// valac -g --pkg libvala-0.26 --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg json-glib-1.0 --pkg gtk+-3.0 VapiParser.vala Gir.vala GirObject.vala -o /tmp/vdoc namespace Palete { public errordomain VapiParserError { PARSE_FAILED } public class VapiParser : Vala.CodeVisitor { Vala.CodeContext context; Project.Gtk project; public VapiParser(Project.Gtk project) { base(); this.project = project; // should not really happen.. if (project.gir_cache == null) { project.gir_cache = new Gee.HashMap(); } } public override void visit_namespace (Vala.Namespace element) { if (element == null) { return; } //print("parsing namespace %s\n", element.name); if (element.name == null) { element.accept_children(this); // catch sub namespaces.. return; } this.add_namespace(null, element); } public void add_namespace(GirObject? parent, Vala.Namespace element) { var g = new GirObject("Package",element.name) ; if (parent == null) { this.project.gir_cache.set(element.name, g); } else { // we add it as a class of the package.. even though its a namespace.. parent.classes.set(element.name, g); } foreach(var c in element.get_classes()) { this.add_class(g, c); } foreach(var c in element.get_enums()) { this.add_enum(g, c); } foreach(var c in element.get_interfaces()) { this.add_interface(g, c); } foreach(var c in element.get_namespaces()) { this.add_namespace(g, c); } foreach(var c in element.get_methods()) { this.add_method(g, c); } foreach(var c in element.get_structs()) { this.add_struct(g, c); } foreach(var c in element.get_delegates()) { this.add_delegate(g, c); } element.accept_children(this); // catch sub namespaces.. } public void add_enum(GirObject parent, Vala.Enum cls) { var c = new GirObject("Enum", cls.name); parent.consts.set(cls.name, c); c.ns = parent.name; c.gparent = parent; foreach(var e in cls.get_values()) { var em = new GirObject("EnumMember",e.name); em.gparent = c; em.ns = c.ns; #if VALA_0_56 em.type = e.type_reference == null || e.type_reference.type_symbol == null ? "" : e.type_reference.type_symbol.get_full_name(); #elif VALA_0_36 em.type = e.type_reference == null || e.type_reference.data_type == null ? "" : e.type_reference.data_type.get_full_name(); #endif // unlikely to get value.. //c.value = element->get_prop("value"); c.consts.set(e.name,em); } } public void add_interface(GirObject parent, Vala.Interface cls) { var c = new GirObject("Interface", parent.name + "." + cls.name); parent.classes.set(cls.name, c); c.ns = parent.name; //c.parent = cls.base_class == null ? "" : cls.base_class.get_full_name() ; // extends... c.gparent = parent; foreach(var p in cls.get_properties()) { this.add_property(c, p); } // methods... foreach(var p in cls.get_signals()) { this.add_signal(c, p); } foreach(var p in cls.get_methods()) { // skip static methods.. if (p.binding != Vala.MemberBinding.INSTANCE && !(p is Vala.CreationMethod) ) { continue; } this.add_method(c, p); } //if (cls.base_class != null) { // c.inherits.add(cls.base_class.get_full_name()); //} //foreach(var p in cls.get_base_types()) { // if (p.data_type != null) { // c.implements.add(p.data_type.get_full_name()); // } //} } //https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/vala/ -- see for ctor on structs. public void add_struct(GirObject parent, Vala.Struct cls) { var c = new GirObject("Struct", parent.name + "." + cls.name); parent.classes.set(cls.name, c); foreach(var p in cls.get_fields()) { this.add_field(c, p); } // methods... if (cls.version.deprecated) { GLib.debug("class %s is deprecated", c.name); c.is_deprecated = true; } } public void add_class(GirObject parent, Vala.Class cls) { var c = new GirObject("Class", parent.name + "." + cls.name); parent.classes.set(cls.name, c); c.ns = parent.name; c.parent = cls.base_class == null ? "" : cls.base_class.get_full_name() ; // extends... c.gparent = parent; c.is_abstract = cls.is_abstract; foreach(var p in cls.get_properties()) { this.add_property(c, p); } // methods... foreach(var p in cls.get_signals()) { this.add_signal(c, p); } foreach(var p in cls.get_methods()) { // skip static methods.. if (p.binding != Vala.MemberBinding.INSTANCE && !(p is Vala.CreationMethod) ) { continue; } this.add_method(c, p); } if (cls.base_class != null) { c.inherits.add(cls.base_class.get_full_name()); } foreach(var p in cls.get_base_types()) { #if VALA_0_56 if (p.type_symbol != null) { c.implements.add(p.type_symbol.get_full_name()); } #elif VALA_0_36 if (p.data_type != null) { c.implements.add(p.data_type.get_full_name()); } #endif } if (cls.version.deprecated) { GLib.debug("class %s is deprecated", c.name); c.is_deprecated = true; } } public GirObject? fqn_to_cls(string fqn) { var ar = fqn.split("."); var pkg = this.project.gir_cache.get(ar[0]); var cls = pkg != null ? pkg.classes.get(ar[1]) : null; return cls; } public void augment_inherits_for(GirObject cls, Gee.ArrayList to_check, bool is_top) { foreach (var chk_cls in to_check) { if (!cls.inherits.contains(chk_cls)) { cls.inherits.add(chk_cls); } else { if (!is_top) { continue; } } var subcls = this.fqn_to_cls(chk_cls); if (subcls == null) { continue; } this.augment_inherits_for(cls, subcls.inherits, false); this.augment_implements_for(cls, subcls.implements); } } public void augment_implements_for(GirObject cls, Gee.ArrayList to_check) { foreach (var chk_cls in to_check) { if (cls.implements.contains(chk_cls)) { continue; } cls.implements.add(chk_cls); var subcls = this.fqn_to_cls(chk_cls); if (subcls == null) { continue; } this.augment_implements_for(cls, subcls.implements); } } // this might miss out interfaces of child classes? public void augment_all_inheritence() { // this works out all the children... foreach(var pkgname in this.project.gir_cache.keys) { var pkg = this.project.gir_cache.get(pkgname); foreach (var clsname in pkg.classes.keys) { var cls = pkg.classes.get(clsname); this.augment_inherits_for(cls, cls.inherits, true); this.augment_implements_for(cls, cls.implements); } } // now do the implementations foreach(var pkgname in this.project.gir_cache.keys) { var pkg = this.project.gir_cache.get(pkgname); foreach (var clsname in pkg.classes.keys) { var cls = pkg.classes.get(clsname); foreach(var parentname in cls.inherits) { var parent = this.fqn_to_cls(parentname); if (parent == null) { continue; } if (parent.implementations.contains(cls.fqn())) { continue; } parent.implementations.add(cls.fqn()); } foreach(var parentname in cls.implements) { var parent = this.fqn_to_cls(parentname); if (parent == null) { continue; } if (parent.implementations.contains(cls.fqn())) { continue; } parent.implementations.add(cls.fqn()); } } } } public void add_property(GirObject parent, Vala.Property prop) { var c = new GirObject("Prop",prop.name); c.gparent = parent; c.ns = parent.ns; c.propertyof = parent.name; #if VALA_0_56 c.type = prop.property_type.type_symbol == null ? "" : prop.property_type.type_symbol.get_full_name(); #elif VALA_0_36 c.type = prop.property_type.data_type == null ? "" : prop.property_type.data_type.get_full_name(); #endif c.is_readable = prop.get_accessor != null ? prop.get_accessor.readable : false; c.is_writable = prop.set_accessor != null ? prop.set_accessor.writable || prop.set_accessor.construction : false; //if (prop.name == "child") { // GLib.debug("prop child : w%s r%s", c.is_writable ? "YES" : "n" , c.is_readable ? "YES" : "n"); //} if (prop.version.deprecated) { GLib.debug("class %s is deprecated", c.name); c.is_deprecated = true; } parent.props.set(prop.name,c); } public void add_field(GirObject parent, Vala.Field prop) { var c = new GirObject("Field",prop.name); c.gparent = parent; c.ns = parent.ns; c.propertyof = parent.name; #if VALA_0_56 c.type = prop.variable_type.type_symbol == null ? "" : prop.variable_type.type_symbol.get_full_name(); #elif VALA_0_36 c.type = prop.variable_type.data_type == null ? "" : prop.variable_type.data_type.get_full_name(); #endif if (prop.version.deprecated) { GLib.debug("class %s is deprecated", c.name); c.is_deprecated = true; } parent.props.set(prop.name,c); } public void add_delegate(GirObject parent, Vala.Delegate sig) { var c = new GirObject("Delegate", sig.name); c.gparent = parent; c.ns = parent.ns; c.propertyof = parent.name; #if VALA_0_56 var dt = sig.return_type.type_symbol ; #elif VALA_0_36 var dt = sig.return_type.data_type; #endif if (sig.version.deprecated) { GLib.debug("class %s is deprecated", c.name); c.is_deprecated = true; } var retval = ""; if (dt != null) { //print("creating return type on signal %s\n", sig.name); var cc = new GirObject("Return", "return-value"); cc.gparent = c; cc.ns = c.ns; cc.type = dt.get_full_name(); c.return_value = cc; c.type = dt.get_full_name(); // type is really return type in this scenario. retval = "\treturn " + cc.type +";"; } parent.delegates.set(sig.name,c); var params = sig.get_parameters() ; if (params.size < 1) { c.sig = "( ) => {\n\n"+ retval + "\n}\n"; return; } var cc = new GirObject("Paramset",sig.name); // what's the name on this? cc.gparent = c; cc.ns = c.ns; c.paramset = cc; var args = ""; foreach(var p in params) { this.add_param(cc, p); args += args.length > 0 ? ", " : ""; args += p.name; } // add c.sig -> this is the empty c.sig = "(" + args + ") => {\n\n"+ retval + "\n}\n"; } public void add_signal(GirObject parent, Vala.Signal sig) { var c = new GirObject("Signal",sig.name); c.gparent = parent; c.ns = parent.ns; c.propertyof = parent.name; #if VALA_0_56 var dt = sig.return_type.type_symbol ; #elif VALA_0_36 var dt = sig.return_type.data_type; #endif if (sig.version.deprecated) { GLib.debug("class %s is deprecated", c.name); c.is_deprecated = true; } var retval = ""; if (dt != null) { //print("creating return type on signal %s\n", sig.name); var cc = new GirObject("Return", "return-value"); cc.gparent = c; cc.ns = c.ns; cc.type = dt.get_full_name(); c.return_value = cc; c.type = dt.get_full_name(); // type is really return type in this scenario. retval = "\treturn " + cc.type +";"; } parent.signals.set(sig.name,c); var params = sig.get_parameters() ; if (params.size < 1) { c.sig = "( ) => {\n\n"+ retval + "\n}\n"; return; } var cc = new GirObject("Paramset",sig.name); // what's the name on this? cc.gparent = c; cc.ns = c.ns; c.paramset = cc; var args = ""; foreach(var p in params) { this.add_param(cc, p); args += args.length > 0 ? ", " : ""; args += p.name; } // add c.sig -> this is the empty c.sig = "(" + args + ") => {\n\n"+ retval + "\n}\n"; } public void add_method(GirObject parent, Vala.Method met) { var n = met.name == null ? "" : met.name; var ty = "Method"; if (met is Vala.CreationMethod) { ty = "Ctor"; if(n == "" || n == ".new") { n = "new"; } } //print("add_method : %s\n", n); var c = new GirObject(ty,n); c.gparent = parent; c.ns = parent.ns; #if VALA_0_56 if (met.return_type.type_symbol != null) { #elif VALA_0_36 if (met.return_type.data_type != null) { #endif //print("creating return type on method %s\n", met.name); var cc = new GirObject("Return", "return-value"); cc.gparent = c; cc.ns = c.ns; #if VALA_0_56 cc.type = met.return_type.type_symbol.get_full_name(); #elif VALA_0_36 cc.type = met.return_type.data_type.get_full_name(); #endif c.return_value = cc; } if (met is Vala.CreationMethod) { parent.ctors.set(c.name,c); } else { parent.methods.set(met.name,c); } var params = met.get_parameters() ; if (params.size < 1) { return; } var cc = new GirObject("Paramset",met.name); // what's the name on this? cc.gparent = c; cc.ns = c.ns; c.paramset = cc; c.sig = "("; foreach(var p in params) { if (p.name == null && !p.ellipsis) { continue; } var pp = this.add_param(cc, p); c.sig += (c.sig == "(" ? "" : ","); c.sig += " " + (pp.direction == "in" ? "" : pp.direction) + " " + pp.type + " " + pp.name; } c.sig += (c.sig == "(" ? ")" : " )"); } public GirObject add_param(GirObject parent, Vala.Parameter pam) { var n = pam.name; if (pam.ellipsis) { n = "___"; } var c = new GirObject("Param",n); c.gparent = parent; c.ns = parent.ns; c.direction = "??"; switch (pam.direction) { case Vala.ParameterDirection.IN: c.direction = "in"; break; case Vala.ParameterDirection.OUT: c.direction = "out"; break; case Vala.ParameterDirection.REF: c.direction = "ref"; break; } parent.params.add(c); if (!pam.ellipsis) { #if VALA_0_56 c.type = pam.variable_type.type_symbol == null ? "" : pam.variable_type.type_symbol.get_full_name(); #elif VALA_0_36 c.type = pam.variable_type.data_type == null ? "" : pam.variable_type.data_type.get_full_name(); #endif } Gir.checkParamOverride(c); return c; } #if VALA_0_56 int vala_version=56; #elif VALA_0_36 int vala_version=36; #endif public Gee.ArrayList fillDeps(Gee.ArrayList in_ar) { var ret = new Gee.ArrayList(); foreach(var k in in_ar) { if (!ret.contains(k)) { ret.add(k); } var deps = this.loadDeps(k); // hopefully dont need to recurse through these.. for(var i =0;i< deps.length;i++) { if (!ret.contains(deps[i])) { ret.add(deps[i]); } } } return ret; } public string[] loadDeps(string n) { // only try two? = we are ignoreing our configDirectory? string[] ret = {}; var fn = "/usr/share/vala-0.%d/vapi/%s.deps".printf(this.vala_version, n); if (!FileUtils.test (fn, FileTest.EXISTS)) { fn = ""; } if (fn == "") { fn = "/usr/share/vala/vapi/%s.deps".printf( n); if (!FileUtils.test (fn, FileTest.EXISTS)) { return ret; } } string ostr; try { FileUtils.get_contents(fn, out ostr); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.debug("failed loading deps %s", e.message); return {}; } return ostr.split("\n"); } public void create_valac_tree( ) { // init context: context = new Vala.CodeContext (); Vala.CodeContext.push (context); context.experimental = false; context.experimental_non_null = false; //for (int i = 2; i <= ver; i += 2) { // context.add_define ("VALA_0_%d".printf (i)); //} //var vapidirs = ((Project.Gtk)this.file.project).vapidirs(); // what's the current version of vala??? //vapidirs += Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("glib-2.0")) ; var vapidirs = context.vapi_directories; vapidirs += (BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/vapi"); vapidirs += "/usr/share/vala-0.%d/vapi".printf(this.vala_version); vapidirs += "/usr/share/vala/vapi"; context.vapi_directories = vapidirs; // or context.get_vapi_path("glib-2.0"); // should return path.. //context.vapi_directories = vapidirs; context.report.enable_warnings = true; context.metadata_directories = { }; context.gir_directories = {}; //context.thread = true; //this.report = new ValaSourceReport(this.file); //context.report = this.report; context.basedir = "/tmp"; //Posix.realpath ("."); context.directory = context.basedir; // add default packages: //if (settings.profile == "gobject-2.0" || settings.profile == "gobject" || settings.profile == null) { #if VALA_0_56 context.set_target_profile (Vala.Profile.GOBJECT); #elif VALA_0_36 context.profile = Vala.Profile.GOBJECT; #endif var ns_ref = new Vala.UsingDirective (new Vala.UnresolvedSymbol (null, "GLib", null)); context.root.add_using_directive (ns_ref); context.add_external_package ("glib-2.0"); context.add_external_package ("gobject-2.0"); // user defined ones.. var pkgs = this.fillDeps(this.project.packages); for (var i = 0; i < pkgs.size; i++) { var pkg = pkgs.get(i); // do not add libvala versions except the one that matches the one we are compiled against.. if (Regex.match_simple("^libvala", pkg) && pkg != ("libvala-0." + vala_version.to_string())) { continue; } //valac += " --pkg " + dcg.packages.get(i); if (!this.has_vapi(context.vapi_directories, pkg)) { continue; } GLib.debug("ADD vapi '%s'",pkgs.get(i)); context.add_external_package (pkgs.get(i)); } // core packages we are interested in for the builder.. // some of these may fail... - we probalby need a better way to handle this.. /* context.add_external_package ("gtk+-3.0"); context.add_external_package ("libsoup-2.4"); if (!context.add_external_package ("webkit2gtk-4.0")) { context.add_external_package ("webkit2gtk-3.0"); } // these are supposed to be in the 'deps' file, but it's not getting read.. context.add_external_package ("cogl-1.0"); context.add_external_package ("json-glib-1.0"); context.add_external_package ("clutter-gtk-1.0"); context.add_external_package ("gdl-3.0"); context.add_external_package ("gtksourceview-3.0"); context.add_external_package ("vte-2.90"); //??? -- hopefullly that works.. */ //add_documented_files (context, settings.source_files); Vala.Parser parser = new Vala.Parser (); parser.parse (context); //gir_parser.parse (context); if (context.report.get_errors () > 0) { //throw new VapiParserError.PARSE_FAILED("failed parse VAPIS, so we can not write file correctly"); print("parse got errors"); Vala.CodeContext.pop (); return ; } // check context: context.check (); if (context.report.get_errors () > 0) { GLib.error("failed check VAPIS, so we can not write file correctly"); // throw new VapiParserError.PARSE_FAILED("failed check VAPIS, so we can not write file correctly"); //Vala.CodeContext.pop (); //return; } context.accept(this); context = null; // dump the tree for Gtk? Vala.CodeContext.pop (); this.augment_all_inheritence(); print("ALL OK?\n"); } // // startpoint: // public bool has_vapi(string[] dirs, string vapi) { for(var i =0 ; i < dirs.length; i++) { GLib.debug("check VAPI - %s", dirs[i] + "/" + vapi + ".vapi"); if (!FileUtils.test( dirs[i] + "/" + vapi + ".vapi", FileTest.EXISTS)) { continue; } return true; } return false; } } } /* int main (string[] args) { var g = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn("Gtk.SourceView"); print("%s\n", g.asJSONString()); return 0; } */