namespace Palete { public class LanguageClientJavascript : LanguageClient { public LanguageClientJavascript(Project.Project project) { // extend versions will proably call initialize to start and connect to server. base(project); } public override void initialize_server() { GLib.debug("initialize javascript server"); } public override void startServer() { } public new bool isReady() { return false; } public new void document_open (JsRender.JsRender file) { Javascript.singleton().validate(file.toSourceCode(), file ); BuilderApplication.updateCompileResults(); } public new void document_save (JsRender.JsRender file) { Javascript.singleton().validate(file.toSourceCode(), file ); BuilderApplication.updateCompileResults(); } public new void document_change (JsRender.JsRender file ) { Javascript.singleton().validate(file.toSourceCode(), file ); BuilderApplication.updateCompileResults(); } public async Lsp.CompletionList? completion(JsRender.JsRender file, int line, int offset , int triggerType = 1) throws GLib.Error { var ret = new Lsp.CompletionList(); var ar = file.toSource().split("\n"); var ln = line >= ar.length ? "" : ar[line]; if (ln.length >= offset) { return ret; } var start = -1; for (var i = offset; i > 0; i--) { GLib.debug("check char %c", ln[i]); if (ln[i].isalpha() || ln[i] == '.') { start = i; continue; } break; } var complete_string = ln.substring(start, offset - start); GLib.debug("complete string = %s", complete_string); // completion rules?? // Roo...... // this. (based on the node type) // // Node and any determination. // keywords... // text does not contains "." if (!complete_string.contains(".")) { // string does not have a '.' // offer up this / Roo / javascript keywords... / look for var string = .. in the code.. for(var i = 0; i < JsRender.Lang.match_strings.size ; i++) { var str = JsRender.Lang.match_strings.get(i); var sci = new Lsp.CompletionItem.keyword(str, str, "keywords : %s".printf(str)); ret.items.add(sci); } if (complete_string != "Roo" && "Roo".has_prefix(complete_string) ) { // should we ignore exact matches... ??? var sci = new Lsp.CompletionItem.keyword("Roo", "Roo", "Roo - A Roo class" ); ret.items.add(sci); } if (complete_string != "_this" && "_this".has_prefix( complete_string) ) { // should we ignore exact matches... ??? var sci = new Lsp.CompletionItem.keyword("_this", "_this", "Reference to the global pointer to the files main class instance"); ret.items.add(sci); } return ret; } // got at least one ".". var parts = complete_string.split("."); var curtype = ""; var cur_instance = false; if (parts[0] == "this") { // work out from the node, what the type is... // fetch node from element. //if (node == null) { GLib.debug("node is empty - no return\n"); return ret; // no idea.. //} //curtype = node.fqn(); //cur_instance = true; } if (parts[0] == "Roo") { curtype = "Roo"; cur_instance = false; } var prevbits = parts[0] + "."; for(var i =1; i < parts.length; i++) { GLib.debug("matching %d/%d\n", i, parts.length); var is_last = i == parts.length -1; // look up all the properties of the type... var cls = this.project.palete.getClass(curtype); if (cls == null) { GLib.debug("could not get class of curtype %s\n", curtype); return ret; } if (!is_last) { // only exact matches from here on... if (cur_instance) { if (cls.props.has_key(parts[i])) { var prop = cls.props.get(parts[i]); if (prop.type.index_of(".",0) > -1) { // type is another roo object.. curtype = prop.type; prevbits += parts[i] + "."; continue; } return ret; } // check methods?? - we do not export that at present.. return ret; //no idea... } // not a instance.. //look for child classes. var citer = this.project.palete.classes.map_iterator(); var foundit = false; while ( { var scls = citer.get_key(); var look = prevbits + parts[i]; if (scls.index_of(look,0) != 0) { continue; } // got a starting match.. curtype = look; cur_instance = false; foundit =true; break; } if (!foundit) { return ret; } prevbits += parts[i] + "."; continue; } // got to the last element.. GLib.debug("Got last element\n"); if (curtype == "") { // should not happen.. we would have returned already.. return ret; } GLib.debug("Got last element type %s\n",curtype); if (!cur_instance) { GLib.debug("matching instance"); // it's a static reference.. var citer = this.project.palete.classes.map_iterator(); while ( { var scls = citer.get_key(); var look = prevbits + parts[i]; if (parts[i].length > 0 && scls.index_of(look,0) != 0) { continue; } var sci = new Lsp.CompletionItem.keyword(scls,scls, "doc??" ); ret.items.add(sci); } return ret; } GLib.debug("matching property"); var citer = cls.methods.map_iterator(); while ( { var prop = citer.get_value(); // does the name start with ... if (parts[i].length > 0 &&[i],0) != 0) { continue; } // got a matching property... // return type? var sci = new Lsp.CompletionItem.keyword( prevbits + + "(", + "(" , prop.doctxt ); ret.items.add(sci); } // get the properties / methods and subclasses.. of cls.. // we have cls.. - see if the string matches any of the properties.. citer = cls.props.map_iterator(); while ( { var prop = citer.get_value(); // does the name start with ... if (parts[i].length > 0 &&[i],0) != 0) { continue; } var sci = new Lsp.CompletionItem.keyword( prevbits + + "(", + "(" , prop.doctxt ); ret.items.add(sci); } return ret; } return ret; } } }