namespace Palete { public class LanguageClientVala : LanguageClient { public LanguageClientVala(Project.Project project) { // extend versions will proably call initialize to start and connect to server. base(project); this.startServer(); } public override void startServer() { this.initProcess("/usr/bin/vala-language-server"); } public override void initialize_server() { try { Variant? return_value; ( "initialize", this.buildDict ( processId: new Variant.int32 ((int32) Posix.getpid ()), rootPath: new Variant.string (this.project.path), rootUri: new Variant.string (File.new_for_path (this.project.path).get_uri ()) ), null, out return_value ); GLib.debug ("LS replied with %s", Json.to_string (Json.gvariant_serialize (return_value), true)); this.initialized = true; return; } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.debug ("LS replied with error %s", e.message); this.onClose(); } } } }