using Gtk; /** This basically provides all the data needed to add stuff to gtk objects */ namespace Palete { public class Gtk : Palete { public Gee.ArrayList package_cache; public Gtk(Project.Project project) { aconstruct(project); = "Gtk"; var context = new Vala.CodeContext (); this.package_cache = this.loadPackages(Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("glib-2.0"))); this.package_cache.add_all( this.loadPackages(Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("gee-0.8"))) ); } // a) build a list of all widgets that can be added generically. // b) build child list for all containers. // c) build child list for all widgets (based on properties) // d) handle oddities? public bool loaded = false; // set to false to force a reload public override void load () { if (this.loaded) { return; } Gir.factory(this.project, "Gtk"); // triggers a load... this.init_node_defaults(); this.add_node_default_from_ctor_all(); this.init_child_defaults(); this.loaded = true; } public string doc(string what) { var ns = what.split(".")[0]; var gir = Gir.factory(this.project,ns); return ((Gir) gir).doc(what); //return typeof(this.comments[ns][what]) == 'undefined' ? '' : this.comments[ns][what]; } // does not handle implements... public override GirObject? getClass(string ename) { var es = ename.split("."); if (es.length < 2) { return null; } var gir = Gir.factory(this.project,es[0]); if (gir == null) { return null; } return gir.classes.get(es[1]); } public GirObject? getDelegate(string ename) { var es = ename.split("."); if (es.length < 2) { return null; } var gir = Gir.factory(this.project,es[0]); if (gir == null) { return null; } return gir.delegates.get(es[1]); } public GirObject? getClassOrEnum(string ename) { var es = ename.split("."); if (es.length < 2) { return null; } var gir = Gir.factory(this.project,es[0]); if (gir.classes.has_key(es[1])) { return gir.classes.get(es[1]); } if (gir.consts.has_key(es[1])) { return gir.consts.get(es[1]); } return null; } public override Gee.HashMap getPropertiesFor( string ename, JsRender.NodePropType ptype) { //print("Loading for " + ename); this.load(); // if (typeof(this.proplist[ename]) != 'undefined') { //print("using cache"); // return this.proplist[ename][type]; //} // use introspection to get lists.. var es = ename.split("."); var gir = Gir.factory(this.project,es[0]); if (gir == null) { print("WARNING = could not load vapi for %s (%s)\n", ename , es[0]); return new Gee.HashMap(); } var cls = gir.classes.get(es[1]); if (cls == null) { var ret = new Gee.HashMap(); return ret; //throw new Error.INVALID_VALUE( "Could not find class: " + ename); } //cls.parseProps(); //cls.parseSignals(); // ?? needed for add handler.. //cls.parseMethods(); // ?? needed for ??.. //cls.parseConstructors(); // ?? needed for ??.. cls.overlayParent(this.project); switch (ptype) { case JsRender.NodePropType.PROP: var ret = this.filterProps(cls.props); // add ctor this.add_props_from_ctors(cls, ret); return ret; case JsRender.NodePropType.LISTENER: return this.filterSignals(cls.signals); case JsRender.NodePropType.METHOD: return cls.methods; case JsRender.NodePropType.CTOR: // needed to query the arguments of a ctor. return cls.ctors; default: GLib.error( "getPropertiesFor called with: " + ptype.to_string()); //var ret = new Gee.HashMap(); //return ret; } //cls.overlayInterfaces(gir); } // get rid of objecst from props list.. public Gee.HashMap filterProps(Gee.HashMap props) { // we shold probably cache this?? var outprops = new Gee.HashMap(); foreach(var k in props.keys) { var val = props.get(k); // GLib.debug("FilterProp: %s", k); // properties that dont make any sense to display. if ( k == "___" || k == "parent" || k == "default_widget" || k == "root" || k == "layout_manager" || // ?? k == "widget" // gestures.. ) { continue; } if (val.is_deprecated) { continue; } if (!val.is_writable && !val.ctor_only ) { // if it's ctor we accept it. continue; } if (val.type == "GLib.Object") { /// this is practually everything? ?? shoud we display it as a property? continue; } if (!val.type.contains(".")) { outprops.set(k,val); continue; } var cls = this.getClassOrEnum(val.type); // if cls == null - it's probably a struct? I don't think we handle thses if ( cls != null ) { // cls.nodetype == "Enum") { // assume it's ok outprops.set(k,val); continue; } // do nothing? - classes not allowed? } return outprops; } private void add_props_from_ctors(GirObject cls, Gee.HashMap props) { if (cls.ctors.has_key("new")) { this.add_props_from_ctor(cls.ctors.get("new"), props); return; } // does not have new ?? needed? foreach(var ctor in cls.ctors.values) { this.add_props_from_ctor(ctor, props); break; } } private void add_props_from_ctor(GirObject ctor, Gee.HashMap props) { var cname = ctor.gparent.fqn(); GLib.debug("Add node from ctor %s:%s", ctor.gparent.fqn(),; if (ctor.paramset == null) { return; } // assume we are calling this for a reason... // get the first value params. //gtk box failing //GLib.debug("No. of parmas %s %d", cls, ctor.params.size); foreach (var prop in ctor.paramset.params) { if (props.has_key( { // overlap (we assume it's the same..) continue; } prop.propertyof = cname + "." +; // as it's probably not filled in.. GLib.debug("adding proprty from ctor : %s, %s, %s", cname ,, prop.type); props.set(, prop); } } // get rid of depricated from signal list.. public Gee.HashMap filterSignals(Gee.HashMap props) { // we shold probably cache this?? var outprops = new Gee.HashMap(); foreach(var k in props.keys) { var val = props.get(k); if (val.is_deprecated) { continue; } outprops.set(k,val); // do nothing? - classes not allowed? } return outprops; } public string[] getInheritsFor(string ename) { string[] ret = {}; var cls = this.getClass(ename); if (cls == null || cls.nodetype != "Class") { print("getInheritsFor:could not find cls: %s\n", ename); return ret; } return cls.inheritsToStringArray(); } Gee.HashMap> node_defaults; Gee.HashMap> child_defaults; public void init_node_defaults() { this.node_defaults = new Gee.HashMap>(); // this lot could probably be configured? // does this need to add properties to methods? // these are fake methods. this.add_node_default("Gtk.ComboBox", "has_entry", "false"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.Expander", "label", "Label"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.Frame", "label", "Label"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.Grid", "columns", "2"); // special properties (is special as it's not part of the standard?!) //this.add_node_default("Gtk.Grid", "rows", "2"); << this is not really that important.. this.add_node_default("Gtk.HeaderBar", "title", "Window Title"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.Label", "label", "Label"); // althought the ctor asks for string.. - we can use label after ctor. this.add_node_default("Gtk.Scale", "orientation"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.ToggleButton", "label", "Label"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.MenuItem", "label", "Label"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.CheckItem", "label", "Label"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.RadioMenuItem", "label", "Label"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.TearoffMenuItem", "label", "Label"); // not sure how many of these 'attributes' there are - documenation is a bit thin on the ground this.add_node_default("Gtk.CellRendererText", "markup_column", "-1"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.CellRendererText", "text_column","-1"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.CellRendererPixBuf", "pixbuf_column", "-1"); this.add_node_default("Gtk.CellRendererToggle", "active_column", "-1"); //foreground //foreground-gdk // treeviewcolumn } private void add_node_default_from_ctor_all() { var pr = (Project.Gtk) this.project; foreach(var key in pr.gir_cache.keys) { var gir = pr.gir_cache.get(key); GLib.debug("building drop list for package %s", key); this.add_node_default_from_ctor_package(gir.classes); } } private void add_node_default_from_ctor_package(Gee.HashMap classes) { foreach(var cls in classes.values) { GLib.debug("building drop list for class %s.%s", cls.package,; this.add_node_default_from_ctor_classes(cls); } } private void add_node_default_from_ctor_classes(GirObject cls) { if (cls.ctors.has_key("new")) { this.add_node_default_from_ctor(cls.ctors.get("new")); return; // and no more. } // does not have new ?? needed? foreach(var ctor in cls.ctors.values) { this.add_node_default_from_ctor(ctor); break; } } private void add_node_default_from_ctor(GirObject ctor ) { var cname = ctor.gparent.fqn(); GLib.debug("Add node from ctor %s:%s", ctor.gparent.fqn(),; if (!this.node_defaults.has_key(cname)) { this.node_defaults.set(cname, new Gee.HashMap()); } if (ctor.paramset == null) { return; } var defs= this.node_defaults.get(cname); GLib.debug("ctor: %s: %s", cname ,; // assume we are calling this for a reason... // get the first value params. //gtk box failing //GLib.debug("No. of parmas %s %d", cls, ctor.params.size); foreach (var prop in ctor.paramset.params) { string[] opts; if (defs.has_key( { continue; } var sub = this.getClass(prop.type); // GLib.debug("adding property from ctor : %s, %s, %s [%s]", cname ,, prop.type, sub == null ? "-" : sub.nodetype); if (sub != null) { // can't add child classes here... GLib.debug("skipping ctor argument proprty is an object"); continue; } sub = this.getDelegate(prop.type); if (sub != null) { // can't add child classes here... this.node_defaults.get(cname).set(, new JsRender.NodeProp.raw(, prop.type, sub.sig)); continue; } // FIXME!!! - what about functions var dval = ""; switch (prop.type) { case "int": dval = "0";break; case "string": dval = ""; break; // anything else? default: // enam? or bool? this.typeOptions(cname,, prop.type, out opts); dval = opts.length > 0 ? opts[0] : ""; break; } this.node_defaults.get(cname).set(, new JsRender.NodeProp.prop(, prop.type, dval)); } } private void add_node_default(string cname, string propname, string val = "") { if (!this.node_defaults.has_key(cname)) { var add = new Gee.HashMap(); this.node_defaults.set(cname, add); } // this recurses... var cls = this.getClass(cname); if (cls == null) { GLib.debug("invalid class name %s", cname); return; } var ar = cls.props; // liststore.columns - exists as a property but does not have a type (it's an array of typeofs().... if (ar.has_key(propname) && ar.get(propname).type != "") { // must have type (otherwise special) //GLib.debug("Class %s has property %s from %s - adding normal property", cls, propname, ar.get(propname).asJSONString()); var add = ar.get(propname).toNodeProp(this, cname); // our nodes dont have default values. add.val = val; this.node_defaults.get(cname).set(propname, add); return; } //GLib.debug("Class %s has property %s - adding special property", cls, propname); this.node_defaults.get(cname).set(propname, new JsRender.NodeProp.special( propname, val) ); } private void init_child_defaults() { this.child_defaults = new Gee.HashMap>(); this.add_child_default("Gtk.Fixed", "x", "int", "0"); this.add_child_default("Gtk.Fixed", "y", "int", "0"); this.add_child_default("Gtk.Layout", "x", "int", "0"); this.add_child_default("Gtk.Layout", "y", "int", "0"); this.add_child_default("Gtk.Grid", "colspan", "int", "1"); //this.add_child_default("Gtk.Grid", "height", "int", "1"); this.add_child_default("Gtk.Stack", "stack_name", "string", "name"); this.add_child_default("Gtk.Stack", "stack_title", "string", "title"); } private void add_child_default(string cls, string propname, string type, string val) { if (!this.child_defaults.has_key(cls)) { this.child_defaults.set(cls, new Gee.ArrayList()); } this.child_defaults.get(cls).add( new JsRender.NodeProp.prop(propname, type, val)); } public Gee.ArrayList packages(Project.Gtk gproject) { var vapidirs = gproject.vapidirs(); var ret = new Gee.ArrayList(); ret.add_all(this.package_cache); for(var i = 0; i < vapidirs.length;i++) { var add = this.loadPackages(vapidirs[i]); for (var j=0; j < add.size; j++) { if (ret.contains(add.get(j))) { continue; } ret.add(add.get(j)); } } return ret; } // get a list of available vapi files... public Gee.ArrayList loadPackages(string dirname) { var ret = new Gee.ArrayList(); //this.package_cache = new Gee.ArrayList(); if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(dirname, FileTest.IS_DIR)) { print("opps package directory %s does not exist", dirname); return ret; } var dir = File.new_for_path(dirname); try { var file_enum = dir.enumerate_children( GLib.FileAttribute.STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME, GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null ); FileInfo next_file; while ((next_file = file_enum.next_file(null)) != null) { var fn = next_file.get_display_name(); if (!Regex.match_simple("\\.vapi$", fn)) { continue; } ret.add(Path.get_basename(fn).replace(".vapi", "")); } } catch(GLib.Error e) { print("oops - something went wrong scanning the packages\n"); } return ret; } public override bool typeOptions(string fqn, string key, string type, out string[] opts) { opts = {}; if (type == "" ) { // empty type dont try and fill in options return false; } GLib.debug("get typeOptions %s (%s)%s", fqn, type, key); if (type.up() == "BOOL" || type.up() == "BOOLEAN") { opts = { "true", "false" }; return true; } var gir= Gir.factoryFqn(this.project,type) ; // not get class as we are finding Enums. if (gir == null) { GLib.debug("could not find Gir data for %s\n", key); return false; } //print ("Got type %s", gir.asJSONString()); if (gir.nodetype != "Enum") { return false; } string[] ret = {}; var iter = gir.consts.map_iterator(); while( { ret += (type + "." + iter.get_value().name); } if (ret.length > 0) { opts = ret; return true; } return false; } void add_classes_from_method(GirObject cls, string method , Gee.ArrayList ret) { //GLib.debug("add_classes_from_method %s, %s", cls.fqn(), method); // does class have this method? if (!cls.methods.has_key(method)) { GLib.debug("skip %s does not have method %s", cls.fqn(), method); return; } // add all the possible classes to ret based on first arguemnt? var m = cls.methods.get(method); if (m.paramset.params.size < 1) { GLib.debug("%s: %s does not have any params?", cls.fqn(), method); return; } var ty = m.paramset.params.get(0).type; GLib.debug("add %s method %s arg0 = %s", cls.fqn(), method, ty); this.addRealClasses(ret, ty); // skip dupe // skip depricated // skip not object // skip GLib.Object (base) //if (cls.fqn() == "GLib.Menu" && method == "append_submenu") { // ty = m.paramset.params.get(1).type; // GLib.debug("add %s method %s arg1 = %s", cls.fqn(), method, ty); // this.addRealClasses(ret, ty); //} } void addRealClasses(Gee.ArrayList ret, string cn, bool allow_root = false) { if (!cn.contains(".")) { return; } var w = this.getClass(cn); if (w == null) { return; } if (w.nodetype != "Class" && w.nodetype != "Interface" ) { return; } if (ret.contains(cn)) { return; } if (!allow_root && w.implements.contains("Gtk.Native")) { // removes popover + window return; } if (!w.is_deprecated && !w.is_abstract && w.nodetype == "Class" ) { ret.add(cn); } foreach (var str in w.implementations) { var c = this.getClass(str); if (c.is_deprecated || c.is_abstract) { continue; } if (ret.contains(str)) { continue; } if (!allow_root && c.implements.contains("Gtk.Native")) { // removes popover + window continue; } ret.add(str); } } /** this is the real list of objects that appear in the add object pulldown @param in_rval "*top" || "Gtk.Widget" */ public override Gee.ArrayList getChildList(string in_rval, bool with_props) { GLib.debug("getChildList %s %s", in_rval, with_props ? "(with props)" : ""); //return this.original_getChildList( in_rval, with_props); var pr = (Project.Gtk) this.project; if (with_props && pr.child_list_cache_props.has_key(in_rval)) { return pr.child_list_cache_props.get(in_rval); } if (!with_props && pr.child_list_cache.has_key(in_rval)) { return pr.child_list_cache.get(in_rval); } // CACHE ? var ret = new Gee.ArrayList(); if (in_rval == "*top") { // everythign that's not depricated and extends Gtk.Widget // even a gtk window and about dialog are widgets this.addRealClasses(ret, "Gtk.Widget", true); return ret; } var cls = this.getClass(in_rval); if (cls == null) { GLib.debug("could not get class for %s", in_rval); return ret; } // look through methods of in_rval // set_X << ignore // probably methods: this.add_classes_from_method(cls, "add_controller", ret); this.add_classes_from_method(cls, "add_shortcut", ret); this.add_classes_from_method(cls, "add_tick_callback", ret); // wtf does this do. this.add_classes_from_method(cls, "append", ret); this.add_classes_from_method(cls, "append_column", ret); // columnview column this.add_classes_from_method(cls, "append_item", ret); // GLib.Menu //this.add_classes_from_method(cls, "append_submenu", ret); // GLib.Menu - complicated to support this.add_classes_from_method(cls, "attach", ret); // grid column this.add_classes_from_method(cls, "pack_start", ret); // headerbar (also has pack end?) // add_controller 1st arge = ?? // add_menomic_label ??? << no ??? // add_shortcut? // add_tick_callback ? // append << core one to add stuff.. if (!with_props) { pr.child_list_cache.set(in_rval, ret); return ret; } foreach(var pn in cls.props.values) { if (!pn.is_writable ) { GLib.debug("Skip (not write) %s : (%s) %s", cls.fqn(), pn.type ,; continue; } // if (&& !pn.ctor_only << we add these? // are they really available ? GLib.debug("Add %s : (%s) %s", cls.fqn(), pn.type ,; this.addRealClasses(ret, pn.type); } pr.child_list_cache_props.set(in_rval, ret); return ret; } public void buildChildListForDroppingProject() { this.load(); var pr = (Project.Gtk) this.project; if (pr.dropList != null) { GLib.debug("Drop list alreayd loaded"); return; } pr.dropList = new Gee.HashMap>(); foreach(var key in pr.gir_cache.keys) { var gir = pr.gir_cache.get(key); GLib.debug("building drop list for package %s", key); this.buildChildListForDropping(key, gir.classes); } } public void buildChildListForDropping(string pkg, Gee.HashMap classes) { foreach(var cls in classes.keys) { GLib.debug("building drop list for class %s.%s", pkg, cls); this.buildDropList(pkg + "." + cls, this.getChildList(pkg + "." + cls, true)); } this.buildDropList("*top", this.getChildList("*top", true)); } public void buildDropList(string parent, Gee.ArrayList children) { var pr = (Project.Gtk) this.project; foreach(var c in children) { if (!pr.dropList.has_key(c)) { pr.dropList.set(c, new Gee.ArrayList()); } var dl = pr.dropList.get(c); if (dl.contains(parent)) { continue; } GLib.debug("%s[] = %s", c, parent); dl.add(parent); } } public override Gee.ArrayList getDropList(string rval) { this.buildChildListForDroppingProject(); var pr = (Project.Gtk) this.project; if (!pr.dropList.has_key(rval)) { GLib.debug("returning empty drop list for %s", rval); return new Gee.ArrayList(); } GLib.debug("returning %d items in drop list %s", pr.dropList.get(rval).size, rval); return pr.dropList.get(rval); } public override JsRender.Node fqnToNode(string fqn) { this.load(); var ret = new JsRender.Node(); ret.setFqn(fqn); if (!this.node_defaults.has_key(fqn)) { return ret; } foreach (var nv in this.node_defaults.get(fqn).values) { ret.add_prop(nv.dupe()); } return ret; } } }