/* javascriptcore.vapi * * Copyright (C) 2010 Sam Thursfield * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* NOTE: this binding is quite inaccurate and you will have to a bunch of fixing for some functions. * * This is a basic interface to JSCore, a more friendly binding is Seed. See * http://live.gnome.org/Seed for more information. */ [CCode (lower_case_cprefix = "js_", cheader_filename = "jsc/jsc.h")] namespace JSCore { [Compact] [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "JSContextGroupRelease")] public class ContextGroup { [CCode (cname = "JSContextGroupCreate")] public ContextGroup(); [CCode (cname = "JSContextCreateInGroup")] public ContextGroup Retain (); } [Compact] [CCode (cname = "void")] public class Context { /* Script Evaluation */ [CCode (cname = "JSEvaluateScript")] public Value evaluate_script (String script, Object? thisObject, String? sourceURL, int startingLineNumber, out Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSCheckScriptSyntax")] public bool check_script_syntax (JSCore.String script, JSCore.String? sourceURL, int startingLineNumber, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSGarbageCollect")] public void garbage_collect (); [CCode (cname = "JSContextGetGlobalObject")] public JSCore.Object get_global_object (); [CCode (cname = "JSContextGetGroup")] public ContextGroup get_group (); } /* Same as Context */ [Compact] [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "JSGlobalContextRelease")] public class GlobalContext: Context { [CCode (cname = "JSGlobalContextCreate")] public GlobalContext (Class globalObjectClass); [CCode (cname = "JSGlobalContextCreateInGroup")] public GlobalContext.in_group (ContextGroup group, Class globalObjectClass); [CCode (cname = "JSGlobalContextRetain")] public GlobalContext retain (); } /* FIXME: not sure the significance of this. Vala strings are UTF-8 while it seems * JSCore uses UCS-2 or UTF-16 ... #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WINSCW__) \ && !(defined(__CC_ARM) || defined(__ARMCC__)) typedef unsigned short JSChar; #else typedef wchar_t JSChar; #endif */ [Compact] [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "JSStringRelease")] public class String { [CCode (cname = "JSStringCreateWithCharacters")] public String.with_characters (ushort *chars, size_t num_chars); [CCode (cname = "JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString")] public String.with_utf8_c_string (string _string); [CCode (cname = "JSStringRetain")] public String retain (); [CCode (cname = "JSStringGetLength")] public size_t get_length (); [CCode (cname = "JSStringGetCharactersPtr")] public ushort *get_characters_ptr (); [CCode (cname = "JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize")] public size_t get_maximum_utf8_c_string_size (); [CCode (cname = "JSStringGetUTF8CString")] public size_t get_utf8_c_string (char *buffer, size_t buffer_size); [CCode (cname = "JSStringIsEqual")] public bool is_equal (String b); [CCode (cname = "JSStringIsEqualToUTF8CString")] public bool is_equal_to_utf8_c_string (string b); } [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate void ObjectInitializeCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object object); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate void ObjectFinalizeCallback (JSCore.Object object); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate bool ObjectHasPropertyCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object object, JSCore.String propertyName); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate JSCore.Value ObjectGetPropertyCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object object, JSCore.String propertyName, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate bool ObjectSetPropertyCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object object, JSCore.String propertyName, JSCore.Value _value, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate bool ObjectDeletePropertyCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object object, JSCore.String propertyName, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate void ObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object object, PropertyNameAccumulator propertyNames); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate JSCore.Value ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object function, JSCore.Object thisObject, [CCode (array_length_pos=3.9, array_length_type="size_t")] JSCore.Value[] arguments, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate JSCore.Object ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object constructor, [CCode (array_length_pos=2.9, array_length_type="size_t")] JSCore.Value[] arguments, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate bool ObjectHasInstanceCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object constructor, JSCore.Value possibleInstance, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate JSCore.Value ObjectConvertToTypeCallback (Context ctx, JSCore.Object object, JSCore.Type type, out JSCore.Value exception); public struct StaticValue { public string name; public ObjectGetPropertyCallback getProperty; public ObjectSetPropertyCallback setProperty; public PropertyAttribute attributes; } [CCode (cname = "JSStaticFunction")] public struct StaticFunction { public string name; public ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback callAsFunction; public PropertyAttribute attributes; } [CCode (cname = "JSClassDefinition")] public struct ClassDefinition { public int version; public ClassAttribute attributes; public string className; public JSCore.Class parentClass; public StaticValue *staticValues; public StaticFunction *staticFunction; public ObjectInitializeCallback initialize; public ObjectFinalizeCallback finalize; public ObjectHasPropertyCallback hasProperty; public ObjectGetPropertyCallback getProperty; public ObjectSetPropertyCallback setProperty; public ObjectDeletePropertyCallback deleteProperty; public ObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback getPropertyNames; public ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback callAsFunction; public ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback callAsConstructor; public ObjectHasInstanceCallback hasInstance; public ObjectConvertToTypeCallback convertToType; } [CCode (cname="kJSClassDefinitionEmpty")] extern ClassDefinition ClassDefinitionEmpty; //typedef unsigned JSClassAttributes; [CCode (cprefix="kJSClassAttribute")] [Flags] public enum ClassAttribute { None, NoAutomaticPrototype } [Compact] [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "JSClassRelease")] public class Class { [CCode (cname="JSClassCreate")] public Class (ClassDefinition definition); [CCode (cname="JSClassRetain")] public Class retain (Class js_class); } //typedef unsigned JSPropertyAttributes; [CCode (cprefix="kJSPropertyAttribute")] [Flags] public enum PropertyAttribute { None, ReadOnly, DontEnum, DontDelete } [Compact] [CCode (cname = "void *", free_function = "JSPropertyNameArrayRelease")] public class PropertyNameArray { [CCode (cname = "JSPropertyNameArrayRetain")] public PropertyNameArray retain (); [CCode (cname = "JSPropertyNameArrayGetCount")] public size_t get_count (); [CCode (cname = "JSPropertyNameArrayGetNameAtIndex")] public JSCore.String get_name_at_index (size_t index); } [Compact] [CCode (cname = "void")] public class PropertyNameAccumulator { [CCode (cname = "JSPropertyNameAccumulatorAddName")] public void add_name (String property_name); } [CCode (cprefix="kJSType")] public enum Type { Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, String, Object } [Compact] /* FIXME: free_function causes a warning */ [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "")] public class Value { [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeUndefined")] public Value.undefined (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeNull")] public Value.null (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeBoolean")] public Value.boolean (Context ctx, bool boolean); [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeNumber")] public Value.number (Context ctx, double number); [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeString")] public Value.string (Context ctx, String js_string); [CCode (cname = "JSValueGetType", instance_pos=1.1)] public JSCore.Type get_type (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsUndefined", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_undefined (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsNull", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_null (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsBoolean", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_boolean (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsNumber", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_number (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsString", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_string (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsObject", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_object (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsNull", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_object_of_class (Context ctx, Value js_value, Class js_class); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsEqual", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_equal (Context ctx, Value b, Value *exception); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsStrictEqual", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_strict_equal (Context ctx, Value b); [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsInstanceOfConstructor", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_instance_of_constructor (Context ctx, Value js_value, Object constructor, Value *exception); [CCode (cname = "JSValueToBoolean", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool to_boolean (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueToNumber", instance_pos=1.1)] public double to_number (Context ctx, Value *exception); [CCode (cname = "JSValueToStringCopy", instance_pos=1.1)] public JSCore.String to_string_copy (Context ctx, out Value *exception); [CCode (cname = "JSValueToObject", instance_pos=1.1)] public Object to_object (Context ctx, out Value *exception); [CCode (cname = "JSValueProtect", instance_pos=1.1)] public void protect (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSValueUnprotect", instance_pos=1.1)] public void unprotect (Context ctx); } [Compact] /* FIXME: causes a warning */ [CCode (cname = "JSObjectRef", free_function = "")] public class Object: JSCore.Value { [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMake")] public Object (Context ctx, Class js_class, void *data); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback")] public Object.function_with_callback (Context ctx, JSCore.String name, ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback callAsFunction); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeConstructor")] public Object.constructor (Context ctx, JSCore.Class js_class, ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback callAsConstructor); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeArray")] public Object.array (Context ctx, size_t argument_count, JSCore.Value[] arguments, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeDate")] public Object.date (Context ctx, size_t argument_count, JSCore.Value[] arguments, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeError")] public Object.error (Context ctx, size_t argument_count, JSCore.Value[] arguments, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeRegExp")] public Object.regexp (Context ctx, size_t argument_count, JSCore.Value[] arguments, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeFunction")] public Object.function (Context ctx, JSCore.String name, uint parameter_count, JSCore.String[] parameter_names, JSCore.String body, JSCore.String source_url, int starting_line_number, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectGetPrototype", instance_pos=1.1)] public JSCore.Value get_prototype (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectSetPrototype", instance_pos=1.1)] public JSCore.Value set_prototype (Context ctx, JSCore.Value _value); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectHasProperty", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool has_property (Context ctx, JSCore.String propertyName); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectGetProperty", instance_pos=1.1)] public JSCore.Value get_property (Context ctx, JSCore.String propertyName, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectSetProperty", instance_pos=1.1)] public void set_property (Context ctx, JSCore.String property_name, JSCore.Value _value, PropertyAttribute attributes, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectDeleteProperty", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool delete_property (Context ctx, JSCore.String property_name, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex", instance_pos=1.1)] public JSCore.Value get_property_at_index (Context ctx, uint property_index, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectSetPropertyAtIndex", instance_pos=1.1)] public void set_property_at_index (Context ctx, uint property_index, JSCore.Value _value, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectGetPrivate")] public void *get_private (); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectSetPrivate")] public bool set_private (void *data); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectIsFunction", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_function (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectCallAsFunction", instance_pos=1.1)] public unowned JSCore.Value call_as_function (Context ctx, JSCore.Object thisObject, [CCode (array_length_pos=2.9, array_length_type="size_t")] JSCore.Value[] arguments, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectIsConstructor", instance_pos=1.1)] public bool is_constructor (Context ctx); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectCallAsConstructor", instance_pos=1.1)] public unowned JSCore.Object call_as_constructor (Context ctx, [CCode (array_length_pos=1.9, array_length_type="size_t")] JSCore.Value[]? arguments, out JSCore.Value exception); [CCode (cname = "JSObjectCopyPropertyNames", instance_pos=1.1)] public unowned PropertyNameArray copy_property_names (Context ctx); /* Handy for debugging */ public void dump (JSCore.Context ctx, GLib.FileStream stream) { JSCore.String js_string = this.to_string_copy (ctx, null); char *c_string = new char[1024]; js_string.get_utf8_c_string (c_string, 1023); unowned PropertyNameArray property_names = this.copy_property_names (ctx); stream.printf ("Object: %s, %i properties\n", (string)c_string, (int)property_names.get_count()); delete c_string; for (var i=0; i