/** Create a new Symbol. @class Represents a symbol in the source code. */ namespace JSDOC { public class Symbol : Object { private static bool regex_init = false; private GLib.Regex regex_global; private GLib.Regex regex_prototype; static void regexInit() { if (Symbol.regex_init = true) { return; } Symbol.regex_init = true; Symbol.regex_global = new GLib.Regex("^_global_[.#-]"); Symbol.regex_prototype = new GLib.Regex("\\.prototype\\.?"); } private string private_string_name = ""; private string private_name { set { var n = Symbol.regex_global(value, value.length, 0, ""); n = Symbol.regex_prototype(n,n.length, 0, "#"); while (true) { if (!n.has_suffix("#")) { break; } n = n.substring(0, n.length-1); } this.private_string_name = n; } } public string name { get { return this.private_string_name; } } string defaultValue = ""; private Gee.ArrayList private_doctag_params; private Gee.ArrayList private_params{ set { for (var i = 0; i < value.size; i++) { this.private_doctag_params.add(v.get(i)); } //this.params = this._params; } } Gee.ArrayList private_string_params{ set { for (var i = 0; i < value.size; i++) { //var ty = v[i].hasOwnProperty('type') ? v[i].type : ''; this.private_doctag_params.add( new DocTag(value.get(i))); //"param"+((ty)?" {"+ty+"}":"")+" "+v.get(i).name); } } } public Gee.ArrayList params { get { return this.private_doctag_params; } } private Gee.ArrayList augments ; private Gee.ArrayList exceptions ; private Gee.ArrayList inherits; private Gee.ArrayList methods; private Gee.ArrayList properties; private Gee.ArrayList requires; private Gee.ArrayList returns; private Gee.ArrayList see ; //childClasses : [], //cfgs : {}, DocComment comment; //$args : [], // original arguments used when constructing. string addOn = ""; public string alias = ""; string author = ""; string classDesc = ""; string deprecated = ""; string desc = ""; //events : false, string example = ""; //inheritsFrom : [], string isa = "OBJECT"; // OBJECT//FUNCTION public bool isEvent = false; public bool isConstant = false; public bool isIgnored = false; public bool isInner = false; public bool isNamespace = false; public bool isPrivate = false; public bool isStatic = false; string memberOf = ""; string since = ""; string type = ""; string version = ""; string srcFile = ""; public void initArrays() { // only initialize arrays / objects.. //this.params = []; //this.$args = []; //this.events = []; this.exceptions = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.inherits = new Gee.ArrayList(); // this.isa = "OBJECT"; // OBJECT//FUNCTION this.methods = new Gee.ArrayList(); //this.private_params = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.properties = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.requires = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.returns = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.see = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.cfgs = {}; // derived later? //this.inheritsFrom = []; //this.childClasses = []; this.comment = new DocComment(); this.comment.isUserComment = false; } Public Symbol.new_builtin(string name) { Symbol.regexInit(); this.initArrays(); this.srcFile = DocParser.currentSourceFile; this.prviate_name = name ; this.alias = this.name; this.isa = "CONSTRUCTOR"; this.comment = new DocComment(""); this.comment.isUserComment = false; this.isNamespace = false; this.srcFile = ""; this.isPrivate = false; // init arrays.... } public Symbol.new_populate_with_args( string name, Gee.ArrayList params, // fixme??? string isa, string comment ) { Symbol.regexInit(); this.initArrays(); // this.$args = arguments; //println("Symbol created: " + isa + ":" + name); this.private_name = name; this.alias = this.getName(); this.private_string_params = params; this.isa = (isa == "VIRTUAL")? "OBJECT":isa; this.comment = new DocComment(comment); this.srcFile = DocParser.currentSourceFile; if (this.is("FILE") && !this.alias) { // this will never hapen??? this.alias = this.srcFile; } this.tagsFromComment(); } void tagsFromComment() { // @author var authors = this.comment.getTag("author"); if (authors.size) { // turns author into a string.... this.author = ""; foreach(var a in authors) { this.author += (this.author == "") ? "": ", "; this.author += a.desc; } } /*~t assert("testing Symbol"); requires("../lib/JSDOC/DocComment.js"); requires("../frame/String.js"); requires("../lib/JSDOC/DocTag.js"); var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**@author Joe Smith*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.author, "Joe Smith", "@author tag, author is found."); */ // @desc var mth = this.comment.getTag("method"); if (mth.length) { this.isa = "FUNCTION"; } // @desc var descs = this.comment.getTag("desc"); if (descs.length) { this.desc = ""; foreach(var d in desc) { this.desc = this.desc == "" ? "": "\n"; this.desc += d.desc; } } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**@desc This is a description.*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.desc, "This is a description.", "@desc tag, description is found."); */ // @overview if (this.is("FILE")) { if (!this.alias) this.alias = this.srcFile; var overviews = this.comment.getTag("overview"); if (overviews.length) { foreach(var d in overviews) { this.desc = this.desc == "" ? "": "\n"; this.desc += d.desc; } } } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new DocComment("/**@overview This is an overview.*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.desc, "\nThis is an overview.", "@overview tag, description is found."); */ // @since var sinces = this.comment.getTag("since"); if (sinces.length) { this.since = ""; foreach(var d in sinces) { this.since = this.since == "" ? "": "\n"; this.since += d.desc; } } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new DocComment("/**@since 1.01*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.since, "1.01", "@since tag, description is found."); */ // @constant if (this.comment.getTag("constant").length) { this.isConstant = true; this.isa = "OBJECT"; } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new DocComment("/**@constant*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.isConstant, true, "@constant tag, isConstant set."); */ // @version var versions = this.comment.getTag("version"); if (versions.length) { this.version = ""; foreach(var d in versions) { this.version = this.version == "" ? "": "\n"; this.version += d.desc; } } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new DocComment("/**@version 2.0x*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.version, "2.0x", "@version tag, version is found."); */ // @deprecated var deprecateds = this.comment.getTag("deprecated"); if (deprecateds.length) { this.deprecated = ""; foreach(var d in deprecateds) { this.deprecated = this.deprecated == "" ? "": "\n"; this.deprecated += d.desc; } } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new DocComment("/**@deprecated Use other method.*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.deprecated, "Use other method.", "@deprecated tag, desc is found."); */ // @example var examples = this.comment.getTag("example"); if (examples.length) { this.example = examples[0]; } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new DocComment("/**@example This\n is an example.*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.example, "This\n is an example.", "@deprecated tag, desc is found."); */ // @see var sees = this.comment.getTag("see"); if (sees.length) { var thisSee = this.see; sees.map(function($){thisSee.push($.desc);}); } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new DocComment("/**@see The other thing.*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.see, "The other thing.", "@see tag, desc is found."); */ // @class var classes = this.comment.getTag("class"); if (classes.length) { //print(JSON.stringify(this,null,4)); this.isa = "CONSTRUCTOR"; this.classDesc = classes[0].desc; // desc can't apply to the constructor as there is none. if (!this.classDesc) { this.classDesc = this.desc; } } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**@class This describes the class.*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.isa, "CONSTRUCTOR", "@class tag, makes symbol a constructor."); assertEqual(sym.classDesc, "This describes the class.", "@class tag, class description is found."); */ // @namespace var namespaces = this.comment.getTag("namespace"); if (namespaces.length) { this.classDesc = namespaces[0].desc+"\n"+this.desc; // desc can't apply to the constructor as there is none. this.isNamespace = true; } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**@namespace This describes the namespace.*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.classDesc, "This describes the namespace.\n", "@namespace tag, class description is found."); */ // @param var params = this.comment.getTag("param"); if (params.length) { // user-defined params overwrite those with same name defined by the parser var thisParams = this.getParams(); if (thisParams.length == 0) { // none exist yet, so just bung all these user-defined params straight in this.setParams(params); } else { // need to overlay these user-defined params on to existing parser-defined params for (var i = 0, l = params.length; i < l; i++) { if (thisParams[i]) { if (params[i].type) thisParams[i].type = params[i].type; thisParams[i].name = params[i].name; thisParams[i].desc = params[i].desc; thisParams[i].isOptional = params[i].isOptional; thisParams[i].defaultValue = params[i].defaultValue; } else thisParams[i] = params[i]; } } } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [{type: "array", name: "pages"}], "FUNCTION", new DocComment("/**Description.*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.params.length, 1, "parser defined param is found."); sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FUNCTION", new DocComment("/**Description.\n@param {array} pages*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.params.length, 1, "user defined param is found."); assertEqual(sym.params[0].type, "array", "user defined param type is found."); assertEqual(sym.params[0].name, "pages", "user defined param name is found."); sym = new Symbol("foo", [{type: "array", name: "pages"}], "FUNCTION", new DocComment("/**Description.\n@param {string} uid*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.params.length, 1, "user defined param overwrites parser defined param."); assertEqual(sym.params[0].type, "string", "user defined param type overwrites parser defined param type."); assertEqual(sym.params[0].name, "uid", "user defined param name overwrites parser defined param name."); sym = new Symbol("foo", [{type: "array", name: "pages"}, {type: "number", name: "count"}], "FUNCTION", new DocComment("/**Description.\n@param {string} uid*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.params.length, 2, "user defined params overlay parser defined params."); assertEqual(sym.params[1].type, "number", "user defined param type overlays parser defined param type."); assertEqual(sym.params[1].name, "count", "user defined param name overlays parser defined param name."); sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FUNCTION", new DocComment("/**Description.\n@param {array} pages The pages description.*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.params.length, 1, "user defined param with description is found."); assertEqual(sym.params[0].desc, "The pages description.", "user defined param description is found."); */ // @constructor if (this.comment.getTag("constructor").length) { this.isa = "CONSTRUCTOR"; } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**@constructor*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.isa, "CONSTRUCTOR", "@constructor tag, makes symbol a constructor."); */ // @static if (this.comment.getTag("static").length) { this.isStatic = true; if (this.isa == "CONSTRUCTOR") { this.isNamespace = true; } } // @static if (this.comment.getTag("singleton").length) { this.isStatic = true; //print('------------- got singleton ---------------' + this.isa); //if (this.isa == "CONSTRUCTOR") { // this.isNamespace = true; //} } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**@static\n@constructor*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.isStatic, true, "@static tag, makes isStatic true."); assertEqual(sym.isNamespace, true, "@static and @constructor tag, makes isNamespace true."); */ // @inner if (this.comment.getTag("inner").length) { this.isInner = true; this.isStatic = false; } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**@inner*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.isStatic, false, "@inner tag, makes isStatic false."); assertEqual(sym.isInner, true, "@inner makes isInner true."); */ // @field if (this.comment.getTag("field").length) { this.isa = "OBJECT"; } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "FUNCTION", new DocComment("/**@field*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.isa, "OBJECT", "@field tag, makes symbol an object."); */ // @function if (this.comment.getTag("function").length) { this.isa = "FUNCTION"; } // @param if (this.comment.getTag("param").length && this.isa == "OBJECT" ) { // change a property to a function.. this.isa = "FUNCTION"; } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**@function*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.isa, "FUNCTION", "@function tag, makes symbol a function."); */ // @event var events = this.comment.getTag("event"); if (events.length) { this.isa = "FUNCTION"; this.isEvent = true; } /*~t var sym = new Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**@event*"+"/")); assertEqual(sym.isa, "FUNCTION", "@event tag, makes symbol a function."); assertEqual(sym.isEvent, true, "@event makes isEvent true."); */ // @name var names = this.comment.getTag("name"); if (names.length) { this.setName(names[0].desc); } /*~t // todo */ // @property var properties = this.comment.getTag("property"); if (properties.length) { thisProperties = this.properties; for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { var property = new Symbol(this.alias+"#"+properties[i].name, [], "OBJECT", new DocComment("/**"+properties[i].desc+"\n@name "+properties[i].name+"\n@memberOf "+this.alias+"#*/")); // TODO: shouldn't the following happen in the addProperty method of Symbol? property.name = properties[i].name; property.memberOf = this.alias; if (properties[i].type) property.type = properties[i].type; if (properties[i].defaultValue) property.defaultValue = properties[i].defaultValue; this.addProperty(property); imports.Parser.Parser.addSymbol(property); } } // config.. var conf = this.comment.getTag("cfg"); if (conf.length) { for (var i = 0; i < conf.length; i++) { this.addConfig(conf[i]); } } /*~t // todo */ // @return var returns = this.comment.getTag("return"); if (returns.length) { // there can be many return tags in a single doclet this.returns = returns; this.type = returns.map(function($){return $.type}).join(", "); } /*~t // todo */ // @exception this.exceptions = this.comment.getTag("throws"); /*~t // todo */ // @requires var requires = this.comment.getTag("requires"); if (requires.length) { this.requires = requires.map(function($){return $.desc}); } /*~t // todo */ // @type var types = this.comment.getTag("type"); if (types.length) { this.type = types[0].desc; //multiple type tags are ignored } /*~t // todo */ // @private if (this.comment.getTag("private").length || this.isInner) { this.isPrivate = true; } // @ignore if (this.comment.getTag("ignore").length) { this.isIgnored = true; } /*~t // todo */ // @inherits ... as ... var inherits = this.comment.getTag("inherits"); if (inherits.length) { for (var i = 0; i < inherits.length; i++) { if (/^\s*([a-z$0-9_.#-]+)(?:\s+as\s+([a-z$0-9_.#]+))?/i.test(inherits[i].desc)) { var inAlias = RegExp.$1; var inAs = RegExp.$2 || inAlias; if (inAlias) inAlias = inAlias.replace(/\.prototype\.?/g, "#"); if (inAs) { inAs = inAs.replace(/\.prototype\.?/g, "#"); inAs = inAs.replace(/^this\.?/, "#"); } if (inAs.indexOf(inAlias) != 0) { //not a full namepath var joiner = "."; if (this.alias.charAt(this.alias.length-1) == "#" || inAs.charAt(0) == "#") { joiner = ""; } inAs = this.alias + joiner + inAs; } } this.inherits.push({alias: inAlias, as: inAs}); } } /*~t // todo */ // @augments this.augments = this.comment.getTag("augments"); //@extends - Ext if (this.comment.getTag("extends")) { this.augments = this.comment.getTag("extends"); } // @default var defaults = this.comment.getTag("default"); if (defaults.length) { if (this.is("OBJECT")) { this.defaultValue = defaults[0].desc; } } /*~t // todo */ // @memberOf var memberOfs = this.comment.getTag("memberOf"); if (memberOfs.length) { this.memberOf = memberOfs[0].desc; this.memberOf = this.memberOf.replace(/\.prototype\.?/g, "#"); this.name = this.name.split('.').pop(); this.name = this.name.split('#').pop(); this.name = this.memberOf + this.name; this._name = this.name this.alias = this.name; } /*~t // todo */ // @public if (this.comment.getTag("public").length) { this.isPrivate = false; } /*~t // todo */ }, is : function(what) { return this.isa === what; }, isBuiltin : function() { return SymbolSet.isBuiltin(this.alias); }, setType : function(/**String*/comment, /**Boolean*/overwrite) { if (!overwrite && this.type) return; var typeComment = DocComment.unwrapComment(comment); this.type = typeComment; }, inherit : function(symbol) { if (!this.hasMember(symbol.name) && !symbol.isInner) { if (symbol.is("FUNCTION")) this.methods.push(symbol); else if (symbol.is("OBJECT")) this.properties.push(symbol); } }, hasMember : function(name) { return (this.hasMethod(name) || this.hasProperty(name)); }, addMember : function(symbol) { //println("ADDMEMBER: " + this.name + " ++ " + symbol.name); if (symbol.comment.getTag("cfg").length == 1) { symbol.comment.getTag("cfg")[0].memberOf = this.alias; this.addConfig(symbol.comment.getTag("cfg")[0]); return; } if (symbol.is("FUNCTION")) { this.addMethod(symbol); } else if (symbol.is("OBJECT")) { this.addProperty(symbol); } }, hasMethod : function(name) { var thisMethods = this.methods; for (var i = 0, l = thisMethods.length; i < l; i++) { if (thisMethods[i].name == name) return true; if (thisMethods[i].alias == name) return true; } return false; }, addMethod : function(symbol) { var methodAlias = symbol.alias; var thisMethods = this.methods; for (var i = 0, l = thisMethods.length; i < l; i++) { if (thisMethods[i].alias == methodAlias) { thisMethods[i] = symbol; // overwriting previous method return; } } thisMethods.push(symbol); // new method with this alias }, hasProperty : function(name) { var thisProperties = this.properties; for (var i = 0, l = thisProperties.length; i < l; i++) { if (thisProperties[i].name == name) return true; if (thisProperties[i].alias == name) return true; } return false; }, addProperty : function(symbol) { var propertyAlias = symbol.alias; var thisProperties = this.properties; for (var i = 0, l = thisProperties.length; i < l; i++) { if (thisProperties[i].alias == propertyAlias) { thisProperties[i] = symbol; // overwriting previous property return; } } thisProperties.push(symbol); // new property with this alias }, addDocTag : function(docTag) { this.comment.tags.push(docTag); if (docTag.title == 'cfg') { this.addConfig(docTag); } }, addConfig : function(docTag) { if (typeof(docTag['memberOf']) == 'undefined') { // remove prototype data... //var a = this.alias.split('#')[0]; //docTag.memberOf = a; docTag.memberOf = this.alias; } if (typeof(this.cfgs[docTag.name]) == 'undefined') { this.cfgs[docTag.name] = docTag; } }, configToArray: function() { var r = []; for(var ci in this.cfgs) { // dont show hidden!! if (this.cfgs[ci].desc.match(/@hide/)) { continue; } r.push(this.cfgs[ci]); } return r; } }); /** * Elements that are not serialized * */ Symbol.hide = [ '$args' // not needed AFAIK ] Symbol.srcFile = ""; //running reference to the current file being parsed Symbol.fromDump = function(t) { var ns = new Symbol(); for (var i in t) { if (typeof(ns[i]) == "undefined") { println("ERR:no default for Symbol:"+ i); } ns[i] = t[i]; } return ns; }