// valac -g --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg libxml-2.0 --pkg gobject-introspection-1.0 --pkg json-glib-1.0 Palete/Gir.vala -o /tmp/Gir /* public static int main (string[] args) { var g = Palete.Gir.factory("Gtk"); var test = g.classes.get("ToolButton"); var generator = new Json.Generator (); var n = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT); n.set_object(test.toJSON()); generator.set_root(n); generator.indent = 4; generator.pretty = true; print(generator.to_data(null)); return 0; } */ namespace Palete { // Gir - is the libvala based version - public class Gir : GirObject { //Gee.Hashmap nodes; public Gir (string ns) { base("Package",ns); } public string doc(string what) { var ar = what.split("."); var cls = this.classes.get(ar[1]); if (ar.length == 2) { return cls.doctxt != null ? cls.doctxt : ""; } // return the property.. by default.. var pr = cls.props.get(ar[2]); return pr.doctxt != null ? pr.doctxt : ""; } /** * since constructors from the API from gir or vala do not map * correctly to properties, we have an Gir.overides file in resources * that changes the ctor's for some elements. * */ public static void checkParamOverride(GirObject c) { //print("checkParamOverride :check %s\n", c.name); var parset = c.gparent; if (parset == null || parset.nodetype != "Paramset") { //print("skip parent not Paramset\n"); return; } var method = parset.gparent; if (method == null || method.nodetype != "Ctor") { //print("skip parent.parent not Ctor\n"); return; } var cls = method.gparent; if (cls == null || cls.nodetype != "Class") { //print("skip parent.parent.parent not Class\n"); return; } c.name = fetchOverride( cls.name, method.name, c.name); } public static bool overrides_loaded = false; public static Gee.HashMap overrides; public static string fetchOverride( string cls, string method, string param) { // overrides should be in a file Gir.overides // in that "Gtk.Label.new.str" : "label" loadOverrides(); var key = "%s.%s.%s".printf(cls,method,param); //print("Chekcing for key %s\n", key); if (!overrides.has_key(key)) { return param; } return overrides.get(key); } public static void loadOverrides(bool force = false) { if (overrides_loaded && ! force) { return; } var pa = new Json.Parser(); pa.load_from_file(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/Gir.overides"); var node = pa.get_root(); if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) { throw new GirError.INVALID_FORMAT ("Error loading gir.overides : Unexpected element type %s", node.type_name ()); } overrides = new Gee.HashMap(); var obj = node.get_object (); obj.foreach_member((o , key, value) => { //print(key+"\n"); var v = obj.get_string_member(key); overrides.set(key, v); }); overrides_loaded = true; } /** * == all static below here... * */ public static Gee.HashMap cache = null; public static Gir? factory(string ns) { if (cache == null) { cache = new Gee.HashMap(); var a = new VapiParser( ); a.create_valac_tree(); } var ret = cache.get(ns); /* if (ret == null) { var add = new Gir(ns); cache.set(ns, add); var iter = add.classes.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { iter.get_value().overlayParent(); } // loop again and add the ctor properties. iter = add.classes.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { iter.get_value().overlayCtorProperties(); } ret = cache.get(ns); } */ if (ret != null && !ret.is_overlaid) { ret.is_overlaid = true; var iter = ret.classes.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { iter.get_value().overlayParent(); } // loop again and add the ctor properties. iter = ret.classes.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { iter.get_value().overlayCtorProperties(); } } return ret; } public static GirObject? factoryFqn(string fqn) { var bits = fqn.split("."); if (bits.length < 1) { return null; } var f = (GirObject)factory(bits[0]); if (bits.length == 1 || f ==null) { return f; } return f.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1)); // since classes are stored in fqn format...? } /** * guess the fqn of a type == eg. gboolean or Widget etc... */ public static string fqtypeLookup(string type, string ns) { var g = factory(ns); if (g.classes.has_key(type)) { return ns + "." + type; } // enums.. if (g.consts.has_key(type)) { return ns + "." + type; } // look at includes.. var iter = g.includes.map_iterator(); while(iter.next()) { // skip empty namespaces on include..? if ( iter.get_key() == "") { continue; } var ret = fqtypeLookup(type, iter.get_key()); if (ret != type) { return ret; } } return type; } // needed still - where's it called form.. public static string guessDefaultValueForType(string type) { //print("guessDefaultValueForType: %s\n", type); if (type.length < 1 || type.contains(".")) { return "null"; } switch(type) { case "gboolean": return "true"; case "guint": return "0"; case "utf8": return "\"\""; default: return "?"+ type + "?"; } } } }