n this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());\n this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el.show_all();\n this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el.popup(null, null, null, null, 3, ev.button.time);\n print(\"click:\" + res.path.to_string());\n return false;\n}", - "drag_begin": "function (self, drag_context) {\n\tprint('SOURCE: drag-begin');\n this.targetData = false;\n // find what is selected in our tree...\n var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n var s = this.selection;\n s.get_selected(this.get('/LeftTree.model').el, iter);\n\n // set some properties of the tree for use by the dropped element.\n var value = new GObject.Value('');\n this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n var data = JSON.parse(value.value);\n var xname = this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.guessName(data);\n \n this.el.dragData = xname;\n this.el.dropList = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider().getDropList(xname);\n \n\n // make the drag icon a picture of the node that was selected\n var path = this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.get_path(iter);\n this.el.treepath = path.to_string();\n \n var pix = this.el.create_row_drag_icon ( path);\n \n Gtk.drag_set_icon_pixmap (ctx,\n pix.get_colormap(),\n pix,\n null,\n -10,\n -10);\n \n return true;\n}", - "drag_end": "function (self, drag_context) {\n\tSeed.print('LEFT-TREE: drag-end');\n this.el.dragData = false;\n this.el.dropList = false;\n this.targetData = false;\n this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(false);\n return true;\n}", - "drag_motion": "function (self, ctx, x, y, time) {\n console.log(\"LEFT-TREE: drag-motion\");\n var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n\n // a drag from elsewhere...- prevent drop..\n if (!src.dragData) {\n print(\"no drag data!\");\n Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);\n this.targetData = false;\n return true;\n }\n var action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY;\n if (src == this.el) {\n // unless we are copying!!! ctl button..\n action = ctx.actions & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ? Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY ;\n }\n var data = {};\n\n\t\tif (!this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.iter_n_children(null)) {\n\t\t\t// no children.. -- asume it's ok..\n\t\t\tthis.targetData = [ '' , Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER , ''];\n\t\t\tGdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time);\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\n print(\"GETTING POS\");\n var isOver = this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.get_dest_row_at_pos(x,y, data);\n print(\"ISOVER? \" + isOver);\n if (!isOver) {\n Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);\n return false; // not over apoint!?!\n }\n // drag node is parent of child..\n console.log(\"SRC TREEPATH: \" + src.treepath);\n console.log(\"TARGET TREEPATH: \" + data.path.to_string());\n \n // nned to check a few here..\n //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER\n //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE\n //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER\n //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE\n \n if (typeof(src.treepath) != 'undefined' && \n src.treepath == data.path.to_string().substring(0,src.treepath.length)) {\n print(\"subpath drag\");\n Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);\n return false;\n }\n \n // check that \n //print(\"DUMPING DATA\");\n //console.dump(data);\n // path, pos\n \n print(data.path.to_string() +' => '+ data.pos);\n var tg = this.get('/LeftTree.model').findDropNodeByPath(\n data.path.to_string(), src.dropList, data.pos);\n \n this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(tg);\n if (!tg.length) {\n print(\"Can not find drop node path\");\n this.targetData = false;\n Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);\n return true;\n }\n //console.dump(tg);\n this.targetData = tg; \n \n \n Gdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time);\n \n return true;\n}", - "drag_drop": "function (w, ctx, x, y, time) {\n Seed.print(\"TARGET: drag-drop\");\n \n Gtk.drag_get_data\n (\n w, /* will receive 'drag-data-received' signal */\n ctx, /* represents the current state of the DnD */\n this.get('/Window').atoms[\"STRING\"], /* the target type we want */\n time /* time stamp */\n );\n \n \n /* No target offered by source => error */\n \n\n return true;\n}", - "drag_data_received": "function (self, ctx, x, y, sel_data, info, time) {\n\t print(\"Tree: drag-data-received\");\n\n var delete_selection_data = false;\n var dnd_success = false;\n /* Deal with what we are given from source */\n if( sel_data && sel_data.length ) {\n \n if (ctx.action == Gdk.DragAction.ASK) {\n /* Ask the user to move or copy, then set the ctx action. */\n }\n\n if (ctx.action == Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) {\n //delete_selection_data = true;\n }\n \n var source = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n\n if (this.targetData) {\n if (source != this.el) {\n this.get('/LeftTree.model').dropNode(this.targetData, source.dragData);\n } else {\n // drag around.. - reorder..\n this.get('/LeftTree.model').moveNode(this.targetData, ctx.action);\n \n \n }\n //Seed.print(this.targetData);\n \n }\n \n \n \n // we can send stuff to souce here...\n\n dnd_success = true;\n\n }\n\n if (dnd_success == false)\n {\n Seed.print (\"DnD data transfer failed!\\n\");\n }\n\n Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, dnd_success, delete_selection_data, time);\n return true;\n}", - "cursor_changed": "function (self) {\n return;\n if (this.blockChanges) { // probably not needed.. \n return true;\n }\n var render = this.get('/LeftTree').getRenderer(); \n \n \n if (this.selection.count_selected_rows() < 1) {\n this.get('/LeftPanel.model').load( false);\n this.get('/MidPropTree').activeElement = false;\n this.get('/MidPropTree').hideWin();\n\n var pm = this.get('/RightPalete.model');\n if (!this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider()) {\n // it may not be loaded yet..\n return true;\n }\n pm.load( this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider().gatherList(\n this.get('/LeftTree.model').listAllTypes()));\n if (render && render.redraw) {\n render.redraw();\n }\n return true;\n }\n \n //console.log('changed');\n var s = this.selection;\n var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n s.get_selected(this.get('/LeftTree.model').el, iter);\n \n \n // var val = \"\";\n var value = new GObject.Value('');\n this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n this.get('/LeftTree.model').activePath = this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.get_path(iter).to_string();\n \n var data = JSON.parse(value.value);\n this.get('/MidPropTree').activeElement = data;\n this.get('/MidPropTree').hideWin();\n this.get('/LeftPanel.model').load( data);\n \n console.log(value.value);\n // _g.button.set_label(''+value.get_string());\n\n var pm =this.get('/RightPalete.model');\n pm.load( this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider().gatherList(\n this.get('/LeftTree.model').listAllTypes()));\n \n \n if (render && render.redraw) {\n render.redraw();\n }\n \n //Seed.print( value.get_string());\n return true;\n \n}" - }, - "id": "view", - "pack": "add", - "tooltip_column": 1, - "xtype": "TreeView", - "|enable_tree_lines": true, - "|headers_visible": false, - "|highlight": "function(treepath_ar) {\n\n // highlighting for drag/drop\n if (treepath_ar.length && treepath_ar[0].length ) {\n this.el.set_drag_dest_row( \n new Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath_ar[0] ), treepath_ar[1]);\n } else {\n this.el.set_drag_dest_row(null, Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);\n }\n \n }", - "|init": "function() {\n \;\n\tvar description = new Pango.FontDescription.c_new();\n\tdescription.set_size(8000);\n\tthis.el.modify_font(description);\n\n\tthis.selection = this.el.get_selection();\n\tthis.selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n\tvar _this = this;\n\n\t// is this really needed??\n\tthis.selection.signal['changed'].connect(function() {\n\t\t_this.get('/LeftTree.view').listeners.cursor_changed.apply(\n\t\t _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), [ _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), '']\n\t\t);\n\t});\n\n\tGtk.drag_source_set (\n\t\tthis.el, /* widget will be drag-able */\n\t\tGdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK, /* modifier that will start a drag */\n\t\tnull, /* lists of target to support */\n\t\t0, /* size of list */\n\t\tGdk.DragAction.COPY | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE /* what to do with data after dropped */\n\t);\n\n\tGtk.drag_source_set_target_list(this.el, this.get('/Window').targetList);\n\n\tGtk.drag_source_add_text_targets(this.el); \n\tGtk.drag_dest_set\n\t(\n\t this.el, /* widget that will accept a drop */\n\t Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT,\n\t null, /* lists of target to support */\n\t 0, /* size of list */\n\t Gdk.DragAction.COPY | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE /* what to do with data after dropped */\n\t);\n\n\tGtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, this.get('/Window').targetList);\n\tGtk.drag_dest_add_text_targets(this.el);\n}\n", - "|selectNode": "function(treepath_str) {\n //this.selection.select_path(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath_str));\n var tp = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath_str);\n this.el.set_cursor(tp, null, false); \n this.el.scroll_to_cell(tp, null, false, 0,0);\n}\n", - "|xns": "Gtk", - "items": [ - { - "activePath": false, - "currentTree": false, - "id": "model", - "pack": "set_model", - "xtype": "TreeStore", - "|changed": "function(n, refresh) {\n // print(\"MODEL CHANGED CALLED\" + this.activePath);\n if (this.activePath) {\n var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(this.activePath))\n this.el.set_value(iter, 0, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeTitle(n)]);\n this.el.set_value(iter, 1, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeTitle(n)]);\n \n this.el.set_value(iter, 2, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeToJSON(n)]);\n }\n //this.currentTree = this.toJS(false, true)[0];\n this.file.items = this.toJS(false, false);\n // print(\"AFTER CHANGED\");\n //console.dump(this.file.items);\n;\n this.currentTree = this.file.items[0];\n //console.log(this.file.toSource());\n \n if (refresh) {\n print(\"REDNER BROWSER?!\");\n this.get('/LeftTree').renderView();\n\n var pm = this.get('/RightPalete.model');\n if (!this.get('/RightPalete').provider) {\n pm.load([]);\n return;\n }\n \n \n pm.load( this.get('/RightPalete').provider.gatherList(this.listAllTypes()));\n //imports['Builder/RightBrowser.js'].renderJS(this.toJS());\n }\n\t \n}\n", - "|deleteSelected": "function() {\n this.get('/LeftTree.view').blockChanges = true;\n var old_iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n var s = this.get('/LeftTree.view').selection;\n s.get_selected(this.el, old_iter);\n var path = this.el.get_path(old_iter).to_string();\n\n this.activePath= false; \n s.unselect_all();\n\n this.activePath= false; \n var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n this.el.get_iter_from_string(iter, path);\n this.el.remove(iter);\n \n // rebuild treemap. -- depreciated.!!\n = {};\n this.treemap = { };\n //this.toJS(null, true) // does not do anything?\n this.activePath= false; \n this.changed(false,true);\n this.get('/LeftTree.view').blockChanges = false;\n}\n", - "|dropNode": "function(target_data, node) {\n print(\"drop Node\");\n // console.dump(node);\n // console.dump(target_data);\n var tp = target_data[0].length ? new Gtk.TreePath.from_string( target_data[0] ) : false;\n \n print(\"add \" + tp + \"@\" + target_data[1] );\n var parent = tp;\n var after = false;\n if (tp && target_data[1] < 2) { // before or after..\n var ar = target_data[0].split(':');\n ar.pop();\n parent = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string( ar.join(':') );\n after = tp;\n }\n var n_iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n var iter_par = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n var iter_after = after ? new Gtk.TreeIter() : false;\n \n \n \n if (parent !== false) {\n this.el.get_iter(iter_par, parent);\n } else {\n iter_par = null;\n }\n \n \n if (tp && after) {\n print(target_data[1] > 0 ? 'insert_after' : 'insert_before');\n this.el.get_iter(iter_after, after);\n this.el[ target_data[1] > 0 ? 'insert_after' : 'insert_before'](\n n_iter, iter_par, iter_after);\n \n } else {\n this.el.append(n_iter, iter_par);\n \n }\n \n if (typeof(node) == 'string') {\n var ar = node.split('.');\n var xtype = ar.pop();\n \n node = {\n '|xns' : ar.join('.'),\n 'xtype' : xtype\n };\n if (target_data.length == 3 && target_data[2].length) {\n node['*prop'] = target_data[2];\n }\n node = this.get('/DialogTemplateSelect').show(node);\n \n }\n // work out what kind of packing to use..\n if (typeof(node.pack) == 'undefined' && parent !== false) {\n var pal = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();\n if ( == 'Gtk') {\n var pname = pal.guessName(this.singleNodeToJS(parent.to_string()));\n var cname = pal.guessName(node);\n node.pack = pal.getDefaultPack(pname, cname);\n }\n \n }\n \n \n var xitems = [];\n if (node.items) {\n xitems = node.items;\n delete node.items;\n }\n// load children - if it has any..\n\n if (xitems) {\n this.load(xitems, n_iter);\n this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(n_iter), true);\n }\n if (tp && (xitems || after)) {\n this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(iter_par), true);\n }\n // wee need to get the empty proptypes from somewhere..\n \n //var olditer = this.activeIter;\n this.activePath = this.el.get_path(n_iter).to_string();\n\n // changed actually set's the node data..\n this.changed(node, true);\n \n \n \n this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.set_cursor(this.el.get_path(n_iter), null, false);\n \n //Builder.MidPropTree._model.load(node);\n //Builder.MidPropTree._win.hideWin();\n //Builder.LeftPanel._model.load( node);\n \n \n}\n", - "|findDropNode": "function(treepath_str, targets) {\n\n// this is used by the dragdrop code in the roo version AFAIR..\n\n \t\tvar path = treepath_str.replace(/^builder-/, '');\n // treemap is depreciated... - should really check if model has any entries..\n\n if (!this.el.iter_n_children(null)) {\n print(\"NO KEYS\");\n return [ '', Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER];\n }\n print(\"FIND treepath: \" + path);\n //console.dump(this.treemap);\n \n if (!treepath_str.match(/^builder-/)) {\n return []; // nothing!\n }\n if (targets === true) {\n return [ path ];\n }\n return this.findDropNodeByPath(path,targets) \n}\n", - "|findDropNodeByPath": "function(treepath_str, targets, pref) {\n var path = treepath_str + ''; // dupe it..\n pref = typeof(pref) == 'undefined' ? Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER : pref;\n var last = false;\n //console.dump(this.treemap);\n while (path.length) {\n print(\"LOOKING FOR PATH: \" + path);\n var node_data = this.singleNodeToJS(path);\n if (node_data === false) {\n print(\"node not found\");\n return [];\n }\n \n var xname = this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.guessName(node_data);\n var match = false;\n var prop = '';\n targets.forEach(function(tg) {\n if (match) {\n return;;\n }\n if ((tg == xname) ) {\n match = tg;\n }\n if (tg.indexOf(xname +':') === 0) {\n match = tg;\n prop = tg.split(':').pop();\n }\n });\n \n if (match) {\n if (last) { // pref is after/before..\n // then it's after last\n if (pref > 1) {\n return []; // do not allow..\n }\n return [ last, pref , prop];\n \n }\n return [ path , Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER , prop];\n }\n var par = path.split(':');\n last = path;\n par.pop();\n path = par.join(':');\n }\n \n return [];\n \n}\n", - "|getIterValue": " function (iter, col) {\n var gval = new GObject.Value('');\n this.el.get_value(iter, col ,gval);\n return gval.value;\n \n \n}", - "|init": "function() {\n;\n this.el.set_column_types ( 3, [\n GObject.TYPE_STRING, // title \n GObject.TYPE_STRING, // tip\n GObject.TYPE_STRING // source..\n ] );\n}\n", - "|listAllTypes": "function() {\n var s = this.get('/LeftTree.view').selection;\n print (\"LIST ALL TYPES: \" + s.count_selected_rows() );\n \n if (s.count_selected_rows() > 0) {\n var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter(); \n s.get_selected(this.el, iter);\n\n // set some properties of the tree for use by the dropped element.\n var value = new GObject.Value('');\n this.el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n var data = JSON.parse(value.value);\n \n \n var xname = this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.guessName(data);\n console.log('selected:' + xname);\n if (xname.length) {\n return [ xname ];\n }\n return []; // could not find it..\n }\n \n var ret = [ ];\n \n var _this = this;\n function addall(li)\n {\n li.forEach(function(el) {\n // this is specific to roo!!!?\n if (!el) { // skip empty?\n return;\n }\n var fullpath = _this.file.guessName(el);\n if (fullpath.length && ret.indexOf(fullpath) < 0) {\n ret.push(fullpath);\n }\n \n \n if (el.items && el.items.length) {\n addall(el.items);\n }\n \n });\n \n \n }\n \n addall([this.currentTree]);\n \n // only if we have nothing, should we add '*top'\n if (!ret.length) {\n ret = [ '*top' ];\n }\n //console.log('all types in tree');\n //console.dump(ret);\n \n return ret;\n \n}\n", - "|load": "function(tr,iter)\n {\n var citer = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n //this.insert(citer,iter,0);\n for(var i =0 ; i < tr.length; i++) {\n if (iter) {\n this.el.insert(citer,iter,-1);\n } else {\n this.el.append(citer);\n }\n \n this.el.set_value(citer, 0, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeTitle(tr[i]) ]);\n this.el.set_value(citer, 1, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeTip(tr[i]) ]);\n this.el.set_value(citer, 2, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeToJSON(tr[i])]);\n if (tr[i].items && tr[i].items.length) {\n this.load(tr[i].items, citer);\n }\n } \n }", - "|loadFile": "function(f) {\n //console.dump(f);\n this.el.clear();\n this.file = f;\n \n if (!f) {\n console.log('missing file');\n return;\n }\n \n // load the file if not loaded..\n if (f.items === false) {\n var _this = this;\n f.loadItems(function() {\n _this.loadFile(f);\n });\n return;\n \n }\n this.get('/Window').setTitle(f.project.getName() + ' - ' +;\n \n if (f.items.length && typeof(f.items[0]) == 'string') {\n \n this.get('/RightEditor');\n this.get('/RightEditor.view').load( f.items[0]);\n return;\n }\n print(\"LOAD\");\n print(JSON.stringify(f.items, null,4));\n //console.dump(f.items);\n this.load(f.items);\n this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.expand_all();\n\n if (!f.items.length) {\n // single item..\n \n this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(80);\n // select first...\n this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.set_cursor( \n new Gtk.TreePath.from_string('0'), null, false);\n \n \n } else {\n this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(200);\n }\n \n \n //print(\"hide right editior\");\n this.get('/RightEditor').el.hide();\n //print(\"set current tree\");\n this.currentTree = this.toJS(false, false)[0];\n //console.dump(this.currentTree);\n this.currentTree = this.currentTree || { items: [] };\n this.get('/LeftTree').renderView();\n //console.dump(;\n //var RightPalete = imports.Builder.RightPalete.RightPalete;\n var pm = this.get('/RightPalete.model');\n // set up provider..\n \n this.get('/RightPalete').provider = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();\n \n if (!this.get('/RightPalete').provider) {\n print (\"********* PALETE PROVIDER MISSING?!!\");\n }\n this.get('/LeftTree').renderView();\n \n pm.load( this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider().gatherList(this.listAllTypes()));\n \n \n \n this.get('/Window.view-notebook').el.set_current_page(\n this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.getType()== 'Roo' ? 0 : -1);\n \n}\n", - "|moveNode": "function(target_data, action) {\n //print(\"MOVE NODE\");\n // console.dump(target_data);\n var old_iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n var s = this.get('/LeftTree.view').selection;\n s.get_selected(this.el, old_iter);\n var node = this.nodeToJS(old_iter,false);\n //console.dump(node);\n \n \n // needs to drop first, otherwise the target_data \n // treepath will be invalid.\n \n this.dropNode(target_data, node);\n\t if (action & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) {\n // print(\"REMOVING OLD NODE\");\n this.el.remove(old_iter);\n \n }\n \n this.activePath= false;\n this.changed(false,true);\n}\n", - "|nodeTip": "function(c) {\n var ret = this.nodeTitle(c,true);\n var funcs = '';\n\n \n for( var i in c) {\n\n if (!i.length || i[0] != '|') {\n continue;\n }\n if (i == '|init') { \n continue;\n }\n if (typeof(c[i]) != 'string') {\n continue;\n }\n //print(\"prop : \" + i + ':' + c[i]);\n if (!c[i].match(new RegExp('function'))) {\n continue;\n }\n funcs += \"\\n\" + i.substring(1) + ' : ' + c[i].split(/\\n/).shift();\n \n }\n if (funcs.length) {\n ret+=\"\\n\\nMethods:\" + funcs;\n }\n return ret;\n \n}\n", - "|nodeTitle": "function(c, renderfull) {\n var txt = [];\n c = c || {};\n var sr = (typeof(c['+buildershow']) != 'undefined') && !c['+buildershow'] ? true : false;\n if (sr) txt.push('');\n if (typeof(c['*prop']) != 'undefined') { txt.push(c['*prop']+ ':'); }\n \n if (renderfull && c['|xns']) {\n txt.push(c['|xns']);\n }\n \n if (c.xtype) { txt.push(c.xtype); }\n if ( { txt.push('[id=' + + ']'); }\n if (c.fieldLabel) { txt.push('[' + c.fieldLabel + ']'); }\n if (c.boxLabel) { txt.push('[' + c.boxLabel + ']'); }\n \n \n if (c.layout) { txt.push('' + c.layout + ''); }\n if (c.title) { txt.push('' + c.title + ''); }\n if (c.label) { txt.push('' + c.label+ ''); }\n if (c.header) { txt.push('' + c.header + ''); }\n if (c.legend) { txt.push('' + c.legend + ''); }\n if (c.text) { txt.push('' + c.text + ''); }\n if ( { txt.push('' + ''); }\n if (c.region) { txt.push('(' + c.region + ')'); }\n if (c.dataIndex) { txt.push('[' + c.dataIndex+ ']'); }\n \n // for flat classes...\n if (typeof(c['*class']) != 'undefined') { txt.push('' + c['*class']+ ''); }\n if (typeof(c['*extends']) != 'undefined') { txt.push(': ' + c['*extends']+ ''); }\n \n \n if (sr) txt.push('');\n return (txt.length == 0 ? \"Element\" : txt.join(\" \"));\n}\n", - "|nodeToJS": "function (treepath, with_id) \n{\n \n var iter = treepath; // API used to be iter here..\n if (typeof(iter) == 'string') {\n iter = new Gtk.TreeIter(); \n if (!this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath))) {\n return false;\n }\n } \n var par = new Gtk.TreeIter(); \n var iv = this.getIterValue(iter, 2);\n // print(\"IV\" + iv);\n var k = JSON.parse(iv);\n if (k.json && !this.el.iter_parent( par, iter )) {\n delete k.json;\n }\n \n if (with_id) {\n var treepath_str = this.el.get_path(iter).to_string();\n // not sure how we can handle mixed id stuff..\n if (typeof( == 'undefined') {\n = 'builder-'+ treepath_str ;\n }\n \n // needed??\n this.treemap[ treepath_str ] = k;\n k.xtreepath = treepath_str ;\n \n }\n if (this.el.iter_has_child(iter)) {\n citer = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n this.el.iter_children(citer, iter);\n k.items = this.toJS(citer,with_id);\n }\n return k;\n}\n", - "|nodeToJSON": "function(c) {\n var o = {}\n for (var i in c) {\n if (i == 'items') {\n continue;\n }\n o[i] = c[i];\n }\n return JSON.stringify(o);\n}\n", - "|singleNodeToJS": "function (treepath) \n {\n var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter(); \n if (!this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath))) {\n return false;\n }\n \n var iv = this.getIterValue(iter, 2);\n \n return JSON.parse(iv);\n \n }", - "|toJS": "function(treepath, with_id)\n{\n //Seed.print(\"WITHID: \"+ with_id);\n var iter = treepath; // API used to be iter here..\n if (typeof(iter) == 'string') {\n iter = new Gtk.TreeIter(); \n if (!this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath))) {\n return false;\n }\n } \n var first = false;\n if (!iter) {\n \n this.treemap = { }; \n \n iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n if (!this.el.get_iter_first(iter)) {\n return [];\n }\n first = true;\n } \n \n var ar = [];\n \n while (true) {\n \n var k = this.nodeToJS(iter, with_id); \n ar.push(k);\n \n \n if (!this.el.iter_next(iter)) {\n break;\n }\n }\n \n if (treepath === false) {\n //dupe!!!\n return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ar));\n }\n \n return ar;\n // convert the list into a json string..\n\n \n}", - "|xns": "Gtk" - }, - { - "|xns": "Gtk", - "xtype": "TreeViewColumn", - "pack": "append_column", - "|init": "function() {\n;\n this.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'markup', 0 );\n}\n", - "items": [ - { - "|xns": "Gtk", - "xtype": "CellRendererText", - "pack": "pack_start" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "|xns": "Gtk", - "xtype": "Menu", - "pack": false, - "id": "LeftTreeMenu", - "items": [ - { - "|xns": "Gtk", - "xtype": "MenuItem", - "pack": "add", - "label": "Delete Element", - "listeners": { - "activate": "function (self) {\n\n this.get('/LeftTree.model').deleteSelected();\n}" - } - }, - { - "listeners": { - "activate": "function (self) {\n\n var tree = this.get('/LeftTree');\n var model = this.get('/LeftTree.model');\n var el = tree.getActivePath();\n print(el);\n var js = model.toJS(el, false);\n // print(JSON.stringify(js[0], null,4));\n this.get('/DialogSaveTemplate').show(JSON.stringify(js[0], null,4));\n \n \n}" - }, - "label": "Save as Template", - "pack": "add", - "xtype": "MenuItem", - "|xns": "Gtk" - } - ] - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "id": "props", - "pack": false, - "x": 10, - "xtype": "Actor", - "y": 450, - "|xns": "GtkClutter", - "items": [ - { - "listeners": { - "enter_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').enter('props');\n return false;\n}", - "leave_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').leave();\n return false;\n}" - }, - "height_request": 100, - "label": "property editor", - "pack": false, - "width_request": 100, - "xtype": "Button", - "|xns": "Gtk" - } - ] - }, - { - "id": "editor", - "pack": false, - "x": 150, - "xtype": "Actor", - "y": 450, - "|xns": "GtkClutter", - "items": [ - { - "listeners": { - "enter_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').enter('editor');\n return false;\n}", - "leave_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').leave();\n return false;\n}" - }, - "height_request": 100, - "label": "text editor", - "pack": false, - "width_request": 100, - "xtype": "Button", - "|xns": "Gtk" - } - ] - }, - { - "id": "preview", - "pack": false, - "x": 150, - "xtype": "Actor", - "y": 10, - "|xns": "GtkClutter", - "items": [ - { - "listeners": { - "enter_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').enter('preview');\n return false;\n}", - "leave_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').leave();\n return false;\n}" - }, - "height_request": 100, - "label": "preview app", - "pack": false, - "width_request": 100, - "xtype": "Button", - "|xns": "Gtk" - } - ] - }, - { - "id": "palete", - "pack": false, - "x": 100, - "xtype": "Actor", - "y": 300, - "|xns": "GtkClutter", - "items": [ - { - "listeners": { - "enter_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').enter('palete');\n return false;\n}", - "leave_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n this.get('/Canvas').leave();\n return false;\n}" - }, - "height_request": 100, - "label": "palete", - "pack": false, - "width_request": 100, - "xtype": "Button", - "|xns": "Gtk" - } - ] - } - ] - } - ] - } - ], - "permname": "" -} \ No newline at end of file -- 2.39.2