/** * This is the base class for representing the vala API * * it was originally based on parsing Gir files - but since then * has evolved into using libvala * * */ namespace Palete { public errordomain GirError { INVALID_TYPE, NEED_IMPLEMENTING, MISSING_FILE, INVALID_VALUE, INVALID_FORMAT } public class GirObject: Object { public string name; public string ns; public string propertyof; public string type; public string nodetype; // eg. Signal / prop etc. public string package; public string direction; // used for vala in/out/ref... public GirObject paramset = null; public GirObject return_value = null; public bool is_deprecated = false; public bool is_instance; public bool is_array; public bool is_varargs; public bool ctor_only; // specially added ctor properties.. public bool is_writable = true; public bool is_readable = true; public bool is_abstract = false; public string parent; public string value; // to be filled in... public string sig; // signture (used to create event handlers) public bool is_overlaid; public GirObject gparent; public Gee.ArrayList params; public Gee.ArrayList implements; public Gee.ArrayList implementations; public Gee.ArrayList inherits; // full list of all classes and interfaces... public Gee.HashMap ctors; public Gee.HashMap methods; public Gee.HashMap includes; public Gee.HashMap classes; public Gee.HashMap props; public Gee.HashMap consts; public Gee.HashMap signals; public Gee.HashMap delegates; public Gee.ArrayList optvalues; // used by Roo only.. public Gee.ArrayList can_drop_onto; // used by Roo only.. at present public Gee.ArrayList valid_cn; // used by Roo only.. at present public string doctxt; public GirObject(string nodetype, string n) { this.nodetype = nodetype; this.name = n; this.ns = ""; this.parent = ""; this.type = ""; this.propertyof = ""; this.is_array = false; this.is_instance = false; this.is_varargs = false; this.ctor_only =false; this.doctxt = ""; this.sig = ""; this.gparent = null; this.implements = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.implementations = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.inherits = new Gee.ArrayList(); // list of all ancestors. (interfaces and parents) this.includes = new Gee.HashMap(); this.params = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.ctors = new Gee.HashMap(); this.methods =new Gee.HashMap(); this.classes = new Gee.HashMap(); this.props = new Gee.HashMap(); this.consts = new Gee.HashMap(); this.signals = new Gee.HashMap(); this.delegates = new Gee.HashMap(); this.optvalues = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.can_drop_onto = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.valid_cn = new Gee.ArrayList(); this.is_overlaid = false; this.paramset = null; } public string[] inheritsToStringArray() { string[] ret = {}; for(var i =0;i< this.inherits.size; i++) { ret += this.inherits.get(i); } for(var i =0;i< this.implements.size; i++) { ret += this.implements.get(i); } return ret; } public void overlayParent(Project.Project project) { if (this.parent.length < 1 || this.is_overlaid) { this.is_overlaid = true; return; } //print("Overlaying " +this.name + " with " + this.parent + "\n"); var pcls = this.clsToObject( project, this.parent); if (pcls == null) { return; //throw new GirError.INVALID_VALUE("Could not find class : " + // this.parent + " of " + this.name + " in " + this.ns); } pcls.overlayParent( project ); this.copyFrom(pcls,false); for(var i=0; i < this.implements.size; i++) { var clsname = this.implements.get(i); var picls = this.clsToObject(project, clsname); this.copyFrom(picls,true); } this.is_overlaid = true; } public void overlayCtorProperties() { //print("Check overlay Ctor %s\n", this.name); if (!this.ctors.has_key("new")) { return; } var ctor = this.ctors.get("new"); if (ctor.paramset == null || ctor.paramset.params.size < 1) { return; } //print("Found Ctor\n"); var iter = ctor.paramset.params.list_iterator(); while (iter.next()) { var n = iter.get().name; if (this.props.has_key(n)) { continue; } if (n == "...") { continue; } //print("Adding prop %s\n", n); // it's a new prop.. var c = new GirObject("Prop",n); c.gparent = this; c.ns = this.ns; c.propertyof = this.name; c.type = iter.get().type; c.ctor_only = true; this.props.set(n, c); } } public string fqn() { // not sure if fqn really is correct here... // return this.nodetype.down() == "class" || this.nodetype.down() =="interface" ? this.name : (this.ns + this.name); } public void copyFrom(GirObject pcls, bool is_interface) { this.inherits.add(pcls.fqn()); var liter = pcls.inherits.list_iterator(); while(liter.next()) { if (this.inherits.contains(liter.get())) { continue; } this.inherits.add(liter.get()); } var iter = pcls.methods.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { if (null != this.methods.get(iter.get_key())) { continue; } this.methods.set(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value()); } iter = pcls.props.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { if (null != this.props.get(iter.get_key())) { continue; } this.props.set(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value()); } iter = pcls.signals.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { if (null != this.signals.get(iter.get_key())) { continue; } this.signals.set(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value()); } } public Json.Object toJSON() { var r = new Json.Object(); r.set_string_member("nodetype", this.nodetype); r.set_string_member("name", this.name); if (this.propertyof.length > 0) { r.set_string_member("of", this.propertyof); } if (this.type.length > 0) { r.set_string_member("type", this.type); } if (this.parent != null && this.parent.length > 0) { r.set_string_member("parent", this.parent); } if (this.sig.length > 0) { r.set_string_member("sig", this.sig); } // is_arary / is_instance / is_varargs.. if (this.inherits.size > 0) { r.set_array_member("inherits", this.toJSONArrayString(this.inherits)); } if (this.implements.size > 0) { r.set_array_member("implements", this.toJSONArrayString(this.implements)); } if (this.params.size > 0) { r.set_array_member("params", this.toJSONArrayObject(this.params)); } if (this.ctors.size > 0) { r.set_object_member("ctors", this.toJSONObject(this.ctors)); } if (this.methods.size > 0) { r.set_object_member("methods", this.toJSONObject(this.methods)); } if (this.includes.size > 0) { r.set_object_member("includes", this.toJSONObjectString(this.includes)); } if (this.classes.size > 0) { r.set_object_member("classes", this.toJSONObject(this.classes)); } if (this.props.size > 0) { r.set_object_member("props", this.toJSONObject(this.props)); } if (this.consts.size > 0) { r.set_object_member("consts", this.toJSONObject(this.consts)); } if (this.signals.size > 0) { r.set_object_member("signals", this.toJSONObject(this.signals)); } if (this.paramset != null) { r.set_object_member("paramset", this.paramset.toJSON()); } if (this.return_value != null) { r.set_object_member("return_value", this.return_value.toJSON()); } return r; } public Json.Object toJSONObject(Gee.HashMap map) { var r = new Json.Object(); var iter = map.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { r.set_object_member(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value().toJSON()); } return r; } public Json.Object toJSONObjectString(Gee.HashMap map) { var r = new Json.Object(); var iter = map.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { r.set_string_member(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value()); } return r; } public Json.Array toJSONArrayString(Gee.ArrayList map) { var r = new Json.Array(); for(var i =0;i< map.size;i++) { r.add_string_element(map.get(i)); } return r; } public Json.Array toJSONArrayObject(Gee.ArrayList map) { var r = new Json.Array(); for(var i =0;i< map.size;i++) { r.add_object_element(map.get(i).toJSON()); } return r; } public string asJSONString() { var generator = new Json.Generator (); generator.indent = 4; generator.pretty = true; var n = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT); n.set_object(this.toJSON()); generator.set_root(n); return generator.to_data(null); } public GirObject? fetchByFqn(string fqn) { GLib.debug("Searching (%s)%s for %s\n", this.nodetype, this.name, fqn); var bits = fqn.split("."); var ret = this.classes.get(bits[0]); if (ret != null) { if (bits.length < 2) { return ret; } return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1)); } ret = this.ctors.get(bits[0]); if (ret != null) { if (bits.length < 2) { return ret; } return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1)); } ret = this.methods.get(bits[0]); if (ret != null) { if (bits.length < 2) { return ret; } return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1)); } ret = this.props.get(bits[0]); if (ret != null) { if (bits.length < 2) { return ret; } return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1)); } ret = this.consts.get(bits[0]); if (ret != null) { if (bits.length < 2) { return ret; } return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1)); } ret = this.signals.get(bits[0]); if (ret != null) { if (bits.length < 2) { return ret; } return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1)); } ret = this.delegates.get(bits[0]); if (ret != null) { // delegates are only on namespaces... return ret; } if (this.paramset == null) { return null; } var iter = this.paramset.params.list_iterator(); while (iter.next()) { var p = iter.get(); if (p.name != bits[0]) { continue; } return p; } // fixme - other queires? - enums? return null; } /** * ----------------------------------------------- * code relating to the structure loader .... * */ public GirObject clsToObject(Project.Project project , string in_pn) { var pn = in_pn; var gir = Gir.factory (project, this.ns); if (in_pn.contains(".")) { gir = Gir.factory(project, in_pn.split(".")[0]); pn = in_pn.split(".")[1]; } return gir.classes.get(pn); } public JsRender.NodeProp toNodeProp( Palete pal, string par_xtype) { if (this.nodetype.down() == "signal") { // gtk is Signal, roo is signal?? // when we add properties, they are actually listeners attached to signals // was a listener overrident?? why? var r = new JsRender.NodeProp.listener(this.name, this.sig); r.propertyof = this.propertyof; if (this.name == "notify" && pal.name == "Gtk") { this.nodePropAddNotify(r, par_xtype, pal); } return r; } // does not handle Enums... - no need to handle anything else. var def = this.type.contains(".") ? "" : Gir.guessDefaultValueForType(this.type); if (this.type.contains(".") || this.type.contains("|") || this.type.contains("/")) { var ret = new JsRender.NodeProp.prop(this.name, this.type, def); ///< was raw..? ret.propertyof = this.propertyof; this.nodePropAddChildren(ret, this.type, pal); if (ret.childstore.n_items == 1) { var np = (JsRender.NodeProp) ret.childstore.get_item(0); ret.add_node = np.add_node; ret.childstore.remove_all(); } return ret; } if (this.type.down() == "function" ) { var r = new JsRender.NodeProp.raw(this.name, this.type, "function()\n{\n\n}"); r.propertyof = this.propertyof; return r; } if (this.type.down() == "array" ) { var r = new JsRender.NodeProp.raw(this.name, this.type, "[\n\n]"); r.propertyof = this.propertyof; return r; } if (this.type.down() == "object" ) { var r = new JsRender.NodeProp.raw(this.name, this.type, "{\n\n}"); r.propertyof = this.propertyof; return r; } // plain property.. no children.. var r = new JsRender.NodeProp.prop(this.name, this.type, def); // signature? r.propertyof = this.propertyof; return r; } public void nodePropAddChildren(JsRender.NodeProp par, string str, Palete pal) { if (str.contains("|")) { var ar = str.split("|"); for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { this.nodePropAddChildren(par, ar[i], pal); } return; } if (str.contains("/")) { var ar = str.split("/"); for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { this.nodePropAddChildren(par, ar[i], pal); } return; } var cls = pal.getClass(str); // it's an object.. // if node does not have any children and the object type only has 1 type.. then we dont add anything... // note all classes are expected to have '.' seperators if (cls == null || !str.contains(".")) { GLib.debug("nodepropaddchildren: check class %s - not found in classes", str); par.childstore.append( new JsRender.NodeProp.prop(this.name, str, Gir.guessDefaultValueForType(str))); return; } GLib.debug("nodepropaddchildren: check class %s - type = %s", str, cls.nodetype); if (cls.nodetype.down() == "enum") { var add = new JsRender.NodeProp.raw(this.name, str, ""); par.childstore.append( add); return ; } if (cls.nodetype.down() == "class") { var add = new JsRender.NodeProp.raw(this.name, str, ""); // no propertyof ? add.add_node = pal.fqnToNode(str); add.add_node.add_prop(new JsRender.NodeProp.special("prop", this.name)); par.childstore.append( add); } if (cls.implementations.size < 1) { GLib.debug("nodepropaddchildren: check class %s - no implementations", str); return; } GLib.debug("nodepropaddchildren: check class %s", str); foreach (var cname in cls.implementations) { var subcls = pal.getClass(cname); GLib.debug("nodepropaddchildren: check class %s add %s type %s", str, cname, subcls == null ? "NO?" :subcls.nodetype ); if (subcls.nodetype.down() != "class") { continue; } var add = new JsRender.NodeProp.raw(this.name, cname, ""); // no propertyof ? add.add_node = pal.fqnToNode(cname); add.add_node.add_prop(new JsRender.NodeProp.special("prop", this.name)); par.childstore.append( add); } } public void nodePropAddNotify(JsRender.NodeProp par, string par_xtype, Palete pal) { var els = pal.getPropertiesFor( par_xtype, JsRender.NodePropType.PROP); foreach(var elname in els.keys) { var add = new JsRender.NodeProp.listener("notify[\"" + elname +"\"]" , "() => {\n }"); add.propertyof = par.propertyof; par.childstore.append( add); } } } }